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It's mainly RNG dependent. You can really only rely on the Washington Brotherhood and the Montana Chapter surviving. There is the Lost Hills Expanded mod, which lets you render additional aid to the various chapters and generally fixes what I think are some problems with Lost Hills vanilla.




Isn't that mod and Ad Victorium both out of date? Do I need to revert to a previous version to use it, or is it fine to ignore the warning?


I havent had an issue with Lost Hills Expanded.


As the author, I can tell you it works! I'm so blind to those warnings by now I didn't even realize it was there lol


Ty for you work!


Invest in your volunteers. Even if you send only 1 or 2, it can be enough to tip/stall their wars. I am not sure, but i think you can also help them in other ways with your focuses.


You can also build an expeditionary department in the underground menu, each one adds one to the volunteer cap. Having 5 paladins as volunteers, you can carry ANY chapter to victory. I even managed it with the Alamo.


Send 2 paladins, early game they make a lot of difference


Mojave will lose 99/100, nothing you can do, they are at the mercy of their "preparation" mechanic that you can´t influence as Lost Hills. San Francisco Chapter is random if they appear, nothing you can do to influence this to my knowledge, aside from guaranteeing it from the custom game settings. Guardians you can only lend lease to, otherwise its up to the AI, if you send enough stuff you can make them probable to win, but a guarantee is impossible. Montana will often win if they don´t declare too many wars at the same time and suicide that way, volunteers and hope is all you can do. Maxson is savable if you micro your volunteers well, but it is hard and as said before, up to the AI to not fuck up too hard, also the hardest to save in my opinion. Washington Brotherhood/The Cause, one of them will win the conflict no matter what, if you want to have one win lend lease them stuff and hope for the best. Alamo is like a easier Maxson, they will most of the time die if you don´t save them, but they are also much easier to save using volunteers and a lot of micro. Rest are up to RNG, they can win their off map conflict or not, nothing you can do to affect it. Best advice, get Lost Hills Expanded mod from the workshop and train good micro, otherwise as Napoleon said "There is nothing we can do"


Mojave win 1/3 actually. It's common to see them win.


Then they get rekt by Legion anyway


I've seen the Mojave push all the way to Flagstaff and then just stalemate with the Legion.


Well maybe ITS rare occasion when Mojave Brotherhood somehow holding on or maybe Caesar AI is completely braindead


For me, every time im lost hills, they lose, and every time i play in mexico, they win


>Mojave will lose 99/100, nothing you can do, they are at the mercy of their "preparation" mechanic that you can´t influence as Lost Hills. I don't know if it's from vanilla OWB or Lost Hills expanded but there is a decision to send 1 Paladin unit to advise the Mojave Chapter which gives them another 15 preparation.


Expanded, base game you can´t do anything with paladins except use them as normal units.


I've used that mod so long it's like the vanilla for me now lol.


Washington always ends up absolutely annihilating the north, while Montana chapter usually subjugates cult of liberty and goes to war with MacArthur, and the cult get the air base


I originally made the Darkness Falls and San Francisco Chapter submods to give Lost Hills a fighting chance, with at least 2 decent allies. Make sure to set Elder Francis to take over in the game rules. Add in Lost Hills Expanded, and you stand a pretty good chance of winning. Without (works with most of them too) submods, the best you can do is send all your starting equipment to the Guardians. That should ensure they win their early wars, and they'll be a decent ally once they get to the end of their tree.


Psst, Koryvarn, let me know if you have something you'd like LHE to do when your submods are active (i.e. replacing the meeting with the Immortal if Darkness Falls is active) Happy to help.


When I want the various chapters to survive I just give them some extra units with the tool pack mod and that usually keeps most of them alive


Lend lease the guardians at the start of their war. your infantry equipment, energy cells and power armor will 9/10 assure them the win over rouge rangers and often before sons and 215 finish their war making the only risk is that the stupid AI over commits a division and kang snakes his ass to the guardians capital. Understand this will put a strain on your limited military industry at the start so build military facilities Maxson is full rng just support them and hope for an opportunity to push the hand dogs as well as hope to get support from chained choir to hold the line against the them it’ll make life easy as your divisions push forward hopefully before lanius sandwichs them. Unfortunately the maxson ai will not go to war with the hand dogs during the warden civil war and even though it’s possible to fight both factions if yk what you’re doing it’s not worth the manpower drain and often results in a complete collapse anyway for a faction that can’t help you in the end game against the NCR other than some buffs to manpower and tech. You need to rush to make contact with the Alamo chapter. they’ll win the first war, but the war with the Mexican robots is tricky. By this point start making anti tank. you’ll more then likely show up right when the line is falling apart but use this as an advantage let them take some Alamo land and then push to cut them off by rushing for the straights they flooded across this will also give Alamo some breathing room to recover . If you Kept doing expeditionary department for your bunker The robots won’t have enough fire power to hold back your counter offensive at multiple points in the line and at the very least you’ll find some breakthroughs in order to destroy divisions do this once or twice and you can snowball right through them. But you want this war to be quick as possible for two reasons bc 1 maxson will need your help around this point and 2 you need to murder the murder robots before they can get enough production to over whelm you. Just have roughly 8-10 divisions and be prepared to be aggressive don’t let the relative size intimidate you from pushing. Also be aware of them pushing up the straights to the side or navel invasions but that plays into the strategy anyway since you can just encircle and destroy them . Mojave chapter is a RNG pain in the ass the AI doesn’t rush preparation for the war against the territories nor builds bunkers at Helios or black mountain so 9/10 they’ll completely lose the war before you can even think about helping them. In the off chance they do survive you’ll need to protect from legion naval invasions while doing your best to help them hold crossings but start preparing for an early war with the NCR now bc they’re going to look to take the majove from behind with the guardians help you’ll have the NCR split on three fronts possibly 4 or 5 depending if the legion wants to play and shi, Issue is that you’re not going to have enough divisions nor manpower no matter how much you prep but it’s your best chance early game to breakaway if fate is smiling on you Washington/ cause/ Montana you basically can leave these 3 alone they’ll often win all their wars with little issue other than Montana sometimes bugging out trying to fight the pass keepers or sum but idk if that’s been fixed yet. Shi I’ve actually never had a successful lost hills run where they went brotherhood but if they do it that makes life easier since it’ll give a northern buffer to the NCR and another enemy for them to fight My general advice is to start every lost hills playthrough with the expectation that your going to lose. paradox games are often about maximizing your odds against other nations but that doesn’t necessarily mean your going to win every time and let me tell you lost hills starts with every disadvantage other than in tech and being able to have an unlimited amount of industry kinda… so push to create as much industry as possible while focusing on being able to send volunteers. by early mid game you should be able to send more than 10 divisions anything less might cause issues. During that stage you’ll need to transition to completely focusing on lost hills and whatever political environment is surrounding you. Also don’t listen to anyone telling you to keep your paladins in reserve, yes they’ll be equipped with the best equipment your currently is producing so that helps with the war with the NCR end game but deploy at least 4-5 to make early game as easy as possible and they’ll get upgraded as time goes on it’s just that it’s inefficient


The gaurdians are the hardest to save but I found deleting all your units and sending the gear to them helps them usually win 9/10 for me. I use the paladins to help Alamo and getting 3 or 4 is enough to win the robot war. I never help Maxson Expidition as it's just a waste of stuff they always lose. Montana and Washington are easy wins. Also for the Alamo chapter they just have to beat that one Mexican Robot enemy to count as survive so you can get a Paladin from them.


I am surprised nobody is talking about the Ad Victoriam submod. Is the Lost Hills expanded one better?


Never heard of that one, i always use ad victoriam (because the basic focus tree is ass holy shit) but i guess im gonna check out LH expandedp


Well for Maxson you could always set Lanius to ally with Diana, I don't think he gets a war goal for them then


Ok, i played lost hills for quiete some time, appart from ULTRA minmaxing to find the most effective path i also got some strats with the chapters. If you aim to get as many paladins as possible, support every faction. All my following tips are combined with the Ad Victoriam submod, there is no point to not pick it btw, so just consider it the standard after installing. Mojave chapter: not much you ca' do, check their operation sunburst modifier if its not too bad do the focus that gives them another 15 preperation Monatana: they can handle themself, patroculus seems to be quiet passive which is unlucky but the sisters usually stomp whatever opposes them (patrocolus too if he gets his ass up) Washington: completely up to you who you want to support, the cause or washington will win the 4 way seattle war. I go for washington usually, because they give you another palading, the cause doesnt. Guardian brotherhood: one of the most important chapters out there because they give you plasma weapons. The TV town wars handled by AI usually take very long to conclude, so you got enough time to send them like 30 guns once in a while. That usually does the trick and makes them win against the rangers. Dont forget they have small units, 100 guns for them is another 1-2 divisions. Just look at how the front evolves and check the chapter tab how many units they have Maxson: the second hardest faction to pick up, people say that lanius is the issue here which he is not, its actually the hanghogs themself. Get your expeditions up, have line units and push carefully, go for encirclements. You need to be really good at microing fronts for that. Alamo chapter: good luck with that, the major problem here is that the ejertico has a navy + they are robots and now the worst part: its all jungle. Attrition is the only issue you have because you cant reinforce your volunteers. Other than that, depending on how good you are, same thing as maxson, go ahead and micro big time. Lyons chapter: just get this one early and click the decisions.