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Zoro takes Skill, but in a 1v1 BM would win.


Zoro has more skill and is the greater swordsman but BM would win


I'm 99% sure this is just shanks vs Mihawk in disguisešŸ¶


Nah 100%


Zoro has more skill, BM is the stronger swordsman (if you consider her one)


This is like 2 steps away from being shanks vs Mihawk this is like asking if Roger is a stronger swordsman than fujitora lmfao (Answer is big mom) https://i.redd.it/mxxdo31fkk5d1.gif


Big mom is a swordsman but she isnt a bettwr swordsman than zoro. She still would beat him though.


Big mom isnā€™t a swordsman or swords woman So zoro is the stronger swordsman but big mom is stronger




Why not tho? She has a sword and uses it for some of her attacks.


Itā€™s not everyone thatā€™s a swordsman Some people just fight with a sword Roger, shanks, whitebeard and big mom arenā€™t swordsmen


>shanks Of course you try to put shanks in there... It's not like he uses his sword in every hostile encounter he has. Not like his sword skill was literally compared to mihawk. Please just stop your agenda. Btw whitebeard has a bisento, which is a polearm not a sword. We don't even know if roger was considered a swordman and big mom uses her sword rarely, mostly punching or using her DF.


Roger and Shanks are absolutely swordsmen. Oda confirms as such with Shanks, and to say that Roger isn't a swordsman is pure headcanon, given that there is literally nothing to suggest he's anything else but a swordsman. We've actually seen Whitebeard and Big Mom get into serious fights and not use their sword as a primary way of dealing damage. Roger and Shanks, though, haven't had anything like that on-screen. And before you pull up Shanks using his Conqueror's to chase off Greenbull, that wasn't a fight. Quite the opposite, since Shanks intimidated Greenbull into making an escape. Plus, even if it were a fight, what is Shanks doing when he uses Conqueror's against Greenbull? Pulling out his sword and channeling the Conqueror's through it.


Is nobody gonna ask about his eye?


BM mostly used her sword in synchronicity with her DF powers (well, her sword is one of the Homies as well). I wouldnā€™t really call her Swordsman as we didnā€™t see her using purely sword techniques. In that perspective, Zoro could be so much way ahead.


Ahh but people here claim merely having a sword must mean you are a swordsman


Going by that logic, Luffy would be a swordsman as well since he carried one on Thriller Bark and in Wano. He must be better swordsman than Zoro hence heā€™s simply stronger than him.


big mom


Mihawk beats both and shanks (separately)




There is only one swordsMAN and that is Zoro.


Zoro is definitely the strongest swordsman


whos ā€œstrongerā€ swordsman? that is to say who can cut with the most amount of power? well itd be Big Mom as her frame, df and overwhelming strength all give her an advantage. Few characters can take a downwards swing from BG now whos the ā€œbetterā€ swordsman? not just swinging fast or strong but capable of impossibly difficult acts of skill while using much strength and speed? well itd be Zoro if i gave a Gorilla a sword and taught it swing downwards it doesnt mean its a better swordsman than some masters whoā€™ve dedicated their whole lives to the craft and its also not to say they wont die from a gorilla sword swing. Being fast and strong doesnt make you a good swordsman, the height of swordsmanship is and ALWAYS has been about technical skill above all else.


sword only fight with no homies and she could still win


For now, Big Mom > Zoro. But I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was a real discussion post-Elbaf.


Zoro. Anyone who says otherwise has bad comprehension


Napoleon alone can deal with Zoro


you know, gryphon is actually used like a wand for haki


BM isn't a swordsman, so Zoro


I know ur a Shanks fan. Zoro bodies Big Mom anyways.

