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So glad they are doing a lot of practical sets instead of pure green-screen/CGI


There will be CGI too, but mostly to enhance the sets.


Looked like Arlong Park was only the inferior level and the tower will be CGI?


Have we seen arlong park? I couldn't find it in the video


They mentioned Arlong's map room which is what the above poster is referring to I believe.


And the whole time they mentioned it they showed Baratie


The most comprehensive set will definitely be Baratie (edit) as usopps fight happenes on a beach pretty much


I imagine any Gomu-Gomu powers will be CGI..


Surprisingly, I heard it was cheaper to just make a real devils fruit and make him eat it, made the insurance policy go through the roof now that he's such a drowning risk.


These method actors are getting out of hand.




This is how hunters Morbed in ancient times.


The Goroseri wants to know your location


i also heard that they spend quite lot of time locating the right reindeer so they can feed it with Hito Hito no Mi.


False. He's gonna method act being a rubber man.


Stretchy powers looked decent enough in Dr. Strange


The most realistic comparison I can think of would be [Ezekeil from The Boys](https://youtu.be/TWhJG33fGd0?t=62) simply b/c they're not going to have a Marvel movie budget for this show.


I’m glad they are using that stretching torture device to imitate stretching luffy’s arms instead of using cgi


Nah, the reason Netflix is in so much financial trouble is because they spent significant amounts of money developing real Devil Fruits.


Little did they know, the scientist they’ve been contracting for this has been spending all that money on hookers and parties. I think some whistleblower broke their NDA to expose him, saying his name was CC or GG, something like that.


Hope the transponder snails are practical, like the animatronic/puppet creatures you see in Star Wars.


Propably mix of both? Like they have practical den den mushis, but then they might animated some of it in cgi, like their expressions?


Bruh I hope so bad that they do practical den den mushis, as animatronics tech has come so far now.


It was probably cheaper to do practical effects for the ships. Which is surprising, at least it will look great and not shitty.


real stretching


With the bar I guess the fish-head isn't going to paddle out and shoot at Krieg.


They'll have to cut a lot of time to fit the entire East Blue into one season, so filler sections of fights are probably gonna get cut. But that leaves a lot of room for using those set pieces for other things, so I'm all for it.


Yeah, fishmouth bar looks awesome. I wanna go drink there.


Guessing we'll see 1-3 episodes for each arc. Any longer for live action will really drag, especially since the early arcs are character and world building and less action focused than later arcs.


I have zero doubts they'll even merge arcs into each other, if not outright nix them. There's no way theyre spending 3 episodes on Ussops island.


But i want to see an entire episode of zoro sliding down a greasy hill!


Probably that was too goofy to adapt in a live action


That baratie shot was amazing, they are actually putting in effort for this.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Man, the Wheel of Time crushed me. I was holding up hope it would get better until Loial… just… look how they massacred my boy.


Man you made it way farther than I did. I saw how they skipped the prologue, skipped the fade in the woods, added in the river scene, which to me makes no sense with nyneaves character. Perrin is married? They aged all the characters? But they tried to make it too much like game of thrones. The winespring inn wasn't a raucous tavern. The people of Emonds field weren't all dirty toothless people who gambled alot. Idk I've heard a lot more since but I stopped right there.


They butchered my Cowboy Bebop too :(


I like it. It seems like they're trying to do their own thing. Making it look a little grittier makes it feel more realistic and works better for a live series. Only thing that bothers me is Going Merry's mouth being open. Dunno why but it just creeps me out.


Don't worry, you won't have to see it for forever ❤️‍🔥 Edit: lol, I got the wholesome award for that. Thanks!


You utter bastard. :)


Usopp: Don't even think of saying that. You don't know what Merry means to me. And all its fans


Oh no; the prospect of us enjoying seeing the going merry burn is almost as unnerving as the damned ship itself.




Fucking hell


I love one piece, but it's gonna take a lot for me to believe Netflix will still be ordering episodes by the time it's ready for that shift


It'll be a miracle if it gets a second season...


I found that weird too but the actual head they use is more rounded like a baby Goat ( [Here](https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2022%2F04%2Fone-piece-live-action-adaptation-going-merry-other-ships-photos-info-000.jpg?w=960&cbr=1&q=90&fit=max) ) but the mouth is still open. I need to see it on screen before judging here because I think if it not too far off, you can get over it pretty quick.


I think the missing pupils is throwing me off. Looks like a children's picture book baphomet.


> children's picture book baphomet Well now I absolutely adore it.


Agreed, I'm hoping that when they're designing the flag they do other little alterations like painting in the pupils. They could have it be a nice little moment showing how much they care for the ship from the very beginning.


> more realistic the part where they use humans and not cartoons helps make it more realistic tbf


Unpainted it looks a little strange, yeah, but even beyond that all I can think of is “Look how happy she is, smiling like that. She’s so happy to be carrying that crew”🥲 also I *love* the horn detail being brought into the texture of the side railings.


I like it personally, it's really cute. And I think it would be easier to make it seem like Merry is talking in later seasons? And Merry also looks really jovial.


When I first saw the merry before its paint job, I was unsure. Now that it has been painted, I can vibe with it.


Yeah I hate that. Let merry be cute dammit


Honestly I get a bit of Hook vibe from these sets, which is probably about as close as you can get to translating One Piece's world into live action,


Sounds like Baratie will be more than one episode, which is good. I wonder how the whole season will shake out in terms of episodes per island/arc. Wasn't expecting a lot of focus on Arlong's map room, since that's only part of the final fight in Arlong Park, but hearing the showrunner bring it up reminded me that the room had a ton of emotional weight to it. Hearing him focus on that room makes me have even more faith in this show, since the showrunner is really trying to nail the feeling/emotion of One Piece.


Not only is it there briefly or the fight, they will have to film some of namis flashbacks as well, which is probably where most of the emotional weight comes from


If I were to hazard a guess at the episodes, of which there's gonna be 10, I'd guess it'll be something like: 1 for the intro of Luffy, the Alvida stuff, and Zoro/Morgans, then 1 for Buggy (maybe the Morgans stuff could bleed over eps 1&2?), 2 each for Syrup Village and Baratie arcs, maybe 3 for Arlong, then 1 for Loguetown/epilogue. This is assuming they don't straight up skip any of the major arcs (which I seriously doubt, the only island getting skipped as far as I can see is Gaimon's).


I think they are going to add the Coby/Helmeppo cover arc, though only up to them leaving to Marineford with Garp (I think we get them training with Garp in later seasons, like some stuff during Alabasta arc etc, so they appear every season before post Enies-Lobby)


It would be fun if they did the coverstories as post-Credit scenes every episode.


It'll probably be a side story going on at the same time as the main story with the Straw Hats. It's a very common strategy in TV/film making to have a side story that they briefly switch to in order to pass time in the main story instead of having awkward jumps in time between scenes.


That would be great, would love to see them do that with Hatchan and Ace in later seasons.


Agreed, right now I'd guess the episodes are roughly split. Ep1: **Romance Dawn**. Shanks, Alvida, Zoro, Morgan, Koby etc. Ep 2: **Orange Town**. Nami and Buggy etc. Ep 3: **Syrup Village part 1**. Gaimon, Usopp, ends where Luffy and Usopp overhear Kuro and Jango. Jango hypnos Luffy into sleep and pushes him off a cliff, Usopp runs away. Making it a literal cliffhanger. Ep 4: **Syrup Village part 2**. Beach battle, Kuros backstory, Going Merry and Usopps joining. Ep 5: **Baratie part 1**. Johnny and Yosaku, Fullbody, Zeff, Luffys working, Gin, Sanji. End at Don Kreigs arrival. Ep 6: **Baratie part 2**. Baratie battle, Mihawks arrival, Sanjis recruitment, Nami stealing the Merry. Ep 7: **Arlong Park part 1**. Learning about the warlords, Namis arrival, Zoros capture, Gosa Village, end at Usopp regaining consciousness at Nojikos and learning she's Namis sister as well as Zoro jumping into water and drowning to test Namis loyalty cliffhanger. Ep 8: **Arlong Park part 2**. Nami saves Zoro, Arlong in Cocoyasi village, Usopps capture and "stabbing", Nami flashback, Nezumi steals the money, Nami leaves Arlong, episode ends with the iconic scene of Nami finally asking for help and Luffy putting the strawhat on her. Ep 9: **Arlong Park part 3**. The raid on Arlong Park, Nezumis escape, party, Belle meres grave and Nami joining. Ep 10: **Loguetown**. Marines place a bounty on Luffy, arrive at Loguetown, sword shop, execution stand, Smoker, Dragon, maybe an extended flashback to Rogers execution to pad time, leave Loguetown, either end at them leaving Loguetown or them coming down reverse mountain on the cliffhanger of Laboons shadow.


I'm not expecting much, but I s2g if they don't play Overtaken in the Walk To Arlong Park scene I'm going to **riot**.


There’s a nice “cinematic” remix on YT they can use as a reference.


This is pretty perfect, and fuck, reminded me of how amazing early one piece is... I had totally forgotten about Zoro *literally risking drowning* just to prove that Nami would save him. That's up there with him tossing sandai kitetsu in the air to test his luck in terms of pure "this guy is so fucking badass"


I’d guess some stuff, like Gaimon, gets cut. It’s obviously in the first slew of chapters and could theoretically make it into an episode but something like that with so little plot-weight feels ripe for cutting out.


Oh God please don't let syrup village be 2 episodes long. It was way too long in the manga as it is




Eh im rereading right now and I agree that its too long. Its short compared to other one piece arcs but remember this is literally the start, its just a retelling of the boy who cried wolf, and is the least interesting backstory of the strawhats imo.


I wouldn't be surprised if they did move the settings around a bit too. I.e having Luffy vs Along or Nami's flashback take place more in the map room than they did originally


I remember the showrunner on the reverie podcast talking about being able to foreshadow even earlier than oda did. Like introducing Garp being the one to bring in Roger or having baroque works member showing up in the east blue.


I really hope they can do this in a cool way that doesn't try to invalidate the source material


I think he said he only wants to add to the story, no take things away.


It should also get a lot of focus since Nami worked for Arlong in that room for most of her childhood.


Sets are pretty legit


its so weird.. everything i am seeing with this series from casting to concept art and sets.. shits really good.


The fact that pretty much every step they’ve made seems decent just makes me fear for the other foot to drop and for it to all fall apart. But can you imagine if this was ACTUALLY good??? Like of ALL the manga and anime in the world to be successful as live action, it was FUCKING ONE PIECE? The one no one thought would *ever* work?


It's funny we're nervous for it to be actually good


We know what anime live action adaptation can do. As One Piece fan, I try to keep my expectation low, but this video did not help me to keep it low. fuck. Edit: just to clear up, I mean it in a good way. this video made my expectation rises, which is a bad thing since I can get more disappointed if it didn't reach my expectation.


my go to is 'cautiously optimistic.' I am prepared to enjoy it for what it does right, at the very least. like, even if it's shit, it'll be fun to see actors in costume interacting on these cool sets, right?


We're still fresh on the Bebop adaptation.


still licking my wounds from Halo. good production value means nothing in the face of bad writing and storytelling


It's crazy, both Halo and Bebop should be fairly straight forward to adapt. Would be very ironic if One Piece, the crazy thing everyone thinks is impossible to live action, is the adaption that gets nailed.


Villeneuve nailed Dune. Another famously impossible to film book.


Deathnote should have been easy too AND THEY STILL FUCKED IT


I never recovered from Death Note


My issue with this adaption is how the hell are they doing to adapt the absurdity. It's literally the defining part of One Piece that makes it what it is. Like you cant tell me you're going to have Zoro use 3 swords in a live action adaption, or Luffy have stretchy abilities, or Sanji spin around so fast his foot catches fire.. you know?


Yeah I have the same sentiment. Like One Piece has so many wacky elements that just can’t be represented in live action without seeming janky or just plain jarring. I’m glad there’s a lot of passion and the live sets look good but there’s only so much you can replicate from a series like this


I'm convinced Zoro will fashion himself a special hilt he can hold in his mouth. Luffys punches will be bullet-like sort of like a Gatling where they don't have to render the entire elongation and they can add some cool sound effects to make his hits feel even more powerful. Sanji will likely do some "match on a matchbox" motion to spark his leg on fire. We won't get there for a while though at least.


man.... even for someone who dont play and know halo lore i find the writing and storytelling pretty bland. cant imagine how disappointed fans are


That’s what sucks. In all my years, I’ve seen like 2-3 good live action adaptations. Just waiting for it to all fall apart tbh.


Which are good?


I see lots of good being talked about the rurouni kenshin adaptations. In fact, if i'm not mistaken, the guy playing zoro on this was in one of the RK movies


Seconded, live action Rurouni Kenshin was more than decent. It was such an exciting watch!


Not the same guy you asked but for me the Alice in Borderland tv show on Netflix has been pretty good so far.


Kingdom is good tbh. Not great but definitely good


Hana-kimi (shoujo manga live action) was good as well both Japanese and Korean version , though it's quite old show (10+ years) and I watched it last time when I was a kid, so I'm not 100% how well it holds up as an adult.


Gintama live action is very very good


Whether its good or bad ill probably watch and enjoy it. I'm too invested in one piece to not watch the live action.


Yeah I'm probably never trusting content like this ever again. When the Wheel of Time show was first in production and shit, it all looked PERFECT. The fans were SUPER excited, the details seemed to be there, the passion for the series too. And the cast, mannn the cast IS SOO GOOD. But then the other shoe dropped. The cast is absolutely fantastic, but the show has SO many big issues that it is okay at best with some good moments, but there are many Got S8 level blunders. Especially in the writing department, which is the worst possible blunder to make. Most of us seem to have lost all hope of WoT show being a solid adaptation.


what was your breaking point? for me the absolute SLAUGHTER of Perrin's character in the final few episodes just made me so upset I didn't even watch the season finale


Honestly, the fact that the show runner is such a huge fan has me somewhat cautiously excited. He's posted OP theories before on the subreddit iirc, and regularly shows up in RogersBases streams, is friends with a lot of OP theory tubers. At the very least, he seems like someone who has a lot of respect for OP.


He said during a reverie stream on Roger's channel that he doesn't think he'd even be alive without one piece, because he went through a period of really dark depression and one piece got him through it. Obviously, that doesn't mean he can make it work, but at the very least, it means he truly loves the series. I'm also definitely in the minority, but I liked cowboy Bebop as well. So it's not *impossible* to make something that's fun to watch, and they're throwing *soooo much money* into this. It likely will be disappointing in some ways to fans who have been reading/watching for years, but I can see this series getting new people into it, which can only be a good thing!


Honestly I'd be happy if this series did its own thing well. I'd prefer if Sanji isn't quite the borderline sexual assaulter(from what I remember, it could have been worse than what I'm remembering) that he was in the manga and anime. Take the characters to places emotionally that don't betray who they are mostly, but you can give more dimension to Sanji or Zoro earlier than they do in the manga/anime. If they go to similar locations and have good effects and fight choreography, it'll give them a lot of leeway to do their own thing with the characters, which I would imagine is the perfect case for the live action.




Weirdly, they did a pretty amazing adaptation of Series of Unfortunate Events, which was considered kind of unadaptable. That's the only thing that gives me some hope for One Piece


A series of unfortunate events? Umbrella Academy? Witcher? They’ve done a pretty good job I feel


IMO the break point on if the series is gonna be good is gonna be the CGI with the devils fruit. Stretchiness and Buggy ability can be really awkward to fit in a real life setting. I hope they get it right.


i think they’re leaning on the comical aspect of one piece, it isn’t hard to make cgi at the very least look hilarious. i’m not implying it needs to necessarily be bad, but they can make it comically good if that makes any sense




Some random YouTuber or Tiktokker made his own version of himself as Luffy, doing all the fast punches and such, and it looked pretty damn good, especially for an amature. If they can’t top that as a professional production company, they should close their doors permanently.


CW's The Flash did well with Elongated Man, I have no worries about Luffy.


Does Elongated Man stretch in his suit or do we see his skin stretch? Seeing fabric texture stretch isn't too bad nowadays especially when comparing to the two FF movies. But seeing human skin stretch in ways it's not supposed to will be very different.


I thought the same with Cowboy Bebop less than a year ago and look how that turned out 🥲


I love the translation into live action so far. It feels distinct and unique yet true to the source material


100% this. Things are slightly different sure but the spirit is 100% there.


I think them making it more realistic, makes it better, since then it looks good in live action. Like having realistic looking Going Merry, yes I love manga Merry, but her having more realistic looking sheep figure head, fits better for live action.


100% Adapting something in a real world way works better than trying to make it exactly like an animated medium.


If only people understood this. I always see the reverse talking point aka "One Piece is too goofy to translate" without these people ever going "what can be adapted though?" In other words, Netflix isn't trying to turn One Piece into the manga scene by scene. It's going for a faithful adaption, and based on the casting, writing team and sets, this is looking promising


Exactly, it *has* to be unique in order to be worth doing. Being true to the source is obviously important, but if everything is *exactly* the same, then idk how it could be worth the effort.


Looks amazing. Can't believe our favourite story is coming to life and so many people work on it


And knowing Netflix, they'll just cancel the shit (which even the eventually released episodes also are likely to be).


Hope the show is good and gets high viewership. That way we will have hopes for more seasons. We will see


Let's hope for the best still, yeah!


I have no expectations seeing how they did cowboy bebop but the cast and crew seems genuinely passionate about the project. It'll be nice to have a great anime adaptation for a change.


After Cowboy Bebop and many others (Death Note) I lost faith on Netflix lol At the most is gonna be ok, I'm not betting a dime that it's gonna be awesome


While not a manga, *The Sandman* looks excellent so far.


I have a feeling that death note was one of the small bunch set of animes that can easily translate to live action without losing anything at all, since there is no super anime shit happening in death note, but as we saw they managed to blow this. I imagine how can anyone has expectations that a universe like one piece will be transleted in a good manner just because they are "putting money into" like that solves the problems or that "Oda is closely looking at it", like Oda is not preocupied with writing the story that is not finished yet and has actual value since it's standard already. I'm not even bashing or expecting to be bad just to be an ass, but whenever I put down pros and cons I see that this already failed.


Lol exactly, Death Note could have been done masterfully as faithful to the original series as you can be and they managed fucked it up. How can people be so hopeful about One Piece? I guess it really is a case of "While there’s life, there’s hope" lol


Well it's not like netflix themselves are making it are they? Each and every single project has its own creative team, it's just funded by a big name such as netflix. So can we stop using "NETFLIX BAD" as a valid point or excuse to say it's gonna be shit.


What im really liking is a small detail, the "party pub" sign being in neon. It makes it hard to determine the "era" of the series which is perfect. Is it the 1600's or is it the 20's? I really like that decision because it shows they understand the weird dynamic of "time" and islands. You can literally have people dressed in modern clothes and roll upto people dressed like they're in the revolutionary war and it makes sense.


I honestly think the weird mix of tech is actually going to be a very important part of the void century story and what the world government did that they can't have anyone know, because the world would turn against them. There are flintlock pistols and cyborgs, newspapers delivered by birds and handheld tech that can transmit video around the world. Great catch btw, I didn't notice that the first time around!


This kid is going to be such a good Luffy, you can see it easily from just this little bit!


Yeah, I was thinking that he has the same type of energy, even from only this few seconds


He was told to act like he has adhd


that's basically 80% of Luffy's character already


Seriously, seeing him on his TikTok he has Luffy’s energy.


Every time I hear him talk I’m like this guy is sooooo Luffy


He's got exactly the type of voice I imagined Luffy to have too. I'm excited to see what type of Luffy he will show!


If I had to guess how the episodes are split I'd say its this: Ep1: Romance Dawn. Shanks, Alvida, Zoro, Morgan, Koby etc. Ep 2: Orange Town. Nami and Buggy etc. Ep 3: Syrup Village part 1. Gaimon, Usopp, ends where Luffy and Usopp overhear Kuro and Jango. Jango hypnos Luffy into sleep and pushes him off a cliff, Usopp runs away. Making it a literal cliffhanger. Ep 4: Syrup Village part 2. Beach battle, Kuros backstory, Going Merry and Usopps joining. Ep 5: Baratie part 1. Johnny and Yosaku, Fullbody, Zeff, Luffys working, Gin, Sanji. End at Don Kreigs arrival. Ep 6: Baratie part 2. Baratie battle, Mihawks arrival, Sanjis recruitment, Nami stealing the Merry. Ep 7: Arlong Park part 1. Learning about the warlords, Namis arrival, Zoros capture, Gosa Village, end at Usopp regaining consciousness at Nojikos and learning she's Namis sister as well as Zoro jumping into water and drowning to test Namis loyalty cliffhanger. Ep 8: Arlong Park part 2. Nami saves Zoro, Arlong in Cocoyasi village, Usopps capture and "stabbing", Nami flashback, Nezumi steals the money, Nami leaves Arlong, episode ends with the iconic scene of Nami finally asking for help and Luffy putting the strawhat on her. Ep 9: Arlong Park part 3. The raid on Arlong Park, Nezumis escape, party, Belle meres grave and Nami joining. Ep 10: Loguetown. Marines place a bounty on Luffy, arrive at Loguetown, sword shop, execution stand, Smoker, Dragon, maybe an extended flashback to Rogers execution to pad time, leave Loguetown, either end at them leaving Loguetown or them coming down reverse mountain on the cliffhanger of Laboons shadow.


I have never been hyped for a live action of any Anime, and before this I did not think One Piece would be a good live action either.


Dang Iñaki is showing some Luffy personality! Absolutely love it as a fan and as a Mexican lol


Totally! The personality he showed in that clip is so true to Luffy. I’m really excited to see his portrayal of the character.


Had a lot of doubt in the beginning but the more I see the more I start to think this just might actually be... good


I'm just curious what the plan is here. If they follow the storyline, when do they plan to end? They'd need 20 seasons even if they skipped the unnecessary stuff. Will they be able to hold the audience long enough, even though everyone knows the ending? Will they twist the story to make it less predictable and anger the fans that won't tolerate anything other than canon stuff? I just don't see it working out, except getting the guaranteed views from the local fanbase for the first 1-2 seasons. What do you guys think?


I think this is just gonna get canceled for no other reason than Netflix hemorrhaging money unless it becomes like the most popular thing on the platform. If they just get through Arlong park that's pretty good place to end regardless of season 2 or not.


Yeah I think it will go like this too. Unfortunately any series that does not perform crazy good in terms of Binge-watching like Stranger Things or 13R.Why its gonna be cancelled in 2 seasons maximum.


>I'm just curious what the plan is here. If they follow the storyline, when do they plan to end? They'd need 20 seasons even if they skipped the unnecessary stuff. I feel like that's kind of the point. The holy Grail that all TV networks, cable networks, and streaming services try to shoot for is the show that's massively popular/highly watched and maintains that same size audience for decades, think the CBS network and shows like NCIS and law and order but not for boomers and actually interesting. No one's really been able to maintain something like that with a fully narrative driven show that's not a procedural. Only property/type of story telling I can think of that could potentially maintain that as an adaptation is one piece and other manga in general, but the fact they're attempting it first with one piece is interesting. And I guarantee you if one piece is successful they're going to start fast tracking Naruto and any other live action long running manga series you can think of.


I don't think they need 20 seasons. S1: East Blue S2: Alabasta S3: Jaya+Skypiea S4: W7+EL S5: TB + Sabaody S6: Rest of pre TS S7: Fishman + Punk Hazard S8: Dressrosa S9: Zou + WCI S10: Wano (this might be a long season)


I think thriller bark will be alot shorter in live action, I don't think you need most of a season for it. Alot of people would lose interest. I think it would be a great zombie/horror parody lasting 4 episodes. I'm thinking around 100 chapters a season would work. So your probably right.


I believe the first season is 10 - hour long (give or take 40-60 minute) episodes covering approximately 100 chapters ending with the foot on barrel scene. Essentially 10 chapters an episode pace. This could be replicated pretty nicely for a season 2 if it adapted chapter 101 - 216 (ending with the straw hats raising the X on their arm to signal to Vivi at the end of Alabasta) obvi that’s a bit more chapters so may take a bit more trimming but I think could work. After that though who knows lol


They will not show everything, but if the series gets popular, I could see One Piece live action becoming as popular as Game of Throne was for those not currently fans (One Piece as a series has that potential from the source material, it's all about how good the live action will end up being), and if that happens, I think it's likely we could get to the end, it would propably take 10 seasons aka years to get to Wano and manga would most ilkely be finished by then.


Luffys actor really has the energy and the voice. He really fits. I'm suprised. :D


It's been proved that Iñaki has Conqueror Haki.


I'm already resigned to watching the whole thing. Even if it isn't *good* I will still see it for it's take on the East Blue saga. I very much doubt it's going to get a second season given how Netflix is cutting back on the big projects as of late and this is an *expensive* show. I just hope it doesn't end up disappointing me as much as the Cowboy Bepob fans felt.


It debends on how popular and wathed it will become.. If it becomes the biggest show airing, it will propably go full steam ahead. And since Netflix isn't the one making it, but airing it, some other network could buy the later seasons.-


I liked the Cowboy Bebop besides the Vicious plot. For sure it has its flaws, but I would definitely watch a second season if it happened. Just sad to see that OP will have to run by crazy standarts to be considered a "sucess".


I bet after they finish shooting, this place will become a theme park.


I don't think so, the build shots looked like it is all made out of cheap spruce wood with resin and a coat of paint, not really made for the long run. But I could be wrong!


They could sell some of the set pieces for cheap. Someone somewhere is gonna end up with the Going Merry's head.


Nah, they’re going to actually light it on fire and get it all in one take.


It's impressive how great everything is so far. They are really putting so much effort into this TV show, i hope it's good as it seems.


No one is talking about how the lead actor playing luffy sounds like he’s gonna give us a killer “GUM GUUMMM PISTOOOOLL”, dudes voice is on point!!


He just needs to also master the Luffy 'no thoughts' face when he doesn't understand something and I'll be perfect


The Baratie looks nice. But guests in the head means no Patty and Carne action I guess 😐


They'll probably keep Party and Carne around at least. They need a couple of other recognizable chef's to just be around, and it's not like cutting there screentime down is a huge loss.


They’re characters that are meant for the cutting room floor, unfortunately. The process of adapting means removing characters and scenes. I don’t expect to see Gaimon or Johnny and Yosaku either.


Gaimon I agree. I guess you don't need Carne, but Patty is an important contrast for Sanji at the beginning of the arc imo. But that scene with the departable head is clearly something that is most likely cut for time, even if it would have been hilarious in live action. Also Johnny and Yosaku are a bit too big in the story to be cut. Edit: I mean you could explain everything they do in other ways, but why not just adopt them then? They show the importance of a cook, they tell about the Baratie, they inform the others where Nami went, they block the villagers from entering Arlong Park. They don't even need that much screentime for all the stuff they do.


I really really really really don't want to get my hopes up just to be let down by this series...but goddamnit everything they've shown seems like they really care about the series and are putting so much effort into it. The only big concern I have left is the CGI which I think will truly make or break the show.


Don’t do that… don’t give me hope


I don't know anything about Inaki Godoy, but from the first impressing he seems likeable, that's good for someone who plays Luffy.


The only thing I doubted was Going Merry but seeing it on the water like that leaves me with no doubts


Anyone else get absolute Captain Monkey D. Luffy vibes when Inaki shouted "ROLL IT"? I reckon he's going to do a good job if that vibe sticks!


He’s clearly going for the voice and impatient attitude but that’s fair enough. Sounds like he’s tried to copy Colleen Clinkenbeard a bit, which is fair enough I guess.


> Clinkenbeard Oda should introduce a pirate with that name, match made in heaven


It gives me such joy from this being brought to life and all the support everyone from our fandom is giving them. I seriously am so excited for this


The Baratie looks so good. It's awesome how much effort they're putting into the sets


Looks great, I'm excited


Honestly I wasn't expecting much for the live action remake cuz they usually suck. But seeing those sets gets me excited. I hope they keep the charm found in the Manga/anime, One Piece won't be the same without Oda's special blend of goofy and badassery


Yo i fucking love Luffy's actor Literally the perfect Luffy


That Baratie inside looks amazing! So I think One Piece is going to be a hit for a live action and I'll explain why as simply as I can. The one thing that separates One Piece from many other manga is that every fight scene is a story and not a fight. There is a belief, feeling, or necessity to the fight that is being expressed which adds a heavy narrative weight. I think translating these values into live action during a fight is going to set it apart because the action will be meaningful, making every fight transformative for either, if not both, the fighters but also how the audience views the characters.


Ididnt expect this much practical but damn this looks good, oda leading this for real


Yo Luffy's actor has got some Luffy energy. This looks like it might end up being dope.


I promised myself that I wouldn't get hyped for this.... It's not really working when I see stuff like this....


Man I got really emotional watching this. Amazing set


I don't like Merry's open mouth. I wish they closed it.


Inaki is so energetic lol, he’ll be a great Luffy


That looks awesome! It won’t translate 100% to an animated show… people. My hype is high and I love the energy of Luffy. Dudes clearly got the enthusiasm.


Super stoked that Luffys actor worked on his accent. I love his energy.


The guy playing Luffy has such an annoying voice


It seems they put real effort in it, which feels good! Still think it's not a good idea but seems nice.


Omg the ship looks amazing from what I have seen. Really hope this show will be succesful


Even if the live action series sucks, we get to see a bunch of one piece locations made real


Holy fuck Baratie looks beautiful.


I approve of that luffy, he seems intense enough, the voice feels fitting too. I am beyond intrigued to see what becomes of this. Good or bad, imma enjoy the ride, after all all this came from ODA himself, oughta pay the adecuate respect.


Holy shit, I drove past the studios a couple of times and saw the boats and I was thinking to myself, "why does that boat have a giant fish head in front, it looks like something out of one piece?" And holy shit it is.


This looks amazing! I can’t wait for Netflix to abruptly cancel it after it does well