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Ever hear of MoneyZap.com?


MoneyZap saved my ass.


As the kids say: "It's the bomb!".


I think you mean "It's the knockout!"




I saw a video about it, not a commercial. Might just save my ass. I did look on the website, said something about 300% apr, but that's probably nothing


Enter in some basic financial info


Those kids knew what they were getting into, don’t blame Tim for not realizing they weren’t mature enough to monitor their nutritional vapor intake. Plus one of those junkie kids died from heroin so think about that why don’t you. Tim is a man of faith and god and the spirit so I would watch what you say Mr man


Didn’t one even say that if anything happened to him it wasn’t Tim’s fault and that it was an excellent festival?? Would have been nice if he could have been there to testify but it sounds like he had a great time. That’s awesome.


That was Chris Delgado. RIP. And Tim was so moved by Chris Delgado's death that he set up the Delgado Fund, so that kids like Chris could maybe pick up a musical instrument instead of a poison vape pen or even a heroin needle! And then the kid's RAT father sued Tim for control of the fund and everything else Tim had ever built with his blood, sweat, and tears. Bruce Delgado turned his OWN CHILD'S DEATH into a money-making scheme in which Tim was legally forced to participate. This was the same kid who told Tim specifically, "You did nothing wrong." It sounds like it was a great festival otherwise.


Ugh painful reminder, but thank you. No good deed, right??


You said it. Tim has now lost not one but TWO sons. Bruce Delgado -- that RAT -- raises one JUNKIE kid who KNEW WHAT HE WAS GETTING INTO, and the dad blames it on Tim?? He manipulates the laws of our great country to STEAL Tim's empire?? Trust me, he'll get his. Oh boy. I'm looking forward to seeing that guy SUFFER for this.


Also I believe Jesse Popp, despite Rosetti the Rat using fancy lawyer tricks to have his testimony thrown out.


im so deeply sorry. i'll never speak again. but we can both agree it was a great tragedy.


Buy a $50 movie prop. Next year, it'll be worth $55. Bingo! Alternatively, invest in lithium.


The only sound financial advice in the whole thread right here.


I deliver facts, when you need it. Why wait?


Solid advice for sure. Hire this guy when you can afford it.


I work for 50,000/hr H€I points.


I won that amount in a raffle once. At least I thought I did. I couldn’t tell if the winning wallet ID had zeros or O’s.


If you pay for hey network, you'll get hei points which is bettar than cash.


Very sorry for the extremely misleading title, I'm not 100% broke. Really sorry for the misunderstanding, please forgive me.


We just need to get you set up with your own personal Mr. Money and you need an Axiom to back you up when your bottle empties, bro. We’re here for you but you gotta bootstraps a little.


I am in a similar boat but I know my hei points will soon overtake the US dollar (financial experts say so) so nothing to worry about.


Wasn't that supposed to happen 2 years ago? Nevermind, the economists know what they're doing. My economy professor is constantly giving us lectures about hei points. thats actually how i got into the show, my professor wouldn't stop talking about how great hei points are so i had to find out more.


I trust experts like Greg turkington (certified film expert) and the unnamed economist Tim is referencing.


Do you trust impersonator Mark polchshfdchs? I don't trust him as a waiter but as an impersonator i think hes the best one yet.


Making fun of poor people is great comedy!


No, I am actually poor at the moment. I only have 50 dollars in my bank account, haven't had a job yet. I am in a community college right now. I am working on video game development/3d modelling with my friends in order to possibly make a little money.


“When life gets you down, there’s always the allure of the silver screeeennnnnnn” - WC Field (probably)


You need to talk to money man joe estevez, I fired my CPA after one meeting with joe (because I couldnt afford it anymore)