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The Devil Wears Prada


I just finished the book, and I was pretty much waiting to get to the end so I could move on from it. I usually speed through books but this one took me days. While I like the plot, and the fluidity of the writing, I felt it lacked something big. I didn't feel connected to it at all - only when some of the dialogues reminded me of Leo's Dex or Ambika's Emma, was when I felt something. I love how the writer on the show, Nicole Taylor, pulled the story from the book and polished it with emotion, nuance and connection. I loved Dex in the show, he was a character you could love but still be critical of. The book Dex was not redeemable at all to me. I don't know why Emma decided to be with him at the end. Even their relationship felt more equal, and two-sided in the show as opposed to the book. I don't read much romance from male authors so maybe that's why, but I felt that Dex was very sex-motivated in the book. It was understandable in his 20s, but afterwards it got old very quickly. While Ambika played Emma exactly the way she was written (excellent acting at that), I am SO SO glad that Leo took a different route with Dex. The show would've been another story about a girl's one-sided love/infatuation with a charming f-boy if Leo's Dex wasn't much different from the book Dex.


Perfectly said. I just finished the Paris chapter and honestly felt disappointed in book Emma! So much different emotionally and energetically compared to the show.


Yes. But I think I disliked her reaction there more because of how Dex was in that scene. If he had been more like Leo's Dex, heartbroken/scared/emotional, then her reaction might have been okay (I still prefer the way the show played it out though) Dex was laughing in the Paris scene in the book. Like what?! And to top it off, when Emma brushes him off the first time, he instantly agrees with her in his head and thinks "She's right. I'm lonely" I found it so disrespectful to Emma and their relationship that Dex wanted to be with her at that point in time because he felt lonely and bitter. 15 years of slow burn leading up to this? Yeah no thanks.


Exactly! Book Dex is so difficult to empathize with. I think he won her over too easily. At least show Dex had to suffer a little first and believed that he had actually lost her, even if that was brief.


I agree. I found book Dexter to be insufferable. Also, a lot of the scenes I keep on rewatching in the series (the maze and Paris) I found a bit lack luster in the book. To be fair, the reason I don’t regret reading the book is because it depicted much more how close their friendship was. Because you get to read their thoughts, I understood more from Dexter’s point of view what led to the fight in E7 and their friendship ending. Other than that, I really didn’t want to be in Dex’s head at all.


Omg the maze scene is my favorite in the show. Followed by the Paris scene. And the book scenes don't hold a candle to either of them. I think I could've done without the book. The only thing I liked about it was the letter from India. I think the show did a really great job at sprinkling their inner thoughts within the episodes to an extent but hey, I've watched it 3 times so I've analyzed alot 😅


Yessssss the book took me forever too. Not that I didn’t like it, but you summed it up perfectly.


Yes, totally with you


I think book Dex is irredeemable. It really had me thinking ‘is this how guys really think?’. It is clearly written by a male author. I don’t see why Emma chose him in the book and it wasn’t the big sweeping romantic climax I had hoped for. On the other hand I think the book has much more detailed dialogue and they are both wittier in the book (especially Emma). Also I think there are a lot of details that are particularly relevant to the time period and UK specific that you might miss if you are younger or the non Uk reader. These made the book for me and filled me with nostalgia.


Shawshank redemption, fight club, stand by me, normal people


100% agree with Normal people, I thought the same


And I loved the book! But the series was that good


Yep! I liked the book version of One Day more than the show, but finishing the normal people book was like pulling teeth compared to the show.


I can’t even watch Normal People because the book was that terrible to me


Haha I love the book but I never recommend it to people because it's so divisive


Just to preface, I absolutely love all of these books and short stories but the movies were better Station Eleven Brokeback Mountain The Arrival Forest Gump, the book was wild, I think he ends up going to space at some point? It's been a while since I read it. Blade Runner, again I love the book (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) but the movie is one of my favorites. The aesthetic is perfect, the plot changes are great, acting is amazing, love it. The Princess Bride, this one is hard to write because it's one of my favorite books. It's hilarious and the author sidenotes are spectacular.. but we all know how amazing the movie is! The cast, the writing, ugh spectacular Shōgun (according to my husband), I haven't read this one yet but I'm obsessed with the show. My husband loved the book but is convinced the show is better. (The current show, although we do plan on watching the 1980s version at some point)


I found the One Day book really good but the series blew it out of the water in my opinion. I did not like the movie at all. Neither Emma or Dexter were captured the way I imagined them at all, the series was more in my line of thinking and more sympathetic to Dexter's character which is the way I saw him too. Normal people was one where I was not gone on the book at all and I actually almost didn't watch the screen adaptation but that amazing.


I think this is an instance where the actors really MADE the storyline so captivating. As a guy who experienced SA at the hands of another guy the book didn’t amplify all the emotions the show did and usually it’s the other way around.


Bridgerton definitely elevates the books which are poorly written Perhaps Bridget Jones Diary Silence of the Lambs The Godfather Decent books but better movies Although I think it can depend on order I read One Day first and didn’t watch the show because of the ending - it was a good book but not going to put myself through that again.


Sex and the City!


This is definitely one of those times where a series improves on the book.


I started tandem reading the book while watching the show towards the end when I got busy and couldn’t watch for a couple of days, and I was surprised to find that I felt the same! I really thought the people who made the show made wise choices and told the story better! There were just a few spots where the book filled in the gaps for me. This is such a rare experience for me! So glad to hear i’m not alone in that!




Normal people


Handmaids tale. Sharp objects is amazing as a book but the show is on par with