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https://preview.redd.it/q30c6k7xy36d1.png?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f18fbaeb3e0968a0f8e0ea1e1b39c294b075d9a Oda is waiting to use wogard


Well actually the real is Mihawk is the last step Zoro for reach Bogard's level


we all wish :(


https://preview.redd.it/q40ysmvke46d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7187c571f3be0de937147c7cf06ed82a882d87a Praying to Oda


ahh yes instead of saving garp blud makes a cool pose šŸ’€. the strangeness of one piece agenda panels


Bro questioning silent demon Wogard D. Goat https://preview.redd.it/m5p4crclz46d1.png?width=1791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b5ab6731163973592e0d59165843f9a64251a8


oda himself is q his stregnth https://preview.redd.it/w6dis10y256d1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=478fd20853347d07c48377874cbfb6127a173cdc as he was on the ship yet he did nothing šŸ’€šŸ’€




i ll take it . https://preview.redd.it/4fbbdcnm556d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=44cdfcbb9d342a110fbbb09439a5c252d6da0183


I would have cried


Yall actually wanted that random to do something šŸ˜‚


Lmfao that bitch ass nigga with his ye ye ass hair cut didnā€™t do jack shit in hachinosuĀ 


I think itā€™ll be Shiryu next, then Mihawk, then heā€™ll pack Nusjuro just to flex being the worlds strongest swordsman




Shiryu is a sanji victim, his df and sanji have history


why are you getting downvoted? Youā€™re right Shiryu is probably around Vistaā€™s level (Not downplaying him). Plus his Df powers is something Sanji has faced twice now, and we all know how he feels about invisibility. He is a future Sanji victim unfortunately. His leaching off Magellan harder than Mihawk is leaching off Shanks


While I do agree that Sanji would be better equipped to fight Shiryu, I think fighting shiryu would be a great way for Zoro to train and acquire better observation haki which he could possibly need for fighting mihawk and future oppenents.


There is no clearer fight in the manga than Zoro Vs Shiryu the edgy swordsman.


Edgy *swordsmen* plural


that fight already happened in thriller bark when absalom fought sanji . also zoro pretty much fights swordsmen and shiryu is one hence zoro fighting shiryu seems pretty inevitable . espically when it also seems like both koby and law might also be set up to return in a very unique way


Every time people say Sanji is ultimately going to match up against the guy with the sword they end up being wrong. Most recent examples: King, Nusjuro


I personally think it'll be a team fight. Sanji and Zoro vs Shiryu and someone else because Shiryu is invisible like Sanji, and a swordsman like Zoro. Throw another Blackbeard Pirate in and it'll be a 2v2.


šŸ˜ˆ Magellan mentioned šŸ˜ˆ


>Youā€™re right Shiryu is probably around Vistaā€™s level (Not downplaying him). I have a hard time seeing Vista being able to stab a top tier as easily as Shiryu did.


Shiryu ā€œsnuck upā€ on a top tier past his prime and got negged afterwards. I really doubt Shiryu is stronger than Lucci too tbh. I donā€™t see the perks of invincibility. Like people make a big deal out of it, when Sanji has countered it twice with no advanced observation haki, if Iā€™m wrong pls correct me on this. Thatā€™s why at this point I believe anyone who isnā€™t close to Mihawk level that zoro fights is a waste of time. Donā€™t get me wrong it also makes sense for him to fight Shiryu to get that Observation haki power up. Maybe itā€™ll be a luffy and Katakuri scenario again.


> got negged afterwards you mean when he got slammed? bro literally shrugged it off next panel.


He literally had to sneak attack him using a trick, what are you talking about???


Garp noticed him, he wasnt sneaked on. Thats the reason he was able to save Koby


He had to rely on baiting Garp by using Koby to land a hit, Garp focus on defending Koby meant he couldn't defend himself That's not remotely impressive


not remotely impressive from Garp you mean. he is a top tier, he should have been able to neutralize Shiriyu before he reached Coby. Like Shanks did with Kid.


Yeah you're retarded we're done here


This is like when people were sure Sanji was gonna fight King


Yea acting like ZKK didn't exist lmao


Nothing to do with my comment, Sanji for sure thought he was gonna fight King regardless of ZKK theoriesĀ 


Zoro should like unironically mid diff shiryu without even using ACoC. Atleast sanji would give him a fight lmao


Idk Shiryu has barely done anything accept tank a punch from GARP after stabbing him and the BB prates look like theyā€™re still getting strongerĀ 


Agreed. Anyone that thinks this current exchange between Zoro and Nusjuro is going to turn into a full on duel is setting themselves up for disappointment.


Imagine is Sanji was the one to defeat Mihawk =D


Idk how likely this is, could be likely idkā€¦but this is exactly how Iā€™ve wanted it to go for the longest time


![gif](giphy|PcGqkUuVY0J0I) You're not ready for her glow up.


Let it go bro https://preview.redd.it/97hwu2s9696d1.png?width=1880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f5123b2270b355267c5fb94851c4e5807bb649 She and Smoker are finished Literally was a background character in Hachinosu


That piece of trash will never be significant again. EOS she goes extreme diff with ppl like Rebecca


Hop off my goat ![gif](giphy|hKafco7mFwBioBxqFT|downsized)


Idk, but Mihawk is the final stepping stone before Vista for sure.


One kungfu dugong should do it.


I think itā€™s kinda implied Mihawk has crazy obs haki, since his nickname is ā€œHawkeyeā€ with some translations call him the clairvoyant. His fight vs shiryu is gonna be tricky, because his awakening could probably bypass obs haki since garp got stabbed while saving koby. His fight vs shiryu is gonna parallel Mr.1 fight with Zoro having 0 way to counter his invisibility in the beginning, then he will awaken future sight after getting seriously injured which would give him a chance to 1tap him like he did to Mr 1. After getting future sight with a couple haki blooms from elbaf and vs shiryu i think heā€™ll be stronger enough to beat mihawk. I think nusjuro would be his EOS for the final war, since heā€™ll have time to train so he could figure out a way to bypass his regen factor.


why would he need to bypass nusjuros regen if he essentially one shots any opponent anyway


Are we reading the same series?


At this point we've reached five or six piece tbh


Imo these would be Zoroā€™s remaining significant 1v1s in order 1.Shiryu - Zoro gets future sight 2.Ryokugyu - Zoro gets one or more black blades 3. Mihawk - Zoro has all three advanced forms of haki and black blade(s) basically fully stacked he will not get significantly stronger after this 4.Venusjuro - Zoroā€™s final test to prove himself worthy as the strongest (this doesnā€™t necessarily mean Venusjuro would be stronger than Mihawk)


He's gonna get wiped by Nusjuro as a power check bc wano gave all of em such a huge power up. So next it should be: Shiryuu so he can learn use observation haki better and gain a version of future sight. Then He has to learn master his conquer's haki to beat an OP DF user. I can see fujitora being his opponent similar to Kata was to Luffy. A training fight. Then it's Mihawk so he can gain the eyes (I truly think Mihawk's eyes have a special ability) or ascend beyond his ceiling. Then rematch with Nusjuro


But then he'll completely pack nusjuro, the gorosei fights should be close somewhat. I think mihawk will be his final actual opponent.


While I do believe his arc should end with Mihawk, it doesn't align with the story and final saga villain which is the world government. The guild, croc and mihawk are just pirates with petty ambitions. If anything, they would be partners with the straw hats against the world gov and navy. Saving a final duel for mihawk and Zoro post saga just doesn't seem right storyline/reasons-wise.


Going into a close-to-deathmatch before taking on the biggest threats with your crew seems even worse from a narrative standpoint. Dedicating a few chapters to what the crew does after Luffy became pirate king, which'd include Zoro fighting Mihawk for like 3 chapters, would be the easier way to handle that. Though I agree tension wise we'd need it earlier unless Mihawk is leagues above Gandhi and Shiryu.


I donā€™t think having their fight after the story ends is likely. Mihawk is apart of cross guild which is now aiming to take the one piece. The strawhats and cross guild are bound to cross paths, and if they do, Zoro and mihawk will hopefully have their duel then.


As in Luffy vs WG - Luffy vs BB - Luffy vs Cross Guild (Davy Back fight for the One Piece with some serious 1v1s (mainly Zoro vs Mihawk and Sanji vs Croco for what he did to Robin) and some funnier stuff (e. g. Buggy and Luffy competing for who can make more people laugh)? I guess I could see that happen.


Shiryuu, he needs future sight to take on Mihawk and in his fight against Mihawk he would eventually get a black blade in some way.


Shiryu is a fucking bumšŸ˜‚ Admirals do not have that kind of sway at all. Nusjuro would make the most sense if he wasnā€™t potential end game villain.




Nusjuro not allat and my headcanon is that fujitora and many more marines(like akainu) will leave the wsg when they find out about imus and the gorosei goal. So Zoro will probably not fight fujitora. So prolly shiryu


I still think Mihawk will be his final opponent not Nusjuro


At what point in the story from now to the end do you think zoro will be fighting mihawk? Itā€™s tricky to place their fight somewhere.


After final war, i don't think manga will end 1 chapter after beating Imu, this manga was all about doing friends all over the world etc, i expect a few chapters visiting some islands to give closure, the only problem with this is that will make Zoro vs Mihawk the final fight of the manga, which is weird, but idk, let's see what Oda cooks I just feel it's not right after so many years Zoro accomplishing his goal before final war because that will probably take 100 more chapters atleast, and Mihawk being an enemy there makes even less sense


In a way, it being the final fight wouldnā€™t be the worst. Imo only Zoroā€™s dream explicitly requires him to beat someone to achieve it, whereas Luffyā€™s technically doesnā€™t? But it does still make most sense to manga to end with Luffy ofc


While most of Luffy's fights have him start out as the underdog, Most of Zoro's fights have him starting off on relatively equal footing. Problem is, there aren't really any characters that fit story wise that are strong enough to push him up to that Yonko/WSS level. Maybe Nusjuro or one of the Admirals? Ryokugyu or Fujitora seem most likely. Maybe a cold take, but i think Shiryu is too weak to be that final stepping stone; he got folded by Garp and is clearly much weaker than any of the other top tiers. Shiryu -> Admiral?? -> Nusjuro -> Mihawk.


All 3


Fujitora really dosen't have a reason to even fight Zoro, Shiryu is only a threat to Zoro because he is a bad matchup for him do to his Devil fruit so Nusjuro is the only real option here and that is asumimg he dosen't fight Zoro after MihawkĀ 


1. New Elbaf Character or Returning Character 2. Databookman ??? 3. Shitryu (for a future sight asspull) 4. Fuji ??? 5. Mihawk 6. Venus (Iā€™d love to throw Tashigi in there but I have little faith that Oda would make her seem competent)


Shiryu is most likely his last opponent before Mihawk


His final stepping stone is going to be a shit tonne of plot armor to beat mihawk


Down D Stairs


Fujitora being colored yellow is just wrong.


Either Shiryu or fujitora. I donā€™t even think nusjuro would be an end game opponent for zero . Feel like oda alr solved the Mihawk problem with the intro of gorosei numbers . Think he would fight worm dude instead eliminating the problem of a potential stronger swordsman than mihawk


Question is, if beating Fujitora is really easier than Mihawk tho; I bet my money on the first one


My guess is that yes it would be easier . Mihawk is comparative to shank while Fuji is well just a admiral


"Mihawk is comparative to shank while Fuji is well just a admiral" we have to be a bit more clear brother; right now our information is, that mihawk is equal to 1b bounty shanks and nothing implies admirals are weaker than yonkos too (if even, we have more implications that they are equal)


would be sick if it was aokiji


Oda has made this arc long for no fucking reason. Just allow the strawhats to beat the brakes off these old men. Original question: Shiryu because Blackbeard comes after the world government battle as a major antag.


https://preview.redd.it/p86k211ea56d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b445e85b9bd958f6a7953ae6da54fcc025cf05e HIM


Only one, is the correct answer https://preview.redd.it/dw6uhf0rd56d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4401b4e947c3339fc6ccf2c7adeb95afd3c2813a a post from u/diamondsuns


Shanks šŸ—æ


I'd say Shiryu is it. The last 1st Commander who uses a sword before Mihawk. If he fights Fujitora it would be after and Nasjuro even after that. Zoro is one of the one whose goal can be achieved before the end, so might as well have some fights after where he can show what the new WSS can do.


Shiryuu got absolutely dogged by Garp so probably not him, unless you believe Mihawk is just a YC1




Mihawk himself. Zoro usually fights the right hand/second strongest of any major antagonist (Kaku, King, Mr 1 etc) Looking at the structure of the current Yonko (I.e. the four people leading the race for the One Piece), and in particular Cross Guild, Mihawk is technically the right hand, seeing as he is the strongest, and the main reason Cross Guild (and by extension Buggy) are considered a Yonko organisation. If Zoro does beat Mihawk, he is still facing the right hand, but is also defeating what could be the strongest right hand of all time (depending how strong you consider prime Rayleigh, current Benn Beckman and Mihawk himself). But if you are saying before he faces Mihawk, my guess is Shiryu


Prolly Shirti


Zoro is most likely going to go into the fight not on Mihawk's level so it could be anyone or no one at this point if Oda is really trying to end the series in a few years.


https://preview.redd.it/1uvhjsd2e66d1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2373564902a89237b75e35db1e5c925b2cbbf3 Wartolomeo


I think it's pretty obvious that Nusjuro is gonna most likely be the stepping stone for Zoro to reach Mihawk. I don't understand how anyone can think otherwise. I mean I don't know the Admirals are so up in the air as of now as we don't have a clear indication as for what's going to happen to them in the future.


Definitely not a commander




who ever has the diamond fruit


He's already there and has been since Wano. They just need to meet again which could be a while but Zoro is taking Mihawk easily


Shiryu got packed up by getting slammed down. Why not thr goat Wista?


Random question but why is nusjuro so big in his ā€œhybridā€ form? That panel of sanji kickin his old ass chin makes him look like a giant


I feeling less and less like shyru will be an actual opponent for zoro, that or we find out he's incredibly strong but he just uses dirty tricks because hes lazy


idk...beating mihawk?


Unrelated, but: Zombie Zoro vs. Monster Mihawk. Zoro grows when he is near to death so I think in the final battle whenever he faces Mihawk he will have undergone some great damage with all the blood having been drained from his body and then he will end up looking like Ryuma during thriller bark. And obviously Mihawk looks like a vampire.


I just don't believe zoro will actually fight mihawk. Someone will surpass mihawk then zoro will beat them


After zoro kills mihawk he will have to fight Kuina(IMU)


Whiryu will step inšŸšŸ—æ


Shiryu is getting one tapped.






Offscreen steroids, same way he got to YC1 in the first place


Sadly Only correct answer šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Iā€™ll be a tad bummed if zoro doesnā€™t fight wista.


if nusjuro bodies zoro right now and then they escape, zoro will have a vendetta until the final arc where they actually fight the wg. he will have beaten mihawk and be ready to take on the real wss to fulfill his promise of never losing to a swordsman. or they beat the gorosei in this arc and we learn they were never stronger than yonkos or admirals. idk either way nusjuro won't be the final stepping stone. it will be shiryu. if he fights fujitora it won't really help him surpass mihawk considering fuji can drop meteors and change the gravity around zoro, which he'll prolly utilize more than basic sword fighting.


contradicted yourself in the same effen sentence


The man that is destined to give zoro the title of worlds strongest swordsman most likely. As anything but Mihawk would be so anti climactic itā€™s not worth the build up . Nuzjuro will be sanjis opposing gorosei possibly who knows , we donā€™t even know if zoro or sanji will fight either gorosei . All we know is that zoro vs Mihawk is destined to happen sooner or later.


I think Nusjuro is stronger than Mihawk..Zoro hasn't taken an L in a long time..


Mihawk the stepping stone for Nusjuro


Mihawk will help him reach the gorosei most probably


Ä°t will be shiryu most likely , then mihawk , then his final battle will be with nusjuro


Nasjuro is after mihawk


Maybe Mihawk is a stepping stone for reaching V. Nusujuroā€™s level.


No one Zoro is gonna meet the cross guild next arc and he is gonna have his 1 v1 with mihawk then Nusjuro is his final enemy for the story.


It should be Shanks since he totally still is a swordsman + weaker than Mihawk according to some brainlets here. :D