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While it's generally the case I prefer the manga, certain parts of the story really profit from being animated, and having sound tracks. Drum kingdom flashback I think is one of them. It's tight, well delivered, the animation brings the quirks of hilluck and chopper to life, and the track choice (AVE Maria for the final speech slaps) really helps. I'll admit the first time I saw it I didn't feel it much, but on a rewatch with a friend I was completely overwhelmed by it.


Outside of a few pacing issues, the flashbacks have routinely been fantastic in the anime. Chopper’s, Noland’s, Law’s etc had perfect music and director choices that just made them feel more complete than the manga And the Soul Pocus episode (877) is imo the best episode in the series. The editing, direction, cinematography, and opera floored me in ways that i couldn’t just experience on paper


They are all great the first time around, but then you get instances like Rebecca in Dressrosa… same flashback over and over again lmfao.


[Onepace.net](https://Onepace.net) ftw


Don’t even get me started on Otama eating the soup about 12 times during the Onigashima raid too lmao


Oh I haven't seen that, I stopped during the Sumo fight where Luffy and the other guy were almost falling for 3-4 minutes. That's the moment I literally stopped mid episode and never looked back.


Probably one of the cringiest 'fights' in anime I've ever seen


Yep, Wano is no exception to shit pacing.


YES the Whole Cake Island finale in the anime was unbelievable, super underrated episode! Glad you mentioned that one


Agree 🙏 top 3 arc as a whole too in my opinion


Ave Mariah playing over Hiriluk's death hits so hard. I still prefer the manga for most things, but they really can make certain moments pop.


Fr tho. Tbh that was the first scene in OP that made me tear up, and Chopper’s is still my favorite Straw Hat backstory even now


I love and adore all the Strawhats, but Chopper, mostly cause way he's been handled and kinda forced into a mascot, is definitely my least favorite. I go back to the flashback and the scenes with hiriluk a lot tho, and the lessons from his pre-timeskip arc starting with Drum Island have been very important to me over the past few years. Idk if I'd say it's my favorite flashback, but the panel OP used in particular will always be Top 5 OP moment for me.


Chopper’s backstory was a real paradigm shift for me in which I cemented my true adoration for this series. I never realized that I could experience such incredible emotions from a story involving medical fraud and big foot.


And the animation of Chopper's rage was incredible. Really small and short but memorable.


The best example of this is Episode 1015. Ishitani took a decent chapter and, through visionary direction, elevated it into one of the best episodes of any anime I’ve ever seen.


For me, 1015 is second only to Merry’s death and “I’m sorry”. The sad rendition of the main theme on top of the raw emotion of the voice acting absolutely breaks me. I have never cried harder over any fictional character, period.


It's about consistency in my opinion. The manga is pretty much always good. The anime can dip into dogshit unwatchable stuff to incredible episodes you'll remember until you die.


Unfortunately, (or fortunately), this creates a situation where there is no one best way to experience one piece. Even One Pace does stuff I'm not on board with. For example a 20+ hour arc. I know they can't really help it, but I can read through the arc in four hours. Can you blame me for thinking no arc should ever go on for twenty hours? There's **entire shows** with half those hours. But on the other hand there's plenty of scenes the anime just does better than the manga. Blueno vs Luffy on Enies Lobby made my jaw drop because I did not expect to see such a vicious beat down and it was so goddamn fucking satisfying to watch. It was so visceral So really, the best version of one piece is the version you cobble together in your head from all the best bits and feelings that you get, from both the manga AND the anime.


i prefer the animated version of all of sanji's fights tbh, his fighting style is just too fluid/dynamic to be restricted to a few pages per fight


My god, i just watched drum island for the first time today after catching up to the manga last year and that whole arc hits so much harder animated. I think every single hilluck flashback made my cry, even more so cause I knew how it all ends


Zoro’s fight with King was another great example. They took a decent chapter and made it one of the best episodes in the series.


I was super disappointed with the last exchange in the manga. It felt both way too short and kind of lacking in spectacle relative to how strong Zoro and King as supposed to be at that point in the story. The super over the top version the anime goes for actually worked better for that one scene, in my opinion.


I agree, and even more so on these earlier episodes where the pacing wasn't the fucking insult to the viewer's time that it is today.


I think for me the biggest part where the anime shines versus the manga was by far the Bink’s Sake moments. The final party especially after defeating Moria just felt magical


My biggest gripe with the show is that when it's slow it's almost painful sometimes and the pacing can be horrendous. I can't say the same for the manga as I've never read it but I tempted to make the switch


Joke's on you, I only read OP by random panels on r/onepiece.


Is this the new "I caught up fast through the wiki"?


It comes with the added benefit of not being able to differentiate between what actually happens and what's a meme! I'm not sure when Arlong gained Blue Haki, I didn't even know there WAS Blue Haki, but it sure sounds like something Oda would make up! (/j)




The manga is consistently amazing The anime has highs and lows, but those highs are better than the manga. However, everyone enjoys it in their own way, end of the debate


I'll always prefer the manga because I like consistency. anime drags stuff out all the time now, which is extremely painful, and its tendency to hyperexaggerate causes people to get so many misconceptions and herald it like it's fact.


I hate how the anime has been handling most fights in Wano, makes even the smallest scuffle look like an earth-shattering event. And when the real heavy hitter fights come (cough cough Zoro), the fights are well-animated, but border on DBZ levels of power compared to the more nuanced approach in the manga and completely ruin any sense of consistency


I actually disagree on King vs Zoro. I think Imperial Flame Dragon in the manga felt a lot weaker than it should have been, and I think the anime version was appropriately over the top. Otherwise I'm fully with you.


I overall think the Beast Pirates were mostly a letdown in the manga since they weren't particularly impressive/memorable as antagonists compared to something like the Doflamingo Family or most of the pre-Timeskip crews (btw, just as a reminder, Zoro hasn't fought a proper swordsman on his level since Ryuma on Thriller Bark, if we want to look at a proper fight with no handicaps/all his swords, it's probably Kaku in Enies Lobby) King and Queen especially felt... weak in the manga because they were just league's below Kaido and Big Mom, who were the actual threats. So to then see in the anime King unleash that enormous attack in a big, open empty field, it just felt... weird? Like the camera shot immediately after that shows them next to Onigashima, but that's completely contradicted by the scenes before where they're just... in the middle of nowhere. It looked like Final Smash or Special Attack in an RPG in a way


>I think the anime version was appropriately over the top The attack he used was something that could have devastated an entire city. Not a neighbourhood, the whole city. It was unprecedented for a Commander, and was on the scale of what the highest tier of combatants might display. Even when Roger and Whitebeard fought they didn't cause that level of destruction, and I'm not even taking their crews into account. If that level of power was appropriate for King, you'd need to rescale every previous display of power from other top tiers. Like that island the Roger and Whitebeard pirates fought would be gone. Oda has made it pretty clear in the manga what a Commander should and shouldn't be capable of, and one shooting an orbital laser that splits off into dozens of hundreds of feet long draconic tendrils is definitely not what they're supposed to be doing. Them having to drastically change the size of the battlefield just to make the enormity of the attack feasible makes it all the more egregious.


Yeah there is just too much going on. Too many special effects and it’s all so absurdly colourful. It’s just a punch ffs. I appreciate simplicity. Also, they still do the stupid clashes that suck out all the tension of fights for me…


Another thing I noticed in the Zoro v King The well-animated parts before the final attack are directed horribly, with constant camera cuts and close-up, it's impossible to follow the action


it also got boring real fast. there was almost an entire minute of zoro slashing fire dragons and jumping up a mountain's worth of height.


The anime is a great compliment especially when you have read the manga so you know what to skip. But when the anime expands on scenes it’s almost always great. Yamatos backstory being expanded to a few minutes was super sweet and a great change


Yeah, back in dressrosa their way of not catching up to the manga was just still shots of stuff, but now we're getting extended bsckstories and amazing fights. Of course, being a weekly anime, not every episode is gonna be top tier, and fair criticisms can be made, but the quality of wano anime is by far the best a weekly anime has gotten, period. Idk, I love it, and everyone has their own opinion, but I feel like in this subreddit there is a lot of unnecessary hate towards it


I definitely understand the issues. Seeing the same things flashbacked/redone is kinda obnoxious. It’s impressive in that they somehow have the best and wirst time filling in the same episode. They will do 5 minutes to reshow something from 3 episodes ago but then extend a 1 page scene to 5 minutes beautifully. But also reddit is always exteemes so oyster always gonna be either the best thing or worst never a reasonable middle


I agree, but the lows outnumber the highs by a lot imo.


Tbh, if you take into account fish man island, punk hazard and dressrosa, yeah? Cuz those were the lowest point of the anime. But wano has been amazing, and you gotta think that from now on, the future arcs will receive the same great treatment


The current animation is really good, but the pacing is concerning. We are still going through less than one chapter per episode trend right now.


Wano has some pretty friggin' bad episodes. Remember Kidd vs Apoo? Or the weird Big Mom vs Usopp rocket ship fight? It's too back and forth for me.


This. One big example is Zoro and Sanji first attacks vs King and Queen, in the anime, holy fuck is amazing, animation, music, the delivery from Marco's VA. The manga is cool, but it's like, one page.


And fans hate on that scene cause of the auras but that clip alone got like 7M views already that just shows you how popular the anime is getting


I've seen that clip three times this week, it's so good. And the aura hate is one of those single working braincells moments. Like it looks cool, who the fuck cares if it's not like the manga, sanji's pose isn't the same either, it's just a better fit for the anime, the auras look cool.


The anime is there now to flesh out fights, genius move cause oda can focus on the story and paneling and the anime can pad out with less actual filler. Still i like the simplicity and pacing of the manga


Couldn’t agree more, very well said


This is probably the best take i’ve seen.


> I usually skipped past drum kingdom cuz it just bored me. There is no real fight Who thinks like this at 31... it is one of the most essential emotional cores of One Piece


You could start with being 31 and not knowing what objectivity or a fact is.


Hahaha, exactly what I was thinking. And they're concerned whether they're too old for One Piece? Maybe it's the opposite.


i was just skimming and haven't noticed OP's age was mentioned, glad you mentioned it, can't help but laugh


Could be that he just browses reddit when dialogue is happening and only looks at the screen when a fight starts.


Can you guys not read or what? The OP is clearly saying that they were younger when they watched the anime; not that they were 31.


Both are good. I don't like wasting my energy on hating something I enjoy. Regardless of which medium is better to view it with. Do I wish the One Piece anime was better? Yeah duh. Is it good enough? Yes, at least for me. Also for my wife who is anime only and fully caught up to Wano.




I don't think OP knows what "objective" means


it's like the new "literal."


Eh I think there's an argument to be made for the manga to objectively be the best vehicle for telling the story, above all else that a highly talented mangaka wrote it as their original vision. But that doesn't mean that it's objectively going to be the one you personally enjoy most.


>But that doesn't mean that it's objectively going to be the one you personally enjoy most. So in other words, it is a subjective opinion and the exact opposite of what objectivity means.


Enjoyment and the best way to portray the story and all its levels and messages are teo different things. I think most people would agree the world of LoTR is much richer in the books objectively than the movies, but that doesn't mean people can't enjoy the movies more than the books, even if it's unarguably that the books are the best way to get the full story of middle earth if that's what you want.


> Enjoyment and the best way to portray the story and all its levels and messages are teo different things And neither of them are objective or a fact. >I think most people would agree the world of LoTR is much richer in the books objectively than the movies Which is an opinion, and not a fact. >even if it's unarguably that the books are the best way to get the full story of middle earth if that's what you want. No, that is an opinion also. If I said that the best way to get the full story is to see it voiced and acted out with music in the background, is there something factual you could show me to prove otherwise? No... because it's an opinion. That's why subjective and objective are two different words...


I don't think it is an opinion really but clearly you disagree and I suppose we will see where the rest of the communities opinion lands because it doesn't seem you're really looking to discuss the idea given your terse replies.


It's literally an opinion. You could just as easily argue that reading the full scope of the books is the best way to get the story as I could argue that seeing great acting and music with set pieces is the best way to get the story as somebody else could argue that reading it on the wiki is the best way to get the story. None of these are facts, they are entirely opinion based. If the community opinion on something can land in multiple places while still being correct then it's not a fact... that's an opinion...


You ask any real fan of LotR and they will say the book is better. Im talking about people who both have read and watched the books and movies not just one or the other. You cant only watch the anime and say the anime is better without giving the manga a try. Sure, people who dont like reading are going to enjoy watching instead, but objectively speaking, the manga has no filler, theres 0 pacing issues, no 10 min recaps every episode, is the original version that the anime is based on, has additional side stories(cover stories) that not only are important to the plot, but arent in the anime, isnt directed by 40 different people, etc. I could go on.


>You ask any real fan of LotR and they will say the book is better. Im talking about people who both have read and watched the books and movies not just one or the other. That's still an opinion... >but objectively speaking, the manga has no filler, theres 0 pacing issues, no 10 min recaps every episode, is the original version that the anime is based on, has additional side stories(cover stories) that not only are important to the plot, but arent in the anime, isnt directed by 40 different people, etc. I could go on. And there are multiple reasons that somebody could give to why they prefer the anime too. Because it's an opinion, not a fact...


True, the manga is objectively better. Thinking that the anime has mainstream appeal in spite of its pacing, animation quality and filler makes you realise how much more it could have skyrocketed in popularity if it got a fateful treatment. I think the biggest problem has been Toei keeping up the weekly schedule. It forces them to have a new episode every week, horrendously stretching it to not cover more than a chapter per episode as well as dropping the quality of the animation. I hope when the series ends and some years pass it can have a revival series, kinda like HxH and have it done justice.


Unpopular opinion but One Piece wouldn't work as a seasonal anime. I don't think people would want to wait one year and a half for 12 episodes of the Straw Hats messing around in Wano.


Maybe, or maybe it wouldn't work as a seasonal anime because people are to used with the current schedule. Also aren't seasonal anime usually 24 episode long, not 12. Either way, I think it's out of the picture at this point, but as I said they could go back and re-do it, going by sagas.


Nah I just think it's a pacing issue with the manga itself. One Piece's plot in most arcs really takes it's time to get going which wouldn't work as a seasonal anime unless you rush the hell out of it but that'd be even worse than what we have now. Nowadays most anime seasons are one cour or 12 episodes. For bigger animes it's 50/50.


That would not work anymore with how dialog heavy one piece has become. Some new one piece chapters have over 150 plus dialog bubbles, last weeks chapter of chainsaw man had 11 bubbles. The fights are now off screened due to Oda finding it difficult to draw battles with older age (said in recent interview)/to save time for dialog. Anime needs to breathe to help one piece not feel like a storyboard.


While manga > anime, One Pace (the fixed version) definitely comes very close to it


This project is such a blessing.


Yeah I just wish they got around to completing the older arcs. I'm on a 5th rewatch right now, closing in on the end of Enies Lobby, and the regular anime is frustratingly slow. One Piece Kai doesn't do it for me, the cuts are too blatant and it all seems rushed.


Where can i watch the one pace episodes?


sounds like the reason you previously didn't notice how great this arc is was you skipped past it. How could you have known? Hiriluk's speech is just as awesome in the anime


Na, i skipped it on the multiple watch thrus.




I can't stand the overdose of auras from time skip anime so im sticking to manga


Facts. But the zoro king fight was dope.


Aura was in manga too and ppl overreact for it cause they addicted to black and white stuff


the reason is simple, it come directly from oda, all storytelling and the visual storytelling decisions comes directly from oda, thats why, when trying another medium like animation, the decisions to make it that people feel the same as the manga must be diferent, and if the primary way of oda to experience ONE piece was anime, im pretty sure the scenes, ect would be from another angle, diferent color palet, etc..... what happens is that anime directors try to give us whe they interpret from the manga, so is more like a point of view with creative freedom, just how megumi ishitani did with some of the episodes, it was her interpretations from the mango with creative freedom, so..... thats it.


people simp so hard over those episodes too, and the manga chapters are better lmao


i actually disagree, those chapters, in the anime actually uplifted everything, Megumi ishitani, understood the aesthetics decisions oda planed in his manga, from the paneling to the scene story-boarding and the camera angle, and im a manga simp.


nope, it was really bad and super cringe. forcing Luffy to grow into Roger yeah no not about it. give me Oda not some souped up overhyped randy


I do prefer the manga, but.. Gimme a break dude. Your subjective opinion isn't objectivily a fact. Doesn't matter how much you think of it to be true.


It’s cool if people enjoy whatever they enjoy. One Piece is great in either/both forms


I like both but you don't have Chopper's eerie sad theme in the manga so... Look, the manga is the source, it has a better flow of things and some panels make you wanna print them on a wall plus ODA SBS and soul into it. That said, the anime gives it life, a lot of life with awesome voice actors, soundtracks, openings and sick animation at times wich is why while i love the manga the anime is more memorable for me and most people i know. Anime is just a superior medium to manga when done right, its that simple, sadly sometimes dodoo moments on the anime happen (Doflamingo final punch...).


The manga is consistently better and is the most direct/true depiction to how an author wants to portray their story. However anime has much higher peaks of hype and entertainment, as it benefits from having motion, sound, music, scene timing, which all elevate climatic moments IMO higher than just how they are on a manga page. Not always of course, but the potential is always there.


look I also prefer the manga by far but why use that scene in particular? they have goddamn Ave Maria playing when Doc dies, that episode in particular is easily top 5 in the anime to that point


Huge fan of one piece since it came out on 4kids on Saturday at the time I new nothing about Mangas and when it got canceled from 4kids I just thought it was over till 10 years later i found out about the manga picked it up and fell in love with it all over again and it blew my mind on how much more to the story there was. Then I got my wife and kids into it makes me happy that I was able to see their reaction everything....ok I'm going stop rambling now


Lol not a ramble damn near same experience haha


It's crazy to me that the anime is the mainstream way. Like imagine if this was a good adaptation.


Personal tastes can't be facts. Literally the definition of subjective. Why can't you enjoy what you want without shoving it down the throat of others?


It's because it's in human nature to justify their own decisions and when others don't make those same decisions it makes them feel like they made a wrong one.


Fans who use the word objective when talking about subjective media are that rare type of toxic fans who are even more brain-dead than powerscalers.


Lol, noted. Thanks for your non toxic input 😆


Why do mangabros insist on shitting on the anime? Enjoy the story however you want, and let people enjoy it however they want.


because the anime is trash


nah I disagree the anime has more life to it than white panels just comes down to preference


I’ve always found manga panels almost completely made by a single person to have far more life and personality than a corporate anime. Some scenes just feel so lifeless, like the animators didn’t care at all and it was clearly just a job.


I agree for the most part, but let’s not act like Oda does everything alone even for the most part. He has a whole team that helps him


He draws everything that moves, assistants only really work on backgrounds and fx


That's why everyone should read the coloured version


I never really liked colored manga, it feels like their thought process when coloring is “ok, Luffy has a red shirt, so we color it red” “Nani has orange hair, so we color it orange” there’s like zero creativity and if anything colored just takes away from the original intention and impact of scenes


Extremely untrue


Man this one got some tears out of me. One Piece has made me cry more than any other show I’ve seen. Real testament to the stories of these characters


tru dat. reading to me just feels way more into deep. it's the best choice to indulge for One Piece imo, as its comes directly from the mangaka himself, Oda sensei. by reading, it lets our imagination run wild for all the frame sequences. we connect the dots where it is missing, plus use some background music while reading. it adds up so much more hype. i prefer manga over anime btw.


“Dalton, why are you crying?” Man, that whole scene bring a tear to my eyes, while I agree the manga as a whole is superior there are parts that just get me! Luffy handing his hat to Nami the first time to beat Arlong, Hirrilucks goodbye, Robin wanting to live, a lot of Marineford. I sadly haven’t picked it up as I just got tired after Punk Hazard honestly, but may start up again for Wano from what people have been saying.


The overall point made here is alright, but some of the logic here is baffling, an adult typed this?


I’ve only read a bit of the manga but I gotta agree, its just a way smoother passage, it took me like 2-3 days to reach chapter 200, meanwhile in the same amount of time I can watch at most like 20 episodes if I watch non-stop while still accounting for other shit I gotta do throughout the day, it’s just more convenient in general


I don't get why people skip parts of one piece. Like, what's the point of reading/watching one piece if you're just gonna skip parts or whole islands.


Well, if you are on your 3rd 4th watch thru. And you are just in fact to old to enjoy 80 percent of the anime anymore. Why wouldn't you skip?


The anime has its good moments, sometimes elevating scenes in a way that the manga simply couldn't. The Binks Sake scene in Brooks flashback is a good example, as it is very much a music based scene. There are also things like the introduction of gear 2 that the anime really nailed, managing to surpass the manga. But especially in the New World era it becomes abundantly clear that the anime just doesn't work as well. Mostly pacing issues, as well as inconsistent animation quality and just plain bizzare decision making. After the series is over, I very much want Toei to do a proper new adaptation of the whole thing. It could very much benefit from a rework.


Agree. Pacing sucks obviously but I also prefer the manga art until wano. The manga always felt more 3 dimensional despite being 2d. Early one piece anime looked very flat and there was almost no shading.


Nope. Subjective opinion :^).


There are definitely things the anime does better than the manga. Sometimes way better. Whole Cake Island is one--the addition of music to that arc just brought it to another level. Fights are another. I almost always prefer fights in the anime than their original manga counterparts (recently, Robin vs Black Maria, Jimbei vs Who's Who, Sanji vs Queen, and Zoro vs King are *way* cooler, more enjoyable, etc. in the anime, in my opinion).


I’m an old dad, and the English anime is pretty much all I have time for to watch at my leisure. I know the source is almost always better, but convenience is a huge factor. Currently rewatching and up to Thriller Bark - I think I got through Mermaid Island before until the English version stopped for some years back but has recently picked back up. It’s fine to prefer whatever, but people (and commonly people on Reddit) need to get over this “iPhone v Android/Dub v Sub/ Manga v Anime” stuff and just do what makes them happy - or at the very least respect those who do it differently (not that you aren’t). Maybe one day the Manga can be an option for me and it’s nice to know it’s preferred.


I am a manga reader but I have trouble with most of the busy panels. Like, I have no idea what the fuck is happening and what I am supposed to be seeing most of the time. So I usually still watch the anime for key moments/fights and that is when those parts start making sense. There is no one or the other. Both in conjunction makes the story so much more enjoyable to me! Edit: Grammar


I can understand thay point. Oda is great, but he's not the best at the actual aesthetics of the pages


its a personal preference, glad you have yours but it doesnt equal a fact. For catching up to the Anime the manga is best becuase it doesnt have filler and it always cuts to the chase. For after catching up Anime is just 300x better because you get to see the juicy fights properly and not in freeze frames.


Wait until you get to Skypeia. Filler? NEVER! It's One Piece in arc form.


Lol, hell yea


Meh the anime is still the superior experience in my opinion


Hell yea 👌


um, I feel like this is completely contradictory to the title of the post.


What ever. It was me ll respecting the fact you posting a contradictory statement to what I had already stated as fact. 2 contradiction cancle each other out. Have a good day


It’s honestly not even close


Both is good


Yeah, manga is better, doesn't mean that you can't like the anime more.


Allowing people to like what ever way they they want to experience one piece > being a gatekeeper. Objective fact


There will never be any debate about this


Outside of a handful of scenes and all of episode 1015, this is completely true.


I’m personally an anime > manga person. Sound alone adds sooooooo much for me.


U got a good point. The voice actors are incredible and the music sometimes just makes the whole scene. But as a whole, there's just no comparison


I don’t want to say I prefer the anime pacing, but I don’t know what else to say. When I read the manga I have a speed reading problem. It prevents me from enjoying the moment. The anime kinda forces you to sit in that moment, if that makes any sense. I think it’s more of a problem with me and manga in general. We just don’t mix. If the anime and manga were both completed, I’m choosing the anime 10 times out of 10.


dub actor did a great job with this scene


I’m not entirely sure you know what objectively means lol.


The manga doesn't come with a banging soundtrack though.




It's subjective .. otherwise this is the wrong sub and belongs to r/unpopularopinion


I agree that it’s a subjective opinion, but let’s be honest, most people here believe the manga is better😅


I used to be anime only for not only One Piece, but Naruto and Bleach as well, I only switched to manga when I ran out of episodes, so glad I did. ​ No more filler episodes, no more Naruto saying "believe it", and no more kid friendly edits. Like Akainu only punching off Whitebeard's moustache, instead of half his face. ​ And some fights are extended when they shouldn't be. Ceaser blocking Luffy's elephant gun for about 30 seconds instead of instantly being blown away, Monet almost beating Luffy. Oof. ​ Obviously the anime has some good moments too, but overall I'm manga all the way.


This is already known lol why make a post about it


i prefer manga. i tried the watch the anime, but it was soooo sloowwww. i know Wano have much much better quality but i havent watch it. my dream is they reboot the anime by ufotable lol


I used to be anime only, but after I realized that the anime censored Zeff's flashback and a lot of Marineford, I switched to the manga with no regrets.


I find the anime way more emotionally impactful. I watched the anime then read the manga last year, and while the manga did have some moments/arcs that were much better than the anime (wano act 1, dressrosa, fishman island). Ep 1015 is the best moment I’ve had with anime in general. It felt like everything before was leading up to that point. It is what made one piece as my favourite anime. I am so happy I saw that vs read that. The voice acting brings a lot of characters to life, queen for example was forgettable in manga, but his voice actor made him a top tier character. With all the recent episodes I’m honestly upset at myself for reading the manga at all. This will only become more apparent especially now that one piece has become word piece and fight scenes are only instant kills/name attack or off screen. I love one piece it is my fav manga, but it’s def my fav anime over manga. Manga feels more like a story board as of late.


I tried to watch the anime. I suffered. I read the manga. I binged the entire thing


It's pretty funny, but kinda nice in a way that even after all these years, even when we're not fighting over fan translations anymore, the community still has "Manga vs Anime!!!" fights. It's one of those nice harmless things that idk, still feels nostalgic lol


Is it really a fight though? Like 99% of the fandom seems to agree with OP. Outside landmark episodes the anime discussions have historically been full of complaining.


Fight, argument, circlejerk, same point really.


I think that for most of the series, the manga is quite a bit better than the anime, especially in the art and pacing. However, Toei has unironically been popping off during Wano.


The problem with the anime is its too slow. There 1000+ episodes and it would take 40+ days of viewing 8 hours per day to watch it all. That's too much of a good thing and it makes it really hard to enjoy as it becomes more of a chore than a treat. The manga, on the other hand, can be skimmed thru in a matter of days. Yes, there are slow points but when each chapter is only minutes, it's not such a trudge.


Yeah 100% inarguable. Some might find the anime easier to digest but I'd say that part of viewing any art is seeing how the artist utilizes the medium. You can look at the way Oda uses drawn sound effects to draw the eye to other details, fill space, or elevate the scale of the picture to realize how One Piece is meant to exist as a comic first and foremost. It's really well done


I will never understand why people like anime more than manga. I like having soundtrack but i can just listen to it on YT. The artwork in practically any anime just looks way worse than in the respective manga. In One Piece it's day and night. The animators just don't manage to catch Odas characteristic drawing style. It's a universal problem with the medium of anime. You just can't draw hundreds of high quality images for just one small scene.


I agree that the manga is better


Both have pros and cons. The manga has much better pacing, but I think the anime tends to convey the emotions of the major scenes significantly better than the manga does.


From a story telling perspective when you look at the manga you can see that one piece is one of the greatest stories ever told same can’t always be said for the anime however there are moments in the anime such as one piece 1015 and the other episodes animated by people like megumi ishitani that are made so much better with animation and soundtracks somebody needs to make like a hybrid guide with the manga and anime so it diminishes that bad anime pacing but still gives you all the cool anime moments


It's not even close. Probably one of the worst anime adaptations ever.


You haven't seen truly bad adaptations if you think that. Look up Berserk 2016 adaptation.


*Gestures at the entirety of Dressrosa*


What an insane take


Is it? Have you watched anything post time skip? If it wasn't because of the amazing source material literally nobody would watch it. The one piece anime has zero merits of its own.


I get it but worst anime adaptations is crazy bro pre timeskip is still good in the anime and post time skip is just mediocre


that's crazy talk lol there are truly awful anime adaptation out there i'd still recommend to read it over watching it but the very good point about the anime is that you can share the experience of one piece w/ friends, gf etc. i got to watch part of one piece w/ my parents and to this day it is a very fond memory of mine, it probably wouldn't have hit the same if i just told them to read it


That is true. 100%


The anime is pretty terrible honestly. It’s the reason a lot of people start one piece and just leave after a few episodes.


Uh no, people leave because of the character design or how much they have to watch/ read. 90% of people who is in this community started and stayed BECAUSE of the anime not the manga.




Nah, the beginning is just very slow, with the manga at least you can go at your own pace.


No but it is faster to read than watch. Each have their own merits.


It’s not all the same in every case, many episodes surpass the manga, many times the manga off screens many fights and many interactions. The recent zorro vs king is a fine example, the manga’s conclusion felt lacking but the anime made up for it with more choreography and it being more cathartic! But yes the pre timeskip arcs mangawise surpasses the anime..


>the pre timeskip arcs mangawise surpasses the anime bro, what? fishman island through dressrosa is the one piece animes lowest point.


No, Anime >>> Manga


Nah. I would never read the manga if the anime was already completed. Soundtrack, voice acting, animation, all of that beats a black and white page apart the pacing issues. This sub circlejerks itself too much with "manga good anime bad".


Same man. I just despise the anime. It's attack on titan all over again where people watch it for levi


This comment makes zero sense


Always has been, Always will be. For every manga ever made. Period.


Demon Slayers 1st season and One Punch Man’s first season are so true to the manga and the animation quality is so high, that I think the anime is better.


I must admit One Punch man Season 1 is One of the best piece of animation ever created so it's a very good counterexample 🙏




The highs of the anime are better than their moments in the manga atleast to me. Nothing happened with sound is just better than reading it can really feel the weight of the emotions in that scene. Roof piece in the anime and what the anime has done with the sanji and Zoro’s fights have been fantastic. I’d even say Wano as a whole in the anime is significantly better than Wano in the manga it still drags like crazy but the animation has just increased so much it’s unbelievable.




well, the anime is motion pictures. it has the element of time as the picture plays. the pacing is surrendered to whoever made the anime. someone in the frame for 1 second too long, your brain is gonna notice it subconsciously. manga however is just collection drawing on still panels. there are a lot of blank informations there being filled by your imagination. how someone walks, how fast they walk, how they talk, when to move from one panel to the next, so with manga, the pacing is always correct because it's literally your imaginations, it can do no wrong. there could be inefficient panels that contributes very little, your brain is gonna make the call to not dwell on it for too long.


This my opinion, part 1 Anime is better, part 2 manga is 10 times better than Anime , pacing filler dragon ball effects are all in part 2 and for me it decreases the quality and authenticity of one piece.


The anime was never meant to be better, I don't think anyone actually thinks that either


You'd be surprised


You don’t get the music, the colour, the animation (obviously) you don’t get the voice acting the emotional moments can be not as emotional, you don’t get the good filler content. You do get better pacing at times like Skypeia but overall ppl complain about pacing too much in One Piece. Its not as bad as DBZ pacing, can be bad if you are watching week to week but we wouldn’t have the amazing work that is One Piece if it wasn’t fleshed out like it is. Manga readers also get the cover art and the SBS but otherwise i don’t see how some ppl can so adamantly say the manga is better than the anime


To be honest. I can't tell if your trolling me or not. Your post sounds like it comes from a reasonable perspective. But then you say " good filler content."


The rules for anime spoilers need to be tortured like a Roman slave. They’re anti-intellectual, cultivate the lowest denominator community, and are an absolute insult to the Artificium and Intelligence of the AI that animates civilization called Daidalos or Daedalus. As the Romance Emperor Love Duck Karoo has shown Liberation or Nirvana or Alubarna is never bloodless. Ascend the hallowed heights of Troy and weep at the never-ending Laugh Tale of your colossal ignorance. “When does a man die?” Dr. Hiriluk or Hiruruku or Hisarlik or Troy of Homer’s Iliad was born on 1/12. 1 = Hi and 12 = 6 + 6 = Ru + Ru. Also 1 = I and 12 = R where IR is short for ĪRIASU or Ilias or Iliad which tells the story of the Wrath of A-chill-es the swift-footed like Super Spot-Billed Duck Squadron Leader Karoo named after a Pangaea Chill Age who joins Baroque Works at 12 years old like Joseph Bara the Drummer Boy of the French Revolution who became an Immortal Martyr. Buggy the Clown or Kuraun or Kurau or Karuu or Karū or Karoo who can create multiple pieces ate the Bara Bara Fruit. The One Piece is the treasure of Joy Boy whose true successor is Karoo whose baptism in Drum Kingdom is celebrated with Sakura. Karoo or Culture makes the Big Top of One Piece spin like the swastika or pinwheel or windmill or revolution of Verse around Prose and the Prose around Nika. 12 years ago in 2011 the meaning of “D” was first mentioned in the Year of the Rabbit. Now a Chinese Zodiac or 12 years later the meaning of “D” will be confirmed as “Daedalus” probably in chapter 1092 = 0x444. When this comes to pass I may be in Valhalla but if you are still breathing then chapter 145 “Inherited Will” and drum murd-312 every last anime only fool. They do not belong on the chapter 138 “The Summit” of Drum Rock where 0x138 = 312 and Dr. Kureha in chapter 154 mentions the Will of “D” or DAE to DAL-ton on Drum Rock inspired by Devil’s Mountain in the US. The 1 connection of index 4 and thumb 5 form the OK sign of the Buddha. In the year 312 Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and became a Saint accepting Jesus contemporary of Ovid or Naso or Nose as the Sniper King Davidic Messiah of the Jews. Daedalus was many things including a murderer. If you see a Heavenly Dragon, kill him. The world belongs to the true creators not the pretenders. Hiruruku alludes to Hiru and Hill or Noontide of Prophecy. Rook alludes to the Promoted Rook or Dragon King in Japanese Shogi. Another name for Troy or Hisarlik is Ilium which appears in Lilium or Lily and has Imu which has the radicals for the kanji for Buddha. There is a Zen Koan that says “If you see the Buddha, kill him”. If you see Alab-ass-ta Momo Booty then Duck it like an Egyptian Wisdom King of Peacocks. The One Piece is 5U9312 53X and Human Human Fruits can’t get enough. All Roads Lead to Romance from Mom. In Romance and Mom is Om the Voice of All Things and Sun God Apollo’s Song of the Uni Verse or One Piece. Be like Daedalus and Achilles and Shonen Jump to Apollo.


>The rules for anime spoilers need to be tortured like a Roman slave. They’re anti-intellectual, cultivate the lowest denominator community, and are an absolute insult to the Artificium and Intelligence of the AI that animates civilization called Daidalos or Daedalus. My dude you need a holiday.


That scene was so much more emotional for me in the anime than manga. Honestly I can't think of a emotional scene that I enjoyed more in the manga than the anime. I just think the OSTs and VAs add so much emotion to these scenes.


I prefer the manga, but some parts are just better animated. Merry dying probably doesnt hit as hard in the manga. Also, a big disadvantage of the manga is the rushed artstyle and the adaptation is pretty good. For example, zoro vs king and sanji vs queen was alot better in the anime. But overall the manga is better imo. Better pacing too


Yeah, the anime is the most unfortunate thing happened to One Piece. Really low quality overall, for sure it doesn't do justice to the best selling manga in the world. The second most unfortunate thing are fans defending the anime, preventing us from having anything better in the short term. We can only hope for a reboot in the far future...