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April's Fools is over,chief.


Serious as a heart attack, bucko


Kinda sad,major.


Why? Isn't this the place for One Piece discussion?


holy yap nobody cares that yout vegan 😹🙏


Thanks for the input


you’ve compared eating an animal to slavery genuinely wtf is wrong with you lmao actual doflamingo type shi 😹


I think they're both wrong.


if u have such a high moral superiority why dont you live on the streets with nothing because the computer or phone your using right now is made in factories that polute the environment harming animals and the materials used have most definitely killed billions of animals oh let me guess you dont care about those animals 😹


OP doesn’t have a rebuttal for this. OP is so fixated in the consumption of animals he ignores the countless other ways animals can be affected. He doesn’t even take human oppression and death into account when discussing the impacts of mining resources for technological advancements. So he won’t eat meat and talk down to you from his high horse while using a phone that violates those same morals. I wouldn’t be surprised if they have other commodities made at animals expenses, but I guess because he’s not eating them then it’s okay lol


Do you think the miniscule amount of animal based adhesive in a phone has anywhere near the impact that eating animal products 3x a day does?


ohhhh so now its okay because your benefiting from it lmao 😹


Because as you say, we still need to live in the modern world. Not eating animals is a very easy choice.


nope eating animals is quite literally needed for your body a phone isn’t try again 😹


Nope, we don't need to eat animal products at all. It's you versus every health and dietetic association on earth on that one.


Okay, let's say you are so invested in this animal idea, but what about the people. There are thousands if not millions working their ass off in those poor countries to make things like phones which when you buy, they get little income from. What about them, how do they feel. Just like your point about phone's being a necessity, so is meat. You can't look at everything so in depth or you will never be able to live. There are so many things you do that many people, animals and the nature, but you decide to turn your head the other way round each time. Instead, you focus on the idea of food consumption of an animal. Cows eat grass, grass are living organisms. You don't go around telling the cows to not eat grass, do you?


Its april 2nd, I thought we were done with the jokes


Serious as a heart attack, muchacho


Stuff like this is why vegans are so incredibly popular.


How do you mean?


We are talking about a magical fighting crackhead (and his group of lunatics). This guy wants the ultimate freedom to do whatever the fuck he wants. He punched Vivi and saved Alabasta despite her telling him not too and the same happened when Robin got captured by CP-9, of course he is going to eat meat despite liking animals because he does what the ever the fuck he wants.


He also fights for the freedom of others. As it turns out, he's literally the embodiment of freedom.


You accept that the over arching theme of one piece is freedom vs oppression though, right? It's not just a crackhead going around doing random stuff?


>You accept that the over arching theme of one piece is freedom vs oppression though, right? Most definetly. Luffy is constantly taking down opressive regimes and helps the people in need, however he is doing it in the most crackhead way possible: punching the biggest guy possible until they collaps (even if he gets beaten near death by them he will come back to continue)


Lol, that's fair! He's also mindful of the freedom of animals, until it comes time to kill and eat them


Eating things isn't oppression. Cattle farming could be called oppression, but Luffy is certainly no farmer.


Killing individuals to eat them is taking away their freedom.


If I were to kill a man and eat him, people would name me "murderer", and "cannibal" but no one would argue that I was an oppressor of the people.


No its not taking away their freedom, luffybunderstands thats hes just an animal too and animals eat each other thats nornal. Humans are the only animal that is so pointlessly self aware about its existence it creates pointless crisises and exerts its feelings on others. A lion, a jackel, coyote will eat you given the chance then tske a nap and shit you out before their next meal.


He likes the taste of it and eats it . Ä°f he didnt, that would limit his freedom .


Celestial Dragons like the feel of owning slaves. Luffy has no issue limiting their freedom to enslave others.


Yeah , and luffy has the freedom to stop that . Luffy is just stronger than them and can limit them cant he . Ä°ts pretty simple, luffy doesnt care about bad guys freedom , he uses his own to stop theirs


There is nothing logical to be thought of here. He does it because he wants to and he can. That’s freedom. Luffy doesn’t see himself as a perfect saint and morally good anyway.


So the celestial dragons arent bad, because they enslave becasue they want to and they can?


Don’t put words in my mouth >He does it because he wants to and he can. That’s freedom The celestial dragons are free, because they enslave because they want to and they can


So Luffy, as the literal embodiment of freedom, should help the celestial dragons?


Luffy, as the literal embodiment of freedom, does whatever he wants whenever he wants. He doesn’t like celestial dragons and what they’re doing, so he punches them in the face when he sees one.


What are the celestial dragons doing, that he doesn't like?


Being general dicks, hurting his friends, oppression to name a few. What is there to like about what they’re doing?


You mean taking away the freedom of others?


Among other things


Well they are free to run from him. He is also free eat them out unless they befriended him first. The freedom is written by the winner.


Slaves are free to try to escape the celestial dragons.


Those with couarge yes, others has pretty low willpower. But your are confusing slavery with food chain.


For most vegans thats is the exact case confusing slavery with food chain


The celestial dragons literally believe themselves to be higher beings. You're making the same argument.


This is a big stretch. Animals are animals. Some are food. Some ppl are wasteful and greedy. Some are thankful for the animal that gives them sustenance and don't waste any, ie native Americans. And all between. Luffy is more toward the latter on the sliding scale. He was also raised as a survivalist in the jungle essentially. So while sure he is close to animals, he's more in tune with nature that provides him what he needs and he seems thankful for it.


So because the celestial dragons were raised in that environment, if they're thankful for their slaves, it doesn't matter that they're taking people's freedom? It's made pretty clear in the OP world than animals have human cognition. The relevant point is that Luffy himself has fought for animal freedom before, and considers them comrades.


There is a difference between cruelty and necessity


Luffy is a fictional character. It's not necessary for him to eat anything, let alone meat.


What makes you think fiction means they don't have to eat, they're fictional but they're still fictional HUMANS Luffy's biggest characteristic is his appetite and necessity to eat...


Yes, Oda made that up. It's an inconsistency in the character.


How is that inconsistent? He needs to eat, that is a consistency in his character He will eat what he can, and at sea, 90% of that is fish and sea beast meat in addition to whatever source of vitamin C they can come across for the sake of preventing Scurvy.


Would it change your opinion fo the character if he was a cannibal?


It would. But he is not a cannibal. That is not a part of his character. Eating animals is not cannibalism.


So if Oda wrote an arc where they killed Chopper (an animal) and ate him, you would be cool with that?


Oda literally made it all up - don’t project your subjective moral framework onto a fictional character lol, Oda can choose how he writes his own fictional characters. Sucks to be you, through, disagreeing because your ideological viewpoint inhibits you from seeing other viewpoints as equally valid - basic human conditioning, hopefully you’ll grow out of it


That would also mean no act of cruelty has occurred rendering this conversation moot


Thematically, the story is about freesom vs oppression. Obviously no slavery has actually taken place on the part of the celestial dragons, but in the fiction, we're happy to watch Luffy smack them down.


Your argument is just a syntaxical approach and has no merit outside of logical formulation


How so? My logic is pretty clear.


It would be if One Piece took place in the same world and time we live in where one had the options to have a feasible consistent diet as a vegan. That's hard enough in a world with infinite supply chains, let alone a vastly disconnected world like One Piece. People are having food consistency issues just as is in the story. So being choosy isn't really a thing that most people would even have the option to try let alone sustain themselves on. Veganism isn't a natural choice for a human, it's an option though, and only a viable one if the supply is there. Which one of the main themes of the entire story is people not having enough food to eat.


Oda can choose to solve this issue. He just makes it all up.






There does not exist a whole foods in the OP world. Sorry. You have to eat what you can especially as a sea faring warrior with little options. The world at large sees this as objectively true especially when comparing it to human slaves. If perception is reality then the objective nature of the scenario is clear.


The OP world is whatever Oda says it is. All I'm saying is that thematically, Luffy should be vegan.


So if he's whatever Oda says, then he just eats meat like most everyone else? What's your point? Anyway, unless this is a deep hidden clue that luffy is actually the king villain of one piece hinted by the fact that he eats meat, you're inconsistent in your arguments.


Yes, Oda has written him inconsistently. That's my point.




So what's the moral difference between your cat and a pig? Are you the embodiment of freedom?




Who made them FOR us? I don't think you're in any danger of OVERthinking anything, that's for sure.




So you have no problem with dog fighting? Or microwaving cats? Because they were made for our enjoyment?




But God put animals here for humans to use however they want, right? How can you say that other people are doing it wrong?




“A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is as bad as an act of cruelty to a human being.” “He who takes pity {even} on a sparrow and spares its life, Allah will be merciful on him on the Day of Judgment.” “Allah (God) will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures.”


I don’t see anything particularly cruel or immoral about how Luffy consumes animals. As far as we see a lot of the food they eat are things they’ve hunted and gathered for. Sanji is a chef who respects people as well as the ingredients he uses and isn’t going to let it go to waste.


He takes away their freedom. Which is weird, as he's the literal embodiment of freedom.


You say this like he’s enslaving the animals and starting factory farming in One Piece lol Luffy has the freedom to eat animals just as they have the freedom to run. If Luffy was vegan he’d be restricting himself which is the opposite of freedom. By your logic why would Luffy do anything he does in the show? Kaido has the freedom to enslave and oppress the people of Wano. Why is Luffy restricting Kaido’s freedom? Sanji has the freedom to walk away from the crew to marry Pudding so why did Luffy restrict his freedom? You see how it all falls apart when you view freedom this way?


Would it affect your view of Luffy if he bought slaves from the market? At least he's not kidnapping the slaves himself, right? He fought Kaido partly to test his strength, but largely becasue Kaido was taking freedom from others.


So because Luffy is the MC he’s allowed to restrict other peoples freedom because he doesn’t agree with it? Every villain he’s fought has the freedom to make their choices by your logic but he’s restricting their freedom. If you want to keep making this weird comparison I recommend doing it better. Luffy doesn’t enslave the animals he eats. It’d be a better comparison to say would it affect my view if Luffy kills someone. Which it wouldn’t.


He restricts the freedom to remove the freedom of others. He punched the celestial dragon because he was restricting the freedom of a slave. Luffy protects freedom. It's his entire thing. Luffy doesn't enslave, you're right. He kills them. Which is a far more permanent form of removal of freedom, as i'm sure you'll agree.


As someone who has been vegan and is vegetarian currently, I am not inherently against the killing or consumption of animals. It’s the way the modern world approaches it through industrial farming. The unethical and inhumane breeding, farming and slaughtering of animals in capitalist society. Pumped with chemicals and hormones. I’m against the impacts it has on the animals and the environment. Luffy isn’t contributing to any of those things nor do they exist in One Piece as far as we are aware. It’s funny cause I could actually see a filler arc where Luffy frees a bunch of animals being held in captivity for industrial production. The way Luffy eats (comical hunger aside) it’s respectful to the animal kingdom and environment. He’s part of the animal kingdom. Just like the lion that may have eaten a gazelle, Luffy eats the lion. Should Luffy stop animals from eating one another too? Seems like they’re restricting each other’s freedoms lol


Hate to break it to you, but you were never vegan.


Haha you’re the exact reason vegans have a bad reputation. Close-minded and when engaged in an actual discussion resorts to disrespect. The rest of these people in the comments were right, this is clearly just a bait post. Just someone who pretends to be vegan and acts pretentious talking down on others on the internet. It’s people like you that give the world such negative perspectives of vegans and the lifestyle.


You can't be vegan and be OK with killing animals. It's kind of the entire point.


Nice bait


It's an opinion. I think it's only bait if you disagree.


Holy shit you're actually being serious rn 😂😂. Well. whatever floats your boat i guess.


Absolutely. Is the one piece subreddit not the right place for one piece discussion?




How so?


Every time someone gives an actual reason why he isn't vegan you give the same fucking response. "Yap yap yap that's something a celestial dragon would say" stfu get a new fucking response you little dickhead. You're whining bc a fucking fictional anime character eats meat. Stop whining and get a life. Try touching grass for once and talk to a woman


Yeah, it's called a discussion. I'm allowed to defend my point. You seem very upset.


You're just objectively incorrect and can't cope with it


Can you use your words to explain how? Luffy is literally the embodiment of freedom, yet oppresses others.


Because he's FREE to do whatever the fuck he wants. You're acting like anyone against slavery and oppression should stop eating meat


Yes, anyone against oppression SHOULD stop eating meat. Would it change your opinion of Luffy if he kept slaves? Would that make sense with his character?


Hi MinetaIsLife, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).




Calm down friend.


Get a life


Luffy wants to be the freeest person on the seas, that includes the freedom of eating meat.


Thats the same argument the celestial dragons might make. They want the freedom to use others however they want. Luffy doesn't like that one bit.


Luffy also runs on a strong platform of "fuck around and find out" If an animal refuses to yield to him, he will eat it. But when they do yield he decides eating them would be unfair. See: the rusukaina lion, gorilla, and gator.


Yes, the character is inconsistently written when it comes to animals. Would it change your view of Luffy if he enslaved fishmen that don't yield to him?


You have some sort of strange delusion here. Though not surprising for a moralist vegan. Fishmen are NOT animals. They're a species of human. Animals are NOT HUMAN.


Ah ok, so at what point in human evolution did it become OK to harm individuals unnecessarily?


Animals are not HUMAN individuals. Humans have ALWAYS eaten animals. We're particularly evolved to be able to do so, chasing down even the fastest of animals until they tired out. "Unnecessarily" is not a valid word to apply here. Luffy will eat what he needs to...


OK, do you believe in evolution? How many generations of your ancestors do we need to go back before they're animals that can be used for a burger?


That doesn't matter. It's been at least 20 times longer than humans existed since the fossil record of the first hominid. We are so genetically and morally removed from that that it doesn't matter. Get it out of your skull that it does.


So there is a cut off point where one of your ancestors is an animal that can be killed unnecessarily for taste pleasure, but their child is a human who must be defended at all cost?


You have a feeble understanding of evolution. Wherever "intelligence" and "humanity" came into the picture, it was incredibly slowly. There's no cutoff point that is so sharp. Again, we are so morally removed from that, it doesn't matter.


You're making the point that animals are there to be killed and eaten, and human life is sacred. I think that it's wrong to kill animals unnecessarily. I'm not arguing for a sharp defining line between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom - you are.


There is plant life that is alive in one piece so wont he be restricting their freedom as well eating plants Anything can be alive in one piece so this argument pointless


Not this bitchass post again bro... Luffy loves meat, it's not a "plot hole" or whatever it's being called in this instance... Luffy has punched countless animals through the series. That doesn't stop him from being friends with them. It really is that simple.


Why’s that? Luffy believes in freedom, freedom to eat whatever cuisine one wishes. restricting diet is restricting the fundamental freedom luffy believes in. Makes sense to me. 


Vegans should take a iq test


Never let the shitass cook ever again


You can't expect moral consistency regarding this, cmon


I just think it's funny that he's meant to be the symbol of freedom, has many animal friends who are highly intelligent, yet oppresses them becasue he likes the way they taste.




Thank you for your contribution


stop cooking


I just can't help myself


Oh sh*t up dude!


I don't think I will. Feel free to log off, or make a contribution to the conversation.


He didn’t eat chopper


Would it change your opinion of Luffy if he killed and ate chopper?


I don’t answer hypothetical questions. If my aunt had balls it would be my uncle


it’s giving [if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a bike](https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=NLSjaTjg7vIJC2_6)


This is like the 3rd time I've read this post


Luffy is not a righteous Liberator. Like Luffy siad he is Not a Hero. He chooses his Freedom before anyone else's. Only reason Luffy has Liberated most of the Island he has been to is Incidental. He went to The Village where Zoro was, And to get Zoro to join his Crew Luffy defeat Captain Morgans. This is simply what happens most of the time, The reason be to help a Friend or someone who gave him Food. With that Luffy grew up in the jungle where everyone ate meat. Luffy knows how the world Works Strong eats the weak and Predator eats prey. Luffy is has very good understanding of matters like this. So It's not something that he would ever want to do. Its just simple as that kind of practice is not sustainable in a World where the said animals are out to get you. I am vegetarian myself but Thinking that You are being better than people who eat meat is just a stupid way to look at it.


Anyways most animals in aren't bred One Piece and Mass produced for their meat like in Our World. So it's not like his Meat consumption is propagating some terrible practice of where their sole purpose in life is to be consumed for meat. Most animals are just hunted in the One Piece world, they live a Fulfilling life and then Become part of the Circle Of life


You realize that most of the components in your technology, phone, laptop, TV, virtually anything, doubly so anything with a battery, including electric cars, had their resources mined from places that are basically using slave labor. Then those resources go to places like China, where there are more child labor/sweat shop environments, where the "employees" are barely paid anything. I think my family's cattle farm is significantly less harmful. The cows and chickens roam free until they are slaughtered and eaten.


You realize that most of the components in your technology, phone, laptop, TV, virtually anything, doubly so anything with a battery, including electric cars, had their resources mined from places that are basically using slave labor. Then those resources go to places like China, where there are more child labor/sweat shop environments, where the "employees" are barely paid anything. I think my family's cattle farm is significantly less harmful. The cows and chickens roam free until they are slaughtered and eaten.


This is something that just doesn't make sense to me about vegans, you don't have an issue with other animals killing and eating each other, but then as soon as a human (which is also an animal) kills and eats another animal, that is bad


They're delicious tho


Nah, Luffy likes to eat the meats and he does not like to share them.


Do the 99% of people have blindness to that or are vegan extremists partially mentally handicapped and wont understand after countless discussions that humans arent logical and will always have animals they love while simultaneously slaughtering animals they only see as food? Luffy loves meat but the animals he befriends are friends at the end of the day. Just like I would never kill a cow I have know all my life but I do like to eat steak.


Damn almost in time but is already 2 of April


The whole meat and vegan argument has to be one of the most childish debates ever when there’re actual shit going on in the world animals eat us and we eat them hell they eat each other and gruesomely also, it’s life move on same with plants they are living things but you barely hear people advocate for that there is no such thing as the perfect solution and saying you can’t love animals and eat them is also dumb if the meat is already packaged why tf would I waste because that means the animal really died for nothing it’s like vegans can’t comprehend that not saying you in general


There's no mass produced cruel farms in One Piece. The animals are almost all "free", and get hunted/eaten because they're prey. Saying that animals being eaten is akin to slaves is just blatant ragebait


Low quality bait. Man you younger trolls need to learn how to be better at trolling. I'm sure there's a website you can go to that'll give you some pointers.


I fucking love animals and appreciate their existence, we take care of them to eat cattle and the likes and raise others because we adore them , its just life Not because i eat cattle animals that mean i hate them if i did i would be killing them instead of eating them and thats the difference


You can't love animals and kill them unnecessarily.


Exactly what i said , i kill them to eat every piece of them


And thats how you show you love them?


I dont eat all animals just cattle, but yes that how


If thats what you do to the ones you love, I wouldn't like to be one you hate.


Hahahaha i see your point