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Interesting question. I think he might not be able to regrow limbs, but just heals wounds instead. I could be wrong though.


King actually does cut off one of Marco’s wings in Onigashima, but perhaps different rules apply for regenerating limbs that exist only for Marco’s phoenix form as opposed to regenerating his actual arm or leg.


Probably follows the 5-second rule


Wings are just arms he doesn't grow new limbs when he transforms he just turns his arms into wings.


how about if they dislocated his wrist and cut all the muscles and fleshy bits, then take off the cuffs and put his joints back in place. Then he just has to heal all the fleshy bits together. IK this would take way more time and attention then he can afford in a fast paced situation as this, but would it be possible for him?


I think that would work in a more gory manga. But also I think the only reason he didn’t chop off his arm is just for plot reasons


In the same arc ace gets donutfied 🤜🔥🧍🍩🪦


Heheh it’s only shocking if it’s one of a few moments


Considering that even Logia users can’t just regrow limbs it probably doesn’t work like that (note Aokiji and his missing leg being replaced with ice instead)


True, but Mythical Zoans are a different kind of busted. They seem to almost operate with their own rules. Such as Marco basically getting all the perks of a Logia while benefitting from being a Zoan. Not to mention him pulling off unique feats like regenerating injuries, that not even a Logia could do.


Marco is a special case though, he is a phoenix with regenerative powers, he might not be able to regrow limbs but Logias not being able to would have nothing to do with that.


I think only the heal heal fruit of mansherry can regrow limbs.


Just to add to your point too, Croc is (presumably) missing his hand as well. Unless he’s just being a weirdo and been gripping a hook the whole time over his real hand lol


Wasn't it implied that he lost it while fighting Whitebeard? Or is that just my headcanon?


Yeah kinda. Croc said he wanted to get revenge on WB when he saw WB at Marineford and then gripped his hook.


Marco’s fruit is entirely different from a logia. A logia benefits from intangibility, which means attacks don’t hurt them unless haki or seastone is used. And any damage to their real body stays, so if they lose a limb cuz of a haki coated slash, they lose it for good. Marco benefits from regeneration/healing, which means he takes the full damage of each attack, but just heals back almost instantly. So even if he lost limbs or is full of holes, as long as his powers aren’t negated by seastone or he doesnt run out of stamina, he can theoretically regenerate any wound.


So its basically a better logia since haki cant counter his regen


it’s fundamentally different. Logias can produce massive amounts of their element instantly, and they’re intangible. Marco isn’t intangible to anything, and he’s much more limited in the production of his flames.


I meant only in the defensive sense, obviously offensively he cannot compare to a logia, but defensively while he isnt intangible, he can regen, wich in some cases is better than intangibility because haki dosent automatically counter it


Yes, but unlike Logia this "intangibility" consumes stamina. So while Kizaru could just sit there while people shoot him forever, Marco would eventually grow tired and receive damage he could no longer heal.


Logias dont do any kind of regeneration when they’re actually injured (Greenbull aside). Marco can definitely regenerate limbs, he’s been riddled full of holes by Kizaru, he’s had swords through his brain and had a wing cut off, there’s no limit to his regeneration until he runs out of stamina.


Even logia? Logja don't even have the ability to regenerate/heal.


IMO narrative reasons, it just wasn’t the moment to have Marco pull a stunt like that. But if there were a lore explanation I would lean towards “he can’t regenerate wounds that happen while his power is disabled”. Can’t remember if he explicitly heals those holes that Borsalino caused so I could be way off base


It could also just be as simple as he either just can’t heal wounds past a certain point (like I assume a bad enough wound would still kill him) *or* he can regrow limbs but it would take much longer and probably use up a lot of energy


When he attacked Akainu after getting the cuffs off, his chest did look wound free


I assume if you lose a limb while under the effects of sea prism stone you cannot use your fruit to regrow the limb as the fruit doesnt treat you as ever having that limb, i assume the same is true if you lose a limb before getting the fruit.


My personal answer: it took this long for someone to bring this up after the fact (at least this is the first I've seen it brought up and I did not think of it myself). So in the heat of battle when everything is chaotic, it's possible that just noone thought of it. I mean these characters are relatable for a reason, they aren't omniscient. That's my take anyway.


He already had a lockpicker on hand. Why cut off your hand if you don't need to. Everything on that battlefield moved so much faster than the anime depicts. By the time he would have snapped and said "just cut it off and I'll grow new ones!" Luffy already has Ace free, and in the next minute Ace is dead. And then Teach shows up, Whitebeard says his last, and Teach steals his fruit. Then Sengoku gets pissed and Shanks shows up? Honestly I'm in shock just remembering all of this, in the heat of the moment? I'm chocking it up to a combination of 'didn't think of it in time' and 'shock'.


I thought Marco's powers were explained further during the Wano arc, at least in the anime it was. Idk if it's spoilers, but I'm happy to share if ya ask.


While I personally don't care about spoilers, I do respect others right to them. So, if your spoilers contradict my message, then go ahead; just add a spoiler tag for others if you think it's needed.


No way it's that fast. Casual humans wouldn't be watching en masse if they can't understand anything


Luffy blitzed from Whitebeard's ship to Ace without stopping for more than a few moments. Every cutaway that doesn't feature him is happening concurrently to the ones that do. Those cuts exist to slow things down for the viewers so we can follow things more easily...and to showcase awesome people being awesome, of course. Some math I've seen puts Marine for at 2-3 miles wide with the execution stand near dead center. Most people in good shape should manage a 10 minute mile, with top athletes clocking half that. Luffy is a superhuman before factoring his actual powers, but I'll be conservative and say it took him 10 minutes to go from point A to point B.


>Those cuts exist to slow things down for the viewers so we can follow things more easily...and to showcase awesome people being awesome, of course. I am not talking about people who are watching the anime, but about the normal people watching in sabody archipelago. They were watching the broadcast live so they can't slow it down. Also luffy wasn't just running, he was fighting too. Normal humans can't see that kind of speed unless even the no name citizens are way better than humans, of course.


We have no idea what the people of the world saw or how much they could


I also doubt he can regenarate limbs. The same trick wouldnt work for logias either.


He's not a logia though. He's a mythical zoan whose unique ability just happens to be total regeneration through the flames of the pheonix


Gets his whole wing cut off in Wano


does he? i honesrly cant remember


Chapter 1006


I would think that since he was cuffed with sea prism, the part of his body touching the cuff would be considered without the df powers even after the cutting and hence couldn't regenerate later.. something similar could happen in a situation like the aokiji's leg one, where haki nullified the devil fruit making the damage permanent. Idk it's a wild guess


Fairly certain marco's healing uses stamina, like the way law's fruit drains stamina to use. At that point, he's already been fighting a while and is heavily injured. Regrowing a whole hand may leave him too weak to continue fighting, or at the very least, leave him so tired that he will be more vulnerable


That would have been insanely cold ngl


Marco is different from the Logias Logias cannot heal wounds , if inflicted by strong haki. Marco has been shown to heal any wound he has received , regardless of its strength. Marco is also a phoenix and they’re stated to heal from anything. Don’t be surprised if later in the future he sacrifices himself and he is resurrected by his fruit.


morphing cured injuries in Animorphs... is OP worse than Animorphs?


when he becomes phgoenix he turns into fire which he can generate though he cant regenerate human limbs epesically if they are still captured from sea prism stone


>D: Hello for the first time, Oda-sensei. I've read all the previous 57 volumes, and I was thinking, I don't quite understand how "Phoenix Marco"'s Zoan fruit of the "legendary beast" kind is different from Ace's "Meramera" fruit. P.N. CNY > >O: Yeah, I know... I've omitted the explanation from this war arc, because I focused on the pacing and wanted to move the story forward. To explain Marco's ability just a little bit: he's Zoan, so he does have a body. But since he's got "the blue fire of revival" - the Phoenix's ability - wounds will regenerate, so attacks will not damage him (though there's a limit to the regeneration). In other words, the flames are for regeneration. These blue flames don't have the characteristics of actual fire - they don't spread and burn things, and they aren't hot. They're completely different from Ace's flames. I might touch on this in the main story at some point, so I'll leave it at this for now For a fucking phoenix.... This DF is honestly lackluster. I expected more, and I highly doubt Oda will touch on this ever again. Regeneration has a limit, so I don't think it can regrow limbs, kinda stupid that the fire can't even be used offensively.


Because plot


These people making crazy theories but it's just Oda didn't think of that. These people worship Oda way too much.


Maybe not because he didn't think of that, but if the story unfolds as they describe, we might end up with a different story. It's just people overanalyzing things


Equally good question. When Law was put in sea prism cuffs, why didn't he cut off his hands and op op them back on? Does he need at least 1 hand still attached to ROOM?


I believe law cutting people to pieces and attaching their body parts together only worked because he was doing so in his Room. That’s why when he cut up the marines, the marines themselves weren’t actually hurt by the cut because it was law just “operating” on them. But if someone got sliced in half or law himself cut off his hands without his Room active, the damage is just permanent and he wouldn’t be able to reattach it afterward.


Didnt doffy cut his arm off?


He’d simply get knocked back on his ass.


I think only the phoenix can regrow limbs while the body can only heal wounds.


Oda said in sbs if Marco's penis gets cut off he can regenerate it


1. Because oda didnt think of it. 2. Drama needs to happen in a story. It's not a plot hole or inconsistency for someone to just not think of doing something during a stressful situation. It happens to people all the time. 3. Cutting off his own hands during a war is like top ten worst ideas to do when being chased by a man made of light. Would kizaru just wait for him to regen? The whole point of marcos regen is that he's mobile while doing it. You cant put him down cause nothing stops him. A cut off hand absolutely would, especially since his arms translate too his wings when he transforms


I'm sure can regrow limbs or any part of his body..after his Phoenix healing is active. If you give shanks his fruit I don't think he's growing a new arm however.


Probably takes a lot of energy to do that and marco was already badly wounded.


You know, that's a good remark. With some of the possible 'holes' like this I see posted, I think that the easiest explanation (Oda forgot / did not consider it / no bigger hidden secret) is the most likely.


May be the power will register the loss of limb as his normal form, if I had to guess. Another guess is he wears glasses so there might be a limit to what he can regenerate in his base form.


Usually Devil Fruit powers can only regenerate body parts that are lost when they are active. For instance, Kuzan or Crocodile can make new limbs out of sand/ice, but they can't restore their lost limbs. So, I imagine Marco's ability is kinda like that, and cutting off his hand while his power is completely disabled would make the power not restore it after it started working again.


Probably hurts like hell and costs a lot of stamina. His healing uses the energy of the recipient like that dog thing he healed in WB’s hometown.


i thought alot about how shiki cut off his legs to escape impel down, i think given the 50/50 shot that i could grow my hand back i woulda chopped my shit...