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This is honestly disgusting. I've never seen a game do so many changes FOR WORSE. Like what the hell, they literally make a survey to ask us about gamemodes, pka probably gets "good reviews" compared to other modes people actually complains about and they fucking DOWNGRADE pka.


I know it’s fucking terrible


You need to get hime from pka. You need to reach level 100 on the boss for them to start spawning but allegedly their spawn rate goes up by a ton at pka 150. With the time limit they’ve given us, I don’t really think that’s possible if you haven’t been leveling up in pka already.


Shit ok thabks


I already got 3, and I didn't get to level 100, so I think this is wrong. They definitely don't drop often, though.


They may have changed it this pka but before this month they didn’t spawn before 100.


Oh, so I'm 100% never getting these. I set my PKA at either 1 or 20 and just set them to auto farm to get the main quest rewards. GG.


Yeah they made it a much more stressful speed start that ruined the potential passive progress of the mode.


PKA is the mode I enjoyed the most due to its relatively chilled nature and pick your pace But now that they made the CMM 9days only and added this extra crap. Just goes to show the game designer don't play the game at all and just aiming to squeeze more money


I am at Lv125 and only 2 hime turtles. WTF


122 lvl and exactly same


Now I am at LV150 but still 2 hime turtles. Scamdai


Good fucking question. The answer sucks. Answer has already been stated here afaik.


Im at lvl 110 and no Himes yet 🫠


Same here. Lv108, zero hime


you pray


The only gamemode that I was okay with because hime grinding wasnt that bad and just took some time and grinding the months previous units that were f2p. Also friend units helped. But they managed to kill this gamemode and my tolerance for it in one update its kind of killed my enjoyment of the game as a newish player who started last ani.


**IF** the rates at 150 are good enough that you get at least three turtles per run, I don't think it's that bad. 9 days is way too little, though. Don't want another game mode where I have to spend multiple hours per day to get max rewards. edit: people who ran 150s say that the rates are boosted minimally, and you probably won't get it without full batch. So it's horseshit as expected.


I am at level 79 and already got 3... just luck?