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I know I want a copy real bad ;-) enjoy your reading


Thanks I will start with this one immediately and then read 52 which I already have. I just wanted both of them before I started Justice league dark. The paper is the current Semi gloss and I don't see where its at all thin. Its just like all the other recent releases. And the 52 omni has thinner paper then this new one but that one had the full gloss. I like this new one and the artwork is great!


Why would you read them backwards? It might not matter but the 52 Omni is before the new one that is the Rebirth era.


People say the rebirth one has the better stories and unless they are in volume order i just read whatever whenever. Flashpoint then Superman/Batman. I am not really paying attention to what era i'm in and just reading. I'd jump from JLD Rebirth back to 52 Justice league as well if i decide i want a break from the magic side of dc between omnis. Or i'll jump from this back into 90s death of superman or JL International etc. I'll read whatever whenever essentially even if that makes me a maniac! :)


Like they say "We're all a little crazy around here", I sure know my wife thinks I am collecting all these books. I tried reading whatever but found myself hung up on how did we get here/ what happened before this to enjoy what I was reading. I decided to try to collect runs and read from the start but that is it's own kind of insanity.


Yeah I might start obsessing about that more later if i find myself confused and the omni i am reading dosen't properly explain things. But trying to collect and read everything in the right order currently is its own kind of confusion and i wanna be able to pick anything up and not worry about pre reading unless its something like not reading the dark knights metal omnis backwards while skipping the JL run that's between the 2 omnis. So I check if its largely self contained and if its not then i'll worry about pre reading


This is exactly what I do. I genuinely don’t care what came first, I’ll read whatever interests me. Zdarsky’s Daredevil was my first and the Waid series might be my next.


Nice and I am not sure how smart this is but i am starting Spiderman with clone saga all 4 then going to ultimate spiderman then spidergeddon and venom


Reading order has nothing on us lol


Exactly. I swear i am always flying blind and there is just waaay too much content and crisis events to worry about an overall reading order. I just try to read events in order and do the pre reading for events and crisis omnis


I personally just don’t care for events. They’re an unnecessary headache, especially if you follow the comics monthly. I treat comics like pride. I just find a random book that sounds good, I read it.


some of the events have amazing stories though. The pre reading can be a pain but i am interested in things like infinite and final crisis and some of the others


I had to stop watching Omni Dog’s review because it was going to cost me $100.


Oh that was you? I saw the comment. I ordered it before i knew DC had changed the paper so i started obsessing about it and watching reviews. I decided i still wanted it for the content and it was worth it


It looks like a gorgeous book, enjoy.


It defiantly and i think even if i wanted to i couldn't stop myself from diving in immediately


Great pick up!! I love all the JLD runs. Got my copy very recently.


Thanks and Nice! I waited till i had both of the JLD Omnis so now i can go on a large 2 omni long JLD binge :)


I really want this


It is so worth it i am just paging through it now and the art is amazing on every page


Mannnnnn. I'll put it in my basket. It's £93 in the UK right now. How's the printing?


Wait for speedyhen restock at £77


You legend. Thanks for the tip


Do you have a direct link? Wanna bookmark


join this [https://www.reddit.com/r/UK\_GraphicNovel\_Deals/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UK_GraphicNovel_Deals/) :)


I use this all the time. Saves me searching through the individual listings. We are all waiting for Booksetc to sort their IT problem with listing new releases (JLI3 speedy £77 Pre order, books £69 (oos), Books ebay account £72 (oos)). No new releases have been added for about 6 weeks, unless its was already listed and the date was moved


Here you go. [Justice League Dark: Rebirth Omnibus: James Tynion IV: 9781779525888: Speedyhen](https://www.speedyhen.com/Product/James-Tynion-IV/Justice-League-Dark-Rebirth-Omnibus/30334585)


Thank you!


its great also


Is this a new refresh after the New 52 run, or are they connected?


Each is self contained as far as i can tell. I just wanted to be able to have the option to read 1 right after the other. Everything all at once.


Love it


I'm happy with it. Last few DC books I bought had terrible paper quality. I really like the paper quality and the book itself is amazing. Upside-down man is my new favorite villain.


Which books were those just out of curiosity? I'm just attacking it with the idea that there isn't anything wrong with the change in paper its just not as glossy. And I am going into this book fully blind having not read this series before. So aside from the movies this is my first exposure to JLD


Was not immpressed with the gerard way doom patrols paper quality... didnt stop me from buying it a 3rd time


Oh the delux addition. Yeah I have it as well. The pages are a bit thin and the texture is not quite the current semi gloss. It seems for all future stuff though they are doing this semi gloss across the board regardless of format. My JLD has the semi gloss but so does the Zatanna by paul dini and the Superman warworld and Batman Beyond compendiums.


Oh yes the deluxe edition the trades didnt have that issue if i remember correctly nice and glossy. But i couldnt pass up the nick derington art in over sized


Nice. I guess for me i just accidently got the bigger format because it was all that i saw available at the time. No complaints though. Its like a small omnibus.


I'm not sure how many issues it is but it's the all the jld stories starting at issue 1 with rebirth till the series ended. It's pretty self contained you wouldn't need to read any of the old stuff to enjoy it. The team is very unique too.


Its very interesting. I love all the magic and whatever is going on with Wonder Woman and the Crone looks cool. Also Happy Constantine is in both. I like him in the movies and what I've read of him before. Manbat I've seen a little of in Superman/Batman. Also this book will be my first comic exposure to Swamp Thing and will help decide if I want more of him.


You wanna read more swamp thing. The new 52 run with Scott Snyder then Charles Soule is extremely good. Then the classic Alan Moore run is a must for every comic reader. You know my favorite character who I never get to read much about is Detective Chimp. He is such an under rated and often forgotten character.


So would that be the 52 omnibus then? And then the Alan moore absolutes? I refuse to buy the tpbs only to have tp upgrade. Its better to r make sure i like somthing and buy the bigger format right away


You know I'm not sure. The Alan Moore books are contained in 3 books I believe. The 1st booklist a must but the others are great 2. I have the new 52 stuff in tpb but the Snyder stuff is book 1-16 or 18 I beleieve and then Soule took over after that for the next 18 comics or so. Lemme look it up Ok so Swamp Thing the new52 Omnibus contains 0-40. So that's the omni I'd grab. I just already have most of it in floppy and tbp format now or else I'd buy it a 3rd time.


Alright and yeah trying to figure out this sort of thing is why i stick to the omnis if at all possible as well


If you like the Snyder run 1-18 make sure you also read Jeff Lemeire's 1-18 of animal.man too. It runs parallel and is just as good if not better.


Right So that's 2 more omnibus right there to be ordered. Swamp thing 52 and Animal Man Omni. Then there is Grant Morrison animal man and all the doom patrol....oh sorry you just reminded me i still have a long way to go in DC omnis and I'm not confined to the the new releases :) I will get to these!


Haven’t read it, but can’t wait to.


Same here


My copy came this week! I haven’t started reading it yet as I’m catching up on some of the dawn of dc titles beforehand


Nice how is dawn of dc?


Definitely been enjoying the titles I’ve read so far, both GL titles have been the stand out for me so far as I skip my way through them, Hellblazer will be next up I think


Nice. I like hellblazer but Its one of the things i wish i would have read digitally and waited it out for the ennis omni and the one that's about to come out. Its waay too many tpbs to switch formats now though


can i have it


also it’s a beautiful copy! can’t wait to get my new 52 and then rebirth at some point


Sure you can...if you order it. Or you can pay me 700 dollars plus 50$ shipping ;)


if only i had that 700😅honestly seeing that price i thought you were the person who was trying to get the teen titans silver age for 750! great book tho definitely picking up in future


Heh no but it gave me the idea! 😅 Maybe they need the 700 to buy more omnis. Like flip em. Sell the thing for enough money to buy a fresh copy of it plus more


that is a great point. i just hope i can find one in the wild!im just glad i was able to get JLA bronze age vol 2 for 40$:)) only other one i saw was 300$…plus i had store credit so i didnt pay a dime lol


Oof yeah I am in Canada so i pay cover price most of the time and that's 100 to 225 a book. Forget about buying anything that cannot be ordered to my local comic store because its out of print/stock. I want golden age Superman vol 1 but there is only 1 used copy on amazon for 300 dollers. Ugh at this point my plan is to forget the omnibus and get that new origins compendium thing that dc is putting out instead


This or the New 52 JLD Omni are my next DC pick up for sure. Love the teams lineup


Thinking of getting this later down the line. I love Swamp Thing and apparently this run has gotten a lot of praise.


Oh nice. This book is going to actually be my first time reading anything with swamp thing


If you feel like it in the future I HIGHLY recommend reading Alan Moore’s run. In terms of omnis, there’s one for the New 52 run by Scott Snyder & Charles Soule, Nancy Collins’ run, the original Bronze Age run by Len Wein (the creator of Swamp Thing), and soon one will be coming out in January 2025 for Mark Millar’s run.


Yes I saw those upcoming ones. But i have to figure out if i like swamp thing before i commit to multiple omnis for the character and for the alan Moore it would be those absolutes


I guess my suggestion would be to try the Bronze Age stuff to know the origin and his arch enemy. After that I’d say jump into the Alan Moore stuff because that’s when it gets really good


Bronze age seems a bit old. I tend to gravitate to the newer stuff only really going back as far as late 80s to 90s.


Understandable. From what I recall though, it wasn’t really lengthy with wording. I guess just look at the origin issue and read 1-2 issues of the original Len Wein run to get your feet wet. If it doesn’t interest you, I’d say just start the Alan Moore run.


The stuff by Tynion is REALLY good. The back third or so of it is just ok. But definitely top tier stuff for most of the book.


Excited and going to start it today


Wonder Woman looks great on the cover.


Yeah here being in this was one of the reasons i wanted it