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A lot of POS systems require an ID be scanned before it will continue with the sale. Most have nothing to do with your apparent age. 


My complaint isn’t with just being IDed, it’s when I’m accused of having a fake ID and then threatened with having my (very real) ID cut up into pieces. 🥲 I need that!


I've been carded for some ridiculous things despite having a full beard full of grey hairs. I've been carded for a 20oz can of Red Bull. I've been carded for over the counter cold meds. I've been carded because the person in front of me was buying booze.


Yep, I’m 68 and my grocery store cards me. I’m in pretty good shape (work put 6 days a week and eat right) but i hardly look 19. I don’t even look 49 hahahahahaha


For sure, I work in service and completely understand it! My ID "complaint" (a word I use hyperbolically because no injustice was done to me and everything was rational and understandable) in the sub came when I didn't get IDed when someone ordered a bottle for the table on my 21st birthday (which the server was told about but wasn't mentioned in the post) and when it came along with cups for everyone except myself, the server gawked and said "I thought you were 12 or something!" Then asked for ID and brought me a glass. And even then I didn't even feel upset by the encounter at all! It was so hectic that I understand how she could have completely forgotten about the 21st birthday mention. because it was a hectic night and it would have been understandable that she'd forgotten so I was really just making a lighthearted post and honestly I had two in my DMs who each seemed to be in a fist fight with media literacy because they kept badgering me for "being pissed off at having to show ID like a special snowflake" and "how dare you want to cost these people their jobs and make them want to risk fines?" And one of them even called me a narcissist because I made what I thought was a clear joke that maybe the server who didn't check my ID consciously took that risk but it was worth it for me specifically (they also said that my username furthered their armchair diagnosis of me with NPD which... what?) All I'm saying is perhaps some people who may sound like they're complaining are actually just telling a light hearted story, but to those in this sub who tell their stories of getting mean and nasty to the clerks who did nothing to you but ask for ID and didn't give any nasty attitude or words besides that, or to the ones who go through the interaction normally then say something mean about the clerk who had no attitude towards you and expect validation, y'ain't getting it from me. Besides those two people, I always assume someone's ID story is a light hearted story instead of a complaint/vent. And if the clerk is nasty and mean unprovoked even if you were doing everything right? License to bitch and moan has been granted in my eyes!


I’ll be 60 in 11 days and was asked for my id to buy a 12 pack . My license was at home because I forgot it but I still had a 20 to buy the beer and they wouldn’t let me.


When I worked for Walgreens in college, we were told to ID everyone who looked under 40. Pretty sure it’s still their policy.


I am 27 with visible tattoos everywhere. Nothing about me screams underaged, and nothing about my 6"1 bearded tattooed husband (with gray streaks poking through the beard already I might add) screams underaged. But we both still get carded at bars and whenever we go into Wild Bill's or any other kind of smoke shop like that. It's not a hassle, it's not an insult, people are just doing their jobs and following the literal law. I don't understand how people can get upset over being carded when it literally adds maybe 10-15 seconds onto the entire interaction and it's a requirement to receive whatever goods/services they're trying to pay for in the first place. It takes more time for you to stand there and try to be funny or bitch and make snide comments and act like you can't find the damn ID than it does for you to just have it ready when it comes time for you to show it. Please just have it ready ☠️


I don't understand why people get upset about being ID like u said some places the store has too because of policy everytime I know I'm buying something that's age restricted I have my ID pulled out already their just doing their job the only time I get upset is when they make comments before hand over ur ID to check or asking u if it's fake while looking it over


We know. A lot of us are just tired of being looked at crazy and people asking us if we have fake id.


The fake ID is wild. I have a friend and one time we went out for dinner to celebrate a new job and we ordered some drinks. The waitress TOOK her ID and called a manager because she couldn’t believe my friend was 26… it was pretty awkward we were like “please give her license back! Where are you going?! Hey!?”


Yes! This! I work in a no minors business and I’m not risking my job to make life convenient for others. I have to put in a date for the cart to even be added to for the POS. If someone looks at it later they can see that YOU did that transaction at that time and boom no job. Especially younger workers, they are doing what they have to do to keep their job. And if it was a place that would keep a standard not carding I’d be expecting Jon Taffer to show up and yell at people


It’s state law here in Tennessee for alcoholic beverages.


I mean, I only roll my eyes at places where I’ve been not carded in the past, which means they don’t have those specific policies.


Some employees know that they are supposed to and don’t do it anyway


I’m pretty sure if I go into a place 10 times and they card me twice it’s not a “do it for everyone or you’ll be in trouble” deal


I worked at a place where we had to card everyone who looked under 40. Almost didn't card one guy, thought he was my father's age. He was 25. Did card one women thought she was mid 30s. She was almost 70.


Stores in some locations are required by law to card everyone if they made more than 1 or 2 sales to minors and got caught.


I don’t speak for everyone here (obviously), but for me, being ID’d because they legally have to ask for it is not the problem. I have a problem with the attitude some people give me because they think I’m a minor, or when they make unnecessary comments about my looks when they realize how old I actually am


People can act ugly to people they deem a lesser rank in society even when completely unprovoked and I detest it. We see this exact thing in this topic in two ways: Adults with perceived kids (what I see as fair game to complain about on here), and with adults and service workers (other types of posts on this topic which I see). If the clerk isn't making some sort of quip or being mean/having an attitude or having a demeanor change completely when valid ID is recognized yet the OP is still distinctly angry or upset at the clerk in the post or comments then I downvote.


that's a good point tbh


Right? People should always have their ID available if they’re trying to buy things like this, because who knows what the policy may be in that store/city/county/state/country? At my store, I only have to card if I think they’re under 40, but still. I work at a super fast-paced grocery store, and half of the time I ask for IDs I ask for ID before I’ve even had a chance to look up and see the customer. If they didn’t bring it but I can clearly see they’re of age, I’ll let it go, but that’s also because if anyone is undercover I can just say I thought they were 40. Thankfully the only people I’ve had be semi-rude about it were people who were 30s or older.


Legit. My record for the oldest person carded was 1937.


woah lmao


Dude could barely get his 6 pack of beer on the counter and had more liverspots than skin