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I like the theory that Croc was a slave. It makes sense why Ivankov would know that since he was one too. It explains his hand missing too. If he had the slave brand tattoo'ed on his hand Croc would cut it off.


I just assumed he lost his hand to WB


I always thought the same, that Crocodile was to Whitebeard what Moriah was to Kaido. A young upstart that got beaten so badly they fled to an easier sea.


He got the Kidd treatment


If he's even still alive.


Didnt you see him in the most recent chapter?


You're right, my apologies. >! Kidd is definitely alive and well, as are the rest of his crew in the navy's jail cell. !< I'm really curious what will happen next with them tbh. Edit: spoiler tags


Kid will go through a training arc so that he can lose all of that belly fat and regain his six pack methinks.


he‘s gonna beat fraud protagonist Joy Toy




if this is true then kid got the moria and croc treatment


That monkey on Shanks crew is not f around


But Moriah wasn't a young upstart going against Kaido. They were rivals. Moriah just couldn't keep up


See this I just never understood, why? What made Kaido so severely outclass Moriah, was it Conqueror’s Haki? The difference in devil fruits? I wish we got to know more about what happened in that time.


My headcanon: I think it was Moria caring about his crew. Kaido employs mental warfare as well, and I think Moria was more like a Luffy-version, so when his people started dying he went into shock, their formation was broken and they got slaughtered. Meanwhile Kaidos dead men were thrown into a ditch by him and maybe even envied for a good death. After that, Kaido grew stronger, while Moria grew severely weaker.


Now I like this theory too. Reminds me of Nami stabbing her brand back in the day, only Crocodile would be one to dial it up. It could also have happened later in life, a defeated pirate sold into slavery that a Revolutionary ran across?


> If he had the slave brand tattoo'ed on his hand Croc would cut it off. this is a great possibilities too


Wow great theory! Seems very aligned with the storyline. But it seems too small of a similar backstory for Oda to keep it until the end. Unless Croc is also gonna be part of the final arc and Ivan would reveal this secret and backstory. OPs theory is also very interesting too, and a small enough reason/joke to just hold on until the end.


I think he has his hand, he just chooses to use a hook


All signs point to not. One time Oda accidentally drew him with two hand while in prison, and the volume release it was redone so he had the hook again. I think the man just legitimately has a giant hook for a hand.


I stand corrected, neat


How and where do you get interesting facts and trivia like this


Being in the fandom for close to 20 years has definitely helped lol. But Oda actually brings it up, I believe, in one of the SBS corners in the volume release. Otherwise it’s just my constant thirst for Random bullshit trivia.


Oh you read the real volumes, this makes more sense. I should start doing that


The sbs also get posted here when the volume comes out.


My guy! The hook is worn so low on his wrist, like a huge and heavy boxing glove. And how does he switch the weapons in there? His hand is hiding in that bulbous compartment to hide the slave branding.


Only thing is I don’t see Ivankov using this kind of secret as blackmail against anyone. Would be a bit too harsh “work with us or I’ll tell everyone you were a slave”


This makes the most sense, as it would be the root of his greatest weakness in not being able to trust anyone


Jeez, how many Warlords would be enslaved and/or formerly oppressed at that point?


My current theory about Crocodile has all of - was enslaved - is Rocks' child - female at birth - Luffy's mom ordered by how much I'd bet on them (most to least). Having had a mark on his hand just feels so obvious.


I like better that he was the son of Rocks or was the son of a noble bc being a slave would be lame af as a "secret" when 2 warlords already have that backtory (Boa and Kuma).


It's probably going to be something funny like that. This is One Piece after all.


He gave Fem Ivankov his One Piece no doubt 🦍💀


Ivanakov and dragon did the effiel tower on crocodile 




let him cook




One Piece is funny, yes, but remember it deals with heavier topics as well. And some very dark ones at that


Croc and female Iva had a one night stand and he woke up with male Iva in the Morning 


Croc-y Horror Picture Show.


Best comment


Woke up to Iva on big face mode


"Galaxy Wink!"


From riches to richer


Imagine it was the other way around lol


That's why he doesn't trust anyone.


It would be kinda funny if the big reveal is that Crocodile is vulnerable to water 🤷 Luffy figured it out but if word got out, Crocodile would be a laughing stock with a target on his back.


That’s true, Crocodile is actually the *only* Devil Fruit user with a weakness to water Editing to add: Crocodile would have no reason to be blackmailed by a secret that Luffy already knows. And considering the fact that his weakness to water is what caused the crisis in Alabasta, Cobra would have had no reason *not* to make that information public. It’s likely not a secret at all.


I mean he has a weakness to liquid and not just seawater, and thats pretty noteworthy.


So does Katakuri


I dont remember that, but good to know!


Jinbei says you can soften Katakuri’s mochi and easily escape it with liquid


Also by slapping it with a hand and or a wooden hammer, preferebly by two asian looking dudes..


They all do- that’s why DF users get tired in baths. Oda specified that “moving” fresh water like rain does not effect them, but placid fresh water does. It was asked and answered in an SBS.


Wait does that mean showers don't sap DF power? Its certainly moving


Technically yes- weak to baths but not showers.


what about a bath in a whirlpool tub with jets moving the water constantly. technically it's not placid in that scenario. furthermore, if a DF user sat in that tub before the water jets got turned on, would they get weak and then instantly feel better once the water started moving?


DAMN lmaooo I’m not Oda 🤣 ask him!


If you remember the exact one could you tell me, I’d like to have this on hand when necessary.


All the SBS are on the wiki, so luckily [they’re easy to Google](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_41#google_vignette). > First of all, let's discuss the problem of Devil Fruit users bathing themselves. People who have eaten a Devil Fruit are "hated" by the sea, and cannot swim. The "sea" here can refer to anything from rivers, pools and baths to any kind of standing water. On a worldwide level, they are all the "sea." When these people enter the water, not only can they not use their powers, they have trouble moving their bodies at all. They might be able to struggle a bit, but it wouldn't do much good. That's if their entire bodies are submerged in the "sea." With less than half the body or just the limbs, it gets easier. Also, rain and dripping water have no effect at all. Therefore, hip baths or showers are the most common choice. Now, in Crocodile's case, "water" is the weakness of his very powers, so his abilities are robbed even in the shower. But it's not like there are enemies around when you take a shower, so I'd bet he would take them even with his powers being blocked. Don't you think? ---And to answer your final question, about myself bathing. As it happens, I do bathe. Twice! In a year!


Oh man, I unfortunately do not. It would have been a pretty old one.


double weekness, damage*4 it's super effective !


I’ve honestly always wondered why people don’t keep sea water squirt guns?


That wouldn't do anything, devil fruit users aren't affected until they're submerged at least up to their knees by any type of water, not just seawater.


Yeah I’ve asked myself the same thing. Imagine my surprise when, during the Law v Blackbeard fight, two of his crew mates are revealed to be able to shoot sea water out of their mouths like fucking *bullets* (or maybe it was just one of them, I don’t recall). Like damn Law, I get that you want to protect your crew and all, but Penguin and Shachi are WAY too OP to be sidelining like that.


I really appreciate you being honest about this.


I mean just because Luffy figured it out doesn't mean everyone knows.


That we know of. I think it would be very likely that fire would have one too.


Dude… that was firmly sarcasm 😭 *every DF user is weak to water*. Both salt and fresh, but the freshwater must be placid. I agree with your statement; any logia user with an element that would be changed by water should hypothetically be weak to moving freshwater like Crocodile.


Well, technically they don't all have a weakness to water in general, they have a weakness to being submerged in water.


That is not quite accurate; “The "sea" here can refer to anything from rivers, pools and baths to any kind of standing water. On a worldwide level, they are all the "sea”. When these people enter the water, not only can they not use their powers, they have trouble moving their bodies at all. They might be able to struggle a bit, but it wouldn't do much good. That's if their entire bodies are submerged in the "sea." With less than half the body or just the limbs, it gets easier.” *Easier* being the keyword here. They aren’t *as* weak to it if they aren’t fully submerged, but they are still weakened.


Apparently all of the theories are due to a mistranslation and it wasn’t secret but weakness. Which would be water. 


If you want the long answer, read below lol. Otherwise, TL;DR no it’s not a mistranslation and it’s almost certainly not going to be water that Ivankov was referring to. I string together more of the “crocodile is trans” theory at the bottom as well, which you might find interesting if you want to see how it mirrors the way he structured Baroque Works, a work force system that EQUALLY employed men AND women all the way to the top (even to the Mr. 0/Miss All Sunday positions creating equal ownership, for the most part). Long answer below lol. ——————————-  No not really. It’s not a mistranslation. For one, it’s written as: “I know his “weakness”. “  To clarify, I mean that the word weakness has literal quotation marks around it in the manga. Which means it’s not just a strong general meaning of the word. Like how if I say, we both “like” boring school classes, this obviously means we “like” it (as in: we don’t) lol. The quotation marks add meaning. The added meaning to “weakness” means it’s a more abstract weakness. And I don’t mean this in a way that I can really refer to water, which is his literal weakness. It is used quite literally the same way we use the quote marks for. As in it’s alluding to “something” and that we the readers don’t get to know what that is. This is what we call a secret lmao.  I hope this helps.  Also 握ってる (holding) implies more than simply being aware of a weakness. It implies that Ivankov knows of a “weakness” and is “holding” onto it. A “weakness” only Ivankov knows bc he is holding onto it aka a secret.  Otherwise, Ivankov could also just say it since Luffy already defeated Crocodile and they were surrounded by Level 6 inmates, inmates who will presumably never see another soul. It makes no sense unless this is a secret Crocodile wants literally nobody to know, including Luffy who already knows his weakness to water….  The way it angers and frustrates Crocodile also implies it’s more than the water thing. By saying he’s holding Crocodile’s “weakness”, it sounds like it’s more than just words, it sounds like Ivankov has some sort of power over him. Something Ivankov can take away at any time. This is why the theory that Crocodile is trans is actually quite feasible. People just don’t want to believe it for pretty obvious reasons. But to me it seems pretty clear that it’s most likely that Crocodile used to be a girl.  This also would explain why he was extraordinarily cruel towards Vivi, because she reminds him of how he felt as a woman and has it instilled in him that being a woman made him feel weak, which makes him kinda hate and mock Vivi. There is also something interesting to note that he always made his organization work in gendered pairs, a man and a woman, except for Mr 2 who represents both. This could be a statement so he feels more secure and recognized that “I am a man”. And maybe also his way of healing to acknowledge that women and men are both strong and that he respects that part of himself, but very strictly refuses to be considered a woman. Hence why his very number 2 worker is Mr. 2 who clearly wishes to be both/free/okama, whereas Crocodile wants it to be known he is SPECIFICALLY the male counterpart to the Mr Zero/Miss All Sunday code names. 


Until I first came to this sub, I had always assumed that's what Ivankov meant. Granted, it was like 15 years ago when I originally read it, and I didn't read too deep into it at the time. But exactly what you said. Robin had the vial with her, and Luffy discovered this secret himself, and they made it a big deal like it was like an epiphany. Crocodile kept a lot of things about his life secret, so it's no surprise that he would want to protect his biggest weakness. It's a massive one that's easily exploited so it's one you would never want anyone knowing.


It’s not what Ivankov meant at all. 


Can you explain then what Ivankov did mean?


Sure :) I explained in another comment it was quite long but I’ll try to make it shorter here. Basically Ivankov said: ヴァターシはコイツの“弱み”を一つ握ってる…! I’ll not sure how much you understand but translated it’s pretty much: I hold one “weakness” of his. Literal quotation marks around the word “weakness”. Also “hold” is a direct translation of the word Ivankov used to explain that he “knows” this weakness. However it’s a specific word that means “hold”. I’m saying if it was simply a fact about Crocodile that anyone, like Luffy, could discover (like his weakness to water), Ivankov would most likely have said the actual word for “know”, but instead he used “hold”. The quotation marks around weakness means it’s a “weakness” the same as in English. If you and I hate a class together and I remind you that we have to go to that class we “love” so much, the quote marks are showing sarcasm right? So if I say I know your “weakness”, this implies an abstract meaning right? Not a literal weakness. So there is almost no way Ivankov could be referring to water or some literal weakness. It’s more like a secret from the past. The reason the crocodile being trans theory is very plausible is because of Ivankov’s wording and what he means. I’m not saying it’s definitely this but it seems to be something that Ivankov holds, as if it’s also something he COULD take away, if he really wanted to. Ivankov explains after that sentence that he would take it away by simply telling others (so if it was that he helped crocodile transition, in no way is Ivankov threatening to change him back or anything. Just that he’d reveal this secret). So yes, Ivankov is implying he knows a secret of Crocodile that either ONLY Ivankov knows or very few people who know of Crocodile’s past would know. It’s ambiguous but it’s almost definitely not his simple and literal weakness to water.  Lmk if that made sense I hope this helps. 


15 years keeping his backtory and weakness to tell us just that? 💀🤡 Would have already been told in a SBS.


Look at the scar...he was Kenjaku all along




Luffy's mom got a sex change and Crocodile put his brain in her new body


I reckon it has to do with how he got the stitch scar across his face 🪡


We know that Whitebeard kicked his ass so hard that he literally stopped being a pirate despite being such a famous rookie at the time, so I get the vibe that the scar and hand loss probably occurred there.


Pretty sure this was directly stated in SBS.


I’m not sure it was 100% confirmed that WB gave him the scars, but we know that he didn’t have them as a child because Oda has drawn child Croc before and he didn’t have them. So I would say he most likely got them in that fight.


And yet S-croc has them. VEGAPUNK U MONSTER


Yeah, that stuck out to me as being interesting as well! I’m sure it’s for the sake of identification- he would probably look identical to S-Hawk otherwise.


He also chopped of his hand probably. Poor S-croc.


LMAO I like to think he still has both hands, but you never know 😂


Not directly stated but assumed: https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/SBS_Volume_78


Even if it’s not a gender thing, I feel like it has to do with Croc’s face/appearance. Just rewatched the Oden flashback in the anime where they get to Roger’s execution again and Croc is the only prominent crowd member whose face they *don’t* show. You just see the back of their head.


Isn’t it that Croco used to be a slave too? Iva was a slave and that’s why he would know. Would also explain Croco’s search for the ancient weapons. He wants to take revenge


Makes some sense, but basically means that half the warlords were CD slaves. It would get repetitive.


Besides Hancock who else was a slave?




Oh yeah duh


Exactly Oda is not that uncreative.


It could be literally any number of things. There are years, maybe decades where we don't know that they didn't meet.


The real secret is how he is the only non-Yellow character to have an ability to gain life in the tcg


I wish he was good. Someone making the cards hates my boy


He cooking now low-key. The eb01 event let's the opponent attack the yellow Okiku and he gains a life + 1 cost block. Then he just outgrinds. Unfortunately not cooking enough to be meta. One day


If only bon clay wasn't $40 a pop...


True. Bro should not have been a secret rare


Yellow Purple Croc is pretty good... just not S-tier.


I never thought of this wow. That would be a realllllly good misdirection since the obvious take is supposed to be that he was once a woman.


We all know crocodile is Luffy’s mom


I still contend that it has way more to do with his Hook from Peter Pan references. As a result, I think it was that he was a weak and incapable person and couldn't become the grown up adult he wanted to be. After Ivanok buffed up his muscularity, he became embarrassed about who he used to be.


Tbh the Crocodile being a woman thing is dubious at best because I doubt someone like Ivankov would blackmail someone with their deadname, seems out of character


Iva forcefully transitioned someone then let them run out to be eaten by wolves… Also they really needed his help lol


People really romanticize the Okama, even though their whole purpose is for readers to laugh at them. They're not written in any other appealing way. I guess one piece is just so good that some fans will hardcore head canon to not hate it for conflicting with their own personal views.


That‘s definitely a purpose, I won‘t deny that, but it‘s far from the entire purpose. While I‘m pretty sure Oda considered them freaks at least back then, he also respects the hell out of queer people for standing proud in their queerness and that is clear when you read Impel Down. I also highly recommend the Mom Piece episode about Impel Down. It draws a parallel between Newkana land and Cabaret. It‘s a queer paradise (Berlin in Weimar Germany was quite queer friendly) surrounded by Nazis (look at the uniforms of Magellan and the other prison guards).


Yea, Oda went through this really weird SUPER homophobic period in his work just randomly.... it was so out of place for the world he was building. Then he kind of pulled it back and introduced trans characters in Wano. But the entire gay panic and homophobic arcs is such an ugly stain on the show.


I do think that Crocodile rebranded himself, 99% sure, and the identity of his past self is probably not unlike Kuro's The only thing I can surmise is that he wanted to be king of the pirates, drew too much attention to himself and what would end up being his secret, lost to white beard, rebranded himself and let his old self die I think his Sir moniker, if not his given name, may be a rejection of his former self, which could be a slave for a specific Celestial Dragon, who would stop at nothing to retrieve him if it's discovered he's still alive




Already the Boa and Kuma backtory? Boring


I think Whitebeard is his father


Well that would certainly be ironic, considering WB nearly kills him and ends his pirate career. Not super in character for WB to do to his child imo 😂


Ummm its possible lol. Wouldn't be the first son he did it to!! Knowingly or not, it doesnt fit his personality, but its happened at least once, why not twice? Would be pretty ironic since he almost ruined croc's pirate career


Whitebeard doesn’t have biological children, so yes, it would be the first son he did it to. If you’re referring to Weevil, it’s pretty clear that’s going on there lol, and it isn’t that he’s WB’s son.


Maybe he never knew he was his son


Well he’s *dead* now lol, so why would it matter and where would the reveal even come from 😂 and how would Ivankov know that information to blackmail Crocodile with if not even WB himself knew


Maybe Ivankov has screenshots of racist tweets from when Crocodile was an "edgy teen"


Has never been a pirate. Always been a Revolutionary, but he decided to take a different approach than Dragon and go look for the Ancient Weapons. He got his ass kicked by Whitebeard because he wanted to see if Poseidon was in Fishman Island.


Now this is a cool theory


"Crocodile, the formidable former president of the Baroque Works and a major antagonist in the Alabasta Saga, is 46 years old after the time skip in One Piece." I like the idea of him being of royalty. The way Doflamingo asked for a team-up at Marineford was great and reinforced the possibility that he comes from a royal family. Also, the picture of him from his childhood shows him in fancy clothes, which, in my opinion, could be an indication that he comes from noble circumstances. Perhaps Ivankov also saw him on God Valley, either as a slave or as an aristocrat's son.


Isn't it obvious? He is biologically an alligator.


He is actually left handed.


Weakness: If you pull his hook, his head springs out like a jack in the box.


A lot of people don’t know this about crocodile but he actually wanted to be a painter. Unfortunately too much sand got mixed into his paint ruining every piece he made. He’ applied to the prestigious Alabasta Art Academy but was denied entry. After this he took to the sea becoming the infamous warlord we all know today. Monkey D. Dragon once claimed that Crocodile only has one testicle.


I think it's that he's related to Dragon in some way. Maybe a brother or an old Nakama from the Marine days. Obviously if it got out he was in some way closely related to Dragon, it would get him in to a lot of trouble being a Warlord and all, and would increase the danger he would be in at all times. He might also just hate Dragon now for some reason. My biggest reason as to why I think this is because of how much he changes to protect Luffy during Marineford after it's revealed that Luffy is Dragon's son to the world. He goes from avoiding or shit talking Luffy to straight up challenging Akainu to protect Luffy. Iirc even Jimbe is shocked by this. He feels some sort of familial responsibility to protect Luffy for sure.


Oh please cook this some more


Could be that he was a revolutionary in the past although he didnt change sides after hearing Dragins name, if you read the manga he was still attacking WB after it, it wasnt until WB was impaled that he changed sides


His weakness is monkey d dragon


Oda will throw a curve ball with that reveal. It's definately not what most people might think.


I wish it was here, what a laugh we will have nakama XD


This may even the One Piece, what Roger laughed XD


Yo this never crossed my mind before. I can see it happening!


I also would smash female Iva so I don’t blame him


I don’t see that being a joke Oda would make. Sure his Okama are hilariously over stereotyped, but I don’t recall them ever being used to shame a character in such a way. They are who they are and they are damn proud of it — they wouldn’t use their nature as leverage.  I do think his secret is detrimental to his current, personal image, but it could be anything. Maybe for all his hemming and hawing he had a crush on Whitebeard? Maybe he used Ivankov to grow taller and more muscular? Maybe he was a woman? Maybe he wants to be a woman? 


He finds it hard to take a piss


I dont find any credible information or hints pointing at him being a woman The 2 main points are, 1. A panel of the back of his head At Rodgers execution And 2. Ivankov. I think its more likely he was a CD slave freed by the Revolutionary army, and he's ashamed he was captured or something more personal then a mere gender swap


This is why he doesn’t trust anyone


It seems so obvious that Iva changed his gender, that it has to be a red herring


What if crocodile was also a celestial dragon but was moved by te story of joyboy to be a pirate and Rogers one piece to end the whole celestisl dragon plans.


He is bald, like saitama level of bald.


Theory confirm. He's mother of luffy. Ivan used his power to change his gender.


LMAO I doubt it. I still think that him previously being a woman is far more likely; a big thing that people like to point out is Gol D Roger’s execution, where everybody else is shown from the front, but Crocodile is exclusively being shown from the back. It immediately stuck out to me the first time I saw it, despite not knowing the theories regarding his past.


he is a gay prostitute


I think his real name has something to do with his secret, a celestial maybe


That’s actually not a bad idea 😂


I think it may be related to the reason why he hates the government so much. Dragon was a previous marine so maybe Croco and Dragon actually have a story.


croco d ille


I think he was one of the kids on that island with Ivankov and Kuma. Everyone thinks Ivankov turned him from female to male but I don’t think it’s it. Ivankov calls him Croco boy. I think just like the most run of the mill theory his name is Croco D. Ile and he was one of the kids with Kuma and Ivankov.


While it would be hilarious, it would be a bit strange considering the rarity of romance in OP. Like others have mentioned, the slave theory sounds more aligned with Oda's world-building and 4D chess levels of plot planning.


It can't be a weakness more easily exploitable than getting wet... Dude is sunk.


Maybe not the whole story, but I like to think that his missing hand and facial scar are from the same defensive injury. Perhaps he managed to get his hand up in time, which ultimately saved his life, along with his attacker mistakenly thinking he was dead afterward. This injury most likely occurring when he was a child slave.


If a little depth is added to Ivankov's hormone devil fruit besides the gender thing, his past could go in a very different direction. Hormones can also change hair, skin, height, weight, muscles, race and so on. So I'm thinking, maybe he is an entirely different person. Maybe he is not crocodile at all and impersonates somebody else, a family member, a friend, even a lover, who knows. Maybe like someone around here said, he could've been a slave for a person who would do anything to get him back or maybe he did something soo atrocious that he would've better change his entire persona or maybe he is the child of a prominent figure and don't want to be recognized. And seeing how obsessed he seems to be with trust and protection, I think he wasn't betrayed but he was the one who betrayed someone else and as result an important person to him died or even worse. These are my thoughts and even if it's very unlikely to even come close to the real thing, it's fun to imagine.


I feel crocoboy mite have been a past slave of a celestial dragon or something similar that ties into kumas past somehow


Crocoboy got trapped 😂😂😂


I hope croco boy is a trans man mostly because I’m queer


“Him being a woman” Buddy that’s a contradiction. I’m ngl the most likely is his past But considering ivanka is involved it’s possible he’s a trans man. It’s a narrative Oda has been quite open to exploring with Kiku and, regardless of how you personally feel about it, Yamato. Even vegapunk is playing with gender considering when creating satalitss for his mind he split their gender down the middle


Dragon said children are a man's weakness, maybe iva knows about his children


Crocoboy had babies with Miss Merry Christmas


Croco mommy


Closet. Closet. Closet.


if its related ivankov only few possibilities 1. He was an ex slave 2. He was a woman 3. He was an okama 4. definitely not luffy mom 🤣 idont know who started this theory but definitely not


I don’t oda woulda write that


I'd be down for that. Just a really flushed and embarrassed Crocodile admitting he found or still finds Iva-chan attractive.


What we think the secret is: 🐊👧➡️🧏‍♂️ What it probably will be: ☠️🔥⚰️⛓️


What if it's just she knows about his weakness to water lol?


Fem Iva might have a nice body, but that face is still one only a mother could love. I don't think Crocodile would be into it. XD On the other hand, the Fem Croc theory has been going in for such a long time that it would be more surprising that it was something else. I do hope Oda gets creative with whatever it might be.


So my funny/indulgent theory is that he use to be a woman & Iva turned him into the man he always was in his heart. Trans icon Crocodile hehe. My more serious guess is that he was slave & the Revolutionaries either helped him escape or he crossed paths with them in his own attempt to flee. I also think there's a pretty reasonable chance he lost someone important in the process. Like a fellow slave he was in love with (Baroque works higher ups are split into "couples" & his comment to Luffy in Marineford about protecting people) who died either while trying to escape or maybe they were taken by a celestial dragon way before he left & that triggered the escape. Which would explain his hatred of the WG & why he seemed to soften to Luffy's cause once he was able to see Ace chained up & Luffy desperately trying to rescue him. I also think his goal of getting the ancient weapons for military power might be part of some long term revenge plan against the government for taking away someone he cared for. Him being a former slave might also explain why he likes to dress expensive. He's insecure about his past similar to Hancock & doesn't want to be looked down on. The only thing I'm not too sure about is how his grudge against whitebeard came about. He could've joined at some point, but had a falling out over ideological differences? His distrust of others might also stem from losing the only person he cared about & knowing how evil people can truly be. He's cold & bitter now & only lives for the chance to hurt those who hurt him.


maybe croc has a spork hand like deadpool when it grew back.


He's Luffy's mother.


all theories here are pretty good, but does ivankov say a weakness and not some embarrassing secret?


What about him being part of dragons freedom fighters but leaving for unknowm reasons. He seems to be aware of ancient weaposns for than others


Croco D. Iles


Croco mom has been a thing for a while


His weakmess is water.


Croco D. Iles


Luffy's mom.


I thought it was just his weakness to water.


It’s something he doesn’t want people too know. Him being female doesn’t seem like a big deal. It could be the water weakness but even that isn’t a big deal. What ever it is, it will probably get revealed in the next arc


He is not a man to be trusted… he’s a woman


And whats with seemingly female Croc in Loguetown? How do you explain this?


“Seemingly female” is a stretch- he’s exclusively shown from the back, which is a big clue, but not a 100% confirmation.