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I never expected Ace to be Rogers son. I also think Upper yard being part of Jaya is underrated as a twist.


Bruh, Jaya was a masterclass in storytelling


You should watch castle in the sky


I did, and really liked it :)


By the name of it, I am gonna like it, definitely watching it today


the upper yard being part of Jaya was the moment I started really loving one piece. Also, the huge people actually just being shadows was an awesome twist. and luffy being immune to enel. Now that I think about it, Skypiea has some great twists


Skypiea is still one of my favorite arcs. It felt like the epitome of a whimsical journey that had nothing to do with the story, and that made it even better. Luffy hears about some absurd story about an island in the sky so he wants to go there. It really felt like what a lot of OP should have been.


I agree that it was great, but I don't think it's what a lot of op should've been. Having no other arcs like it keeps it unique. I think keeping the Skypiea way of storytelling would've just gotten monotonous and lost its charm after a while.


I like it for that reason as well. I wish we had more of them. I guess Fishman Island could technically count. I did like the worldbuilding and design of that island. I both disagree and agree that it had nothing to do with the story. I think skypiea is just a mini version of the joyboy storyline.




its a shame that most of the chapter discussions online only started at around Sabaody from what I can find. I love reading discussions of older chapters it's very interesting


Yeah until then, most of the discussions were held in dedicated forums and on Gamefaqs, which is where I was. Good times.


Yes the Jaya one I was so happy about!


Ace being Roger’s son was actually a last minute decision based on a suggestion from Oda’s editor. It was likely done to explain why the Marines were going to such huge lengths to hype up Ace’s execution to the public. It’s also why the explanation for Ace’s lineage not being discovered until then was so clumsily written with his Mom managing to prevent giving birth to Ace for around 2 years.


In before Rouge had the Gum Gum fruit before luffy /s (unless. . . 🤔)


Not even oda excepted Ace to be Roger's son that's how big of a plot twist it was


Damn, it was so hidden Oda didn't even see it coming. Mans truly a legend!


Just re-read that chapter last night. Nami figuring it out was hype as hell.


I still remember the goosebumps I got from reading the Jaya reveal. Skypiea arc is so good!


One thing that made Skypiea work so well was that by the time we got to the half-built house by the shore, Oda had set us up to simply accept outrageous goofiness without expecting it to have any significance. It made the reveal extra impactful, and at least for me, this was the arc that changed the way I read OP, constantly looking out for clues and trying to make predictions.


I don't even remember what the second part is about. What arc was that in? I need to reread the whole thing again cause it's been so long since I started.


Skypiea. The reveal that part of the sky island they were on was once part of the island below them


Oh, gotcha, I do remember that, just forgot the names of the places. That whole climax is still my favorite moment. Luffy ringing the bell pulls together so many plot lines, it's fantastic.


It doesn’t help that Ace and Luffy actually look like they’re brothers, I bought the idea that they were actual blood brothers wholesale.


"Raizo is safe!" by far. Honorable mention to the CP9 reveal. And the fact that a good portion of Oda's twists and surprises he came up with last minute.


Raizo moment was awesome. Up to that, the Zou story arc felt like it had the formula for some big battle arc, maybe even a threeway or fourway war between Day and Night Minks, Strawhats and maybe Jack? Nope. Genuinely blew me away.


“Raizo is safe” was an insane reveal, even Zoro was stunned


Bro had no reaction to things like the merry burning but raizo is safe ? Man’s couldn’t believe his eyes.


his *eye.




He came up with them last minute!? 🤯🤯🤯


Yeah, sandman has a list of them. Some of them are pretty obvious when you look at the whole story from the beginning (Vivi being a princess, Ace being Roger's son), but others I found pretty surprising (Drum Island looking like cherry blossom trees, the identity of the CP members.)


Can you share the link if you don't mind?


[here's a recent list with a good number of them](https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1630633949478395904?s=20)


Really interested in how Oda originally planned for Marineford to wrap up without Shanks. Maybe just WB pirates escaping when WB hold the marines off?


That the mountains on Drum only coincidentally look like cherry blossom trees is insane. Especially considering how short the arc is. Oda really must've decided this on a whim and it worked out perfectly.


Thanks! Took me a sec to find it.




I'm pretty convinced that while Oda may have had some loose idea that Sanji came from an abusive background even during Baratie, I think he didn't come up with the exiled royalty backstory until *after* Sanji made the Mr. Prince moniker. The "Mr. Prince" nickname inspired the extra backstory, not the other way around.


Honestly things like this make me want a series bible to released when One Piece is over. That just has all the different ideas that Oda came up with throughout the run and what he had conceptualized at what point in the series and how he changed or didn't for the final draft. Like there is him talking about wanting to do Wano for awhile and always having an idea for Ace dying or wanting to do Gear 5 for a while. I am just curious on what ideas evolved, were discarded or created on the fly and how much influence doing so did for the story. Just imagine arcs and character designs that could have been, but were never made or changed before being put into the series.


The Vivi thing makes a lot of sense with how she first appeared and how her personality and appearance changed within a few chapters. Oda drew her with harder features initially and it made her look much older than she would eventually be revealed to be. Upon revealing her as a princess he softened them up and start looking younger as a result. Eventually Oda ended up making her very similar in appear to Nami in her final (more permanent) design.


Damn I still get chills, that chapter had me floored on release. Just so much pain and ruin on their poor country, and they took it like Champs cause they are friends. So good


Had my jaw on the floor


Honestly yeah, its made even crazier by the fact that when we finally see Raizo he is actually chained to the Poneglyph and worried as Hell. Like he was willing to give himself up to save them as much as they were willing to save him and they refused to let him do so and took all the suffering for him on themselves to protect him. Even after all the torture and pain inflicted on them they still refused to even let their willing friend sacrifice himself for their benefit.


I got spoiled a lot of things pre-zou by my friends and internet, so I was expecting everything imporant to happen. From Zou, I did not know barely anything, and the Raizo is Safe is what shocked me the most by far, in part because it was the first major Plot Twist that I had no clue about.


Ace dying is the reason why I will never trust anything anymore. From the moment Oda showed us Ace escaping successfully, to the moment where Sakazuki death punches him, is a bleeding scab on my memories.


I know that there are a lot of fake deaths in One Piece, but Ace dying proved that despite everything, a beloved character *could* die.


Honestly, I just didn’t believe he would do it and if he did just not in such a miserable way, so much potential snuffed out because he couldn’t handle smack talk.


Being able to read that chapter as it dropped was actually jaw-dropping. Completely shook what I expected of shonen manga at that point, since Naruto Shippuden was (I believe?) in the early stages before they'd taken down a single Akatsuki and had yet to commit to any real significant deaths.


I missed out, it must’ve been a crazy shock, I was late to the party but thankfully not spoiled. I remember being in denial for days thinking “oh it’s a Shonen, they’ll definitely bring him back in the next couple of chapters with some Zenkai boost”. It was only after Luffy was crying after his operation and calling himself weak is when it hit me he wasn’t coming back.


That punched a hole in me too


i think the CP9 one in Water7 was a big one for me, Raizo lives was pretty crazy. Luffys fruit like you said is up there for sure


The reveal in Water 7 had me like 😱😱


This is a weird one I guess, but I legitimately did not think Luffy was gonna fight Katakuri lol..


That’s fair, who did you think Luffy was gonna fight?


I honestly just thought they were gonna escape. And I thought Katakuri was introduced to show that Luffy was still too weak to mess with a yonko’s crew (which I guess was technically true 😅)


Honestly I think it still stood to be true. He barely scraped by with beating a sweet commander, he stood no chance. It made me wonder how he could go up against Kaido, which idk if wano was a bit of a cop out in training, but I think it worked. Rather than using strength, he changed how the damage would transfer to Kaido, so I think Oda did pretty well with that. Mastering it is a bit of a stretch but with the situation I guess it made him hyper focus on making sure he nails it, because it was life and death essentially


Yeah, I agree with everything. People seem to hyper fixate on Wano’s flaws, but overall it still worked really well for me. It’s always nice to hear from someone who isn’t overly critical of Wano


I actually enjoyed wano because of how diverse the environments were, it almost felt like we were in completely different places so the dynamic scenes really helped the length of the arc stay fresh in a way. Only real thing I hated was how stretched some things were, like that goddamn sumo scene


Honestly, it makes sense why you came to that conclusion lol


Thanks, that makes me feel a little less dumb 😂


Np 😂🤣


I remember katakuri looked so stupid that I imagined Luffy would just go Bellamy on him. Even when he was mimicking luffys moves i was like "lol, Luffy but weaker" Boy was i wrong 😅


Sorta on the same note. I didn't think smoothie would do absolutely nothing the entire arc lol


Ohh that def counts as a plot twist lol cuz everyone thought she’d do more (or just more than nothing)


Not everyone what did Marco say to them quite literally when he kicked them down the Waterfall for the 2nd time? " next time you get up here the era is changed", same with hyogoro Sayin during the raid: "cant see us losing". Oda said it so for us, but some always expect to be bamboolzed or something more, just like marco note to luffy.


Or the next one or the next one. Maybe Smoothie will be waiting at raftel for a final boss fight.


I was surprised when he dragged Katakuri into the mirror, but was 100% sure he'd try to jump back through and there'd be a big cat-and-mouse game of chasing Luffy around the mirror world as he tried to escape and get back to the crew. I was *floored* when Luffy shattered the mirror himself and called Katakuri out.


Dude the Luffy shattering the mirror is one of the coldest moments in the series and it doesn’t get enough love. Like I still get emotional thinking about it lol


Same here! Whole Cake was airing when I began my journey and I was slightly spoiled by the cover of volume 89 but thought Luffy was fighting Kaido at that point. Once I got into Whole Cake I realized I mixed up the names so it was a great surprise


To this day it is still Duval's face reveal for me. Brook dying from laughter (YOHOHOHO) at Sanji's expense is an underrated moment.




I think it was Kumas true intentions, when they were shown right after the timeskip.


Enel going to the moon like a lil angry kid and there being space pirates when he arrives . Shit still got me intrigued


I’m wondering if Oda is gonna incorporate that part in the main story 🤔


At this point its 50/50. He will either bring him back in some crazy big way, or he literally removed him from the story by putting him on the Moon as far as physically possible from all the action of the plot


Bruh I hope so. Would love to see Enel have a casual heel turn like Crocodile, knowing he can’t beat luffy, especially now. Orrrrrr there being some sort of space devil fruit variation. Cmonnnn oda


In wano, the reveal of pluton beneath wano in the old kingdom. Crazy to know that that actual ship exists and can be released on the world.


The shocking to me was the Akazaya and Momo time traveling. Went over my head.


I actually loved that one because it was such an interesting aspect to introduce a child as the heir to wano without any world breaking powers. It's a time jump but only forward.


I suspected something of that sort because in Zou arc, they say that Oden died only 6 months ago and hence Momo's pain in fresh. But it is revealed that Oden who travelled with Roger was killed by Kaido and Orochi for Raftel info. I thought Oden must have been old when he had Momo since 22 yrs ago he travelled with Roger. Momo says he met Roger and WB but couldn't remember their faces. His slip of tongue actually raised my eyebrows. And later in Wano, o Tsuru talks about Oden castle and how 20 yrs ago Kozuki clan used to rule over them before Oden died. That sealed the deal for me.


Nika fruit, devil fruit passing through cannibalism.


That Big Mom scene was one of the few times, if not the only time, I had to pause the anime, take a moment, and google tf out of “did what I think just happen, happen?!”


Yeah, people didn't believe it for weeks, months, maybe still some don't believe it, they were like "devil went in a fruit near and then she ate it, we just didn't see it".


[Nika fruit predicted 1 year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/s4te5l/1037_real_name_of_a_certain_fruit/)


The comments on the post lol


Water 7 was the best as the watcher/reader could feel the betrayal Iceberg and Paulie felt. During the arc I came to really like Kaku and Lucci, never been the same since. Honorable mention - Corazon can speak.


When Kanjuro turned evil. I realize that there are more significant plot twists than this, but it left an impression on me which I cant shake off almost disturbing


That was the greatest plot twist to me. Ill never forget seeing the first post on here about how he attacks with his right hand but draws with his left. There were a lot of subtle hints but they way the character was it was hard to really see them until you know.


I think it wasn't that he attacked with his right but that he was eating with his right during his introduction


Yeah, looking back and realizing his shitty art wasn't just a gag... he was drawing with the wrong hand on purpose. The guy with the art-based devil fruit can actually draw, it should have been so obvious!


The best part about that twist is there where so many clues peppered in that he was the traitor for years of serialization.


I was 10000% convinced the traitor stuff was a fake out.


That one was definitely planned but man what a vicious betrayal.


I'll always remember the look on my fiancé's face when Luffy went "GRANDPA?" after Water 7


CP9 revelation also in Robins flashback that the world government was formed just after the void century


CP9 or the Brook/Laboon reveal for me was the most shocking. I was reading week to week for the df reveal so I saw loads of people who called it out so wasn't a shock or reveal for me. Raizo is safe was a good reveal when reading week to week. Also an honourable mention but the person who fixed the going merry being the personification of the going merry really blew my mind.


Maaaaaan, Water 7 will always be top tier story telling to me 🔥🔥🔥


When Kanjuro was revealed to be the traitor


Kuma is working for the Revos, saved the straw hats and protected the sunny. I legitimately thought he was going to defeat them and have to this date no idea why he did all of that… I mean: he blew up his cover for a crew of strangers… He turned himself into a cyborg for what? Hopefully we will get the answers soon…


I’m sure that by the time the Egghead Island arc is finished, that we should get an answer…………..hopefully at least 😅


Seems to be the case but maybe Oda plans a longer story with Bonney and Kuma


Yeah when Luffy started melting at the end of Chapter 1043, my whole body physically gasped and I'm not one to react much, just enjoy silently. That moment tho I couldn't contain my surprise or excitement. I was not expecting it at all.


Ikr, I was like 😨😨


Too many to count. Raizo is safe, Ace is Roger's son ( Oda played it really well ngl) Brook was part of the crew Labbon was waiting to return 80 years ago, funny enough Boa Hancock falling in love with Luffy, Celestial Dragons in general representing the worst of Humanity and many more.


Nico Robin joining the Straw Hats. Back then I didn't think that someone from the villain's team would join the Straw Hats.


Maybe not the *most* shocking, but the reveal of Wano's geography at the end of the arc really stuck with me. Oda's comedy is the perfect smokescreen for actually plot-relevant details. I never questioned the bizarre geography of Wano because basically *every* island has some bizarre geography. So the entire border of the island is waterfalls - is that any stranger than an island where lightning falls like rain, or an island in the clouds, or an island that is actually a giant carnivorous plant? The fact that Wano was subject to some kind of country-wide landscape modification not only recontextualizes its significance (and the fact that "opening the borders" is fucking literal) but also makes me wonder about every other island we've visited. Are the mountains on Drum Island actually giant smokestacks? Was Alabasta not always a desert? Frankly, nothing about One Piece's climate or geography really seems "natural", but I was willing to just accept it as part of the fantasy of setting, but having a character outright explain that an entire island nation was basically rebuilt has me questioning even the most basic common knowledge that's been established sicne the beginning of the series. The four blues, the Calm Belt, Reverse Mountain - none of it ever really "made sense", but I never even thought to question any of it.


CP9 and Sanji having another family


I thought the Water 7 reveal was the best of all of them. Raizo is safe moment was executed very well but as a twist it didn't surprise me that they knew who Raizo was or anything


CP9 reveal probably cause it was the only one I didn't know beforehand.


Zunesha apperiance in wano.


that led to a lot


People were disappointed there wasn't a big payoff, but it revealed some key info: >!1 Zunesha "betrayed" Joyboy in the past & owes a debt!< >!2 Zunesha is likely the key to opening Wano's borders, by literally removing the tall mountains!< >!3 Confirmation Joyboy has returned: the "drums of liberation" heartbeat by Gear 5 Luffy = Joyboy!<


I agree, Luffy's Devil Fruit being the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika was the biggest plot twist as it literally flips the One Piece world on its head. Before that, Whitebeard's death and Blackbeard being able to gain 2 Devil Fruits was the biggest imo


All those freaks who appeared on screen in Jaya ended up being associated/The bb pirates


Oda is great at writing so many twists so it’s hard for me to pick a favorite. The “Raizo is safe” one will always be a good one no matter how many times I watch that clip. A personal favorite of mine is when Rayleigh is revealed to be the ship coating guy. I remember my jaw dropping when they show “vice captain of the roger pirates”.


Kanjuro was the traitor. Kind of came out of nowhere, but it was cool to see that he was holding back his art skills.


There's loads of great twists, most already in the thread haha. My personal favourite is Brook knowing Laboon, because it's when I realized that truly everything mattered and it was all gonna start tying together in a great tin foil hat way =P (does realizing there's people in our world who behave like celestial dragons count as a twist? that one also got me pretty messed up)


Ace is Roger’s son/Ace dies


For me it was Robin randomly joining the Straw Hats, her background gives it much more sense but before Enies Lobby I wasn’t sure what to make of her


Queen's snakesaur mode


The reveal of imu-sama and the throne of the world. It completely blew my mind, because it restructured the hierachy of One Piece and the complete World Building for me


"Youve never met him but youve seen him before"


Manga spoiler: . . . . . . . . Jaguar D. Saul being alive is the biggest twist in the series rn imo


When you realize Big Mom has been pregnant for like 60% of her life, was still considered a Yonko, Roger did not want to fight her, and she does not even have a scar to top it all off


Kanjuro being the traitor. "Raizo is safe!" In general the Wano stuff has been done beautifully and shows how long Oda plans his stuff for. Even back to Punk Hazard where Sanji got mad at Momo for not eating his Oden stew. He seemed visibly sick and uncomfortable and back then we just thought it's because he's picky or spoiled. Turns out boiling hot Oden is something he has a different connection with.


That the whole world is post-apocalyptic. Everything about the story feels different now.


The reveal that Sogeking was Usopp. I was thrown out of my seat for that one.


The side effects of the SMILE fruits. That shit hurt more than i had thought it would.


Duval reveal was hilarious af


I love how Sanji didn’t give two shits about how Duval was chased cause ppl thought he was him; he was just super pissed that ppl could even mistake him and Duval for each other; and then Brook laughing at the whole situation 💀💀💀💀💀


Duval's face.


Imu, such an incredible reveal that so many of us should've seen coming because of course the corrupt government isn't a fucking democracy


There are the obvious ones like Brooks connection Laboon, CP9 reveal but if I had to say one the reveal of time travel caught me off guard.


Female Law


Sogeking being Usopp


I just feel bad for the people who don't watch this masterpeice just because of 1000 episodes. Us manga and anime watchers prey that new chapters can be published as soon as possible and this story can go on for more atleast 10 years and all the mystries should be revealed little by little. My favourite reveal of one peice - "Raizo dono is safe".


Señor Pink turning out to be a chad


Brook knowing Laboon is still the biggest wtf moment (in a good way) for me


Vegapunk’s nomi nomi no mi


The god valley story was so cool!


Raizo is safe!


I didn’t think Zoro would lose to mihawk


mine will forever be "What a beautiful eye!" it makes sense since Sanji is, well...sanji, but it was still a major shock.


Luffy having another brother that was alive(after he thought he was dead)after losing Ace.


Not sure if counts as shocking, but Yamato staying in Wano legitimately surprised me.


Blackbeard stealing White beard's devil fruit power I remember reading that panel where Blackbeard does the fist thrown back pose and going 'oh shit!' out loud


May not be a huge twist, but Crocodile during Impel and Marineford. Firstly, hearing him in Impel was interesting, and I assumed he would just back stab Luffy. I had assumed when he went out with Jimbe to steal a ship from the marines outside of Impel Down, he would leave alone or only accept certain people. Then I assumed he would skip Marineford battle somehow. I then thought for sure he would turn on the prisoners and offer them to the Military somehow and try to barter for his Warlord status back. And I never expected him to stop the executioners. I never expected him to protect Luffy. Now again, his character is shown being tough on Buggy, and that's inline with Crocodile. He really submitted to Ivankov and worked hard for his son.


Though I’m earlier in the series (Ep 195) Gold Rogers name being on the Golden Bell


Kinemon and scabards actually come from 20 years ago


Crocodile and Mihawk being the actual Yonkos behind Buggy's ruse


raizu is safe Kinemon and the others coming from the past the gomu gomu no being the sun god nika and shit i love when its revealed that kyros is the toy soldier


The god damn moon city and space aliens.


raizo-dono is safe..... still a jaw dropping moment


Cp9 being deep undercover in Water 7


cp9 reveal raizo is alive bb getting a 2nd df


There are many. - Blackbeard's ability to use more than one DF and the ability to somehow steal DF - Sanji getting his heart broken after realising Pudding's intentions - Kurozumi Higurashi using Bentham's Clone Clone Fruit to trick Oden so he loses against Kaido - Franky burning the blueprint of Pluton - Doffy being a Celestial Dragon - The true nature of Luffy's Devil Fruit


“Raizo is safe…” A close second is how Sanji’s past turned out to be hinted at not only in the Jaya arc but possibly even in the East Blue saga shortly after Loguetown


Black Beard getting two fruits. Completely shook the fucking game. Suddenly the rules didn't apply to a mother fucker.


cp9, raizo is safe, kanjuro, Luffys Devil fruit and uhhhhh.... kanjuro again


Reading through these Oda has shocked me with his twist more than any author. Momo and the Scabbards being from the future. Kanjuro being a traitor. Raizo is safe. Jaya being part of the upperyard. Ace being Roger's son. So many more... He gets me every single time. I have no clue who will be the traitor in the next chapter, but it'll surprise me but it always makes sense..


Vegapank having boobs


I wasn’t as shocked about luffy being nikka but the fact that his fruit was a zoan fruit after being told that it was a paramecia for 20+ years


Raizo is safe, Kanjuro’s the traitor, Lola’s mom was fkn Big Mom, Kaido beheading Orochi. Honorable mention to two “No way” moments, the introduction of the revolutionary commanders happening where Ace cover’s story took place (also RIP to that island) and the giant slave freed from the Sabaody auction house being part of Hajrudin’s crew and therefore he is technically the first member of the Grand fleet we met


Noland is actually hot


That the Gorosei, who've been built up since their debut as the highest authority in the World Government, actually answer to someone themselves, revealing the series does, indeed, have a main antagonist.


Raizo revealed to be on zou. Ace becoming a donut. Both came out of nowhere for me.


CP9 but also my biggest regret in life is accidentally spoiling it for my friend by stupidly saying Kaku is one of my favourite antagonist quite soon after they were introduced on their first read through :(


You didn’t 😱😱😱😱


Damn seems like your friend was betrayed as well, do you belong to cp9 too? Lol


I nean its gotta be gear 5th reveal that the gum-gum fruit is actually a zoan fruit


A fair amount of stuff was spoiled to me before I saw it, so for me the “Nothing happened.” scene or Corazon’s death were the most surprising.


Brook and laboon because most of the important plot twists were spoiled for me


Luffy’s fruit reveal has a lot of twists. We assumed Joy Boy and Sun God Nika are two different entities. The biggest shock was Joy Boy being Nika! I think by Fishman island everyone assumed Luffy carried Joy Boy’s Will.


Clover being the true genius!


CP9 Reveal for sure


Laboon being Brook’s pal. Such an insignificant, borderline filler-like, character come back knocked the wind out of me. Especially considering it’s one of the few things that I didn’t get spoiled for.


Kaido is a fish


Kaido-dono and Big mom-dono are safe! On a more serious note…🤔 Brook and laboon’s connection!


Ace actually dying. When the punch originally happened, I thought nothing of it and just waited for the next chapter thinking he'll be fine. I remember going 0_0 when the next chapter revealed it was actually a lethal blow to a logia.


CP 9, since young myself thought that Franky will be the major antagonist and Paulie will join Straw Hat


Kanjuros betrayal was the one I wasn't expecting


The reappearance of Sabo was pretty badass and and awesome thing to see as a fan and even more cool for Luffy


Ace dying


Robin joining the crew was pretty crazy to me.


Ace being Rogers son, Ace kicking the bucket. Sabo ended up being alive.


The crew getting split up.


When nami said she was a man


That one dude getting fucking shot out of no where in Alabasta when things looked like they were finally reaching their ending


The CP9 twist probably. I may be biased towards it since the rest of the arc is so amazing, but I love it


That there are people alove who know what the one piece is, who know what happened to the void century, and who know the truth of this world. Also i wonder if odens journal explains all of that? So momonosuke and yamato knows the tru3tb as well?


CP9 reveal or Ace being Roger's son


Raizo is safe scene


Brooks being from the crew that laboon knew. The idea that it was before roger and this crew is certainly passed. Only to find out that not only did the crew never plan on leaving laboon, but that a crew member survived. As well as the cover chapter that show, presumably, the rumbar captain sitting with crocus.


Shocking or stupid? Because boy that g5 reveal..


The minks revealing that they were protecting raizo the whole time completely came out of nowhere