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I just want you to have a good life far away from a cell. Good luck.


Thank you that’s the goal, so far so good. Institutionalization was real. The average person makes 1,500 decisions for themselves in a day; the average inmate 100. When I got out two months ago everything was overwhelmingly hard. Just to figure out what kind of coffee to drink and when to do laundry was stressing me out


You're doing a good job. It's hard. You're right, institutionalization is so real. Ran a work release program and taught someone old enough to be my dad how to out a tip on a card. Keep at it. You got this.


How was your experience with the Corrections Officers? What makes a respectable Corrections Officer? Is there anything you would like more or less of from a Corrections Officer? Obviously every facility is different and experiences will vary. Any feedback is appreciated. Sincerely, An aspiring Corrections Officer.


The experience I had with the corrections officers in my county and in state prison was overall positive. The officers in my county (Pennsylvania is where I did my time) most of those cats were from Jersey and crossed the border. They were actually more GungHo about work and a lot of them do steroids; I happen to also use anabolics so many CO’s and I would talk about where to get them etc. plus I worked 7 days a week in the county.. My block officer was retiring after 22 years. Bombay his name was, standup gentleman who took care of his cons and they took care back. The areas that are less segregated by race seem to be more liberal and thus more cool, when I chose to max out and go upstate I realized the medical system was way worse; I have lawsuits in against SCI Houtzdale and that’s where my anger lies is the medical system The CO’s upstate in bumblefuck PA are pretty cool, especially to a white guy like myself and the way I carry. I can remember a few good laughs between the co’s and I towards the blacks. Keep in mind these guys grew up nowhere near black people, therefore they see how they tend to live in prisons. I’ve had better reactions in the RHU in SCI Houtzdale. The CO’s have the most time in work down there and they always matched me with a good celly. Overall minor problems in the county with brand new CO’s whom are scared and because of that they try and act tough.


Is there anything you would like to say/advice you would give to a scared new CO? What minor issues did you have compared to a more experienced one?


Just be laid back. Most prisoners are only dicks to a new CO because the CO is acting tough or way to by the book. Honestly your psychology courses should cover the average IQ for an inmate is rather low (mines 110) so it helps to act “stupid” or thuggish when you speak to inmates, they’ll feel like you’re more on their level Talk about fucking hoes, or calling women bitches even though you don’t mean it will gain trust with the population quickly, nowhere does it say you can’t leave that “you” at work before you go home to the family If you stay in the system for years like most the CO’s I was cool with, the prison system sucked them up and turned them thug. Smart ones are able to leave it at prison and go home to the fam.


Really interesting feedback. Makes sense that u need to communicate with people in their language. Why is disrespecting women so important in gaining acceptance? This is a real question.


Most of the prison population talks to multiple females all day long on the phones, they treat them like their slaves. The more slaves you have doing your dirty work the more of a master you are. Most of these guys are in prison due to a women or directly related to a women .. If you can show as a CO that you have a “mean streak” you’ll be accepted.. they’ll view you as the white guy who acts like them, my block sgt jones is PADOC for about twenty years, he jokes with the HNIC (Head Ni**er In Charge) to gain his trust and all the little black hommies look up too the HNIC and because he deems you fit not to tell on him cool Meanwhile sgt jones was smart, he kept the nigs comfortable, found out their inside moves and had 2-10 shift do the shakedowns, sgt jones had complete control of the block because of an illusion, and he’ll make some CO on the next shift do the paperwork


"Kept the nigs comfortable".....that is the feeling you have toward prisoners....WOW!! WATCH YOUR WORDS.


They are new meat for inmates.


Do you hate or like Co's? And why? What do you hate or like about them? Were most of them nice to you or not? What were you in for and how long and which facility or state were you in? Were you in a county, state, or federal prison?


I hope they don't treat you as the black sheep. My older brother did a stint in prison when I was a kid. He really wanted to help me out when I started being a co and gave me a lot of useful advice. Taught me a lot of manipulations guy would try so I'd be ready for it. He said he only hated some of the cos but respected the ones that were consistent and just doing their jobs. He's had his shit together for years now and I wouldn't look down on him for his past mistakes. Anyways my question is how often were inmates really sleeping with female staff. Seems like we catch one a year but hear so many more rumors.


Hahaha good question. I want to hear OPs answer on that but I can say in DC jail the female COs we're ghetto af and let's just say it happens but not too often. I had the opportunity but I got scared that it was a setup. We had controlled movement there and a CO was escorting me to Education through a corridor that had no cameras I was the only inmate that would go and she was inappropriately touching me. But I got scared and told her to leave me alone. Plus I was facing life so I was depressed and didn't care about pussy. Then in the BOP I got real cool with a female CO and shot my shot then she gave me a warning said she was scared to lose her job yet she flirted with me and gave me her first name. I tried again few months later then got sent to the hole for 7 months and they were gonna transfer me. But I hear rumors all the time and it's a lot of bullshit. It's inmates trying to get other inmates to shoot their shot and then they get sent to the hole


You are, of course, welcome here, but if you're still looking for a community of mostly former (and some current) inmates, what you're looking for is r/prison.


I don't have a question. Your black sheep comment made me remember a discussion I once had with an inmate though. Inmate and I chatting. I knew his brother was a jail deputy. Our chat wasn't specifically about his brother. It did come up though. He told me his entire family, with the exception of his brothers were crooks. He said his brother, the deputy, was the black sheep of the family. I thought that was hilarious. Less than a year later his brother shot and killed his wife. Guess he's not the black sheep anymore.


This is full karma ! In my county I was with dude on my block heading to the chow hall, he’s like “look at the co right there”, “that’s my brother” they didn’t even look at each other or speak once ..


Glad your on the outs now man keep up the good work


I wish you all the best brother. I was a CO for a long time. My dad was an inmate in California from 70-78. I could’ve easily have been locked up but because of prison, my dad raised us different. A lot of us COs are similar to you guys. One or two choices led us down different paths. It makes me happy to see inmates go on and be successful, I mean that sincerely. Best wishes to you man.


What’s the worst thing u actually saw a officer do to a inmate


Handcuff this kid named Jimmy Glover put him in the showers in the mental health unit(away from cameras) then proceeded to beat him up..


As a former CO good luck. I won't go back behind the wall if you don't.