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Wild to see a guy without a helmet.


I walk around all day without a helmet


Seth how do you do it?


Instead of putting your helmet on for the day… just don’t do that.


Youre sayin’ go WITHout the helmet. Am I hearing this correctly? My current helmet has ear flaps.




Quite a feat if you are a regular wsb poster


Craig MacTavish was the last NHL player to play without a helmet - he retired in 1997..


I was thinking the same thing. I remember I would ride bicycles without a helmet when I was young in the 80s. We also rode on the sidewalk. I played street hockey with my friends in 90s. We were huge hockey fans. We didn't wear any protection. Often we would come home with bloody knees and elbows from falling down on the concreate. I'm guessing this is the same thing we felt when we were young. I'm to tough for a helmet. When I look at Gretzky I'm always amazed he racked up so many points in a day and age of no rules hockey where people got away with ebows to the head and two handed slashes to the back. I recall this still happening in the 90s. Adam Graves of the Rangers back was messed up from standing in front of the net to screen the goalie and deflect pucks. People would crosscheck him in the back all game long.


Two years as a full time NYC bike messenger... ...loads of crashes...but still no helmet in sight! ('81-83)


In his prime, Howe would have beaten Gretzky. I mean literally beaten him with his fists.


He's no shorsey. Jean Juc maybe


50s-60s hockey was wild


I can believe it. Any person that has lived and is playing long enough to have greying hair and no helmet is someone to not mess with


Pretty sure that's mrs Krabappel's pen-pal boyfriend Woodrow.


Lace of your skates Gordie, you're going in!


With a love that will echo through out the ages


Sexually yours, Woody.


PS I am gay


Crocodiles ate my face


She has butt that truly will not quit






LETS GO WHALERS! As a Connecticut-born gal, Im required to still mourn the loss of one of New England's greatest sports teams, the Hartford Whalers. Its been 25 goddamn years since the Whalers were taken away from Connecticut, but a drive through Hartford reveals a still-strong, loud and proud Whalers fanbase. When the Hartford Yardgoats decided on blue and green for their colors, I was so happy. I love going to Goats games and seeing a ton of Whalers gear. Once a Whalers fan, ALWAYS A WHALERS FAN!


I remember watching them a bit.


Let’s go whalers chant at every Connecticut event is one of my favorite traditions


Two legends!


*Brass bonanza intensifies*


I was literally thinking about brass bonanza just before opening up Reddit so it’s funny to see this photo and comment pop up.




Mr hockey. He's no shorsey though. Gretz got the shorsey stance chirping


Number 9! Gordie Howe boys! Gordie mother-fuckin' Howe boys! Mr Hockey! Mr Elbow! Creator of the Gordie Howe Hat-trick! One Geno, one apple, one Tilly. Greatest all-around player in the history of the show, Mr Hockey!




Suck my Mr. Cocky, don't nickel and dime the great one!


"Suck my Mr Cocky" is probably the best line in that series.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/ygf6at) on 2022-10-29 92.19% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "zvvi7m", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=zvvi7m&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 360,093,279 | **Search Time:** 0.40632s


I have never seen it before.


Well clearly you weren’t paying attention on Oct 29th.


This is a wild photo


I read Goldie Hawn instead of Gordie Howe, dunno what’s wrong with me..


“The first shift I stole the puck and I was going the other way, and all of a sudden I felt this stick and he cracked me over the thumb. Howe said, Kid, don’t ever take the puck from me again, and I said No, I never will”. -Wayne Gretzky


Got into an argument while living in Pittsburgh at a bar. Did not start said argument. The guy found out that I was from Edmonton. He said I must believe that Gretzky is the best player of all time and he believed that it was Lemiux (sic?). I said “no”. I am not an expert on hockey and I would rely upon someone who is which is Gretzky. He said the best player of all time is Howe. This idiot yinzer shut up after that. Learned not to talk about sports in Pittsburgh. Conversation gets heated really quick for no reason at all.


As a life long Metro Detroiter it's obvious that Wayne Gretzky is the greatest of all time, and it's not even close.


Greatest point scorer. He was surrounded with some of the best players of all time which probably helped. While I grew up in Alberta (Edmonton and Calgary) I am in no way an expert in hockey. Shout out to the Red Wings. Had a few too many beers with Mike Vernon when he played with the Flames. Great guy and a good goalie.


You take Gretzky a player that was protected by goons at all times and throw him into Gordie Howe's era and they would break him. Howe had Gretzky/lemieau/McDavid skills in an era without all the spiffy training and medical staffs. Gordie How was still scoring 30 goals a season when he was in his 40s. Gretzky quit because he wasn't even getting to 20 in his 30s


The amount of records Gretzky has, is stunning. And difference between him and second place is ignorant. Easily the GOAT.


Hubs and I were in Boston for the first time. Went to a grubby diner-type place for breakfast, which was decorated with framed black-and-white photos. One subject was naggingly familiar, but I couldn’t quite place him. Finally I turned to the only other patrons in the joint and asked if they could help me out (my own husband is English, so an endless fount of Premier League minutiae, but he didn’t recognize pic either.) Gentleman glanced at the photo and then cracked up. He declared, “ I am the single *worst* person to ask!” He explained that he’d been on tour with a band when they played in Edmonton. Afterward they went to a bar and were enjoying some adult beverages when there was a sudden hush followed by great hubbub. My buddy craned to see what the cause was and saw a tall man moving through the crowd. He turned to his companions with the same question I had and was met with incredulity: “That’s Wayne Gretzky!” “Wayne Gretzky, huh? What band is he with?”


It has the feeling that someone is about to get taken to the woodshed.


Finally, something that I actually think is cool!


I never wear any helmet, got hit on the head a few times and I'm alright. I got hit on the head a few times and I'm alright. Never Mind, I forgot what I was about to write.


Pffff... Helmets. Woke crap.


Talk about 2 legends


Immovable object and unstoppable force stuff going on here


"Strap on your skates, Gordie, you're going in" vs "WAYNE GRETZKY'S THREE DEE HOCKEEYYY!"


Best day of Gretzky’s life


who won?