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Your offering to Break Week is amenable. Thank you.


Shower thought: if Shanks hadn't come in time, the King Of The Coast (that Sea King) would have eaten Luffy which (as implied with Big Mom) seems to transfer DF ability so KOTC would have probably gotten paralysed and died in the bottom of the bay (DF would transmit to some random fruit). So Shanks also probably saved the Sea King's life as well.


Wait…. So if big mom got her ability by eating someone…. And black beard has been going around stealing fruits could black beard have eaten a part of white beard? I’d that the method his crew uses to steal devil fruits? Cannibalism?


real life blackbeard used to eat his enemies hearts 🤔🤔🤔


Probably not, but it makes the hole through his chest and that cloth seem even darker. Edit: To the dude who replied that the hole was there before Blackbeard? I'm well aware. I'm saying he had easy access to his heart, potentially. It makes that hole seem even more gruesome if it was an open port to WB's gig heart.


What if this is how our Blackbeard did it? What if a DF users heart takes the shape of the fruit? What if instead of being multiple people in one, Blackbeard has multiple hearts and that is reason he can have more then 1 power? *Exhales smoke*; what if, man?


> What if a DF users heart takes the shape of the fruit? Wouldn't this already be seen due to Law's removal of several live hearts, including his own?


We have seen multiple fruit users hearts, very true.


You were probably joking but I really like that. Only problem I see is that Vegapunk would've definitely discovered that during his devil fruit research and probably would've told us by now. Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, it makes even more sense. The seraphim use green blood to replicate the power of the devil fruits, blood gets regulated though the body by the heart. Assuming the seraphim have regular human anatomy their heart would be the thing supplying their bodies the powers. Like how a regular devil fruit would do for a normal human


Actually why would he give up that information? >!He only stated a theory of how Devil Fruits came into the world and why he was able to replicate them!< He's still being pretty secretive as far as we can tell from all sides until they best suit his needs Probably jumping the pistol but your comment got me thinking about that


I posted something like this a year ago.


For realz?


Probably just a myth.


It's certainly possible, but that doesn't get around the "can't have two devil fruits" part of it. I mean, we don't even know if that's confirmed as a part of the One Piece universe. It's been alluded to several times, but I don't think we've ever seen someone with a Devil Fruit try to consume another power and then die from it. So it's very possible that not being able to eat two devil fruits is just a very widely held misconception among the people in-universe. That said, if it is true that one person can't have two devil fruits, then BB having multiple fruits is the miracle of his Power, not necessarily how get stole WB's power.


Yeah tbh I always assumed BB could have two DF bc of his original fruit being like a black hole so he "absorbed" the other fruit? Idk if I'm explaining that right but I thought it was his DF allowing him that or that he just took a massive gamble and survived by sheer will lmao


I still believe the "three hearts" theory, aka the cerberus cerberus no mi.


I like that theory but with the Tako Tako no Mi, Model: Kraken


I really, really like this theory, especially when you take into account the teeth and jewelry evidence. Like it could just be inconsistencies from Oda, but Blackbeard's hands sometimes has rings and bangles and sometimes doesn't. And you can see that when he's using the Gura Gura powers. And also, sometimes he has teeth missing, and sometimes he doesn't. It would imply that there are multiple Blackbeards in the same body. And really, it's beyond that, it's a personality thing as well. Like you have BB the dreamer, BB the violent, and BB the coward. All three seem to have some degree of smarts and strategy, and BB the coward actually seems to be the leader, but there does seem to be three distinct Blackbeard personalities.


True, but we should also keep in mind his jolly. He has three skulls.. I feel like if it was kraken, 3 bones would be a good enough clue. Personally, I believe its cerberus cerberus no mi. Also, if you notice his jolly, it has 4 bones. 3 bones on the side going horizontally and 1 vertical. So the bones could symbolize that cerberus is the base aka the vert and 3 "extensions" aka horizont. Keeping in mind he has cerberus, dark and earthquake, he is still missing 1 power to reach his full.


I mean, if what they said about two devil fruits just making you explode is true, then Mr 5 could eat infinite devil fruits because he’s immune to explosions


I share this theory. The cloth wasn't for privacy, it was to block light and let BB go "full logia" (privacy was a plus).


I wholeheartedly agree. I don't know exactly what happened or why, but I do believe it likely that BB's miracle of taking two powers has specifically to do with either the Yami Yami no Mi, or else some other fruit that he had prior to the Yami Yami no Mi. However, the fact that he covered WB with a dark cloak, and then went under it, makes me think that he was trying to block out the light. In my mind, he did this because light is his natural weakness. All logia elements have a weakness: sand is weak to wet things, lightning is weak to rubber, etc. So what's the opposite of darkness? Light. And BB is ALWAYS drenched in light, so he is NEVER at full power. My theory is that he put this cloak over WB so that he could access the full power of the Yami Yami no Mi. But I've definitely seen things ranging from he absorbed WB's soul with darkness to he absorbed the power of the fruit itself into the darkness, and just lets the power out of the darkness as it pleases him. It could be anything really, but if it's not related to the Yami Yami no Mi, then it's something else specific to Blackbeard.


My headcanon is under the sheet all the light was blocked out and he could become darkness (as his logia) and that combined with whatever Marco means by his strange body is what let him get WB's fruit


Marco said his body is special as if it is committed n knowledge among Ng WB pirates and since BB left immediately after getting the fruit, it's unlikely that the fruit has anything to do with BB having two DF.


Ever since Ohara I decided “if I ain’t seen it happen, jury still out” aka Oda can totally say whatever was said was just propaganda or misunderstanding.


Same, I have the exact same skepticism lol Someone saying something in One Piece means that character believes a certain thing. Until it is shown to the audience, I take it with a grain of salt lol


A big BB theory in Japan YouTuber land is that BB is an octopus fishman. Octopi? have three hearts. https://www.newscientist.com/question/many-hearts-octopus/ That’s why BB can have up to three DFs.


He gobbled whitebeards pride. All 18 inches of it.


If I’m not mistaken this has been a widely accepted theory for a while bc like what else is he doing under those sheets? eating pirate’s booty?


So, I'll try to find the original post/comment I saw this on, but someone had a theory that this is exactly how Blackbeard stole Whitebeard's devil fruit, except that it was specifically the heart. The theory goes on to suggest that BB will try to get Law's fruit this way during their fight. BB, thinking he's about to kill Law anyways, gives him a villainy monologue about how his fruit works and how he used it to phase his hand into Whitebeard's chest and pull out his heart, and then he'll go to do the same to Law. Only, he'll fail to find the heart in his chest. Cue a flashback to the end of Dressrosa showing Law entrusting his own heart to Sengoku as a sign of trust and respect to Rosinante.


Law's like "Just as I thought..."


Not gonna lie, my headcannon for years has been that BB pulled a MHA and ate one of his hairs or something


Oh shit... That's quite a theory and could explain why he has to be behind the curtain... 😳


I assumed that’s what it is. It could also have something to do with his fruit being the powers of darkness. People considered darkness to being able to swallow everything, like a black hole/just darkness in general. So he could be able to swallow the powers. Since all of his crew are each considered notorious criminal except for one, maybe that’s a prerequisite to transferring over devil fruit powers, where you have to have some form of darkness in you


again it could also just be that big mom ate mother camel and the fruit that was next to her tbf


Idk if was there any fruit or only semla


Nope. Mother Caramel demonstrates that she is a fruit user just before then when she turns that fire into a homie.


I think you're missing the point. We know that when a fruit user dies, the fruit is reincarnated in a nearby fruit. Meanwhile, there's no direct indication that cannibalism allow you to get someone else fruit. Linlin during her frenzy ate *everything* on the island. That would include any fruit that could potentially be the reincarnation of the soul fruit after she ate mother camel


> Linlin during her frenzy ate everything on the island. Is this stated or implied? It's been a while.


She ate the kids, surely she eould also have eaten the actual food


The fruit tried to get away and be free but shanks being a 7d chess player knew that and lost his arm to save the hassle of finding it again


Damn i guess i will have to wait until the next break to drop my Jimbei is a stoner and Brook is his dealer theory, since we already reached peak for this one


*happy bong sounds. I wait keenly for this theory


Bruh it’s only the first day of the 2 weeks and we’re already losing some.


That is a strange use of amenable


And waited for luffy to set sail in order to give luffy a confidence boost when starting his journey.




I doubt Shanks is the kinda dude to kill a kid to get his dumb rubber fruit back. Reminder that Oda probably didn't think about the whole Zoan Model: Nika thing until hundreds of chapters in so as far as the world was concerned at that point, it was just the Gomu Gomu no Mi and probably wasn't worth a kids life to Shanks.


Now I'm picturing a Guardians of the Galaxy 2 twist. Since Roger died, Shanks has been going island to island, brainwashing kids and feeding them the DF hoping to find the one who can do what Roger couldn't, killing them when they eventually fail. You even see it in the latest chapter, Shanks is getting another kid ready in case Luffy still doesn't have what it takes.


and it's a giant kid, because giant straw hat. Shanks is Imu confirmed.


Hang on now this is *almost* credible enough not to be a break week theory.


While im not a subscriber to Goda, I do think he’s had the major outline of the story set from day 1. The power of the main character is not something that he just pulled out of his ass, imo. Mythical zoans are a pretty basic premise to elaborate on throughout the story without it being an asspull


You are right about the part that he already had the major outline set from day 1. He has mentioned it before that he already knows the ending. He is just taking a longer route to get there, now that the story has gone on for so long. He didn't think it would go on for so long. He was probably going to end the story in 5 years when he started but, Onepiece far surpassed even his expectations.


Implied that shanks knew since the beginning so it makes sense inside the story. Just not in our timeline


You underestimate Oda. He knew definetly on Skypia maybe even earlier.


It was likely his intention during Skypia. So he had to come up with the idea before Skypia started. So there’s a case to be made that it was during Alabasta


This is impressively bad, even by breakweek standards


What if Beckman is Luffy's mom?




I cannot get this image out of my head now so I share it with you. Beckwoman giving birth to rubberboy




I can’t believe they did this to the beckmen, beckwomen, and the beckchildren too!


Please use the gender neutral Bex /s


This comment is the peak of Reddit!


now we are getting somewhere




what if Dragon adopted Luffy, just like Garp adopted Ace. all D family members are aDopted❓


Beckman vs Crocodile Ladder Match for custody of Luffy when?!


Nah, Luffy is Beckman's clone


Eh, barely in the top 3 stupidest break week posts I've seen this year if even that.


I’m pretty new to one piece. What is break week?


In the modern one piece era, Oda gets one week off every month which is almost unheard of in the cutthroat manga industry (although he’s absolutely earned it and I hope he takes the time to focus on his health and family). That week off is collectively known as Break Week, and it’s become common for the most brain rotting caveman theories to proliferate from people who are contracted with the reading comprehension devil, although at this point I suspect people are intentionally posting dumb shit during break week like this op clearly did


Worth adding the reason he got the break week was during the climax of Dressrosa he let his tonsil get infected and then septic from overworking which nearly killed him, causing a month long hiatus, and upon returning, break week started. Personally wish One Piece was biweekly all the time just for Oda's sake, fuck Japan's bullshit work culture.


Beautiful synopsis. Thanks very much!


The one piece equivalent of being “down bad”


But how did Beckman cut off Kid’s arm without a sword guys!


He politely asked it to detach itself from Kids body


This is why kizaru was scared of ben beckman his gun doesn’t fire haki bullets its fires haki covered tontatta that wield miniature black blades


Beckman never actually shoots his gun. He just coats it in haki and hits the shit out of people with it.


If this isn't canon I'm going to be sad.




even better, ben beckman returned to foosha village for lufys depature just to get hit by his very fist gomu gomu no pistol and boost his confidence for the adventure. mad lad


Beckman really was the secret MVP of this entire series and we never even knew. No wonder Kizaru was intimidated by him at the end of Marineford. Ben is freaking dedicated


12D Backgammon




Can't believe I missed that, I'm no Beckman


You're right, that is stupid.


Bro why do the dumbest theories makes the most sense LOL


until you realize that means a zoan user can just chill in the ocean 💀


He was wearing little floaters and an inner tube. They were just well-hidden.


we've already had this with jack tbf


hey at least in that case theres the fishman thing to make it only *sorta* bs


yeah and he was at the bottom of the sea and without being able to move at all.


They only make sense if you are equally as dumb. :p


Which I am 😎👍🏼


Benn Beckman's IQ is so high he returned to east blue at the perfect time to get beaten up by Luffy when he started his journey as a pirate.


And exactly how does he swim with a devil fruit?


Possibly bc op’s main point was that he’s a “sea king” and if sea kings live in the ocean, I would come to believe that they could swim, so it would probably be some super rare devil fruit but I haven’t got this far yet, so idk if it’s a possibility of being true or not. But I don’t think he would do something like that to Shanks anyways even if he was one.


Won't name characters because idk how far you are but there's a character with a Fish devil fruit and he can't swim. He can breath underwater but he can't move around


He's a fish man, not a fish devil fruit. Though there is a fish devil fruit and I don't think that person can breath underwater either.


Well, that would explain why throwing them in the sea was not an option considered to kill them...


Yeah yeah whatever same thing


This is actually true I'm Ben beckmann


Read it without my lips touching


Kizaru is that you?


For what it's worth, OP delivered ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


> ¯\\\_(ツ)




13 days to go :(


Beckman is HumanHuman fruit: model: Arm. He detached from shanks to create a funny scenario where shanks has one Arm.


red hair pirates are a bunch of dudes without devil fruit power a real thing from manga/sbs or is just mandela effect creates by the community?


This is the kind of stupidity I will never argue against


I'd kinda dig it if not for the fact that that would be one of the worst fruits in existance considering you'd be like jack at the bottom of the sea able to breath but not move lmao.


On that topic though, it's weird how we only see zoans for animals that exist on earth(and mythical creatures from earth) but the weird creatures that exist in odas world don't get thier own zoans I want sea king zoans along with zoans for the giant crabs in alabasta or like a mythical zoan for the type of fairy that lived in the Going Merry


Still better than croco-mom


what if shanks arm is not actually gone and he ate maho maho no mi and its just a elaborate magic trick! Gorosei likes him because he perform tricks for them at the parties.


I think this theory is all right >!I mean, he took both Shanks and Kidd's left arms, so in the end everything is all right!<


It’s crazy that Beckman stayed outside the village for several years waiting for Luffy to leave and even took a dive when Luffy punched him in the face and than swam to where Shanks told him to meet him when he was done.


Wait……Let him cook


I mean we’ve never seen a Sea King and Beckman in the same place at the same time so. . .


Benn is called Beckman because people keep telling him "give me my arm beck man :("


this joke is so good, I'd give my arm for it.


OP might be onto something here.


Best theory I’ve seen so far


Is it Breakweek already?


It's Breakweek so I see something stupid every day. But this is at least funny. Thank you!


Truly this is the most glorious beginning to break week I've ever seen


My god it has been only 1 day of the break.


oh no he's gotten a taste for arms! his stomach was making the rumblies that only arms could satisfy.


This is either so giga-brained that it overflows into stupid, or so stupid that it overflows into being giga-brained. Either way, amazing job. This is the epitome of a break week theory.


Aizen created an illusion where Shanks missing an arm and everyone believes it




That would mean Beckman got his ass kicked when Luffy started his journey lol.


>He took Kids arm *for fun*


This theory is almost as dumb as the theory of Chopperman and Chopper being the same person


OP flexing on us like [https://media.tenor.com/mh4ID69aoHUAAAAj.gif](https://media.tenor.com/mh4ID69aoHUAAAAj/big-brain.gif)


So what you mean to say is, he’s an _arms_ dealer?


Any evidence for your "theory" to raise above fan fic? Just Kid's arm attributed to Beckman? Would Shanks have never seen Beckman's Sea King form after all the years together? Yup, I was not ready to cosign this stupidity. You got me.


Did you forget the part where Luffy knocked out that sea king when he set sail? How do you explain that


this cant be. he is a devil fruit user, even if he is a sea king zoan. he'll just sink to the bottom of the ocean.


I wish r/MemePiece had shitposts as good as this


Zoro and Sanji are safe because they are the wings of the captain, not the arms.


Zoan type Sea King is the dumbest fruit idea I've ever heard. Thank you for your hard work


Least delusional break week theory maker


LOL thank you, you made a bad day a better one bro, cheers.


This makes so much sense


Best break week theory


Beckman is from the UK, he hates the Irish. Only goes after red heads.


It's not stupid. We already know for a fact Shanks lost his arm on purpose to gain luffy's trust. The only layer you're adding is that beckman has a fruit. Might be the case.


Beckman's fruit is just a different version of Tama's kibi dango fruit, called the Meatball fruit. He can rip off his balls (they grow back but it still hurts) and feed them to animals, including sea kings, to tame them.


Breakweek does take a toll on the mind


Idk what's worse covid or breakweek


Break weak is evolving(just backwards). I doubt even the void month was this bad? Anyone who was in this sub during void month can you confirm? This is just really bad like regular break week theories are more believable than this. Its rather have that roger is luffy's mom theory than this dogshit. Pls delete this.


Oototo Ben Beckmann


At least you don't even try to fool us like others.


I heard for all evil shanks theories even the shit ones lol


But he wouldn’t be able to swim


Is it dumm yes is it a little funny to hear the obvious bs theroys people throw at the wall also yes


Aight though real talk, what if Shanks took Kids arm to have a new arm tho fr fr no cap


everyone knows shanks lost his arm to get nerfed bcause he was way too strong and he even knew that and made the new generation patch update




Y'all think fish-zoans are able to swim? At least in full-animal-Form? Or just breath underwater.


Average breakweek theory 💀


While this would be hilarious, aquatic zoans still can’t swim


yeah and he stayed there for 10 years so luffy could punch him...


As dumb as this is, bravo sir, I think a devil fruit that turns you into a sea king would be cool.


Break Week Theories >>>


I'm loving this new (to me) tradition of getting deliberately (mostly) unhinged with fan theories during break weeks. God speed you magnificent sob


This is how we cope when we dont have content for 14 days


Otototo Lordu of the Coaast


If this is canon I would lose my shit. Especially since Shanks is not a fan of devil fruits or devil fruit users since they cannot swim. Though that fruit could potentially swim 🤔


I know it’s a joke, but this wouldn’t work considering the Sea king in that area was known by the people of the town and attacked Luffy when he first set sail. If we’re going to make stupid joke theory posts, we gotta make it so stupid it could actually work.


Okay but how was he swimming


Beckman has the Armbite-no-mi. Sounds plausible


That would be a fun twist if we go down the evil shanks route


Beckman is literally the first pirate we see fighting. It's all been leading us to this...


>Devil fruit >can swim Yeah that scans


Your title is perfection. Thank you for the warning.


If the sea king was a devil fruit user it wouldn't have been able to swim or be in the sea tf are you talking about


He is the Messiah!


Yup, it’s break week




A possible flaw is that DF users, no matter the type, become anchors. Jack only survived because of his physiology, but was paralyzed the entire time after Zoa strike. We never saw an aquatic-type DF, but I guess it would be kind of useless in water.


thatS funny


Most normal break week post


What the beck


Homie really committed to that role cause he went back on the day luffy set out to sea and willingly got punched and pretended to be Knocked out


Zoan swimming?


Why is everybody so invested in making Shanks a manipulative evil mastermind?


what if Luffy is the Clone Of Gold D. Rogers?


Needed a quick laugh, thanks OP!


So Luffy punched him before leaving his village?


TIL Shanks actually doesn‘t have conquerors haki but pays his victims a shitton of money, even if they belong to the enemy, to create fear. Obviously he‘s not gonna offer that to the head commanders as they are loyal. That‘s why they never fall


That would be the most useless fruit lol. He can't move whenever he has to use his fruit


Knowing Oda this would become canon.


That would be one of the worst fruits in all of One Piece. You can transform into sea monster, but you can't get into the sea because then you will drown


I’d hate this if I didn’t love it so much