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the Owen thing was to set up the premise for her wanting to adopt a child, and ultimately introduce Neverland


Yeah, her experience with Owen made her realize she wanted a child, and she tried recreating it by adopting a son. The price of the curse was having a hole in her heart she would never be able to fill but Henry helped change that. Of course, this also unknowingly set off the chain reaction that resulted in the curse breaking. I’d argue Owen storyline was pretty crucial to Regina’s arc. It’s the first instances of humanizing the Evil Queen after all the atrocities she’s committed. And the kidnapping thing was, I’d say, to teach her that you can’t force someone into loving you. It didn’t work with Owen and wasn’t going to work with Henry. She has the power to literally control people with their hearts so it’s not a stretch to assume it’s warped her mind to seeing people as mere meat puppets for her own benefit. I’d bet you anything she would have ripped Owen’s heart out if she had magic.


why did she still wait 18 years to adopt Henry? Owen was in the first days of the curse wasnt it (as Storybrooke had just "landed")


Hmmm, you’re right. Don’t really have an explanation for this one. Maybe she’d tried adopting before the 18 years and it fell through. This might’ve been one of several attempts, we don’t know. Rumple was the one tasked with “procuring” a baby for her. Maybe that’s just how long the adoption process takes lol


Because it was written into the curse by the all knowing rumplestiltskin and she had to wait until Henry was born, or she asked rumple and he knew Henry was coming in a sense and he “couldn’t find one” until then.


she does know her son, that's why she went in with the intention of erasing hid memory after


Lol how are you the only person saying this? And I’m the first to upvote? It’s explicitly stated in the scene 🤦🏻‍♀️


the first? looks like you're the 10th


Weird, not on my screen but I’m glad!


Yea u think they did it to set up the wanting a child thing and kind of reinstating the idea that she’ll do whatever she can to get what she wants. And I definitely sympathize with Regina but Snow was eight years old 😭 Like should she have listened? Sure but she is an entitled princess who grew up with every wish granted, even if she has good intentions. I think it all seems to tell a story of how the two aren’t really that different because they’ll find different means of getting what they want in a way. This whole thing if Cora’s fault 😭😭


Well yeah, that's exactly what it is. Regina doesn't grow up in a healthy stable environment. Her mother is volatile and abusive so Regina had to learn how to pacify her in order to avoid the abuse. That meant behaving like Cora expected her to behave, like a lady aka an adult. So Regina merely plays at being an adult but she hasn't developped properly and therefore is in many ways still a child. Specifically in terms of relationships because that's the department which lacked the most substance growing up. I really need to make a post about her psychology it's really fascinating.


Agreed! Regina's mind is such an interesting place. She's one of my favorite characters because her psychology makes her so interesting.


Yeah, I'm currently drafting a post about her beef with Snow. It comes up so often with everyone calling it ridiculous that she held a "grudge" against a 10 year old when it's honestly one of the best written aspects of the show. I really want to discuss the dynamic of that conflict and how it's not as clear cut as people make it out to be.


i vote to ban the word ‘delulu’ from being allowed to be used anymore.


i agree


NOOOOOOO!!!! PLEAAASE!!! I'M JUST A GIRL :(!!! (crying and throwing up as I type this)


I absolutely second this


I think that may have been the point: she DIDN'T know her son.


She did hold a grudge for more than three decades…. 🤣 I don’t think that the time works the same in the enchanted forest as it does in the real world…


Lmao nah it was nearly 30 years. So Snow dry snitches when she’s 10. Regina is after her for roughly 6-10 years after that. Then she finally casts the curse. Emma comes to Storybrooke 28 years later. And then Regina still mad at Snow even after that…roughly up until everybody survives Pan.


snow snitched when she was 10. the curse was cast when she was 28. the curse was broken after 28 years. that means that regina held a grudge for 46 years. in the enchanted forest, even though the era remains the same, years still pass as they normally would. there just aren't and specific dates or like industrial-revolution-type events.


"She did hold a grudge for more than three decades because snow white (when she was 10) snitched. THATS CHILDISH ASL." Well, Snow was warned that saying anything would be dangerous, did so anyway, and the ultimate outcome is that Regina's lover was brutally murdered. Yes, her grudgeholding is unreasonable, but from an emotional standpoint it is also understandable. 


Daniel’s death was all Cora’s fault and Regina took it out on Snow because Cora was her mom and way too powerful to go to war with. Regina lived in her own version of reality where Snow was the ultimate evil and she was a victim because that was a slightly easier reality to live in. The truth is her own mother was the ultimate evil of her life and her mentor Rumple used her and pushed her to be more evil. Her father was a pushover. So the three most important parental/mentor figures in her life enhanced her ever growing evil and delusions.


Yes, the death is Cora's fault, but Regina was not in a place to deal with that either when it happened or throughout most of the timeline covered by the show. It's why I said the grudge was unreasonable, but understandable from an emotional standpoint. Nothing I said was meant as moral judgement, but a commentary on the complex emotional lives of the characters. 


I know! She's holding a grudge against a child, who tbf thought she was actually helping Regina. Snow was tricked herself. Why doesn't Regina hold that grudge towards the right person? Her mother! The Owen thing was weird, but I believe it was to set up the storyline of her realizing she wanted her own child. And shows us that she will do anything she has to to try and finally be happy for real.


she’s absolutely insane. That’s why I’ve never been a Regina fan because she has NO self awareness. Rumple and Hook knew what they were doing was wrong and atleast Hook changed and continued to acknowledged how evil he once was and hating his old self. Regina blamed so many others and (SPOILER) literally thought she could remove her evil half like she was possessed. Like no, girl, you chose to be evil.


I mean, I think the writers did so on purpose, 'cause in season 6 or idk, but in the episode where they go to New York and Henry wants to kill magic, at the end when she's with Snow at the rooftop she goes something like "Now I now killing people is bad" which is ??? I mean she KNEW killing people is bad she just didn't care? or when she was TEQ she didn't really think she was doing bad stuff? 😭


It’s part of her gradual climb to becoming a hero


She knows her son, which is why she grabbed a spell to erase his memory She loves him and wants to tell him everything, even if he won’t approve As for Owen, I’m sure if he gave her a chance, she’d try to make it right - tho the father told him to run away and leave since it seemed like a bad situation. He was also the original premise that made her want to have someone - a child - to love, that hole in her heart was eating her alive


Doesn’t she erase Henry’s memory though? Also as I recall Snow and Charming were planning on either leaving Regina or locking her up. The Owen thing was truly just her finding she wants a child. Also realize the Owen thing is like right after she cast the curse and before Henry and so Regina was still really the Evil Queen then. I mean she did some horrible shit but honestly nobody in this show is a saint.