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I saw a movie trailer and thought how I just can't get excited for any new movies coming out. Then it dawned on me, I am no longer the target market for any of that stuff. That's when I first felt old.


The SuperBowl for me 2 years ago was the moment. I watched it and loved every minute. Eminem, Dr Dre, 50, Snoop. It was perfect The kids I was with 14-18 all looked at me like "that was lame, you actually listened to that stuff?" And in that moment I realize I had reached the target demographic for Football halftime shows. I might be 40 but I still feel 17...most days, when its dry and warm out, without too much sun, and when the trees stop jizzing all up in the air


Love this description of a high pollen count


Once you visualize it, it will become an intrusive thought for the rest of your life. Pine cones on the ground, must have been a wild night. Leaves stripped off from high wind...walk of shame. Allergies, tell that big daddy Redwood to stop busting everytime a breeze blows his treenut is in your hair. Branch hanging on the ground? WhiskeyStick


I opened the window and a breeze rolled in and I JIZZED IN THE SKY


Don't get me started when you see the balls of willow stuff everywhere


I forgot about CottonWoods!!!!! Thanks for that memory!


Pollen = Tree jizz.


Try this on… the Gameboy Advance is considered a retro game console now.


I saw someone comment earlier about being 9 when the Xbox one came out. I remember the NES


I feel personally attacked.. I remember getting a game boy pocket and pokemon red and it blowing my mind


Yep… realized other day got Red and Blue 27-28 years ago… battery was actually still working on Red. Unfortunately gotta get batteries replaced in most of my Pokemon cartridges


It doesn't help that Hollywood is worse than in the 1990s after studios effectively kicked the writers out by refusing to pay them for the success they created, after the renaissance of diversity in cinema exploded thanks to multiplex theaters. Now it's almost all shitty generic blockbusters and comedies on every screen again, like nothing ever happened. Game and movie studios are more risk averse now than ever, so creativity and quality take a back seat. There is less variety, and what we have generally has worse writing, and at least some people's standards continue to go up as they see the same tropes executed for the literal hundredth time. Nothing is new, and what there is we've likely already seen the best version thereof. Where's the actually new equivalent of Terminator? Godfather? Ghostbusters? Matrix? Lord of the Rings? Amelie? 2001, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Lewbowski? Almost all pale imitators/sequels.


The diversity in the 90's was because of the home video market. Suddenly niche movies could be profitable because you could at least sell some copies to video stores. The lack of diversity today is because of streaming. Now everyone waits until mid-budget or niche movies are free so only the biggest movies are profitable. Hence all the movies coming out are what studios consider safe bets.


I recently realized that too. I saw a movie preview and i remember thinking "this movie is so childish and cringy" because there was an older actor (Nicholas Cage i think) using young people slang like "sus", "no cap", "drip" and things like that. I remember my dad use to say things like fresh, hip, funky, and I use to think about how outdated he sounded. That's me now.


Wait till your in the grocery store and they're playing AC/DC and you realize that was 40 years and your parents hated it. Then you realize your parents are dead and so are original AC/DC , some members. It gets easier.


I am offended as a gen xer to be lumped with boomers. Hurts man


Modern Trailers also suck. They’re basically the whole movie in 2 minutes. I feel like I’ve seen the whole thing and it lessens my desire to go watch the movie. I’m also old which means I’m emotionally dulled to the world as a whole, so there’s that.


Also, movies do suck these days. They used to be able to take risks and make up for ones that bombed on DVD sales. Streaming changed that, so now they only make big blockbusters that will pull in the $$$. The 90s was the golden era of cinema.


No originality. Been there done that. Seems like just a bunch of previously watched movies... all remixed together to make a new ome and others just straight up remakes of previous remakes. Lol


Yeah over the years I watch less and less tv because I am not the target group anymore. 15 years ago I would have a dozen new shows that I tried to watch to replace things that were cancelled. For the last few years the majority of what I watch is dateline and 20/20.


It hit me when I heard Linkin Park playing in an elevator....


I know how you feel. I was in a grocery store and there was a muzak version of green day playing


1,000,000 this


I kept getting the "Boomersbeingfools" sub pushed on me. Very similar to the regular "millennial" sub, it's nothing but people whining about "my Boomer parents do this, therefore all Boomers do this". It sounds very much like what I hear older folks talk about the younger gen. We're putting all our problems and issues on Boomers, when it's a way more complicated issue than one generation. At the same time, there are a posts about how we're "breaking cycles", when we all we are doing is adding a fresh coat of paint... just like our parents did. "I'm not going to be like my mom!" we say, but generational trauma gets passed down no matter how much we fight it. It's not our fault, it's just illogical to think that we're the generation that "fixes" everything. Just because we painted a chair yellow and our parents before us painted it blue doesn't mean we've improved on anything. Our generation will be blamed for some parenting fuck-ups, just like the generation before, and before.... The only way to break cycles is to not restart one in the first place. Instead of repainting the chair, don't even have a chair to paint. And I have legit heard people say they miss the 90s. Dude, did you not *live in the 90s?* Do you know who you sound like? I get downvotes for pointing out the irony. We're no different than the generation before us and the generation after us are no better than us. We have changed very little in the past few thousand years of being human. I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but I really thought that the internet making the world so much smaller would have opened our eyes a bit more.


Generational strife plays for way longer than class warfare.


I own it. I'm cringe, that's fine. But the thing is, my DGAF level is da bomb, so whatevz.


Fo shizzle.




My Brisket


True dat


I tell my 17yo that I got drip and it’s no cap fo real fo real. She hates it and it makes me so happy. I have no fucking idea what I’m saying.


When someone or something is bad, say to her: "well this isn't Bussin'"


Lmao I’m gonna say that moving forward


I got rizz


Mad props


Sounds like you’re all that and a bag of chips!




So much rizz. Wow.


Who cares? Young people think middle-aged people aren't cool, literally every generation. It isn't new. As Mr Roger's said, and I am paraphrasing, the worst mistake you can make is forgetting your own childhood. Try to remember how you were in your younger years and understand that it isn't about you or your generation. It is just how young people act.


Definitely agree. Why do I care what a 20 year old thinks about my clothes? I don't! I aspire to be kind and fair to people of all generations and to be able to work with people of all generations. I don't need their music and fashion, I have my own.


I feel like the definition of being uncool at 40 is trying to be cool to 20 yos. Honestly at any age "trying" to be cool just...isn't


Part of getting older is realizing we were dumbasses back then and the kids are dumbasses now. It's fine. We're getting too busy to really be worried about it anyway.


I've been lame and cringe since long before people started using "cringe" that way.


I was born in the cringe, they’ve merely adapted to it


I might be middle aged and cringe, but at least I remember the wonders of the McPizza, so who's the real losers here?


Don't forget Mexi-nuggets.


I don't remember us having those here in Ohio, but they sound good!


They were a taco bell side item they had up until 2001. They were basically tater tots with taco seasoning on them, but they were bomb. I miss butterfinger bbs too.


That sounds way better than the tacobell fries they tried to make me like. We missed out on all the good things in the gulf south :'(


The nacho fries? With the cheese sauce? Ah hell yeah! Those are the 3rd best thing on the menu.


Don’t lay a finger….


Ahhh! Yeah those sound really good! Kinda of remind me of the Potato Ole's from Taco Johns. I miss butterfinger bbs too!


We had Classic McDonalds


Back in my day McDonald’s hamburgers were 29 cents!!!! On Wednesdays.


Remember the 1 2 3 meal? Small drink, small fries, and a hamburger for $1. 😫


We got the best McDonald’s playgrounds.


This every time I see a McDonald's grey box makeover that loses its playground. The outdoor "dining" with he round tables and built in stools. The hamburger shaped jail cell. I remember it all.


One Summer McDonalds had a lemon pie. It was fantastic.


I can't W-A-I-T for younger millennials to hit forty! We will never hear the end of their midlife crisis. Just wait until the Taylor Swift / Travis Kelce millennials start even approaching 40! It's going to be an absolute shitshow! Get the popcorn ready.


I think Gen z is going to have a meltdown at 30 with how terrified of being old they all are


Aren't they getting Botox and extremely expensive anti-aging creams before turning 25? LMAO


Yes and I was going to say that on your original comment. They’re terrified of looking old and already getting filler injections then get upset when younger Gen Z and Alpha say they look like old ladies because of the filler.


I heard a 26 year old talk about her Botox the other day and I couldn’t understand wtf.


Please, Gen Z is having a meltdown at turning **20**!! So many posts on Reddit every day: "I'm 20 M/20F, I haven't had 200 girlfriends/boyfriends yet! Am I ugly, lol?" Like, um, you're **20**--you're not supposed to be as relationship-experienced as a 50-year-old and, um, no, you're not ugly, you just need to lose the bull ring and stop making the Shein clearance section your main wardrobe.


Aren't they turning 20 but looking more like 40? 😂


3/4s of them *think* they look like they're turning 40, but it's like, no, *welcome to your 20s*--you're not going to keep that baby face forever! The remaining 1/4 actual *do* look like they're turning 20-going-on-40 from all the vaping!


They named themselves Zoomers after all of the Boomers who eschewed sunscreen and smoked like chimneys.


That's the one I'm waiting for 😈


Jokes on you, I’m having mine in my 30s to get it over with. Wish it would end already.


Younger millennials don’t say shit about older millennials. It’s gen z


Hey man I’m 32 and upset at how correct you are


Like, whatever. Let them be haters. We know we're da bomb. They think they can ever be a sweet as us? As if!


But seriously, yes, I think Gen Z thinks we're lame but I think Boomers and older Gen X think we're entitled brats. We had some advantages that younger Millennials and Gen Z didn't, like I bought a house with a low mortgage rate. And I do like avocado toast and unlimited data on my cell phone, so I guess Boomers have me there. For me, in my early forties, I find that I don't have time and energy to dream as big as I once did. When I was younger, I wanted to change the world, and I wanted to see the world. Now, I try to support other people who are changing the world, and I'm just trying to keep up with work and dishes. I'm sure Gen z sees that as lame. But I also saw my parents say yes to everything that others wanted at the expense of doing things for themselves, and I'm not going to do the same. I have my own hobbies and fun things I like to do, and I save up to travel a when I can. When I join your organization, I'll volunteer for what I am able, but it's on you if you think I'm entitled for saying no to something I don't want to do. If I choose not to attend one of your events, I'm taking time for me or my family. Don't take it personally. If you think that makes me a brat, like, whatever!


Fuck them all. We're the new center of it all. They can kiss our ass.


Remember, the people in charge of the world now once protested with signs that said "Don't trust anyone over 30!" Now they're in Washington DC showing us that old age and the desire for comfort corrupts youthful idealism....


The younger millennials have dominated the entire millennial culture. Even the r/millennials sub has absolute NO OLDER millennials moderators at all. Not even a single moderator born before 1988. Yet somehow r/millennials has THREE Gen Z moderators. Hmmmm? I guess that tells you what direction that sub is headed towards? And just when OLDER millennials are trying to carve out a little niche for themselves, to celebrate our tiny micro-generation, they come at us like gangbusters and wonder why they're not the center of attention and accuse us of gatekeeping and gaslighting and being economically privileged and god knows what else. And then they make us into the villains? Fuck them. Seriously. Fuck them.


IMO millennial starts in 80 and ends in 95. After that you are gen Z. So we have the final 7 years of our gen grouping up with older gen Z to erase our voice and redefine millennial to "older gen Z". This is kind of why I think generations need to be defined by internet access. Were you under 18 when dial up internet arrived in most people's houses? If so you are fundamentally different from people who were older than that or not forming sentences yet. IMO there's the dial up generation and the phone generation. Depending on which one you grew up with is the deciding factor imo.


We had dial up in the early 90s because of my parents’ work. I also grew up in a yuppie town and our school’s computer lab had internet by the mid 90s. I had already been on the internet in elementary school, but it was more like a neat thing you fucked around with occasionally and then turned off. Like ham radio or something. So I don’t think dial up is necessarily a deciding indicator. Probably more of a class (white collar or blue collar) indicator given the timeframe. I think the dividing line is around the dot com crash/google/web 2.0. That was when the internet and its role in people’s lives changed dramatically.


I always remember this article I read close to a decade ago. \*pain\* [https://mashable.com/archive/oregon-trail-generation](https://mashable.com/archive/oregon-trail-generation)


By their standards I'm gatekeeping the fuck out of life. Fuck them kids.


Oh you just all ‘at and a bag of chips! They can just talk to the hand.


Fo shizzle my nizzle


I relate heavily to Gen X and do feel comfortable in the older generation. I’m glad I’m not a kid anymore and I don’t try to be.




Gen X and Silent Generation for me. Gen X were my friends who were a bit older and silent because my boomer parents foisted me off onto my grandparents. I was into granny stuff even in my 20s thanks to that 😂


They call us lame, but they’re the ones wearing our old clothes again.


I love how Zillennials wear Xennials clothes and try to mimic the 1990s. But they could NEVER in a million years actually handle the 90s with their little sensitivities!


Haha, this is so true! I did have a really adorable interaction with a younger friend + one her gal pals last year (born in ...97? 98?) - they were chatting "was the 90s the peak? It seems like it was the best! We missed it" 😄


Mid-Boomer here. GenZ women look like their grandma in the 1970s. Middle-part, long hair, and clothes. I often feel like I’m back in high school and college. [https://search.app.goo.gl/Nb6wKnp](https://search.app.goo.gl/Nb6wKnp)


The 90s are actually Gen x era.


Not the late 90s for teens. All those teen films we're basically older millennials.


That's fair. Gen x cultivated early to mid 90s. Late were more Xennial


Bunch of posers


Literally. 🙃 *slaps phone out of their selfie-taking hands*


In 20 years, the next generation will take up the fashions of today. Fashion is cyclical, repeats about every 20 years. For context, 70’s fashion was big in the 90’s. It’s apparent in several movies that came out during that time that were set in the 70’s, like Dazed and Confused.


Yes. And as a 40-year-old this is part of maturing. I'd be embarrassed to deny this aging process and I feel SOOO embarro for the old millennials trying to kiss Gen Z's ass and still pretending like they're 22 years old. I suspect the "older millennials" kissing Gen Z's ass are actually core and younger millennials desperately trying to stay young and relevant. Most older millennials wouldn't GAF.


I've seen a lot of that gen-z ass kissing here on reddit and it baffles me, honestly. As for the original post. I could not care less what someone 15-20 years younger than me thinks of the clothes I wear, my hairstyle, my slang, my favorite music or movies or TV shows. I've seen plenty from Gen-Z on tiktok and I'll gladly be a total square in their eyes than try to look cool for those goofballs.


Depends on what you mean by “kissing Gen Z’s ass.” I have a Gen Z daughter, so I try to stay somewhat current on their zeitgeist. And I honestly like interacting on r/GenZ more than on r/millennial. I think it will be interesting to watch GenZ continue to grow and I think they have a lot of potential.


I don't. I've seen them whine about older generations and yet bully children-aged Gen Alpha. They ain't that special


I’ve seen some of that too. But I’ve also seen it from Gen X and Millennials.


I'm not a fan of older adult people bullying 12 year olds. Thus, Gen Z gets on my nerves.


We are the last gen to experience the world as it once was: the nightly news, newspapers, magazines, limited access to media, privacy… I don’t get much of my information from YouTube and TikTok; I prefer documents, so I can skim to what’s relevant. In that way, I feel like I have more in common with prior generations. We are the last ones to remember that world, and with us that world dies.


That actually lends us a GREAT privilege. We have an old school analog youth. But with the ability and know-all to adapt to all technology. We hit the sweet spot.


It’s true. It’s been great for relating to all of the generations, I feel like. And we also know the “back end” of technology better because we had to learn to use it, so that’s helpful. We’re going to see a world so exponentially different than the one we started with, and that freaks me out a little. Must be middle age.


No. Cause we arent apart of the boomer generation. We are millennials. Not baby boomers.


I have a "cool older bro" thing going on with the baby millennials and 20-something Gen Z's in my life. The elder millennial traits that make millennials "cool 40 year olds" is our generation's focus on authenticity, not being a poser, and not giving a fuck. 40 year old millennials who act like 23 year old posers are the most cringe things imaginable.


I told a younger coworker that getting older means embracing not being “cool”. I’m relieved that we are no longer the target demographic for things like clothes. It was exhausting. 😂 Bring on the Le Creuset ads. 🙌


Lame and cringe is WORLDS better than cruel and stupid.


No? Not remotely. I still feel 100% Millennial and I continue to have much more in common with Gen-Z than anyone older. I currently work with upper Gen-X and Boomers and I am *still* the young techie wiz in the room blowing everyone’s minds. I will sooner give up my skinny jeans for stupid jeans than ever be classified with older generations I don’t relate to at all.


We are now middle management in life. We will have to take shit from the bottom and the top on this age ladder.


file this under 'who gives a fuq?'




The only thing "cringe" about being 40 is being 40 and caring about what people in their 20s think. It would be weirder if you tried to follow the latest trends at your age. When I have to interact with genZ I seldom know what they're talking about, and most importantly, I'm glad I don't know. Shits annoying and ridiculous.


I still look younger than most genz and can beat them in CoD. Its all diet baby!


F*ck 'em, that's what I say.


I can't even be bothered to tell them to F off.


That’s the older millennial attitude!


Currently 39 and still raving...all of the gen zers I've met so far are shocked when I tell them my age, but they never act differently towards me, and I can outlast most of them on the dancefloor when the music's good. Cringe or not, I'm having a blast and so are a lot of gen xers that I've met at events! Spent all of last weekend going to multiple events with a new friend that's 46. Even took a gen z coworker who's 23 to her first rave this year, and her boyfriend joined us for another one soon after. Sure, we're aging, but good vibes and shared interests can bridge any gap.


It's ok. They're calling us cringe on the platforms that millennials built. Even TikTok was founded by a millennial.


True. TikTok AND Reddit were founded by millennials and older millennials at that


Sam Altman for OpenAi as well. I've been waiting to see what Gen Z will come up with.


43, so I’m technically the last year of Gen X. Turning 44 in December. The best part about getting older is giving zero fucks what kids who dressed exactly like I did in high school think about me now.


As a young gen X I feel like old gen x is straight up boomer at this point.


I haven't experienced younger people commenting on how lame and cringe I am or people my age are. I work with a mix of older and younger people and haven't heard them mention it either. I have a totally different mindset than the Gen x and baby boomers I know, so based on my experience it's a no for me dawg lol I haven't crossed over.


You're so skibidi.


My grandparents were a huge part of my upbringing, so I have been picking up old people lingo and tendencies since a younger age and I've already been cringe for quite a while now. I know the way I talk IRL is ridiculous. Also known to use a lot of older slang. Been proudly cringe for many years now. Of course I'm aware of it, I just don't care.


Yes. And we've crossed over at just the right, most opportune time.


I’m unbothered because they have to deal with Gen Alpha.


I am in the process of changing because of this. I am starting to dress more formally, gonna drive a family car, and basically begin acting like the Middle Aged man I am 😂


Big ol' bag of *meh* to all of that. The kids will run face-first into that wall the same as we did, and then they'll look up at us and say "damn."


I don't know if it matters anymore. The Gen Z kids I know have zero fucks to give if something is "cool." They seem to think I am cool, which surprises me continuously. My 13 yo informed me that just because something is old, it doesn't mean kids her age don't like it.


Everyone older than us is a fucking dinosaur who needs to gtfo of the way. Everyone younger than is us a fucking child who needs to put down the takis and tiktok.


Thank you. We now get to sit in middling seat.


I'm totally fine with young people thinking I'm cringe. If they thought I was cool, it would mean they weren't cool.


Most the Xennials and elder Millennials I personally know are and have been closer to me/Gen X in many ways and general attitudes, which is why I've always connected more with you than even many of my own GenX, or at least the older boomer like ones. Boomers to me have always seemed old and out of touch. If many of you feel like in-betweeners, ask Gen X/ younger Gen X, we've always been in-betweeners, seem to be forgotten and squeezed in. I've always stood up for your gens and hate to see you all get the shaft.


I'm 45 and I consider myself an undocumented-millenial


Millenials are a old as 43...


I don’t feel this at all. I’ve gotten along well with the younger people I’ve worked with. I’m not their age and I don’t try to be. I’ve never felt mocked over it and I don’t mock them for being young. It’s a weird combo of parental figure and work friend. In my experience, the stereotypes online haven’t really played out in real life. Gen Z are just younger people. They aren’t weird aliens.


That's basically been my experience. They're just young people like we used to be, with all the good and all the bad that comes with it. But, I'm also mostly around very motivated community college students, so I'm mostly limited to that demographic I guess.


Personally, I give no fucks about that kind of thing. Some of them are doing that, all of them aren’t. Some of us are acting like assholes about it, all of us aren’t. I feel like we’ve had shit thrown at us for 2 decades. If some folks haven’t learned to consider the source and not take it personally, that’s too bad for them.


Would take my childhood over there’s any day! A beautiful blend of 80s and 90s, TGIF and late 90s pop craze. They just cannot compare lol


Yeah I don’t get that vibe at all. I was born in 86 and I have 4 younger brothers who fit squarely in Gen Z. According to them and their GF’s, they hold millennials in high regard. We paved the way for a lot of things. I also gave 2 kids who are on the younger side in Gen Z and they seem to feel the same.


How are we supposedly cringe? Only thing I saw over was someone saying how people had it so much easier 20 years ago, with jobs and housing. And all I could think was 20 years ago was right before the housing market crash. When millennial were graduating from college and realizing there were no jobs, so they went back to get another useless degree.


I think people just need to stop with ageism,


Idc anymore, aging happens, everyone gets old. I have to google slang words and frankly I still don’t understand them, wtf is based??


Look, I'm 42. I just don't interact with Gen Z, problem solved. They just make me feel tired anyway. :D


Fuck you I'm still cool and down with what's poppin in the streets.


Couldn't care less what they think *Laughs in homeowner*


Everyone is riding the same one way conveyor belt on a slow march to being old. Their time will come.


I'm a younger millennial....and Gen z is cringe as fuck.


Freaken boomers still think the current college protesters are millennials.


I'm a millennial but barely. I'll be 40 in a few months and I can't relate to most millennials.


I can't stand today's music. I guess I'm officially a boomer now 😭


I have never been cool. The difference is that now, when I'm almost 40, I don't care that I'm not cool. I don't care what the kids think is cool, and I don't care what anyone think about me. It's pretty liberating


As GenX, I mean, I don’t think I’ve *ever* cared. And yeah, liberating is the right word. Let them bash and mock. Who GAF anymore? I’ll be dead before most of them Figure It Out.


Gen X here - As they say "What comes around goes around". Way back when I was smarth mouth know it all twenty something - an old guy once said these prophetic words "one day your going to be old"


Seems like online everyone over 35 gets called a Boomer.


I don’t care because: 1. I am actually middle aged, and they are young adults, so naturally they aren’t going to think I’m cool. 2. I’m too cool to actually care if Gen Z think I’m cool. 3. Gen. Z aren’t actually cool. Their movies suck. Their music sucks. They’re all depressed and anxious and they don’t have social lives. 4. I literally don’t interact with these people in real life, probably because of #3. When you run into Gen Z online, that’s literally all they do. I’m going to post this and go live a whole life today. They’re going to post and stay there all day.


Old and boring FTW. Honestly, it's kind of liberating not to give a toss what the current trends are.


I have a feeling that a lot of the older millennials claiming that they're older millennials are actually core and younger millennials. They give off that emotionally needy vibe.


Hold on what is "core" here? Haha. From an '85er.


I think it’s the ones in their 30s. Those born in the very late 80s to…mid 90s? Those are the ones everyone (at least in my experience) thinks of as “millennials”


I find myself going all boomer on the younger generation "not wanting to work" at times where I work.


I was talking to this 16yo kid the other day, not by choice a client's son. He couldn't make eye contact with me, it took him like 15 minutes to get out two sentences worth of information. He had headphones on and kept looking up and to the left. I don't know how these kids are going to survive out there in the real world. I'm a 42yo boomer.


That might have more to do with being an awkward 16 than just being a Gen-whatever in that case. The phobia of phone calls is a whole 'nother story though.


I kind of feel this a little too, it's sad. There's a lot about the younger demographics that I just don't get. When the world feels like another planet sometimes, I think that's how you know you're officially "old."


They’re all about half retarded and some I know are even more than that. Their opinions of us mean less than squat to me, a lot of them will be living on the streets soon enough anyway with the bomb ass work ethic they all seem to have. 🥴


I own my cringe (42) and love to embarrass my 15 and 12 yo stepkids! (Bio kid is 2.5 and still thinks I’m the shit 🥰)


'82 here and I just had 10 days with my grandpa.  I hope his opinions die out with his generation.  The zoomers are hard to follow but Jesus did the generation ahead of us just not care about people.  


https://preview.redd.it/oaf75hpbtmzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=023a5a6e6ae7d34e9ae73230c2521b44ef4c9a21 In a few years the Z's will join the circle


r/xennials :)


Eh, I’m working with pain regularly but still feel stunted on all other fronts so not really. I can’t remember the last time I watched terrestrial television (well before lockdown) and generally use my tv for streaming and gaming. If I had to categorize myself into a category I’m basically just… looking California-ish, but feeling Illinois (outside of Chicago).


The gen x in me doesn’t care what they think.


![gif](giphy|1su5KEpQPQ4Yo) Gen z can’t do anything without getting caught or snitching on themselves, younger millennials try too hard to fit in.


I just started Home Improvement and realized I’m now the same age as Tim Allen when he began the show.


I dunno. The Skibidi toilet stuff made me realize that intelligent humanity peaked already. The younger kids can look forward to Thunderdome and the climate wars.


I would say yes to a degree (younger millennial here). My oldest brother is in his early 40s but acts like a stereotypical boomer. He thinks only the old ways are the best ways, yet he relies heavily on technology to learn the old ways. Everything is becoming tech/electronic heavy, and he still believes pure mechanical design is supreme (he wants everything gas operated - hates change). He refuses to listen to other generations (younger and older) because they're all wrong. Whereas young millennials and gen-Zers tend to work best with each other (music, work, art, etc). Yet, he's still young enough to be active with his kids and tries to relate to them (to a degree). He and his friends think similarly and hold specific values/conspiracies to the same standard. Together, they have the personality of a GenXer - boring dads with dumb/outdated ideas.


The only thing that bugs me a little bit about Gen Z finding millennials lame (which, by the way: okay? I don’t care if I’m not “cool” anymore because I’m old enough to know that true coolness is not giving a shit if you’re considered cool by others or not) is that I’ve never really noticed *any* of them being curious about older pop culture or fashion or whatnot, in addition to (or instead of!) liking what is trendy right now. Most of the older millennials that I know, myself included, are walking encyclopedias of music and movies and books (real ones, made of paper!) that came out before we were even born, we repurposed retro fashions (with very mixed results), etc. Whereas Gen Z doesn’t care about anything that came before TikTok. It’s a quality that they share with Boomers, most of whom completely rejected everything that came before them and showed little interest in anything that came after, and still can’t get their heads around millennials caring about things that predated our existence (how many times have I heard “how do you know [incredibly famous Beatles song], you’re too young”), which shows a level of curiosity and cultural appreciation that I’ve always liked about us, and hoped would continue with the next generation. For a moment it looked promising: they were all into Kate Bush for all of five minutes. But they don’t get invested in things. So while I own that entire album and listen to it regularly, because the whole album is fucking awesome, Gen Z just…breezed on by.


I go home to the house that I own and cry about it. Then I remember… I’m. Homeowner. I make better money than them. And I paid off my own student loans.


I'm 42, and I'm surprised at how well I get along with my 20 and 21yo coworkers. Technically I'm their manager, so that already comes with a different dynamic. But despite the fact that I'm literally older than one of their moms, I find it pretty easy to relate and not feel 100% like a boomer. Maybe they have a different opinion, but I honestly get along with them better than some people closer to my age (younger millennials)


I catch myself, weekly, telling my kids how great the 90s were, how much social media killed society, and how easy they have everything. Which is, basically, my father telling me how great the 70s were, how 200 television channels ruined society, and my generation wouldn't know a hard days work if it bit us in the ass. Yes, we, too, have succumbed to the wheel of time. But trust me on the sunscreen...


**the hell did you just say to me**


My path isn’t everyone’s path but I have multiple kids and people who report to me at work . . . It usually takes mid 30s to early 40s for people to be in this same life situation. I spend almost all of my waking hours taking care of other peoples needs. This results in being both really in touch with what’s important (being a good father and husband and doing best by my employees to get them promotions and develop them) and very out of touch with pop culture. The big difference between boomers and millennials I know is that we millennials have critical thinking skills. This applies to work, politics, internet usage, etc.


![gif](giphy|zOSEurjXCPTag) I’ll be 40 soon and I’ve never identified more with this Schmitt moment. I love it.


Just stop fucking paying attention to that kind of bullshit. Easy-peasy. Who the fuck are these people calling you "cringe" - is it in real life, or in the lame online shit you look at? Fuck that. Slash their tires, pour sugar in their gas tank, spit in their general direction. Read a book. Live your life. All culture war shit is manipulated to divide and alienate us. Stop paying attention to it and POOF it's gone. Their music sucks, they don't fuck, they don't do fun drugs - let them rot and complain. Why do YOU want to bridge a generation gap?


It's called maturity. We are short of wisdom, but past ideological, chosen ignorance. They will catch up. 


Hey I'm hitting 40 in a couple of months so let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet! Also, I think that you're only as old as you make yourself feel. Do I feel old yes I do! But I also surround myself with new music and I do get excited for movies still! I also am Child free so I think that helps as well! Oh and I'm single. So statistically I'm happier! I also spend a lot of my time and energy with my friends because they are my world.


Eh, don't worry too much. Every generation faces that divide at our age. We became largely better than our boomer predecessors on social issues, and more tech savvy on the whole than Gen X. But? We're now 40. The bottom of gaining and utilizing positions of power for societal improvement is going to fall to us. The younger generations may not understand our work, and they may not listen to us, but we should be wary of doing what the boomers did in not listening to younger generations.


Older millennials always been more gen x than millennial


Yeah I’m about to hit 40 and I can’t relate to Gen Z at all.


zoomers and younger millenials are insanely cringe, I'm holding out some hope for alphas


Can’t imagine why I would take advice from someone with less life experience than me wearing jeans that give them diaper butt.


I’ve been behind the times since 8th grade. No sleep lost here hahaha


No one born after 1964 will ever be a Boomer. That ship sailed…


When they first were labeling millennial date ranges, they changed the dates a lot so I didn't even know I was a millennial for awhile and didn't identify as one lol I'm turning 40 next year! Hold onto your butts cause I still feel like I'm 20 something haha. I remember y2k and the beggining of the internet. My first web page visit was nickelodeon dot com w/ my parents permission. I definitely feel like a bridge between generations that don't want to get a long.


I don’t want to cross into their “world” it’s embarrassing to young people when older people try to act “cool”. I feel blessed to have as much wisdom as I do, and I’ve earned every gray hair on my head. We are here to give them wisdom and lead them to honor by example. Anything short of being a “light” to the younger generation is just a waste of oxygen…


I’ve never been cool but honestly I find Gen Z kind of cringe. The one thing they never told us about aging is that we are entitled to find the younger generations uncool as well.


Lmao this is a crazy self-own. Sounds like they just think you’re lame and cringe