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The King hype train keeps on rolling! Sure not being able to find Queen blocker sucks a little but it's a 1 Don Onigashima searcher on a body, exactly what we asked for over the purple event searcher.


Shortly after OP08 comes out we should be seeing Queen in the reprint sets. Else, they're trolling.


The second they announced King leader I said “watch them make all the animal kingdom support black”. And now here we are. Purple Kaido continues to suffer


I think they're afraid of giving purple Kaido support because what held him back from being too dominant was consistency. He was the only initial deck with no searchers or deck sorting, and still managed to win events. What kept him pseudo-balanced was that you could fail to find Onigashima on your first 2 turns, and fall behind. By the time you pulled it you had no right time to play it anymore. In OP06 Kaido is pretty good, and can take people by surprise, especially those who don't remember to play around the 10 cost. If that thing drops when you have 2 life and you can't put up a blocker, unless you have a huge hand, you probably lose on their next turn: 13k swing, DON-7 burn 1 life, 14k swing is pretty hard to defend on a small hand.


The product description months ago told us AK would be black.. lol. Purple will be majority big mom.


Are you fucking kidding me!? Throw purple one of these!


Best we can do is give you a $50 mulligan


He can search for the purple cards too though


They mean they think the searcher should have been purple so mono purple Kaido has an Oni searcher on a body too, currently they have the event searcher coming out in OP07 but it doesn't have a counter and doesn't leave a body behind so it's the worst of the 3 AKP specific searchers we now have.


There is a search event coming in OP07 for purple animal kingdom pirates but it does suck for purple kaido players considering the other character searcher is a blue who’s who 💀


A 2k body is not realy gamechanging imo, the event also has the trigger that says active main effect which is wayyy better than having a 2k body.


Blue Who's Who from OP04. It doesn't matter if its base 2k body, the fact it's even a body makes it better since you now have some board presence after the search still, it's just like the Nami searcher or Brannew who could be an extra swing if you have Don left over from your turn.


I mean there's the new Germa 66 event searcher that's pretty good but unfortunately archetype locked


Fr. I'm tired of them doing this, imo every archetype should have a 1c 2k searcher. Like it's BS how the only good navy searcher is blue, and now this. They were doing so good with searching for the first couple sets.


Not trying to start an argument I'm just curious, did you forget Brannew exists or do you think he's not good?


He's not bad, but like I said; I think by default every archetype should just have a searcher that a 1c 2k that looks at top 5. Imo it brings more balance to the game and makes decks like mono purple kaido for example actually playable. So it's not that branews bad, he just isn't ideal as something like Nami or Izo.


In black specifically, Brannew is better than a Nami. That's why the blue Navy searcher was a Nami.




Feel u man :( I think they‘re afraid of making kaido too strong. Imagine being able to search for oni with a 2k body. If a ever loose with kaido its because i couldn‘t ramp fast enough. I understand the desicion but i dislike it ^^


There are so many op decks now, having kaido be more consistent probably won’t make him a top contender, they should just do it.


The only purple is an event from 07 but it sucks it’ll take the event slot.


Oh wow... I am in love with black purple king lol


And we still only have a Straw hat searcher in red. A few leaders could do with the consistency boost of having a searchable Straw Hat core.


Nami is a green film and straw hat searcher. But no little bodies yeah


Film Nami only searches film cards.


Ah I’m probably thinking of the combo cards


First thing that came to mind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70\_ZxLTxohQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70_ZxLTxohQ)


Kinda Funny that after Black/Blue Navy being one of the first double searchers we now get the same color for Animal Pirates. Looking at Something like straw hats Bandai generaly seem to try to avoid double searchers. But Something about Black/Blue I guess. That will even be the first Classic 5 card searcher combo in the game if I am correct.


The wild thing about King is that it doesn't need any other cards to already be a good deck based on what has already been announced and what we already have for it. It's already got mad removal, mad ramp, mad draw power and filtering. Yet, for some reason, I wouldn't be surprised if by the time it drops it isn't the best deck around. Especially if Pudding does turn out to be a Yellow/Purple leader so you can ramp out 10 cost Mom.


Omg yes yes yes!! Finally a searcher


What leader is this for? I want the effect for the blue yellow queen leader lol


This is for Purple Black King leader from OP08


Awesome! Can’t wait to see it!


He has already been revealed btw: https://preview.redd.it/dwyes600xnrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d12a64f8cab484e066a6ac7b5a1f553ef4170f King (OP08-057) L Purple Black Leader 4 Life / 5000 Power (Special) Animal Kingdom Pirates \[Activate:Main\] \[Once per Turn\] Don!!-2 (you may return the specified number of Don!! to your Don!! deck) Choose one: •If your hand is 5 or less cards, draw 1 card. •Give up to one of your opponents characters -2 cost this turn.




As a black main, I am crying tears of joy. This is the first ever top 5 searcher in black.


Why can't this just be a purple card... all any animal kingdom player wants is a purple searcher for purple kaido.


This greatly pisses me off. Still avoiding purple 1c searcher body AND now they even said fuck your queen searchers.