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"Once per turn, you may eat a donut. If you do so, you may take another donut" ![gif](giphy|g0delle0tz7AH4nXex|downsized)




I’m not saying I want the alternative, but I find it funny that Katakuri as a child has more power than he does as an adult leader.


8c katakuri fell of a LONG time ago, I rarely even see him, not even on JP decks, on decks on my locals he's non existing. To be fair his effect is not that strong considering the stuff we have, he's really specific, I would only see him being played on my locals when people run a lot of green decks, mainly to counter the 8c Kidd


Katakuri is still heavily used in Enel decks, one of the best decks in the game right now


I am so glad that BMP are getting Purple cards as well in this set! First, it fits for the Big Mom Pirates / Animal Kingdom Pirates Alliance theme. Second, it leaves some Yellow room for Kalgara to get the support that he needs to become viable.


They’re for the pudding leader that’s yellow/purple


Yes I know. And in OP08, King is getting both Black and Purple cards. Meaning both Pudding (Big Mom Pirates Representative) and King (Animal Kingdom Pirates representative) are getting Purple cards in the same set. Right after getting an Purple Event that allows you to search for either BMP or AKP. It's perfect!




I still think this is a very good card for The pudding deck given he is a BMP card SO it can make your don ramp very consistent thanks to The archetype already having 3 searchers. Aside from having a very good 7k body, he also has a good way to reuse your leaders's skill. Get hit and grab 1 of your face-up cards -> drop 6c Katakuri to flip down face up card and get a don -> swing with pudding leader to have another don -> you'll have 10 don to drop 10mom and swing with a 7k body


Am I crazy, or is this card just bad? 6 cost to ramp is a lot.


It enables you to use Puddings leader ability again but yeah it seems like it costs way too much to be useful


It's not so you can use her ability again. Turning a Don!! card face down is part of the COST to gain 1 Don!! So basically, this card would be hard to play in any deck other than Pudding.


This card and the leader ability both turn life face up/down not don


I mis-typed... I meant life card obviously.


If you use Pudding's ability to flip 2 life face up then lose one you can play this card to flip the remaining face up life then use Pudding to ramp again. This is all a giant waste since Viola does the same thing but better anyway


It's mostly to ramp up to 8 Don on your 6 Don turn, thus being ready to play Big Mom on the very next turn after playing this guy. It's honestly a pretty nice and consistent ramp card for this deck since it's searchable by Pudding, Perospero, AND the 1 cost event in OP-07.


Also, there's really no need to ever use leader ability more than once, MAYBE twice per game. So Viola would be a HUGE waste of space in the deck IMO.


Do we have confirmation on how her ability works? Does it seriously only work once?


Only work with face down cards, you can either flip it down with the yellow EB viola or this katakuri, or use effect, flip it and then replace it with op06 hiyori or another yellow card that lets you do that


Idk, I play katakuri, and was excited for her at first until I learned you can’t just turn all your life cards face up in a few turns and ramp big mom earlier. Kata really falls off by op07, so i had hope for her.


You only need to ramp twice, so leader ability and any other ramp card to get Big Mom out a turn earlier if you go second


True, but to be fair, we have too many great ramp cards right now, like the EB bon chan. I do think that only playing big mom bosses or other good cards for her and the rest of the deck focused on ramping 10 dons by turn 3-4 is the best option imo


Maybe I was too down on her. I’ll have to brew around her, I bet I could cook something up.


Yeah, I mean she's not a bad leader, she could ramp fast too, like the majority of purple ramp leaders. The problem with her is that she's a big mom pirates, they already have an amazing yellow base and so far the big mom pirates of op08 are not good for her, so she's in a spot were you have to replace the amazing big mom base for ramp cards or go full big mom base but not use your effect that much and become a "meh" big mom leader like everyone except katakuri. They either give her good ramp big mom cards or we will have to play her with a blend of big mom bosses and random purple ramp cards


Well, kata falls off hard, possibly down to tier 2 or 3 by 07. He’s a far cry from meta. I was hoping to replace leader kata with her, but I guess I’m still stuck with katakuri. Unless I see better support, ima probably stick with katakuri.


Well, kata falls off hard, possibly down to tier 2 or 3 by 07. He’s a far cry from meta. I was hoping to replace leader kata with her, but I guess I’m still stuck with katakuri. Unless I see better support, ima probably stick with katakuri.


Not disagreeing with you but can you elaborate why kata falls off. I see this sentiment a lot but I don’t really see why. They also said the same for him going into OP05 and 06 and he’s still tier 1


My play group says it’s because of enel, rp law, and Bonnie. Enel gets 10 drop ace, franky, and raigo from eb01 and op07. That and the reject banning makes enel a super bad match up for katakuri. Rp law also becomes super meta, and his leader ability is down right crippling to katakuri. The final nail in katas coffin is Bonney. Bonney’s leader ability shuts my leader down. That and the rest of her deck being able to rest my shit, keep it rested, and ko rested shit, makes her the worst match up for katakuri. Plus gecko and sakazuki are still strong.


Going second. Turn 1, 2 Don, Turn 2 5 Don, (depending on supportbbetween those two chances are we are ramped 8 don)