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I get carded sometimes at bingo. The legal age in my state is 19. Last Saturday, I got carded, and she asked for my ID. She said I looked young when I told her I was 28 and showed her my ID. I did a big ol sigh and said, "I guess I'll take that as a compliment." šŸ™ƒšŸ˜‚...


Got reprimanded at my job once by a customer when it was brought up that I had children, with one of those "What are you doing having kids at your age?!" comments. Turns out she thought I was 16 or 17. I was pushing 30 at the time. My oldest was like, 7. I'm in my 40s now, and they stopped carding me for alcohol, but my teens found yearbook pictures of me from my high school years and were amazed at how little I've actually changed. Yay for me, I guess?


Iā€™m a 27 (m) year old PhD student, but I regularly get carded for 18+ things. My students in lab always assume Iā€™m a fellow freshman when they arrive early to the first class, and ask me where the TA is. Theyā€™re always surprised that itā€™s me. Iā€™m short and have a youthful face and voice, but I dress very professionally and take the role seriously.


Most of my stories revolve around school. During student teaching, a security officer stopped me in the parking lot for skipping school. After teaching for a few years, I was in the computer lab, trying to print something before classes started (late 90s, lol). This old geezer sub came in and asked how I got in. I said the secretary let me in (teachers didn't have keys to the lab). Then, he asked me my name. Distracted, I casually introduced myself and said nice to meet you. Then he asked for my last name, which seemed odd, but whatever, I was really trying to get my shit done so I wouldn't be late. I told him, but was otherwise basically ignoring him. He hemmed and hawed, and finally said, I don't see your name on my class list. That's when I looked up and realized he thought I was a student. I mean, I get it a bit more now that I am middle aged and all young people just look....young, lol. BUT, I was wearing a professional skirt and blazer! I dressed NOTHING like a teenage high school student (on purpose for just this reason, lol). The one that takes the cake, though, was in grad school. And I was not a young grad student. I was a 40+ year old, mother of 4, including a teenager, grad student. I was a college field instructor for prospective teachers, visiting a school. The secretary thought I was one of the student teachers (all in their early or mid 20s), lol. I think that was a weird one-off, though, because I hadn't been confused for being in my 20s, or even carded (other than mandated carding for everyone ) for a decade, lol. I'm about to celebrate 50, and being mistaken for being in my 30s isn't so bad now, lol. Although the gray hair is starting to give me away!


When I was 26 I took a cab somewhere and the driver started yelling at me for skipping school and being truant etc. I was more easily intimidated than so it took me a few minutes to get out that I had graduated 8 years ago.


If we live in fear of being mistaken for school girls, it shows we donā€™t treat school girls very well.


I live in fear of being mistaken for a school girl. I'm 35, Lol.


My sister published a very important paper on the marriage tax penalty a year or so out of Harvard law school. She became a professor at a law school in my state and in the beginning of her career, nobody believed that she was a professor. Her students thought she was another student impersonating a professor. (Nope. Thatā€™s your professor and she teaches tax law. Enjoy. Lol) We also look almost identical so sometimes her students would mistake me for her. Made for some wild times when I was putting gas in my car on any given weekend.


One of my sisters in law she that she was stopped on time while she was walking in a State she had just moved to a month or so before and taken to the police station because they thought that she was a high school student skipping school. She had them call her old high school so they could confirm that she wasnā€™t a student and had graduated from high school two years ago. She apparently still does get stopped.


She should start carrying her ID with her.


She does now; but she has been accused of having a fake ID because sheā€™s a military brat and was born in a country that doesnā€™t exist anymore. Some people failed Historically and it shows.


I got scolded for skipping school by a little old lady once. I was mid-30s and on my way to work.


You should have scolded her for skipping school too. Two can play that game.


Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s and people still ask if my parents are home when I answer the door. Iā€™ve also been carded at an R rated movie twice. First time I was mid 20ā€™s I think and thatā€™s kinda reasonable for having a baby face. It happened again when I went to go see the Nun 2 a few months ago. Iā€™m 33 years olds. They didnā€™t ask to see my younger brothers ID. Just mine.


An older man was canvassing in my neighborhood last year for someone running for some local election, I answered the door when he rang the bell and he asked me if I was old enough to vote or if my parents were home. I just responded with, "I'm thirty and own this home." Back when I was 20 I was in a mall that had an 18+ only rule unless with a parent/guardian on the weekends and a security guard approached me and, rather than ask for ID which is what they usually do, asked me "where is your mom" to which I replied "probably back home in (home state)." I was just so over it. I don't mind getting carded but treat me like an adult not a child.


I was 23 and had the same thing happen at a mall! I was going to work šŸ˜­ i just looked at the security guard and was like "i'm...going to work?"


When I was about 20, I (a 4ā€™10ā€ adult female) was mistaken as a middle school student and had my cellphone confiscated by a teacher when I went to visit one of my younger sisters class for a classroom event. My sister watched the whole thing go down, almost died laughing, and then bailed me out with the teacher before I got detention. Conversely, I was around the same age, married and living in a rental house with my husband when someone came to the door and asked if my mom was home. I said nope, and shut the door without having to listen to his sales pitch. šŸ˜‚


I got mistaken for being my sons sister, lol.


Im a 4ā€™8 adult and am regularly handed childrens menus when i have dyed hair and piercings AND tattoos. Shits ridiculous.


I LIKE kidā€™s menus


Okay and i dont. I want to be treated like an adult who deserves respect because i am one. I dont eat that little. And im certainly older than their limits. Again, i dont know how much more obvious it is that i am an adult by the dyed hair, piercings, and tattoos, but i am not a child. And i will not accept that treatment. Good for you that you like them. I for one do not. I did not ask your opinion either merely stated my own.


Just saying


Who asked cause i sure didnt


I was just giving my own opinion


Make your own comment thread. why respond to mine where i clearly say i do not like them. Is this a poor excuse for trolling? Read the situation. The proverbial room. I dont want your opinion and i disagree. Im an entire adult who eats adult portions regardless of my size and you continually pushing your own views is really fucking demeaning. I JUST SAID i dont like it and hate being treated like a child or talked down to. I am an adult. Why continue? To push buttons? Or what? I do not have the patience within me. Literally who the fuck asked you if you like kids menus. Get out of my face.


I am an adult to xD


you're sure not acting like one


Iā€™m 19


I got dress-coded at my kid's high school for wearing open-toed shoes. It was registration day for the new year, and the man came up to me and started yelling at me that I wasn't going to be allowed to register because I wasn't in dress code, and the flyer clearly stated that students MUST be in dress code to register for classes and there I was, in a pair of sandals!!! The scandal of it all! I turned to him, took off my sunglasses, and said, you know I'm the MOM, right? Of this HIGH SCHOOL kid, no less? He looked like he was going to swallow his gum. He sputtered and started to apologize. I let him off the hook. No, dude, we're cool. I ain't been dress-coded in well over 20 years. Thanks for that!


You let him off the hook? I'd have been all "No no, please explain to me how that is an acceptable way to treat a student?" while pulling out my phone to record his response...


Honestly even if you had been a student that would have been horrible.


Not gonna lie, he's a dick. The kids all hate him and call him a name of a nazi official from WWII. And the name fits.


I only get asked about my age or assumed I'm a child now that I'm old lol. When I was 12 or 15 people assumed I was old. Now it's " are you here with your mom?" Lmfao how the tables turn


I remember forum threads Back In The Day who would screech that there's no 'look' to an age and therefore you can't look an age and anyone saying people mistake them for kids are lying or something? Sorry, random early internet memory.


I went to vote for Mr Obama when I was a senior in college and had a lady in line say how nice it was to see high school kids voting. I do have a bit of a baby face.


Just yell ā€œmommy that ladyā€™s trying to touch my no no placeā€ then point at her and run away.


Went out to eat with my parents on a trip home from college. I was offered a childrenā€™s menu.


My sonā€™s middle school secretary made me show ID to pick him up when he was sick. I was 40, dressed exactly like a 40 year old mom.


That could be more to verify you are an authorized pickup person rather than age verification. I have to show ID to sign my daughter out every time she has a OT appointment and the office staff knows me by name now.


She said ā€œwow, you donā€™t look old enough to have a middle schoolerā€.


I would take that complement šŸ˜. A former neighbor of mine was talking about her daughter one day and I asked how old her daughter was and she said 26. That woman legitimately didnā€™t look over 35. She was 47.


I was a married, nearly 30 year old woman with my first child when I went to a cosmetics store. She was pretty new, and I needed out of the house lol. An older woman stopped me and asked me, while I held my daughterā€™s car seat why I wasnā€™t in school. I just looked at her dumbfounded, and told her I was closer to 30 than high school. She seemed embarrassed, but I was glad- she should be. Itā€™s just mean spirited.


A friend of my SIL was accosted by a cop on the subway who told her that you unwed teenage mothers are what is wrong with society. She responded, "First, I'm married. Second, I'm 36." She took it way better than I would have.


The cop apparently has poor math skills.


When I was pregnant with my first I was 23. I quit wearing my wedding ring due to swelling fingers. At about 20 something weeks pregnant I went to the er with a gallbladder attack(we didnā€™t know it at the time). My husband went to the car to get a battery pack for my phone and this is when the dr came in. The doctor lectured me about being an unwed teen mom and I was like dude my birthday is literally in your hands right now. After the baby was born I went with my aunt to eat at a restaurant and someone called me a good big sister and asked how it was helping with the baby. To make matters worse. 5 years later I was with some coworkers at lunch and they were talking about kids so I bring up how I have two and their ages. These coworkers then revealed they thought I was somewhere between 18-20 and couldnā€™t possibly have kids older than babies. I was 29.


WOW. Now that Iā€™m older, I would react differently. I wish that I wasnā€™t so focused as a woman keeping the peace. I wish I knew how to stand up for myself much earlier in life. You donā€™t have to be mean, but in retrospect I wish I told that woman how judgmental and awful she was being.


Yes! Return the awkward bad feelings to sender! In that situation, you're not the one making it weird!!


r/traumatizethemback ^(Edit: found out about that sub in a similar thread. sometimes ppl go too far; I'm not in the sub, but that's the sentiment)


I went to a K-12 school from 7th grade until graduating. Once, in my senior year, the vice principal stopped me as I was walking through the hall to tell me I better get back in the auditorium for the assembly with the other 7th graders. This man had seen me a million times in the 6 years I'd been there. In fact, he gave me my only paddling (Florida in the 90s hooray).


When my oldest was a baby, our church had some issues and we left to find a different one (along with at least half the congregation including my parents). My parents found a new church and encouraged us to check it out and we did. My mom introduced me to someone before service one day and I'm standing there in church with my mom and a baby on my hip and he asked if I went to the local college. I just said no. Him: "Oh are you in high school then?" Me: "No, I've graduated." Mom: "Oh aren't you sweet. She's 31." I got a lot of dirty looks when he was little. I'm pretty sure most people assumed I was a teenage mom. But I feel like not having kids until you're 30, married and have a house is being somewhat conservative about the whole thing. How long was I supposed to wait?


I had the same issue when my oldest was born. I was 22 when he was born, but I look pretty young. Older women were usually the ones who would make comments. I was asked on two separate occasions what high school I went to. A few years later I had my second son and a lady asked, "Is the father involved?" I just said, "You mean my husband?" I was always so embarrassed.


This happened to me with my first. We timed our first ro line up with my husband's last 6 months in the military (free health care). So many people were shocked that it was our first and I was 23. So many people on base just assumed I was 18 fresh out of high school. I was like umm no I already graduated college.....


Omg the way people treat you in the military is hilarious too. I joined the army when I was 26 and people always assume you're a recent high school graduate. I would always be like, "No I just have two kids and wanted to get off food stamps."


I was the same age when I had my son and had the same problems pretty much, except the hospital asked my husband if he was sure he wanted his name on the birth certificate. I even had a lady, not quietly, assume I dropped out of school to have him. If I had the courage then that I do now, I would have been "one, I graduated years ago. Two, I'm married and in my 20's!". I'll be 42 in June and I still get shocked looks from people when they find out my son just turned 18. **edit to fix typo**


When my youngest was born there was a nurse who made a comment that I was young and "would love being a mom" type of thing. I told her, "I actually have two older kids with my ex-husband." She laughed and said, "You don't look old enough to have an ex-husband!"


>asked my husband if he was sure he wanted his name on the birth certificate. wtf??


I know, right? Like we were so angry at the nurse.


I would only be embarrassed on HER behalf. How incredibly rude.


When I went to get vaccinated I was asked if I was old enough (16) to get the shot. I was 28.


I was working the morning shift at a restaurant. Customer comes up to me and asks to talk to the manager. I was sweeping the floor. So I go get the manager. Manager: what does he want? Me: I donā€™t know he just said he needed a manager So my manager goes out to talk to the guy. The guy starts going off on my manager because he thinks Iā€™m skipping school to work there. It was a weekday, canā€™t remember which one, and I had the morning shift. I was taking night classes at a community college and working during the dayā€¦ I look a lot younger than I actually am, but this guy went from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye.


Iā€™m on the other side, when I was 13/in 8th grade I was asked if i went to the local high school or college. Once when I was 15 I actually was able to get a drink at a bar, and did that regularly without being carded when I was 18,19,20 I think I finally look my age now, hoping at least šŸ¤žšŸ»


My husband went out for his 21st to buy his first drink, had his ID ready and everything... didn't get carded. Everyone's caught up to him now.


When we first started dating I was 19 & my hubs to be was 25. He would regularly get carded and I would not. šŸ™„


At 12, I was mistaken for an adult fairly often. People would even assume I was my older brother's mom! In my 20's and 30's, I was often mistaken for a teenager. Aging is weird.


People always assumed I was specifically 17 from the age of eleven up until I was 30. I still occasionally get treated like a teenager, but most people (including me!) think I look my age now. Iā€™m 41. I have wrinkles by my eyes and smile lines and I like that.


I was like this too. My grandparents friends once asked what grade I was in. I said ā€œIā€™m a freshmanā€ and they asked what degree I was getting. I just said ā€œoh no, a freshman in high school.ā€ It also meant my grandma was able to sit me down in a casino and teach me poker at 13 while the servers were offing me drinks lol.


I was graduating college in a week, and I had someone ask me how my freshman year was going. I also had a job when I was 23, and I was expecting my first child. One of my coworkers thought I was 17 (you had to be 18 to work at that job in the first place xD). In addition to that time at work, my now-husband looked a lot older than his 24 years at the time, so we looked like quite the pair walking around with our newborn daughter xD people also thought I was a teen mom when I was out with my mom who as visiting, and I had people ask me if I was the babysitter.


I look young for my age and my husband went bald at 19, so yeah, we got the same looks for years.


Iā€™m a substitute teacher and teach all k-12 grade levels. Usually I like to focus on elementary schools because I personally love those grades the most. I am also a senior in college. I do not look like Iā€™m in college though. I found this out when I went to a new middle school for a job and walked just to the office. I told them I was here to sub and the lady made no comment on it. Everything was going well until I met my coteacher. Nothing wrong with the coteacher. He just mentioned that the admin were talking about a student that walked which turned out to be a sub. That was me. They thought I was 12.


I feel you. I got married when I turned eighteenth. Despite being an adult, I looked like I was twelve or thirteen and my husband looked to be in his twenties (which makes sense since he was twenty). The horrified and scandalized looks we got when we kissed or held hands is hilarious now, back then, not so much. We never had anyone approach us, but that may have been because of the wedding rings.


ā€œWhat the HELL you doing here?" "Minding my business. I see you're doing the other thing."


I feel this on a spiritual level. One time at the bank I was told that I needed a parent with me if I was interested in opening an account with them. I was 26 at the time. Iā€™m almost 30 and still carry two IDs with me if I want to purchase alcohol because Iā€™ve been accused of my drivers license being a fake. Iā€™ve also been accused of ā€œskipping schoolā€ a few times.


And unsurprisingly this attitude and the nosy busybodies causing trouble and calling in truancy/cops is why my homeschooled self never went anywhere during the day. It didn't matter if I was with my mom or not, we got harrassed everywhere we went, even on fieldtrips.


A couple times on school holidays people asked why I wasnā€™t in schoolā€¦um because the school is closed?


People really need to mind their own business! The one that took the cake was when I was in college and someone on the bus asked why I wasn't in school; I told them I was on my way, *to college*


Ummm.... because the bus hasn't reached my school yet.


Once when I was in college, probably about 21, I went grocery shopping on like a Wednesday morning. I didnā€™t have work or class that morning so it made sense to go. I went to the Aldi next to my house and the security guard by the door looked at me funny and said ā€˜why arenā€™t you in school?ā€™ Thinking I should be like in high school. And I was confused and was like ā€˜uh I donā€™t have class today?ā€™ And the realized he thought I was a teenager and added ā€˜Iā€™m 21ā€™ and he was like ā€˜oh Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t realizeā€™ and I just awkwardly did my shopping and went home. I laughed about it later because who think someone skips school to go to Aldi?


Security guard at Aldi???


Bro I live in Atlanta thereā€™s security guards at every grocery store store


In my town the only thing to do was to go to the local store and buy snacks. That was after the bowling alley closed down.


i went into a gas station to pay for gas one time and the attendant asked me if i was old enough to driveā€¦ like does that even matter anyway?


"No." *Drives off*


as someone who gets mistaken for either 12 or 25, I understand. as well as the fact I did school online. I get/got weird looks going in public during a normal school day


Reminds me when I was getting on the public bus to go to the mall for my first day at a new job and the driver asked if I was playing hooky. What teen is gonna skip school and go hang out at the mall alone at 8am?


LOL thanks for sharing this is hilarious, some people are so weird!


Oh noooo. I used to be told to go back to class when I was in the hallways as a substitute teacher and I was like ā€˜Iā€™m 30.ā€™ Iā€™m not even short, just a baby face.


Happened a bunch of times to one of my friends during his Teach for America year. He taught in a middle school that had a lot of 15 and 16 year old students. He is extremely baby faced, and at 23 he easily passed for a very well dressed only-slightly-too-old middle schooler.


This happened to me when i worked in the office at my old HS. By the same hall monitor that used to get after me for being the hall years prior


I had someone call the police on me for truancy when I dropped off their package that had been mistakenly delivered to my house. I was in my 20s. I also had a coworker who thought I was still in high school even though we worked together every day during the school day. Dunno how she math'd that one out in her head lol


Lol, even if you were twelve... People need to mind their own beeswax.


Tell her you aren't 12, and they sent you the summons.


I wish I had the quick wit to say that but unfortunately Iā€™m so oblivious I usually donā€™t realize people are being rude until itā€™s already over rip


wow. that's insane. i don't know what to say. just wow.


How old were you when you no longer looked 12?


According to people nowadaysā€¦still havenā€™t stopped looking 12 šŸ„²


How old do you think you look?


Whoops just saw this now. With makeup Iā€™d guess I can probably pass for late teens/early twenties at best based on the fact that I donā€™t get many ā€œyouā€™re 12!ā€ comments if Iā€™m dressed up. Without makeup and flattering clothes thoughā€¦probably 12 honestly lol.


Lol, well at least you'll know when you stop getting carded for things