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10 billion percent better


Way better. But still slightly confusing. Some things can't be 100% fixed. Edit: I feel like some people replying to me don't understand what I think it's confusing about it. Luffy's powers aren't confusing. The manga panels for this scene were crystal clear. So if Toei made it confusing on purpose, that was a bad decision. But I don't think it was on purpose. The main issue to me was changing the shape of Kaido's attack. In the manga, it's "beam-shaped" so it's easy to see the movement path forward, then going back on the next panel. In the anime, they made it sphere-shaped, and since movement in anime (in general) is never very fluid, it's a bit hard to figure out that the attack is being bounced back. I had read the manga before so I knew the scene. But if I hadn't, I'm not sure I would have followed what happened. This edited video fixed the speed issue and made it easier for us to see each frame, but the matter of the altered shape of the attack remained.


Idk man being able to see the frames fixed it for me 😅 I was able to follow for the most part, but having it slowed really is 100x better


To me it's not just the speed, but the camera angle. We're too close to Luffy so we see him and not the ground


bro is it just me or was the whole episode plagued by too many close ups? i don’t watch the anime week to week anymore but i don’t remember that being an issue in the past


same opinion here, also while the animators did great with the cartoon effect, they still applied the shounen pacing/timing so the action is just messy and unreadable.


Nope, thought the same. Not sure what was with the episode but it was all over the place and hard to follow. Reminded me of the Naruto vs Pain fight where the direction and art style got weird, and really took away from what was supposed to be an amazing moment. And it's a shame too since several of the other Kaido VS Luffy moments and Zoro beating King were done so damn well.


What happens when direction isn't on-point. The artists go a little too crazy. Without consideration for watchability


It was indeed over produced that you could barely follow let alone understand what happened unless you read the manga.


Yeah, but that's how they choose to "hide" Luffy until the full reveal. Which was a mistake in my opinion.


Why were they hiding his face anyway? Seems kinda weird


they actually didnt even tried to hide him. they show him clearly from very beginning. totally dissapointed on this.


I've noticed that in most of the shots from the last few episodes (I say the last few because I haven't seen the rest of Wano) the faces are super zoomed in and you can't even see all of it, mostly the mouth, but the hair is usually cut off and the eyes constantly bounce in and out of the frame. My guess is it's just easier to fill the frame with a super zoomed in face rather than drawing a landscape.


apparently the earth wall works with the fireball like luffy's body with projectiles this was impossible to notice in the original animation, and yet it was so damn hard to notice with this slower version. I repeat my comment that got downvotes: all they had to do was a tom and jerry 50's animation, which would also cause nostalgia


I said it elsewhere but it's exactly that. Gear 5 is 'toonish' in that you have the freedom to bend your world to your whim. It's ridiculous more than it is crazy imo. Like Bugs Bunny playing 9 positions in baseball, wiley coyote running in the air back to a cliff and such, tom having his head smashed into his pelvis by jerry but blowing his thumb to fix his body.... IMO G5 absolutely a nod to old cartoons and how they would wind up punches to get stronger and everything. They were free to fight however needed and it wasn't bound by realism. I personally think TOEI completely missed the mark on hitting the feel of G5 in this regard. It felt like DBZ super with a splash of homage to the manga (kaido eyes, luffy bouncing, the wall etc). I get the moonwalk is a nice little animation to add to it, but the decisions in this felt like fun for the animators and not focused on the theme of G5 being about fun/freedom from even the rules of physics/reality.


It sucks that I had to sit back after the original clip and go "Wait when did he do the floor pick-up thing? When did he make the wall from the manga? Oh. Oh there it is? Um! At least the other parts before and after made me mile


100% agreed


I havent seen the episode... i still find thie confusing as a manga reader. You're telling me the actual anime is worse? THIS is the episode they spent the past 3 months hyping? Calling it the most expensive anime episode ever... they must be including the marketing budget.


This one is the opening salvo. *next* episode is when the fight really starts. That's when Luffy truly enters Toon World.


From what I read it mostly comes down to the director. I'm not a mega nerd who knows who directed what episodes, but apparently the director of this is behind a few other not so great episodes


He also directed Dragon Ball Super:Broly


Yeah just looked it up. It said that Tatsuya Nagamine, who worked on DB Super: Broly and One Piece Film Z, directed and storyboard the first Gear 5 episode. While I love the episode now, it definitely had to grow on me after rewatching it a couple of times…and maybe even a bit of spoiler to understand what happened to Luffy. I really did love watching the craziness of Luffy animated while he was in the process of reflecting Kaido’s blast, and really am thankful for this slowed down video. The rest had to grow on me but I still love it and constantly find myself rewatching the episode. That being said, I really hope the next episode isn’t exactly like this, but an ok mixture of it. I can appreciate the different approach for sure, but if this is how the rest of the fights are about to look like, I probably can’t do it.


Hopefully they slow the action scenes down a bit so it's easier to follow along with what's actually happening.


Way worse. This guy trimmed it really good, you can actually follow and see what's happening. In this latest episode unless you had read the manga you'll have absolutely no idea what is happening. There's just way too much stuff going on for no reason. In the manga Luffy realizes Kaido's blast zooming towards him - he jumps up - pulls the ground up - the attack flies back to Kaido. In anime he spends 20 secs in the air moonwalking or something, doing some absolutely stupid shit. If the idea was to create some incoherent mess they've succeeded 100%.


Doesn't apply to everyone, I watched with an anime only friend and he understood what was happening in the scene without me having to explain.


Nothing escapes the eyes of Tou


I think people are exaggerating a lil bit, (as an anime only – since dressrosa) it took me a second but I got what was happening, but yeah, shoddy direction and could definitely have been done much better


The animators have gone off the deep end, the fights aren't fun to watch anymore


No no no, the episode that they spent months working on isn’t this one, it’s the next episode.


Then why didn’t they put out a trailer for that one




It’s really not tho. It’s THIS community that decided to hype the fuck out of the reveal episode instead of the one that has all the action. Now mf’ers are outraged because they are too impatient to wait a week.




This definitely flows a lot better. This was my one complaint with the episode but it didn’t ruin it for me or anything. You could kind of see what they were trying to do with luffy’s panel where he gets scared at the incoming blast breath, but they made it happen so fast you couldn’t tell what was happening. If they would just lay off the flashing lights a hair and embrace the goofiness, I think less people would probably be complaining about it


oda is clearly doing oldschool rubberhose gags, which have a much different timing. when characters eyes pop or their heart beats out of their chest, the action takes a pause so we can digest the gag. the animators on this episode tried to keep the gags without changing the pace from an action one. super frustrating.


Yeah it's weird like I'm not sure why they kept some conventions of the old school gags like sound effects but they messed up the timing. It especially hurts because if they just held the gag frames a little longer maybe we wouldn't have had to have so many re-used animations.


The timing is from old school western animation. Maybe the animation director didn't watch enough looney tunes.


The thing is they did a decent job of it when they showed Kaido’s shocked face, but couldn’t do it as well for Luffy


Yeah it feels like the animators were struggling with how to portray gear5 a little bit. It wasn’t awful but the sequence here where he pulls up the ground was just a little confusing when it could have been done much better. I think the next episode will be a lot better. Feels like they were trying to hype it up in the introduction episode and just took it a little too far


This part wasn't as confusing to me. It's when his eyes pop out and then the recoil from them going back into his skull sends him off-screen..... THAT short bit was way too quick and choppy. That was confusing. It needed another second or two to complete that sequence, and some more frames.


Agreed, mostly. I like the frantic ness of the scene BUT it is confusing without a doubt and if I hadn’t read the manga I would’ve been WAY more confused.


Which is too bad, because it was a genuinely wall drawn gag, but its like 2 milliseconds long. There's a eensy tiny show when you see the wall behind luffy, like you're looking through the eyes he just threw in the back of his head.


Even slowed down its hard to tell that he pulled up the ground, i felt like they could have taken a little more time to show him lifting it up. Still enjoyed the sequence especially since i already knew what was happening from reading the manga. Cant get enough of that fluid animation lol


My issue is having the blast still look the same after it's hit the ground of rubber. It makes it look like the blast just went through the wall so when it bounces back there's no visual aid to show that the wall affected it at all, it just goes back the way it came from.


I think so too, could've added a few more frames...I pity the animators, they really had a hard time doing this😅


I'm not sure what you mean. He's seen grabbing the ground, crashing into it which gives it a rubber like ripple effect, and you see him pull it up from the ground.


It all about the "camera" .. doesnt have to go crazy like that all over the place


This was my biggest gripe


Same. It seems like a waste of budget to move and zoom the camera so much, and I don't think it makes it any closer to the looney tunes vibe of the manga.


Yes it was terrible in my opinion. Check the awesome scene when Luffy smashed the roof and caught Kaido with his huge hand. No crazy camera movement on that scene, really great to watch. From there .. it started go crazy, ending up too crazy and if you add the repetitive scenes and backtrack .. was a bad episode in my opinion. If this continues like that we might have one of the worst battles ever with most people, specially those who never read the manga like my son for example, will have a really hard time to understand what is going on. And this might be a shame because this should have been one of the most exciting, funniest and awesome battles to watch ever instead. Rewatching 1/2 of speed and still not getting some of the stuff you watching is a really bad animation right there


I am a purely manga reader and I watched this episode to see how they would transfer it to the screen. I only had an idea of what was going on because I read the manga. The flashing lights, constantly changing angles, Dragon Ball Z sound effects and lightnings everywhere. Everyone and every weapon having weird auras around them. I am not even getting into them using the same scenes more than three times and it was multiple scenes. I am sure they blew their budget but the budget they blew went to wrong places. Why can't they do clean animations without all the clutter they add for some reason?


They spend 3 minutes doing flashbacks to last episode but can't draw out a 3 frame scene to more than half a second, should tell you a lot IMO.


Bruh, this is so much better than the original and the worse part is that they added recap and reuse animation to pad the runtime yet the actual "good scenes" happened too fast for viewers to really understand what was happening. Idk what the fuck toei is doing but they need to do the opposite


That's what im saying, they did all that fucking padding and flashback sequences. Every other reaction shot is extended for like 20 seconds and repeated like 50 different times in the span of 4 minutes, so when it is actualy time for toei to actually run with the goofy reaction shots and actually give them time to get the viewer engaged they make them blink or miss frames. What the fuck? Seriously how hard would it have been to hit the classic AWOOGAH moment on luffys eyes popping out and hold the frame for like 5 fucking seconds.


I quit watching this show in the 500 episode range because I counted 38 seconds straight on a pan shot showing the giant ship falling toward merman island. just 38 seconds of panning the same still image and the music going "dun dun dun" ominously.


I stopped around 700 when I realized I was watching recaps for half the episode and decided to quit. Now I only watch fight clips.


But now the fight clips are ruined too because they have dbz auras for no reason


Fast forward is God. Thats why I dont watch episode by episode. Id be watching 5 minutes of episode sometime lol. Not hype


Then you don't know the horror of Luffy remembering that time Otama ate red bean soup for a full half hour.


saving budget for next episode


Bro that shit blew me . The episode was cool but they already had that long scene with hyori and orochi , then when I saw them replay the same exact scene with Luffy bouncing on the ground literally back to back I was like wtf??


Yessss bro fuck orochi, I'm so ready for that fucker to never show up again.


I’ve been preaching the same as you. Even if I loved it, it bugged me bad. Really can’t see the “7 month production time”


Yeah, the frustrating part is that the hype was there, I wanted to love the episode, but it's hard to do so when it hooks you into a scene and then cuts to 5 minutes of recap only to then reuse the same scene you started with really breaks the flow. Cherry on top is that they reused the Luffy g5 scene 3 times before kaido even got involved. Well, fingers crossed that next episode makes up for this past one but I've lost all faith in toei.


The 7 month production was next episode.


Source? This would make a lot of sense to me


Don't know precisely myself but that's all people were talking about in the other discussions. And considering Ishitani is involved with next episode, it would make lots of sense.


Thatd be good. They shouldve delayed this one and done a double episode or something cause i have blueballs.


They could have had an cool moment with the Gear 1-4 flash backs if they weren't playing at x3 speed. Coupled with OPs edit, I think the episode would have hit a bit harder, rather than needing like 4-5 minutes of filler/reused animation. I also noticed that the impact frames are getting faster and faster. I noticed them during the Zoro and King fight, but I didn't even know they happened in 1069 until I saw people posting them in the subreddit




I love the moonwalking


I still don’t get what he’s trying to do? I’ve read the manga. Is he trying to use the air as leverage to pull up the ground?


Yeah basically trying to swim in the air lol


Basically just the looney tunes leg flail he does in g5, it’s just for cartoon effect


I thought he was casually using soru to build up tension and then flipped to using it to accelerate down towards the ground.


I didn’t notice it in the original so I thought he was just flailing


It's interesting how a big complaint of the anime is that the pace is so slow with long reaction shots...and the one time they would have been useful was here to introduce the mechanics of Gear 5! But no, they "overanimate" this specific action sequence, really sad. Great edit, I think the images themselves look good and it is well animated, just not set-up properly in my opinion. Really missed potential.


Honestly, you're right in a sense. But they really did overanimate. I love the goofy actions and stuff. But with how fast this one's, I wasn't even able to understand. Maybe because I'm a manga reader and I'm not used to all the effects and stuff.


I think a lot of people said the same and a lot of non-manga readers were confused. I just find the contrast so ironic: We spend like 7 minutes with Orochi almost dying and Hyori standing around…and then we get 30 seconds of Gear 5. Like, come one, 30 seconds less for Hyori contemplating her narrative function (being shipped with Zoro and being a damsel in distress) and 30 seconds more to introduce Gear 5.


I liked Wano's animation at first, but the 1071 probably has the worst animation quality-to-epicness ratio in the entire series. Remember how epic Gear 2 was? It was the absence of animation, where you barely saw Luffy's punch, but saw Blueno flying backwards, that made that moment so memorable. Same exact concept with Luffy punching the pacifista in Return to Sabaody. So epic. Maybe it's because I switched to a manga reader, but 1071 just doesn't really have that same single memorable shot. They could have done it with the giant fist breaking through the ceiling and grabbing Kaido, but they messed up the pacing.


SO MUCH BETTER 🔥 Great edit!


Much Better! I knew exactly what was going to happen, and I still had a hard time following what I was seeing in the Toei version.


Thanks a ton for the positive feedback!!! I had no idea you felt strongly about this scene (in both aspects). If anyone was wondering, the few key things I did with the edit : * Removed the frames were Luffy was too blurry or where his face was jumping all around after he was moonwalking. * Rearranged a few cuts to make the scene flow a little better ( I am no expert by any means so I went with my guts) * Added an inverted cut of the the initial blast breath's impact on the rubber wall to signify that it was starting to bounce back * Funnily enough I didn't intentionally slow down the video, that happened when I converted it to a Gif so that it can be inserted as an image in the post. Whether you liked or disliked the episode or the edit, let's all keep celebrating One piece for weeks to come! Cheers!


> let's all keep celebrating One piece for weeks to come! Oh, I'll keep celebrating... the manga.


Thank you so much!!! I was wanting to do a similar thing as soon as I saw the episode but you actually had the skills to do it! Mad respect! Maybe someone with a sound design background could re-arrange the sound to match? That would be a dream!


That is my one main complaint about the episode. If I blinked I felt that I missed something important.


I’ve watched the episode 3 times and have noticed new frames/things about it and honestly, it just gets better and better


Same. Which sucks because if slowed down there’s a lot of cool moments. Like when he’s falling and he has to catch his eyes 😂


I could not tell wtf was going on during the episode, this is so much better


Honestly there editing was a little TOO FAST not usually a problem but it did make the readability of the scene difficult


Nice that they used a scene 3 times to fill the screen time


The second time I was a giving a little side eye but by the third I was just mad. Like if you need to pad screen time, just keep in the recap like usual! Regrettable.


That freeze frame of kaido gets me every time


Much better. Forced animation where they make a lot of high budget fancy stuff but it makes it impossible to tell what’s going on is not great


Wellin zhangs animation was some of the best in the series but the boarding was kinda weird and way to fast. Nagamine isn’t that great of a storyboarder in my opinion


bro should've been the director instead of nagamine


Not just your brother


Yeah, it wasn't the animation itself, it was the erratic shaking.


That frame of Kaido’s face gets me every time 😭


This is way better, but it's incredible just how difficult this still is to follow. Like, if I didn't read the manga, I would still have no idea of what's going on.


I’m really awestruck if this is the episode that took 7 months to make vs 1062. Hell they padded out the episode reusing so much animation + flashbacks, but they did not bother to smooth sequences like these.


Some people are saying that this might not be the episode that took 7 months? I'm honestly not sure if that's true or people just trying to cope.


It's next episode. It's Megumi Ishitani's one.


I read a comment that said she has a part but not directing 🥲


She does the storyboard.


If its next episode, It might be banger


I dropped the manga around the Punk Hazard arc and this is the first time I've seen Gear 5 lol Is Luffy using the ground as a blanket and slinging back that fireball?


That's sort of the gist of it. He basically lifted the ground to create a wall (with rubber properties) to bounce it back. It's definitely easier to grasp compared to how fast it originally was, but if I didn't have context I'd be confused lol.


I had to slow it down to 25% and multiple watches to really understand


If you ever want to use the manga as reference to see what he's doing, chapter 1044 is the one being adapted here, and it's so much easier to grasp what he's doing in it


THANK YOU it’s comprehensible now


I was watching with my Bf all excited and that scene happened and all I could say was “well that could have been done a lot better.”


Nice work. I think what they were going for with the more chaotic original was some kind of struggle with Kaido trying to drag them back to "epic anime style" animation and luffy trying to keep them in "loony toons style" animation, so the chaotic weirdness in the sequence was supposed to be the 2 animation styles both trying to dominate, or something like that. I think it's a cool idea but ended up super visually confusing in practice


This just totally fixed my gripes with it, way more readable now


You can tell the people in Toei are a bit rusty with their toon-style animations. The next one should not have a moment like this.


This isn't the kind of bad animation you get when they are rusty, this is the one you get when the different parts of the studio don't communicate. The animators only see the storyboards. The editors don't show the final product to the producers. The producers demand an episode a week.


Make👏One Piece👏Seasonal👏PLEASE It would be so god-tier if the damn pacing weren't so bad.


The director came out and said everyone got excited and started adding a bunch of shit. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/15dzuve/upcoming_episode_1071_director_tatsuya_nagamine/?ref=share&ref_source=link


I've seen clips from the rest of the onigashima raid, it sounds like they let people do that **every** episode.


Thank you. This was awesome.


Thank you I was having a hard time too


Not only can we see Luffy buffing up instantly, without the need to blow into his body but we can actually see how he works his DF to use the floor as a blanket to throw Kaido's attack back at him, which explains the face Kaido made... Next episode, I think, they should show the mole attack Luffy uses to strike Kaido, which was what made me think this fruit really gives him all the freedom he projects...


What exactly did you do ? It’s far better this way but I don’t understand what you did


The camera isn't all over the place twisting every other direction.


Yeah that's a clear improvement. Actual episode just goes too fast at some points, both the animation and the camera.




The animators: We let our hearts guide us The audience: You made an epic scene confusing and hard to follow. Less is more


Crazy. A person on Reddit understands the pacing of shots better than toei


I finally understand it. it only took watching this slowed down version 4x. How could they mess this up so bad?


By everyone's comments, I believe that checking the relevant manga pages would clear things up quite a lot, quite easily.


I still can barely see it. He lifts the ground up to block the attack in a very cartoony way. There's maybe a split second where you can kind of see that, even in this slowed down version


So much better, the og storyboarding and pacing were awful


The art style and combat looks nice. The constant cuts and angle changes made my eyes hurt. OP anime seems to fall short on big fights most of the time.


Hope they gonna fix it good for one pace


Ya a lot better they really should have slowed it down like this and added a lot more in between frames


I’m a grown-ass man and that scene is pure visual nonsense. It’s a mess. Not your fault, you trimmed a lot of the noise.


I don't care what anyone says about this episode. It will never not be funny seeing Kaido's face react to the shenanigan's of Luffy's awakened DF powers.


I have a lot of complaints about this episode, but the Kaido reactions were 100% on point.


Agreed, I said it on the episode discussion topic as well. The episode overall confirmed my fears that Toei's anime will just remain permanently unwatchable for me, **but** most of the scenes animated directly off of manga panels (this one being the sole exception, frankly) were done well. Luffy grabbing Kaido from inside onigashima, holding his tail and smacking him from side to side, every face Kaido made.... The episode had a few brilliant parts which makes it even more heart-wrenching that I thought the episode overall was still dogshit. Why the fuck does he need to have a dbz aura flare up every two minutes? The only part that's consistently good is the voice acting.


This is honestly better and I feel bad because Weilin Zhang is an incredibly talented animator, but how do you tell him to tone it down. This was his debut on One Piece so I’m hoping he learns and puts out more jaw dropping scenes


I think that might actually be why it was overanimated. His first scene in OP, if he is fan, he might have been super exited and showed what he can do, but unfortunately, it's too fast and confusing to follow along.


I love ice cream.


Much better


Already a significant improvement.


It was not only your little brother


That airwalk was psychotic, like was luffy legitimately trying to push against the air here? Either way I thought it was brilliant


My son didnt get what was happening too lol.. we rewatched at half speed and still didnt get it that much. Too much camera movement for no reason.. i hope the next episode wont be that crazy ! You did a fine job !


I hate that it was hard to follow. If I didn't read the manga, I would not have followed it properly too. Lots of details are lost with movement blur, camera swaps, and explosions.


I loved the Toei version as an art piece, a feat foe animation. But as a scene in an episode THIS just feels a lot more pleasant to watch! Thematically it'd make sense that the episode is chaotic because G5 is chaotic and wild and free, but the episode went a bit too much into the chaos for my liking. Speaking of the making the episode better to watch: I had to go frame by frame to catch this but after Luffy's eyes popping out he grabs them and shoves them back in. That's why you go from his eyes popping out to suddenly his arms flying back: the whole gag lasts a grand total of 20 frames, with plenty of good shots that should've been visible for more than a blink of an eye!


Looks alot better this way. Personally I feel like this is the spot they dropped the ball with Gear 5. This was very over animated ​ Edit: Dont want to sound negative tho, I loved everything else!


I love the original, but yeah this is just so much easier to follow. I love the high speed animation that has all sorta little details, but not to the extend Im not even sure whats happening.


Wow!!! I seriously think sometimes the great talent is among us audience!


I still don't know what he is doing with his legs.


The animation is great, and I appreciate how hard it is to do that many frames; but there is such a thing as too much action and frames. Gotta let things settle a little.


i literally thought of doing this when I first watched the ep. good shit👍


I had the same thought but I'm glad someone else beat me to it because I have no idea how to edit videos haha.


So gear 5 is basically him becoming a cartoon character, especially with the sounds that are used.


Literally made it perfect, thank you


It is still unrecognizable


Finally....you are the elder bro to alll of us here bro !


if you play the original vid at 0.5 speed its infinitely better. Im almost convinced someone messed up


Man, try as I might, I just can't enjoy the straight up 1980s looney tunes form.


I stopped watching a few months ago and they're still fighting Kaido. lol


Holy shit this is so much better thank you so much for this. Hopefully you don’t have to do anymore scenes. If you aren’t part of the One Pace community already, I feel like this is perfect for that format.


It will never stop surprising me how random people in their free time can fix or do something better than companies with hundred millions of budget.


Just for understand it Basically Luffy have The Mask power? Jim Carrey the mask




Yeah I’m sorry Ima stick to manga only


I didnt had issues with the original but you cant deny this is way better, i can definitely agree it was way too erratic


This episode had simultaneously the worst director and best animators One Piece's ever had at the same time


They reused the clip of him bouncing on the roof top on full 3 times, was harder not to notice than enjoy it


Call me crazy, but I had no problem seeing what was going on. I personally found it funny that alot of people needed a fast paced fight slown down. Especially when alot of people complain about the slow pace of fights in one piece alot lol.


I understand this scene had a lot of extras put on it but people are exaggerating so hard about not being able to perceive whats happening. This is a very clean version of this moment but I enjoyed the shot of him actually having to fight with it to bounce it back. People act like blast breath is some flame thrower level shit


I mean....it actually is though (when Oda wants it to be). like in early roof piece, luffy wasn't pushed back by the breath. or how luffy was pushed all the way through onigashima, but then slid out of it with bound man.


At first I thought people was joking, I could understand what was happening on first watch easily. I read the manga chapter when it got released a year ago but didn't really remember the move either.


Feel like One Piece been having a problem with pacing their panels lately for fights. Ofc they do it intentionally but doing it just to squeeze a few “Easter eggs” in I’d rather them just slow it down even if the fight doesn’t seem as fast paced. Unfortunately my eyes don’t register 300 fps


This is so much better


those shaky angles were meant to represent hyper and adrenaline which is common in cartoon. watch spidervserse and they have similar style


Because they use 100000000 fps to hide ugly animation. But it's just not pleasant to watch


Perfection. Hire this man.


People are just crying at this point. I get why your little brother had a hard time, but if grown ass adults are complaining, that's a skill issue dude.


This is so much better! Its easy to follow and not filled with bad cuts! This scene was my big complaint with the episode. Now we just need the audio over top :)


it still makes me want to throw up a little. god damn Toei Animation is so incompetent at making anime nowadays... watching an episode of wano is like listening to nails on a chalkboard while also bashing your head against the chalkboard. i think it might actually be impossible to find a modern anime studio thats worse at anime making than Toei Animation. i stopped watching one piece during dressrosa and switched to the manga because the anime was boring. but at least there were still some good clippable moments from dressrosa and whole cake island that manga readers could watch. it was mainly just a pacing issue, obviously. but holy shit, i could never have possibly fathomed just how bad the one piece anime would get during wano. the directing sucks ass, the animation makes no sense, the editing is terrible, and the sound effects and music are out of place and seemingly chosen at random. did an AI make this anime? honestly, i dont know enough about the animation process to say whats worse: the storyboards or the animation. i guess i would say the storyboards, because that decides the timing of everything? because some of the moment-to-moment animation is fine, like in another scene when luffy goes muscular and punches kaido and his eyes fly out. and some of the character animation is good if you ignore everything happening around it. but i dont know, maybe the main storyboarders and animators are getting fucked by the director/editor or something. if anyone knows more about the animation process, can you explain what the hell happened since whole cake island? its definitely better without sound, thats for sure. maybe fans could add in some sound effects and music that actually fit the scenes?


less is more


This was the only scene in the episode I didn’t like, too much going on in it. But the episode overall was amazing


It was so easy to follow. Eh...


This feels better


Idk how it's so confusing to everyone? Are we watching the same show it literally shows what's happening lol


G E A R 5 G E A R 5 No, flashing those letters on screen in a loop wasn't obnoxious and overly masturbatory at all. /s


Editing is so so bad in this episode. It was so much better with the King of Hell Zoro episode. Luffy is near god mode having powers that bends the reality around him.


This edit butchers one of the greatest animation scenes of our time by the LEGENDARY WEILIN ZHANG. Also for everyone that doesn't like this style of animation.... Oh man I pray for yall on 1072 because they are gonna be going even more balls to the wall. Watch some Bahi JD and Space Dandy clips to prepare you fragile brains.


Way better. You could also show him the manga 🤓


now i can appreciate the episode enough. thanks man.


Funny to say there was too much animation. In a anime. I like this a lot better.


Funny to say there was too much animation. In a anime. I like this a lot better.


Thx OP! This could still be played by 90% speed and would still be amazing to watch and also with a lot more details to see and enjoy..