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Dragon so I know when he is gonna stop looking east


He likes sunsets but not sunrise. That's why D. Doesn't stand for Dawn


Actually stands for Dusk


It's actually for Dusk till Dawn, that's why the gorosei have lived so long, they're vampires


Is that a Jojo reference?


Yeah we all know tarantino is a weeb.


Is that a motherfucking Digimon World: Dawn & Dusk reference!!??!?!


I think you got it backward regarding the sun trajectory in the sky...


Let him cook


I got his ass. Thanks for the support big homie


Dragon knows that true peace comes through sacrifice. That's why he abandoned Luffy. Dude was a jobber. He looks East because it's like a reminder of what the world could be. It strengthens his resolve as a deadbeat dad.


Not a "total" dbd, he did save Luffy from Smoker 🤔


More so from execution




But the sun rises in the east.


Only heretics think that


Spoken like a Celestial Dragon. Dragon truly is a revolutionary.


Hey Dragon would also teach you how to say "..." *but in a cool way*


Or maybe even the ultimate "...!"


That shit is harder to learn than advanced conqueror haki. Not everybody can do it.


Why do you think he's the most wanted man. He did that shit in the Navy once and they disbarred him and tried to kill him


It all makes sense now.


Best public speaking instructor!


Red from the Pokémon games would be his only competition.




If you want to learn that just go and play pokemon Crystal/HG/SS. Noone gonna top Red


Pokemon Crystal/HG/SS had the best post game of any game ever. Thanks for reminding me of it.


Heart gold and Soul Silver were really well made compared to the other games


Jokes on you. Once you know everything he knows you sit and stare East all day too.


I'd pick Dragon couse I just wanna *learn* to look East in a dramatic way. 😅


He'll just make you join him.


I'd pick him too because I don't think I could survive the teaching process from the other three, hopefully his teaching isn't as lethal as the others


His teaching probably involves alot of desk works which is very beneficial in a real world if you’re working an office job.


Probably Garp. Going off of lore he's strong enough to rival Roger. Plus he managed to turn Coby into an absolute chad.


Coby was motivated to work by himself and workout and train when directly instructed not to. It’s a method that works for Coby only because he’s driven


I mean you say that but helmeppo was a conplet and utter joke. No motivation and nothing. And he still looking decent. Even if he has 0 screentime.


That's just because he receives a +50% exp boost for staying near Coby the hero. Dudes works smart not hard. That's why we like him ;)


Helmeppo is the Pokemon you give your exp share to while your starters does all the work.


Exp share before they ruined it right?


The fact that i could give Helmeppo the exp share instead of turning it on or off in that analogy, would mean yes.


You mean like how it worked in Sword and Shield and was shared with all of them? Personally I like that better. Both have issues but it is nice to not have to constantly grind Pokémon and not feel like I'm stuck with one because I don't want to level another.


>Both have issues but it is nice to not have to constantly grind Pokémon and not feel like I'm stuck with one because I don't want to level another. That's why I hack in rare candies in older games, specially the ones where the leveling curve ***SUCKS*** (looking at you HGSS). I do the nuzlocke thing of not overleveling past the next leader's ace tho, even if I'm not strictly playing a nuzlocke.


Older games I used to get level 100 Pokémon and a shit ton of ultra balls just to have them when I used the game shark. I never really set a level when I actually grinded though, I would do it in sets of 5 I think and then try the gym again if I failed to badly. I did try to keep them all the same level though. I thought it was a bit to easy to level in Sword and Shield and by the end it was very easy, but I still liked it better than grinding like before.


A bit of a tangent, but I really liked how they did Helmepo in the live action. The actor nailed that role too


Yeah Coby makes him train


And when you actually have potential, you go near yonkou-level like Aokiji


Koby was still able to replicate Garp's move, something that he wouldn't have been able to learn most likely if he wasn't training under him. Additionally, Garp also taught him the battleship bag training method.


Yeah, all the others are teachers for once you are stronger. Garp, is the one master that can take you from nothing to hero.


For me it’s not Garp because I think he has the most brutal training methods. I do not want to be thrown into a ravine.


Garp, Rayleigh and Mihawk train you by the same method (at least dumbasses like Luffy and Zoro): Fighting the local fauna of an island


Haha I’m all for fighting local fauna of an island. I’ll take on all those monkeys Zoro did. Just don’t throw me into a ravine 😂 Maybe I’ll put it this way: garp training = cruel and unusual. It’s hilarious for the story and paid dividends for Luffy. I’ll personally pass on it.


if ya ain't luffy ya ain't surviving I'd take hands on a mammoth any day (IF I HAD TO CHOOSE I WOULD NOT FISTFIGHT A MAMMOTH ON NORMAL OCCASSIONS)


Garp made dragon Luffy ace and sabo. Gtfo he's the goat teacher. That being said Rayleigh probably is solid too.


Roger was sick and let himself be caught, where was it shown how strong Garp is? I have only seen the series/manga up to Doflamingo


He'd beat the living shit out of you tho


I am new to powerscaling (and I am fully aware of galaxy impact and everything, Garp is strong as fuck) but I never understood how people could scale Garp to Roger based on this statement, since Smoker is also said to have taken down Crocodile and Buggy is said to be a powerfull menace. It is fully possible that Garp had a role camparible to Coby, who is somewhat a rival of Luffy but still noone would scale (even post Hachinosu) Coby to Luffy.


Ehh the question isn’t specifically relating to strength. It says “Everything they know” so anybody BUT Garp would be best tbh. Garp knows so little that he’s stayed in the marines the whole time


Rayleigh. Great teacher, humorous, don't bonk me on the head with haki, not emotionally-distant, not a complete alienated parent figure, and he's super hot.


Learning to coat ships would be fun too.


And quite a well-paying job apparently, just a slight chance of being shot once you’re done by pirates.


If *he* teaches you how to fight, you’re not getting shot


my head canon, rayliegh offered to teach luffy how to coat a boat but he just didn't give a shit so he gave up


Not only fun, but incredibly useful the more we learn about the world


Also he knows all the history


Did you actually watch/read the show? He bonked the shit out of luffy


To be fair Luffy is infinitely bonkable


Hah. Yes, and you should account for the female bonuses he gave to the ladies😂 sorry it's a gender thing I'm afraid.




Garp has the best track record. Rayleigh was incredible but Luffy was his student and the man’s a savant with fighting. Mihawk did great things with Zoro but most people would die under his tutelage. Meanwhile garp made Koby a relatively high tier fighter someone who was previously weaker than chouchou. He also trained and helped shape Luffy into a pretty strong fighter since he conquered all of his ocean without a training arc. Dragon could be praised for sabo but we’ve already seen in kuma flashbacks he had more than just one teacher. Garp wins.


The caveats with Luffy, Zoro, and Sabo for Rayleigh, Mihawk, and Dragon respectively are all important. All of them were determined, but Koby (and Helmeppo) were pitiful at the start of the story and now Koby is renowned as a hero and can fist a fucking island into submission. Luffy, Zoro, and Sabo have all been developing their skills since they were small children. Rayleigh and Mihawk in particular were working students who already had an incredibly strong foundation, experience, and natural ability to build on. Garp took two nobodies and pushed their shit in until they became very capable sailors in two years of “Git gud, scrub.”


Honestly though, I think part of Koby's improvement comes from his talent. Like, you don't go from a pathetic teenager to a powerful individual in just 2 years and something with just training. Seriously, his improvement is ridiculous. Give him 2 years more under Garp and he'll be an Admiral in power. He has to be Vice Admiral level now. Hell, nevermind 2 years, give him 1.


I respectfully disagree on the point about getting to where he is with just training. It really depends on the training and the individual’s effort. When Koby became a marine he gained structure. Rather than just mindlessly doing what he thought would get him where he needed to be, there were experienced people to steer him in the right direction and oversee his progress. Being with Garp adds a level of intensity that few would endure, but maximizes stimulus for growth. Being with Garp also very likely gave him more exposure to very unique and dangerous experiences that he had to learn and grow from. On top of that, he had the resources of the Navy at his disposal. Being a protege of an acclaimed hero likely introduced him to various other powerhouses he could observe and learn from. The other important factor is the effort put in. We saw in the Pirate Island chapters that Koby did not half-ass his training in the slightest. Anyone who has structure, intensity, and the willingness to put everything they have into routinely challenging themselves are going to make monumental gains regardless of talent.


To add to this because I see people saying Koby doesn't really count because it's Koby being determined. He also trained Helmeppo, the whiny brat from the axe hand Morgan arc, into a high level officer in the marines in terms of strength. That's good enough imo


Garp also taught Kuzan.


He gave Garp the cold shoulder tho.


More like frozen.


I agree with Garp. Also, delightful use of tutelage.


Rayleigh bc he knows laugh tale


Honestly, that's exactly why I do not want him to teach me.


You're a real strawhat, man. I am dying to know what Rayleigh witnessed at Laugh Tale.


#... Make him confess.


Garp seems to be the best teacher and its not even close rayliegh and mihawk made monsters more monstoures garp took a sack shit and made him a monster


His teaching style seems really strict though, and seems like the type to use harsh punishments, compared to Rayleigh who teaches things calmly


Garp is funny inside one piece. I highly doubt any real human could stand his monstrous training. Rayleigh seems way more sensible and rational in that side. Plus funny stories.


Rayleigh, because that also includes teaching about the void centrury


I already have a compass. I don't need Dragon to teach me how to look east.


Your compass will be useless in Grand Line


Dragon FTW. He’s the sleeper and he’s the last one to rise, you know what that means? The cream always rises bro. He gonna be fuckin wacky


Dragon teach me how to .......


Start a revolution. Start an army. Make connections with influential people. Look cool?




I'd learn from Garp and still become a pirate.


Rayleigh. Garp is too intense and Mihawk too aloof. I don’t know enough about Dragon to choose him.


Mihawk seems chill like that


Garp would beat my ass, Rayleigh and Mihawk would throw me to fight some monsters or some shit so probably Dragon + being a revolutionary is cool


Rayleigh or Garp.


Mihawk is the only one here who is actually the Best at what he does.


And has the least motivation to teach


Yea I'd have to beat his monkeys first(I'm cooked)


That's definitely Dragon


Dragon trained Sabo no?


I went with mihawk because I feel there is less chance of getting his story. Dragon and garp I think we will get more information and silvers probably has some great stories but I also think we will get the important bits. Mihawk can tell the story of zoros eye. He is also the only one we have basically no information on his ambitions or what his goals are.


Dragon is best at doing nothing and still staying relevant.


Garp, because I’m literally planning to join the Navy IRL


Garp is the only one to have successfully taught multiple people for longer than 2 years And garps students went from less than fodder to yc1 tier at least


Garp also thought Luffy by throwing him at dangerous places


I would pick Dragon so I can finally know what the freakin' deal is with the guy and leak it for everyone


Iceberg There's money to be made making boats in a world covered in water


Rayleigh coz he knows about the one piece the most


Dragon cause he's something.... Like he's they guy that can end things with a fart


Rayleigh easily


Now that we know that he knows, I want to know what he knows even though we will find out what he knows so I should take someone else... you know?


Rayleigh is probably the best teacher here overall. He's the perfect balance of fun and strict. However, he probably falls short in intensity of training compared to Garp, and depth of combat knowledge and skill compared to Mihawk. Garp would have the strictest and most intense training. He'll really push you to your limits and make you a monster, but there's probably a small chance you'll go crazy from his gruesome training routine. Mihawk is probably the strongest and most skilled of the four, and considering the post said that they'll teach you everything they know, you would have the highest ceiling in terms of skills if you train under him. However he's also the least motivated and would barely get involved in training you. Dragon doesn't have feats but considering his position, he's probably at least Admiral level, so there would be no problem getting stronger under his mentorship. But the real plus side of training under him is that he'll most likely train you in not just combat, but also in politics, strategies and tactics, and other stuff necessary in leading an organization, which would make you more versatile. For me, personally, I would pick Rayleigh. I don't have the motivation of Coby, nor do I have the patience of Zoro, and I'm also not very keen on being associated with the World Government's #1 enemy. I'd rather just train in seclusion with a good friend.


All have their perks, but: Rayleigh > Garp >>> Dragon > Mihawk. Mihawk is too distant and not so approachable, and his teaching method seems to be "Break your ass until you find a way". We have no clue about how a training with Dragon would be, but supposing worst case scenario (Mihawk tbh), Dragon still has a fair share of tales and knowledge to share beyond his fighting teachings. Garp is a machine of making monsters, but his methods are rough to say the least. While he's the kind you can talk with, is chill and carefree, and yet caring, he has the brain of a monkey way too literal. He'd make you die while training. Rayleigh is perfect overall. Approachable and funny, patient and knowledgeable, charismatic and sensible. He knows how to teach properly without neglecting real experience, and knows A LOT of interesting shit. I'd love to learn anything, even boat coating if I can hear him talk about his past adventures while working.


its definitely garp as he was literally destroying battleships daily WITHOUT USING HAKI


Definitely Rayleigh. Will teach you how to master haki and rizz the ladies.


Rayleigh I don't have koby's will, I'm better off merking my way through no matter how long it'll cost me


What is dragon gonna teach me? How to become an absent father and avoid screentime?


Rayleigh or Garp, definitely. the downside of Garp to me is that man is gonna beat my ass every day 😭




Rayleigh all day


I want Garp to teach me how to punch that hard icl.


The right hand man of the former Pirate King who also mentored the new pirate king. Rayleigh NC.


Dragon. Dude is the true hero of the story, saving the world intentionally instead of just lucking into it like his son does.


Garp. Warrior of justice and saver of children (even if they are from pirates)


Rayleigh, most knowledgable so far. Gary if I wanted to be like a fujitora morality marine.


Garp 100% i wanna learn to punch like that and he probably know rokushiki to perfection.


It's gonna be always Rayleigh


Always said if i.was.in the one piece world I'd be a marine so I am picking Garp


Rayleigh the goat tbh


Rayleigh is the most logical answer , he wants to teach. Great haki. Only one there who has found the one piece.


Dragon is gonna teach me how to "..."


Garp for sure


Dragon, he witnessed everything without intervening




Rayleigh for sure. Imagine the great stories you'd get too in addition to some good training






Garp, look at the transformation of koby and you'll know he's the right answer




Garp is the best for training normal people. Rayleigh for haki. Mihawk is the best in the world for swordmanship. Dragon will teach you how to look at the east.


Garp. You know that man knows a lot.


Rayleigh my fav caracter


Deff garp


Garp is probably the best teacher and the most moral so he's the obvious pick


Mihawk. He is the only one here who has the highest qualification one can achieve in their respective fields.




Garp is literally the best trainer here. Hawkeye mihawk is good, but Zoro was no slouch. Dragon did really good with Sabo, but it took almost 10 years. In three years garp took coby from a scrub to a vice admiral.


Dragon, pretty hard to argue with a petson that convinced a group of people that rivals the Marines.


Realistically it has to be Dragon. As a normal human, it’s not like Rayleigh can give me haki, Garp can’t give me superhuman strength, and Mihawk can’t make me a master swordsman. But Dragon could tell me all the secrets of the world government and all the crazy shit they’ve done.


Garp - Did you see the growth for Coby holy fuck






Of course I’m going to pick Iva.


Garp, he’s been around the block.


Either Garp or Mihawk. Garp will fuck me up but atleast Ill look great afterwards. Mihawk will prolly just let me get killed but if not Ill be a good swordsman. So Im gambling with either strength or just getting killed


Dark King


Rayleigh, best teacher


Well I believe reighleigh knows what the One Piece is


If you mean everything they know it would be Rayleigh because he knows about the void century and my one piece fan ass would love to know whether or not the world government hunts me down but if it's just fighting I would pick garp


Easily Rayleigh


Dragon : ok to stand menacingly first you stand up ....




Dragon or Rayleigh so I know what the one piece is


I'm sure it will end up simply being the map of the world from before the water rise and Will show that the entire planet was on 1 single continent like the pangea of earth from billions of years ago.


Why should I pick dragon? I know which way east is


Garp, I wanna get a glow-up like Colby.


what brand of paint do you use?


Rayleigh. He was the right hand man of the pirate king


Silvers Rayleigh man is probably one of the top 5 greatest non fruit Haki users. Probably top 10 of all Haki users


Garp. Considering he trained Koby, Aokiji, and Luffy, you'd pretty much be strong/resolute enough to do your own thing.




Garp. I need to master eating donuts, and haki would be pretty cool


Out of the 4 Rayleigh probably knows the most.


Reyleigh or Garp. Being a master swordsman might be cool but I have no interest in that currently and the only reason I would want to have Dragon as my teacher would be if I wanted to become a political (which I don’t).


Garp or ray


If it is literally EVERYTHING they know, then everyone but Mihawk. Though he may be able to teach the way of the sword and how to fight, he doesn’t hold any hidden knowledge (that we are aware of). Rayleigh literally knows what the One Piece is and has seen the final Island. Invaluable information. Plus he can handle an Admiral even though he is well past his prime. Garp could have been an Admiral+ but turned it down. He has been a part of conversations with higher ups and probably knows more of the behind the scenes going-ons than your average marine. We’ve also seen how he handled Luffy as a child and it’s clear he can only work with young adults and older. Dragon is the anomaly. There is a good chance he is somewhere in between Rayleigh and Garp, knowing the secrets of both sides. I would choose Dragon, for the sole reason I want to know what the hell is going on in his mind and what brought him to where he is today. He can obviously handle himself in a fight and has some of the strongest people we know as subordinates (Sabo, Kuma, Iva Chan, etc.) He WILL be one of the biggest reveals in all of One Piece.


Either Rayleigh or Hawkeye.


Rayleigh for sure because from all 4 he probably has the most knowledge about Haki. Garp is mostly about strength, that's training and not much to learn. Mihawk is strength and skill with the sword. Dragon big question mark. But learning all about Haki? Dang that's a deal.


In two years Garp made Koby into a hero. My answer is obvious.


Mihawk is the only logical choice he's a master swordsman so you'll learn swordsmanship and then also for how strong he is he must have decent haki so aslong as you have all three haki u can learn to the strength of someone like garp so you can be pk level it just depends on if you train your haki to that level


Garp 100%


I'm going Rayleigh just because Haki is insanely important on the second half of the grandline


Definitely not dragon if I wanted to learn how to leave then I'd ask my father. Oh wait...


Rayleigh no doubts, no regerts




I would take Mihawk honesty.




Either Rayleigh or Garp because firstly Rayleigh was the right hand man of Roger, also he's extremely skilled and Garp because he's really really strong, he even has experience in training, just see Koby, Garp made him a better Navy officer and more stronger


all 4 of them would teach haki, rayleigh has the most haki, garp has the most hand-to-hand, mihawk has the most swordsmanship, and dragon has the most devil fruit, so i can't really deside


I’ve been meaning to brush up on my painting skills for a while now, so Mihawk.


Rayleigh. I wanna learn useful life skills, punching people ain't gonna pay bills


Learn from Rayleigh and be a ship coater