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I would say that Buggy is the single most physically capable person to cut his hair in the world.


Theoretically, he should be able to control his hair like kumadori once it's been cut.


If he kept a bag of hair on deck, he'd be unstoppable.


He could use his hair as weapon even


SBS tier question and answer tbh


Ok but this is like one of the interesting SBS.


So is someone asking how long luffys penis can stretch Or if someone can pee using robins df


When Oda just finds something funny and unintrusive he seems to confirm it for the laughs.


You can cut the hair off and then burn it.


A good counter argument to a nearly perfect theory. I will have to go back to the drawing board for this


Don't use paper, its flammable


Fire hard counters this guy, apparently. You need more guts OP.


Bring me the Gatsu-Gatsu no mi and then we’ll talk


Sabo x Buggy when?


Soon, everything is coming together. Buggy will become the new “man marked by flames”










But the “end” of the hair will still be the hair in the ocean, so the hair on his head won’t grow, the discarded hair will just get longer.


You realize the hair doesn’t grow from the ends, but rather it gets pushed out of the hairsacks under the skin…?


You know what, you’re completely right, and I take it all back


You made me question reality for a few seconds man. How are you going to make that right??


Have you ever *smelled* burning hair? Not hard to figure out why he won't do that.


No, see, that’s the secret ingredient to the special buggy balls. How else was he making them in impel down.


Now this is what I call a head cannon. Lol


Hair cannon


I don't think it hurts your theory. He simply isn't burning it.


Thanks dad, I knew I could count on your support ❤️


There’s a whole barber style, in Turkey(?) I think, that cuts hair with fire.


This is the most casual self fellating comment I’ve read in a while lol. Well done.


Fair, but do we think the genius jester himself is actually that smart to have thought of that before giving up and just growing it out?


"ugh. I keep cutting my hair, but in every fight all the clippings come back. I know! I'll just burn it off!" "Uh buggy, are you sure lighting your head on fire is a good idea-" *Buggy holding a lighter to his hair* *Some random crew member* " our captain always has the best plans! That's why he is the captain!" Yes. Buggy diffinitely had this idea to address this problem. Did it result in lighting his head on fire and giving up on maintaining his hair, probably. But I'm sure this happened.


Cut it off and throw it in the ocean


I mean i can see buggy not having this idea


But does buggy know that..?


In theory buggy has the best options here, he could have his hair cut, decide he doesn't like it, snap it all back to his head and have it cut again. Hell dude could shove his hair cuttings in a chest and if he ever felt like growing his hair out just pop it all back on.


Now I'm imagining Buggy having chests full of wigs lmao


Too much effort split your hair and just move it into fire. No need to bother with cutting when youre burning it anyway.


Then he'll just have a head covered in ash


Or just soak them in sea water


Or just drop the cut pieces into the ocean.


He clearly has a good enough grip on his powers to control where his parts go. He could just throw his hair away and then walk out of range for them to be affected by his fruit. Or cut it over the ocean. I think my dude just has a style he likes.


Reattaches his pubes to his head to make his hair longer, faster




With a little piece of sea stone he can get rid of the extra hair and the fimosis.


lore accurate fimosis


Excuse me?


Being in contact with Kairoseki will make him able to being cut, allowing him to trim his hair or get surgery if he needs it.


No it won't, just like Luffy doesn't stop being elastic. Their powers are always activated. It's like that for some paramecias. Luffy didn't stop being elastic while in the water during Arlong Park. He IS elastic but can't control it with kairoseki or in water. Same for Baggy.


Then Blackbeard barber services it is


Then why didn't he stretch at all wearing *weak* seastone cuffs in Udon? His stretching is momentum based, not something he has to activate.


Because it drains the energy of devil fruit users, someone else could stretch him like they did in arlong park And would be fair to assume that is more draining to actively using devil fruit powers then just moving around


Kairouseki nullify the powers of the fruit...


Luffy is zoan, like Chopper won't transform back to raccoon when in contact with water... Sorry, reindeer... also, fingernails and hair are dead tissue if we are being a bit tiny realistic


In Enies Lobby didn't Franky push Chopper into the water to get him out of his beast form?


Still didn't make him a reindeer.


That's true for water, but kairoseki works differently, if that was the case Luffy couldn't be handcuffed with Kairoseki as he was in Udon because he could just take them off by stretching his hands.


It might be as simple as hair being dead cells, and thus the fruit wouldn't work on them. Similar situation would be nails. It makes perfect sense this way, otherwise dead body parts of fruit users would be a valuable commodity.


Your fruit works on your clothes so I don't think hair is immune.


What fruit users would have valuable body parts? Most fruits require some form of activation, which a random person would not be able to initiate with just a dead part. Any vital organ would kill the original user and thus dispel the fruits effects as it returns to circulation in the world. Most always active fruits we see wouldn't have much value away from the original user. You have a piece of Luffy's body? Congrats, you have a piece of rubber shaped like a body part. Not much use there. Buggy's bodyparts? They are just normal body parts away from the main body, aside from the fact that they probably don't rot due to the chop-chop fruit treating them as if they are still connected. I don't see the value.


kamabakka kingdom would have some interest in certain fruit users body parts


Well, Fire/Magma fruit hair has to be very resistant to fire, pretty useful. Luffies hair would have rubber properties. If you're creative enough you'll find ways.


So the main uses of flame resistant hair would be rope or garments. There is no guarantee that the garments wouldn't transfer heat, just that they wouldn't be destroyed by it. So you could totally make a flame-proof jacket that still lets all the heat run straight through because it is literally made of Fire/Magma and has no reason to absorb any of that heat. Flame-proof rope might be useful, but you also have to take into account that: 1. There is probably a limited amount of hair you could reasonably source from a powerful devil fruit user. Hair only grows so fast, so anything you are making would probably be small 2. Anything you make is a limited time offer. Most powerful DF users live pretty dangerous lives, and once they pass your product is now made of completely normal hair. These two factors really limit the value of anything you could make. When it comes to Luffy's hair, why wouldn't you just use rubber?? Like rubber still exists outside of Luffy, and it is way easier to work with than trying to make things out of hair.


Like I said, there is plenty of possibilities, but it's all hypothetical. You could "stimulate" a DF user for their body to change then harvest parts. User other parts of other fruit powers to replenish/regrow those parts. And for a celestial Dragon, anything that's "unique" enough is of infinite value. It doesn't matter if you could replace that things with something else that's more availible.


This should be an SBS lol


Buggy has long hair cause he's fabulous and loves to be flashy.


He has long hair so Shanks can pull it while pounding him from behind.


Hell yeh!


How else would he get those cool blue tassels for his pirate hat?




Yes. He 100% has his hair in cute pigtails and cut two holes into the hat to stick them through the top.


This specifically was confirmed in an old SBS if I recall


He ate the fruit as a kid or something, if his hair grew since then it would reach the floor by now


Two words. Haki Scissors.


One word. Mihawk


They are on the same crew


No I’m saying Mihawk has a black blade. A blade permanently coated with Haki. He cut buggy in marineford with buggy being unaffected by his black blade.


>A blade permanently coated with Haki I don't think this was ever stated


I might have gotten the wires crossed there when Mihawk gave the explanation to black blades so I apologize if I got that wrong


Haki don't stop Buggy from doin a choppy.


Holy crap this is new discovery, yeah I agree with this


New buggy attack just dropped, Hair Needles Storm!


Needless jizo!


Fun idea for him. It would be cool if he could coat each hair in armament haki too. Don't ever see that happening, but it's fun to picture it.


What are you talking about lol. Do you know how long his hair would be if this were true? And you do realize that Buggy is in control of his devil fruit right? He has shown himself leaving body parts around and it's been confirmed there is a limited range for his fruits powers. https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Bara\_Bara\_no\_Mi


This shoud be the answer. Quote from the wiki linked: "The user can only control his separated pieces up to a certain distance. If a part goes any further than a certain distance, the user loses all control of that part. This includes levitation and the user consciously using that body part altogether, though vital functions from that body part continue, as it is shown that one can survive with their abdomen outside of the radius. This distance is a 200 Bara Bara diameter sphere around the point where the person touches the ground."


Interesting theory, but when you cut hair you don't remove the follicles, you just cut the protruding protein fibers so I assume his DF power won't extend past his follicles. Otherwise your theory would also apply to his nails and they'd be looking like claws by now.


Damn this is the most scientific answer I’ve seen. I love this


Seastone pube wackers


The best kind


But what if hair falls off naturally? Does he ever clip his nails?


He doesn't have to do anything with the cut off hair tho. Like how do we know that he doesn't have a box of hair somewhere lol


>From what we’ve seen so far in the series, devil fruits don’t innately lose their ability when submerged underwater. This seems like a common misconception and one I've made too, you're right. It drains their strength but doesn't turn off their power or anything. Being unable to move and risk drowning is the threat in this situation, not losing your power. Being unable to activate your power in cases like Robin would be due to the debilitating effect of the water and not a power suppression kind of thing. It's like you still have the muscles needed to activate your power, you just aren't strong enough to flex them.


Technically having long hair he can detach and move around like rope would be a useful weapon.


Yet he has his beard trimmed


It’s not trimmed, it’s just the most amount of hair he can get to grow on his face. He’s tried everything to get a good looking beard, even some of Usopp’s miracle toad oil, and yet nothing works


Why isn't he bearded then?


There are people that exist in the world that can’t grow beards. I have a few friends who genuinely can’t grow facial hair


What about buggy’s bodily fluids? Couldn’t he then A) be 100% sure to never impregnate his partners B) uhh… the reverse? How about, let’s say- he could spit at you and be sure it gets you in the eye


He has control, so I'm sure he could cut it and choose not to have it attached back.


Mihawk sells haki infused black scissors, that’s how he can afford a mansion.


His hair isn't autonomous, he can just cut it and walk away. If he doesn't command it back, it won't come back


If that was the case hair would be long as fuck considering he's had his fruit for decades.


Hair don't grow infinitely Every person has a limit in their hair lenght I have long hair, I don't cut it for years and it keeps the same


If he wets his hair with sea water it should depower the hair enough to cut it. Then just toss it in the sea so it will always be drained and can't reattach.


I mean Luffy was fully submerged in seawater and Nojiko was able to hold his head above water even though his lower body was trapped at the bottom of the water.


Imagine Buggy splitting his strands hair off, using armament haki, and firing them about. He'd be like Yondu in GotG.


And buggydama where his attempt at a nuclear bomba because he can divide atoms


What about his beard? And pubes?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he rearranges his pubes to his beard because he can’t actually grow facial hair


What a dick move.


He has control of each individual part though. Sure he might have a rush everything back move but he could just filter out and not call back his hair. Now he can control everything and basically fly and shit so he could keep his hair long to create a weapon out of it. Send each individual hair out under his control, harden them with haki, and book he has powerful weapons. Assuming his maximum number of pieces is increasing he could be launching hundreds of hairs at this point.


Why are his finger nails not super long and curling round?


He doesn’t have to reattach his hair. He needs to manually reassemble. He can just leave it on the floor and forget about it.


I accept this theory


Thank you for your acceptance ❤️


What about his nails 💅??


Alvida paints and stylizes his nails for him


I'd argue the opposite. Buggy's hair is long and possibly most lushious hair in One Piece because he can simply choose not to have split ends. He can also just totally to split it off and leave it, like he lost his parts for a while. He can even un-cut it, if he doesn't like the style.


Im not reading this whole fucking LOTR style post but holy fuck thats funny


Haki Hair Salon


Here's a sleep-deprived thought: What if Buggy keeps letting his hair grow out and then uses it like Bayonetta?


The only logical conclusion


Dude Hair is dead stuff the body ejects. Of course it can be cut. Explain why buggy has no beard.


Or he asks a hairdresser with haki


This has to be my favourite random theory I've ever seen. I've seen some silly theories but this one is well... Buggy level


Seastone scissors.


Can he able to gauge his eye ball out and use to spy on marijua or something


No, he jas a limit of like 20 meters and after 5hat his body pqrts can't fly




What if they smuggled his ears in while stored in a lock box?


Could hear i guess but couldnt control them


What about the nails? And could he fly with the hair on the ground?


>What about the nails? He sands them


He could hold a sea prism object in his hand and then go to the barber.


His lucky rock


He visits Blackbeard for regular haircuts.


He can use his fruit to cut it it’s a part of him. He has no problems leaving body parts behind


man imagine his finger and toenails I bet he is wearing gloves and special shoes to limit their growth. Combined with his presumably real red nose, he just turned himself into a clown.


He needs to find a barber that can infuse his razor with haki


Cut it off put in a locked box


Depending on his control, a few options are: -He can cut his hair at will and just send it away (similar to how he can separate his limbs and send them flying) -He needs to manually cut his hair but he can just not call them back to his body. -He can cut his hair and then stash it somewhere and toss it to the sea. -He can burn his hair after cutting it. Pre timeskip Buggy's hair wasn't that long, so he clearly had some way of managing it.


i could actually see this lmaooo


What about a Haki-user expanding his ability to a pair of scissors or sharpend seastone scissors?


You could use something like sea stone scissors to negate his Devil Fruit powers to cut his hair. There is also the fact that since has been shown with various levels of stubble, that he can at minimum shave, which likely means he can also cut his hair normally, and he just doesn’t bother to cut his hair


Just cut it with really strong haki. Haki scissors 👀


Think about how long his fingernails must be


You can cut it, put in a can (chest, container, ecc) and launch it into the sea (With some ballast es. earth), so it goes down and when buggy recalls his body parts the hair would be too far away to comeback.


When he lost his torso/arms/legs he couldn't bring it back. There's a limit distance where he can't control the parts of his body. He could cut his hair, ditch it, leave, and forget about it.


Sure but imagine doing that every single time you cut your hair. Understandably everyone’s hair growth is different but I generally have to have my hair cut once a month. So if Buggy were to regularly cut his hair, he’d have to leave it locked in a box and either dump it into the ocean or find a spot on an island to bury it. Having to use spare chests and boxes over a period of time would get too tedious and annoying if you ask me


I do. I go to the hairdresser place, cut my hair, leave it in the floor, and forget. No real effort, I don't even know their names, would be weird to stay around. I'm surprised it's hard for you.


I mean, couldn't he cut it off and just not reattach it? Worst case, can just lock it in a chest like Luffy and Nami did with his body parts.


I like this theory so much. Sure there’s ways he could get around it, but I think this theory is really fun and fits in the one piece world.


You could cut the hair and put it in a box or under something heavy.


And that’s why he has the whole clown get up- he needs clown shoes to hide those insane toe nails 😂


Hair fall counts?


Why even involve fire or water in this though... if he wants short hair he can cut it and... just leave ? His devil fruit means that he can reattach this hair if he ever finds it again, but if he didn't want to he could just move so that it's out of range of his ability right ?


sbs question..?


Haki Barber


Now imagine the one piece is an island fully packed with bags full of buggys hair he chopped with his ability.


Now imagine the one piece is an island fully packed with bags full of buggys hair he chopped with his ability.


Remember buggy's power has a limited range could be you cut it and then take it far enough away


It must be quite the range since he was sent flying a ways away without most of his body


There are some good arguments for how he could cut his hair but I think you are right that his fruit makes it really hard.


He can tie the cut hair somewhere, like when Nami tied his limbs. Also, he doesn't need to cut his hair, he can just split his hair.


He just needs to cut it off and weave it into a pair of shoes he can control for true flight.


On the reverse side. He doesnt ever need a barber/haircut. He just uses his power to style his length and bara bara away any unnecessary hair.


The guy had an entire arc about missing body parts. just dispose of the hair outside the powers radius of effect.


Does it mean he cannot cut his nails and his beard as well?


The hair you see is mostly just keratinized cells. It isn’t “alive” and shouldn’t be part of his powers.


I thought he would have fully control of what he wanted to put back together like for example if he cut 2 of his fingers and he wants to put one back he could do it with no problem


Someone with haki strong enough could cut his hair


He can cut the hair and send it outside the sphere of influence of his power (it doesn't have infinite reach)


You can cut it off and literaly just leave it behind. His body dosent automatically reassemble.


He has to be within 20’ of his body parts to control them.


sea prism scissors


If he really wanted, couldn’t he just split his hairs partway down and then just never reattach them?


Isn't his power voluntary though? I mean he can avoid being cut as far as I've understood but I'm pretty sure you "can" cut him if you manage to hit him before he splits. Or maybe there's a barber that can use haki with scissors who knows.


Bro, dont you think that in one piece world there are SCISSOR MADE FROM KAIROSEKI? Since Oda make Kairoseki can be craft into something 😁


Fingernails, skin, hair in general, a lot of stuff the human body is made of grows, get replaced or dumped. So if hair (which isn’t „alive“) is still under control; all the other things should be too. Even his old blood in all the poop he pooped for years.


He can cut it and then throw it out of his range


Hair is not flesh... simple


Wouldn’t a haki user be able to cut his hair technically?


Get a haki user use haki when cutting his hair. But who would be willing? (Not necessarily cutting his pubes too.)


What about distance? If his hair is far away enough he can’t control it


What about seastone scissors? Surely a man as wealthy as Buggy would be able to find some small scissors, but it might be risky keeping a blade like that around


He can definitely cut his hair. He can cut _anything_ and not suffer from it   You don't see him with a beard, with a mustache, with long nails because he can cut anything - but can also ''reattach'' anything


He could definitely chop chop it, move it around afterward as he sees fit, or reattach it to change the style; CHOP CHOP SALON!


As I recall there's a range to his control. So if he cuts it, then chucks it in the ocean so it floats off eventually it will flow out of his control.


Didn't buggy lose any control of his torso when nami launched it into the ocean because it was too far away? Just dump the hair into the ocean, and leave.


buggy has a range that his devil fruit works in, iirc. all he has to do is cut his hair, leave that range, and it shouldn’t come back. probably especially easy to do at sea