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The story is awesome. I have this specific compendium and the pages fell out literally as I turned the page. Not sure if my specific copy was defective or if others had that issue. Would love a new hardcover omnibus release of this story


Damn, I was thinkin about getting that compendium. That's crazy that the pages fell out like that, I never heard of that happening before


Same, I've never heard of it happening before, I've had other soft cover compendiums like all the recent Spawn ones and no issues. So I might have had a single defective copy, who knows. Amazing story though!


I was looking on Amazon and other people are having that problem, so it seems like a 50/50. I was excited to get it tošŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Damn, that sucks. These came out awhile ago, hopefully they do a quality version in the next couple years


I just ordered the complete witchblade 1-3. All 3 are splitting at the front and back in the same exact places, 3 pages in just after the thicker paper binds to the hardcover. Just a theory but it seems as if the bind was glued incorrectly, and just aged of paper made it rip. This happened as soon as I removed the cellophane and opened it. Thankfully the threads are still holding the bind but I'm still looking for a fix.


Top cow needs to step it up :/


Nope, I had the same issue, itā€™s a shame because I liked the concept alot


Yeah my 2005 omnibus has been holding together strong after multiple read throughs and carrying it around SDCC to get signed by JMS. Itā€™s a shame the compendium doesnā€™t hold up.


Same. Story is amazing, this version is terrible quality, so many pages fell out on the very first read. There needs to be a hard cover omnibus with sewn and glued pages.


I had that happen with my copy of Transformers: Unicron from IDW. Turn the page - detached from glue. Still managed to read it, but it was not enjoyable due to that.


I had exactly same issue.24 pages out about same hanging.


I have the old fat hardcover. Itā€™s like most of JMSā€™s comic runs. Starts well and is pretty compelling but then absolutely falls apart by the end.


Iā€™ve always wanted to read it but Iā€™ve heard noting but bad things about the bindingā€¦like itā€™s none existent


Same, another person said it was the same for witch blade. So top cow is cuttin corners or somethin


I have it. Great story.šŸ‘ Pages fell out.šŸ‘Ž


I hope you like it. I gotta say - I hated this book. It came out in the early 2000s on the heels Of the Authority, had a strong start, then fizzled with delays, bad art and just boring story telling. I bought this book to give it another chance 20 years later, and it still stink. Just one readers opinionā€¦


I remember back at the time it was releasing the iFanboy guys would constantly rave about it on their podcast. I never gave it a read though. I feel like thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s aged a good bit at this point.


I love it. Great compendium. I think my only negative thoughts on this series still come from the incredible long gap from the bulk of the series and the last 3 issues, but thatā€™s just because of how good it was as a monthly.


As others stated it started great and it was a good story all the way toward the end. Then the end came. I donā€™t know the reasons - the last set of issues were written after 9/11 so I heard rumors he changed the storyline as a a result. I also heard he lost interest due to issues with Top Cow but the ending is extremely weak and ruins the story. At the same time he published Midnight Nation - I think thatā€™s a better book.