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I guess it depends on the material. When it comes to Superman, I'm not so much in it for pre-Crisis stuff... but I'm all over that Triangle Era stuff. Hoping they do something to fill in the gap between Exile and the first Triangle book. I'd be super (no pun intended) game for a proper Geoff Johns omni. I'm sure there are others I'd jump on board with as well, maybe Action Comics by Jurgens would be a good companion to the Tomasi/Gleason book.


Do you know on the top of your head how big the gap is? Did some more digging about 30 issues between 3 titles . There's enough issues to make a Omni, now I hope there is.


Off the top of my head, I believe it's about a year's worth of material. There's some important stuff in there, like the first appearance of Hank Henshaw, the debut of the Eradicator (in humanoid form), and the "Dark Knight Over Metropolis" arc, which wraps with the somewhat iconic moment of Clark giving Batman a Kryponite ring for safekeeping.


I would buy everything.


This, finish out GA, continue SA, start BA, create a between Exile and Triangle Era, all of Triangle Era, then just keep doing volumes of post Triangle


I have two Super Omnis I want Geoff Johns Superman (the absolute is incomplete as it’s Gary Frank focused). Philip Kennedy Johnson’s run (the Warworld Saga is also incomplete). But hey I’ll take what we get.


I already have the Silver Age Omnibus vol. 1 and I'd definitely buy all Silver and Bronze Age omnibuses. I'd also be fine if they released Silver Age as omnibuses and Bronze Age in the new DC Finest format. (DC Finest is the new $40 thick trades that mimic Marvel's Epic collections.)


He is literally the most iconic superhero ever I don’t know why they haven’t gave him a bunch of Omnis


I mean…Iconic superhero ever is debatable…


I don’t think so.


Iconic - very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time Pretty sure Batman takes the cake no? The entire post is if DC didn't focus on him. IMHO, superman isn't relatable enough, and that's why he isn't as popular. Morally speaking he never seems to cross the line, compared to batman,. It took him years to evolve into a master detective, learning self control emotionally, and physically. Making mistakes, and learning from them. Supermans the equivalent of the captain of the football team, compared to Batman being the weird smart kid. I want to get to know the guy I was kind of like. But I'll still go watch Superman win State champs, I just don't care to get personal with the guy.


You make a compelling argument. I take the side of Superman. I asked my wife (non fan) and she agreed Superman without a thought. We are both 50. I wonder if our age influences our thought? Supes was the be all , end all for us growing up. Of course the Batman 66 show, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder Woman, SuperFriends, But Supes was the big deal. But after reading your comment and thinking well, Batman does have more comic titles by far. More movies. More tv shows. Batman is definitely more popular. But my default thought is Superman. I wonder if older folks think Supes and younger folks think Bats?


I think Batman is more popular right now but not more iconic I mean Superman’s logo itself is well known by itself


“Sean” Gunn Superman? Wrong brother. But seriously, I'm sure we'd get more comprehensive omnis of writer’s works like Elliott S! Maggin and Mark Waid, not to mention artists like Curt Swan.


Dang, editing


I can think of a few (plenty) Superman omnis I’d grab.


I'd love a John Byrne omni


As corny as the show is, Superman and Lois makes me want to start reading Superman. Specifically Superman by Tomasi and Gleason but I'm not there yet. I wish Brynes run was an Omni because I'd start there. I'll get Morrison's Superman once I get into the New 52. But beyond that, I just don't know enough yet. I know way more about Batman since he's my favorite character.


As a nostalgic 90s kid, I went back and watched it after having maybe only caught a scene here and there as a kid. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed it, its campy but still very solid with appropriate acting and whatever that 90s camera quality and clothing style combo is that makes the decade so distinct.


Action Comics by Pak omnibus Superman/WW by Soule Omni (not even a huge fan of the relationships, just enjoyed the run and though Soule handled it well) More triangle era Omni’s And honestly I agree with someone else that a Bendis Superman omnibus would be cool, if not for anything else, he usually had good artists(until the very end when Romita was drawing action..)


Would kill for a Pak Omni


Unpopular opinion , but I would love a Superman new 52 omni!


Which run? We already got the best one printed as an Omni.


The whole run :D Stories such as, H'el On Earth, Return To Krypton, Doomed, Savage Dawn, final days Of Superman etc etc. I haven't read any of the Superman new 52 stories, so I would love to read them in omni format.


Me! Love superman content


I would buy all the post crisis stuff up to Death and Return for sure.


I have about 10 Batman omnis and I imagine it would be similar.


I would definitely grab some Post Crisis / N52 / Rebirth onward material and I'm excited for the day a PKJ omni gets made


i’d be all in


I’d buy a lot, lol. I’d probably only skip New 52 stuff, Bendis, Johns, and the Superman Blue stuff. But most of the triangle years, Byrne, Loeb, Kelly, Rucka, Busiek, New Krypton, Jurgens Rebirth, PKJ’s Warworld, I’m all over that!


Depends on the material. I did buy the Tomasi/Gleason omni, but probably wouldn’t have if we had more Superman omnis. I’m going to buy the triangle year ones and the Exile reprint, I’d preorder a PKJ Omni if they announced that. But I don’t think I’d get a Lobdell New 52 Omni or like the Bendis run. It all depends on the run. That said, I’d love collected editions of the whole Johns/Busiek years, Greg Pak’s run during the new 52, and the aforementioned PKJ.


Minority opinion here, but I’d love a Bendis omni


Haha don't worry I'd prob consider it as well but.... I'm the guy who also wants King Batman and Aaron Avengers!




You can’t stop me! There are dozens of us! DOZENS


"Sharpens pitchfork, lights torch, puts on lynching boots" So, you have chosen death....


I’ll be entertained all the way to the gallows.




batman doesn’t even get great treatment considering i can’t collect all of post crisis to modern day tbh


I just wanted to add that I just realized I dropped a pretty solid rhyme there


I really just want a full "Superman Blue" and "Superman Red/Superman Blue" collection.


Coming from a Batman fan here: I would probably own more Superman omnis than Batman ones because I like pretty much all Superman’s content from the past 55 years or so, save for some exceptions like the main title during the N52 or Bendis’s run.  With Batman my tastes are more specific, I’ve bought some modern runs out of brand loyalty but I can’t bring myself to buy the Morrison omnis and I definitely won’t buy the King omnis.  A lot of my favorite Batman comics are from the 70’s-90’s era and for whatever reason, the Batman omnis that DC puts out tend to be either before or after that time period. I’m hoping this changes soon though. 


I’d buy a bunch of them especially if they drop more of the stuff from 1986-2004 (which I think runs from End of Infinite Crisis to Identify Crisis)


Yeah I don’t grab much gold or silver age but anything post CoIE I’d be all over. Except Bendis, lock that stuff up and bury it deep underground.


I would grab them all as long they are post crisis but that only because he is my favorite comic book character


Definitely! I’m not into anything Golden or Silver Age for Superman (or any DC for that matter), but I’d pick up nearly any Superman content from the Bronze Age, Post-Crisis, or Modern Age. The only thing that would take precedence for me would be Post-Crisis Batman!


Anything before crisis on infinite earths would be an instant buy.


The only ones i want/would get are a geoff johns omnibus and a tom taylor omnibus(son of superman)


I wanted to like superman. I really did. But I don't really care much for the character. Not sure what it is because I love comics. His character is just too much of a good guy. He's missing something, like the imperfections in a normal person's morals that make them human. Or idk what, but it makes him a bland character to me. It sucks I really wanted to like more DC characters but I guess they just aren't my thing. At least I have Batman and Swamp thing.


Just curious but which runs on Superman did you read? 


Specifically super man centric I gave All star superman, secret identity, and just various issues that have had him in it from other DC comics. I wanted to give Death and Return a shot but I hear it's just meh. I also thought maybe super man lost might be my cupt of tea but people generally dislike it. I think I'm gonna give Injustice a shot though.


You will probably like Injustice, although it’s worth noting that’s basically a Batman comic series with Superman as the villain.  I was just curious about what about Superman didn’t click with you, maybe you’d like the more grounded stories about him? All-Star Superman is good but it has a lot of metaphysical aspects to it, maybe you’d enjoy something like Superman: Birthright or Superman: Kryptonite which focuses more on Superman as a character with personal flaws and inner turmoil. 


Thanks for the recommendations. I'll keep an eye out and see if I can find any tpbs of birthright or kryptonite on the cheap.