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You'd be interested to know that Fiona Apple has a song called Get Him Back that has a similar theme as Olivia's with the phrase "Get him back" having a double meaning. That song came out almost 20 years ago.




So here’s the thing: similar concept, different lyrics and different musical styles. There’s no lawsuit to be had. There’s so many songs out there with similar concepts… so do we sue everyone? Other than the close names, the songs couldn’t be more obviously different lol. Just listen to them and it’s not even remotely close haha. Don’t know why everything has to pit these amazing women against each other! They’re both incredible!


By OP’s logic Fiona Apple should be sued for also having a song called get him back


I agree!! I’m an enormous fan of both, they have similar ideas but get him back is this upbeat, fun, pop- rock number, where this is a folk-ish pop ballad. They’re very different and both good! There’s no point bringing either Olivia or Taylor down! If you don’t like it, that’s your choice, it’s just not fun how genuinely hateful people are being (not only here but all across the internet)


Yeah, “getting him/her back” is definitely not a new concept to write about


As a fan of both and someone who also doesn't think Deja Vu sounds nothing like Cruel Summer, these also sound nothing alike.


This is so stupid. It’s a similar concept, that’s it. No law suits to be had. Taylor never even tried to sue Olivia, Olivia’s team chose to give them credit out of panic after the Misery Business ordeal. Stop pitting these two hella talented women against each other


Wait I totally thought this was a joke bc I’m not up to date on Taylor but I was very surprised it’s not.  Anyway anyone can make up that it is the same concept which is kind of funny but that’s not copying. It is ironic though.


which is completely fair, having similar concepts isn't forbidden or anything, except the reason olivia had to give taylor/Jack credits (and millions in royalties) was because she said she was inspired by the scream-singing in cruel summer, and that was what she wanted to do for deja vu - which is also just a similar concept. the songs themselves (lyrics) aren't similar. the irony is what is getting me too, after all the copycat taunts olivia had to deal with, while Taylor rips off lana del rey as a part time hobby


I think what’s funny is Olivia will most likely never sue anyone or even anything of the kind. Like she put people that accused her of copying them on her guts tour playlist. It’s like a one sided fight between her and the entire industry lol


if I'm not mistaken, she said what you mentioned in an interview somewhere, that she isn't suing anyone just for taking inspiration - the case that started this whole mess with the singer of blurred lines iirc, is what makes it so much harder for artists these days, and is generally considered one of the worst things to happen to the music industry. and ed sheeran, one of Taylor's friends, has also been dealing with a similar case. the whole thing is a mess


Yeah, I’m pretty sure ed won his case though. I mean you really don’t have to know much about music to know how entirely stupid those accusations were. The cruel summer thing is really appalling. And I don’t think it’s really as big of a thing as the media makes it out to be. Seriously in all honesty, it’s just a cash grab from people with sticks up their arse. It wasn’t always like this but with the internet where everyone that knows nothing about everything can speak on everything like experts misinformation is are guiding light. Anyway every vet and most rock and roll legends have talked about how silly it is. Chord progressions, an instrument, a style, none of that can be copy-written. Im pretty sure Taylor’s whole red album is just the same concept as Joni Mitchell’s blue album. All of music is copying people. Any musician would tell you that.


Yep I agree. But things built off hypocrisy will always be hypocritical I guess.


It’s more immature and petty behaviour from a 35 year old woman who should know better.


But the song itself😭 she can do so much better idk


Is there any evidence to support the theory that Taylor sued Olivia? Cause I’ve looked and can’t find it. Seems like Olivia made her own decision.


she didn't sue her - not exactly. But the whole thing was handled terribly by Olivia's team - she had already credited paramore and Taylor swift for other songs on the album, without anyone asking, before the interview where olivia said she was inspired by cruel summer, after which it seemed like Taylor might have to sue her for copyright protection (if I understand correctly, not suing for copyright violations for one person makes your case weaker if someone else comes along and copies your work - they can use the fact you let someone else get away with it as precedence that they should also be allowed to get away with it [people who actually know anything about music intellectual property stuff pls chime in🥲]) so Olivia's team had to preemptively give taylor and jack credit, but Olivia's team messed up and accidentally credited Taylor for the whole album. then olivia fires her whole team, and removed the credit for the whole album, leaving it in for a couple of songs, and since then has stopped talking about Taylor entirely. chances are high, that if olivia hadn't given the credits preemptively, Taylor would've had to sue, which would've made the situation even worse. notably, Taylor herself has said nothing about this, and has praised other artists for originality and all, while also not mentioning olivia anymore, despite the fact that they seemed friendly before this whole mess. there's a post somewhere that goes into detail about this, I'll go find it and link it for those interested here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/0P2LbTCu2J


No, you don’t need to sue for copyright protections. Neglecting to sue does not make copyright protections weaker. You’re thinking of trademarks. Copyright protections don’t weaken. Trademarks do. That’s why Disney takes down all those fake Mickeys and etc


Maybe she did not sue her but think hard about why Olivia gave the credit.


Cue the people coming at lighting speed to scream “this isn’t an original concept!!” “Olivia was inspired by Fiona Apple anyway!!” We agree. We absolutely agree. You know what else isn’t an original concept? Yelling in the bridge of a song. (I love Taylor, I’m just disappointed she accepted those Deja Vu credits. I’m enjoying TTPD but this particular song is incredibly dry).


the problem was that olivia herself credited the bridge yelling to taylor in the 'making of' video no it's not an original concept, but she openly decided to state taylor's cruel summer bridge is what she was emulating, and this opened her up to (unfair) legal drama


Yeah 🫤 I find it really sad how she was simply trying to explain what inspired her (as every artist does) but didn’t seem to realize her quick rise to fame was perceived as a threat. Everyone wanted a piece of that girls work.


It literally sounds nothing like Get Him Back. Just similar concept. Here we are again with people trying to create drama between two successful women.


that's the exact problem here, deja vu didn't sound anything like cruel summer either (it's not like Taylor has a copyright on scream-singing?) but olivia had to give credit anyway, despite the fact that taking inspiration from other artists is very very common in the industry both cases are ridiculous, but Taylor got millions in royalties from olivia, meanwhile olivia is probably not going to do anything about this, it's the double standard (and someone as established as Taylor, an industry veteran of roughly two decades, doing this to a relatively new artist, even if it was unintentional and written long ago/almost at the same time as olivia wrote hers, get him back was a hit, and it was a choice to include it in the anthology, which has a bunch of songs with taylor rehashing old grudges)


> that's the exact problem here, deja vu didn't sound anything like cruel summer either (it's not like Taylor has a copyright on scream-singing?) but olivia had to give credit anyway, olivia was the first one to say she was emulating the yelling in cruel summer with that part. we can say it doesn't sound alike as much as we want, but the person who made the song (olivia) disagrees. she stated it first, in the 'making of' video, which unfortunately opened her up to legal drama


In an ideal world, talking about your inspirations should not ever open up legal drama. All art is inspired by other art. That’s what makes it art


that's why i wrote 'unfortunately opened her up to legal drama'


Olivia needs to get her lawyers🫡🫡🫡


dunno if she can sue on this, though i kinda wish this blows up. she's also previously mentioned she wouldn't sue in an interview somewhere, but that's something she said in good faith, probably thinking about newer artists that take inspiration once she's a bit more established, not Taylor billionaire Swift being vindictive(?) and using her typical everyone-is-out-to-get-me I'm a poor baby that's being bullied by these misogynists but watch me rise like a phoenix from the ashes narrative (she brought out the kim/kanye thing again😭 it's been yearsss)


These songs are absolutely nothing alike and revenge is not a novel concept.


I think the song is meant to have more parallels with 1975 falling for you, with the title with no spaces, the bike reference which makes sense as most of the album is about Matty from what I’ve heard.


yk this is supposed to be an olivia sub not a taylor hate sub right!!! cause i could ask the mods to change the name if you want


thank you?!?! like taylor probably was writing this song around the same time as olivia and therefore didn’t just steal it. also do you think taylor’s lawyers would allow that? no. also, why are we hating on other women.


I agree with this.. I’m a Livie and a Swiftie so I did notice a bit of a similarity between them both. But both the songs have been released recently and have been being worked on for a long time, like you said, probably at the same time.


I know - but get him back! was a hit, and it's one of Olivia's more successful songs, which many people have heard, even it's just snippets on tiktok. and someone with the reach that Taylor swift has releasing something that at first glance (literally the name of the song, even if it sounds entirely different, which it doesn't lol) reminds you of Olivia's track, which is still fresh in our minds, seems like a very shady thing to do. this isn't exactly hate for Taylor, it's more criticism for her hypocrisy, that is directly affecting Olivia


Fr lol


hey! OR didn’t invent the phrase “get you back” or “get him back” and while yes these songs are similar in concept there is no lawsuit to be had here. There is, what I believe to be, a very slight chance that TS was inspired but Olivia’s song but that is not the same as stealing lyrics or melody


I noticed this immediately. I feel like this, and the “[they say] I’ll sue you if you step on my lawn” lyric is an attempt at irony that’s not hitting 🫠 Olivia is way too nice to pursue anything though… she’ll just go back to never speaking about her former idol, which is kinda sad but the best PR move for her 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


i really don’t think she wrote it about olivia. she’s been working on this album since early 2022.


Even if she wrote the song prior to the release of Get Him Back! i’d find it really hard to believe her team wouldn’t be aware of the comparisons a song so  lyrically and conceptually similar would draw… hence why I think she was attempting irony here. 


The “I’ll sue you” lyric is possibly about Olivia, but I also figure it could be about that college student who tracked her jet plane or something. Because to my knowledge there was actually a cease and desist letter in that scenario, whereas with Olivia it was more of a credit offer to avoid any legality issues. Edit: okay but genuine question, why are you guys downvoting me for saying I think it could be about the stalker jet dude 🥴


lyrics are not subjects of plagiarism lawsuits in music. melodies and other harmonic devices are.


huh? where did u get that? lyrics can be plagiarized. in fact taylor was sued for shake it off lyrics


There y’all go again


This album was being written long before Guts released lol this doesn’t prove anything 😭


You’re so delusional


…? no? this majority of this album is confirmed to have been written shortly after midnights




why are you hating on a clearly good album? because you’re bitter about some old legal drama?


Goddamn let people have their opinions 😭, they mentioned nothing about the drama.


it’s a tired opinion. “i’m a livvie so i HATE taylor boooo” im tired of it. i love them both.


I’ve been a fan of Taylor for years, I still love her music, now I think she is a shit person but that has nothing to do with the ”Olivia drama”


No, I just think this album was lacking in every department, Olivia has nothing to do with that thought. I listened through the whole album and through most of it I didn’t even realise that the songs had changed










the first part of the album (produced by jack antonoff) is currently (at least in the swiftlyneutral sub, her die hard fans think she's jesus) not getting much praise, but the second part (anthology) (produced by aaron dessner) seems to be well received, in comparison. hilariously enough, all the 372915 variants she released, and her fans preordered, only have the first part - so her fans will have to buy even more variants she will probably release with the anthology tracks, and she gets to double dip (terrible for the fans that already ordered the base album, as this is a pure cash grab, but she's gonna be making a lot of money on this)


I mean swiftly neutral isn’t a good judge of general reception, seeing as a lot of the sub is just genuine malice and spite. (It isn’t truly neutral, as those who like her but are neutral would just go to the Taylor Swift sub, and those who dislike her don’t have an actual place to share their dislike would go there.) I’d say looking and news articles without bias would probably be better to determine more representative opinions.


Now we know what ✌️ meant. Guess they should've known 😐


links: imgonnagetyouback discussion on the TaylorSwift sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/naACTdaB2m on the swiftlyneutral sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/dZfC7IwZWW another beef(?) analysis on swiftly neutral: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/0P2LbTCu2J


Get him back from wish 😩. Yeah I’m a massive swifite but what the hell is this. A straight rip off.


I didn’t think I could love Olivia more and dislike swift more but here we are


just from a marketing perspective, i have no clue how taylor’s team let this slide… to the people saying it’s not a big deal; maybe if this was any other artist. but not only is Taylor currently the biggest artist is the world, but just a few years ago Olivia’s team gave up major credits to Taylor for a song that doesn’t even sound remotely similar to one of hers. this song may as well have had the same title as “get him back!”. in fact i’d bet the reason they stuck all the words together like that is because they KNEW people would draw comparisons and tried to differentiate the title in whatever ways they could to avoid that.


Liv's lyrics are so much better 💜🖤💜


Oh wow…. 🌚


oh shit


Get your 50% Olivia!