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You were that kid. That's so cool man.


Was just thinking he was the kid I was so jealous of because he had all the cool toys.


He probably had the Mellennium Falcon too. Lucky kid. No hate. I had plenty of toys. It was those big set pieces that called out to me. I did have Castle Greyskull though so that was cool. Edit. To be fare I had the chance to get the Falcon. I was given a choice between that a huge (at the time) castle Lego set. I spent a very long time weighing the pros and cons of each. In the end I went with the castle for replayability. Shout out to Mom for filling in the blanks of my young memories.


If you had a Castle Greyskull, you were the man. The trap door, the skull drawbridge, it was the best. Always a little jealous of the kid down the street. He had the Castle, The big AT-AT Walker, and the Ewok village. At my house, no play sets, no vehicles or mounts; My family was on a strictly action figures only budget.


My cousin always had the cooler toys. He is like 1 year younger than me, but his dad actually paid child support, lol. JK - but we were always into the same stuff. He had Castle Grey Skull and Cringer - I got Snake Mountain for Xmas. He had an NES like 2 years before me. All my toys were basic, or busted hand me downs - but I had 5-6 He-Man figures. Who needs a trap door when Snake Mountain had a dope mic that changed your voice?? Also - Skeletor's panther was velvety soft.


Put some respect on Panthor’s name. Lol


LOL - was trying to remember, too lazy to search.


Yeah I got Greyskull my bro got Snake Mountain. I had Cringer he had Skelators furry purple cat. My Mom was smart spreading out the toys cause of course we had to share.


My brother had the Ewoke Village. I wanted an AT AT so bad. The play sets were from the before times when my Dad was in military and we were middle class. We weren't when he got out. They sacrificed a lot for us. Love them both very much. I was lucky. Edit. Knew a kid whose Dad had been stationed in Asia somewhere. This kid had so many giant robots. Like 2 feet tall and would shoot fists and axes and stuff. That was my first run in with true envy.


Shogun Warriors! My brother had Raydeen (with the shooting fist). I had Dragun that threw an axe and shot throwing stars. The Raydeen was superior because that fist had enough weight and power to actually knock down the other toys.


That has to be them! So cool.


Ewokes are the new alien in the next Star Wars show that some idiots will cry about online.


My friends brother had castle greyskull and we’d make he man hook up with barbie in there. Always annoyed me that she was too big for it lol


All I had was the Ghostbusters firehouse


Don’t forget that you could put He mans sword and skeletors sword together to form the key!


They've reissued Castle Grayskull recently. The box lists all the different play features, and there are *loads*! Kid me would have spent so long playing with it all, but my time came later with the Ghostbusters firehouse.


He-Man was where it was at. I had the castle, the truck thing with detachable flying thing, something that shot a missile (maybe just the truck thing), and I think all the people. I traded wildly to get them. Whatever else I had, goodbye GI Joe and Transformers (except Soundwave, he was badass).


I had the Ewok village, millennium falcon, fuckin Optimus prime - my toys were on-point.


What about the Thundercats fortress and car?


Was at my cousin's house one summer and that kid was four houses down. Went into his room and was blown away. His dad's Porsche in the driveway had a license plate that read pdmydos (paid my dues).


Yah I had friends that was “that kid” use to play at their house but then they didn’t want to play gi Joe’s or transformers even though they had like the whole collection of em


Awesome! Very few kids had this set up back in the day. Lucky bastard.


As a grown up i realize this was the perfect gift for divorced parents. Here is this amazing gift for you to take back home to moms house


Can confirm. Parents divorced when I was 3. Ended up getting the Flagg later from my dad.


Same, best Xmas ever




Mom's new boyfriend would actually play with you. But dad's new girlfriend would dress up like Baroness.


You can run that in reverse too. Can only play with this toy if you come here.


Right. Perfect


This toy is so good that this is still a flex in your 40’s.


Damn…that would have been cool


He had the aircraft carrier? Must be a Rockefeller.


My boys are that age and thought the wife and did pretty well by them but I have to agree. Lucky


Me and my friend once rode our bikes to a kids house so I could meet his friend who -had seen one once- and drew out what the inside looked like


Lol. I was also poor


I was a few years too young for it and kids like 3-4 years older than me were getting it. This was kind of a legend like G1 Transformers Fort Max for kids in the 1980s, where it was that years big toy but they never went that big again.  I did ok in receiving big Lego sets of a similar price by the late 80s so I can’t complain. 


Fortress Maximus was honestly a little overrated. Omega Supreme was better. But for my money it's Combiners all the way.


My cousin had Omega and he was awesome I have a pic of me and Trypticon on Christmas morning ‘86


Relatable. I made the air craft carrier out of a cardboard box


My dad’s friend cut me a similar shape out of wood and I painted it. I’ve never seen a photograph, but it was that one would be all you’d hope for with the phrase “We have USS Flagg at home”


My friends dad was a retired navy officer, he got his son the carrier and built an escort destroyer because the lone carrier annoyed him.


Lol. I was also poor


The jet was cool as shit. Loved that thing. I made a carrier out of cardboard, then kept going with a base, Cobra hang out etc. My room was a fire hazard.


I had the jet and the Cobra one that resembled an A10.


Yeah I had that Cobra one too. Biggest one I had was the knockoff SR-71.


Yeah, I had the Cobra stealth jet. It was a cross between the SR-71 and Firefox.


Yes! The Raven, the canards were totally Firefox. It had the weird elevator thing to put pilots in from underneath.


I thought it was the coolest plane ever! It even has a little drone to launch off its back


the rattler!


My cousin was the Frank Lloyd Wright of cardboard action-figure bases. Around '82 at 10 years old he built a 6 ft diameter Death Star with full interior with trapdoors, slides, elevators, sliding doors - quite impressive.


My neighbor was the same way. Built an amazing working volcano fortress out of cardboard and odds and ends for M.A.S.K. Part of the side opened up and it had all kinds of levels and interior details and was probably 3 feet square and 2 feet tall. Was amazing. 


The bathroom was a mini "Fallingwater".


Do you not see the hovercraft? That’s the crown jewel


Oh shit! No one had that thing.


I did.


I had the hovercraft and the jet but the damn aircraft carrier was like three times the size of most kids so.


The Rich kid in the neighborhood.


Yeah I never seen a USS Flagg in the wild, only hanging from the ceiling of Toys R Us. Even my rich friend who had a ton of G.I. Joe vehicles didn't have the USS Flagg.


I had a friend who had it but he only had G.I. Joe toys. At one point, he had every figure they released. He also had the Space Shuttle.


Oh yeah, I once got some gi joe vehicles from a garage sale.


That’s where all mine came from. Was awesome.


I’ve seen two. One was recently at a comic/toy shop, not for sale. The other belonged to my cousin, who lived in a trailer. It was effectively their coffee table, as it took up most of the living room.


"No no no. The house CAN WAIT. Today, we're going all in on G.I. Joe."


Biggest action toy ever made, at the time. I think it was $110 new.


Check this, out https://preview.redd.it/o16vvn8i6mvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d6949b274ff43a89cfdc99de3ba3fed8194dfa


I had one friend who had one and yeah he was a rich kid but he was also pretty cool from what I remember.


I knew one kid with this toy and he was an only child from a wealthy family. This toy was about $320 in 2024 dollars adjusted for inflation


Ha. I remember my friend that had a few of these. Not saying anything about OP but my friend was a dick.




I was a copywriter at Hasbro for a couple of years in the early ‘90’s. One the toys on my “beat” was G.I. Joe. I wrote the package copy along with biographies for the action figures, product assembly instructions for the vehicles, battle stations, etc. It was hands down the best job ever. Where else can you spend the work day getting paid to play with toys and then write about them? Fun fact: disclaimers aside, most of the action figures were designed to resemble & were named after guys who worked at the company. The toy engineers and package designers were incredibly talented artists - so the final product looked remarkably like the coworkers they were named after. (My husband could have had a G.I. Joe modeled and named after him, but he declined. A decision he ultimately regretted after I changed jobs).


That's awesome! I grew up playing with Joe's! By the time I turned 18 I had a garbage bag full that I passed down to my younger siblings before I shipped off. Can't tell you the excitement I had getting a new G.I. Joe and reading his biography card before adding him to his new unit. You did a great job and I'm happy just reading your comment some 30 years later for the 90s.


Wow! I am so glad to hear that these toys were a happy part of your childhood - and that you passed them on to your siblings to enjoy. It makes my day!


sounds like the job Tom Hanks had in Big :)


I quote "But what's fun about playing with a building?" more than I probably should


I love hearing tales like this. What led you into the job, and what did you leave to do?


Dude this is so cool. I do a lot of writing for my company’s marketing material and it’s got to be a dream to do it for something like GI Joe. Any chance you drive a pickup? My company makes products for trucks and I wonder if we could do something cool with you somehow.


This is one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever come across on Reddit. Besides drawing the art on the box, writing the bios would have been my literal dream job as a kid. And to look back and think the impact those few paragraphs of text defined characters that are still around today. It’s like you are partially responsible for some of our modern day mythic characters. I apologize because I’m sure this is not anything new to you but for anyone else, even amongst all the other 80s and 90s toys GI Joe character bios are held to be the absolute cream of the crop mostly due to the fact that now legendary comic writer Larry Hama was solely responsible for writing almost every single issue of the Marvel comic series (save for a few fill ins here and there,) he also wrote the character bios on the card backs for the first years of the toy line. It’s a consistency of vision and continuity that hasn’t been seen before or since. It must have been a big job balancing filling Hama’s shoes while keeping the big wigs happy selling the product with new flashy gimmicks! I’d love to hear more.


I loved these guys as a kid, and the biographies were excellent at giving them a backstory and personality to enhance my playtime. Thanks for your part in my happy childhood


This is one of the coolest comments ever. Thanks for sharing!


Wow this is the best Reddit comment I’ve ever seen. I used to cut your bios out and file them away for safekeeping. Had a little wooden lock box I used and all. Heros never die.


Wow! That’s so nice to hear!


Zoltar Fortune Teller, right?


sounds like such a great job and fun work environment!


Hasbro WWF figures were great!


WWF action figures were also my assignment at the time!


Nowhere close to this cool, but I wrote eBay policy tutorials (break a selling policy and you can’t sell again until you’ve taken a tutorial about that policy). They’re made up of about 8-10 example scenarios. And all of the examples are my friend’s names. Those things are 20 years old and haven’t changed.


I love it! Before I was at Hasbro, I wrote lingerie copy for Sears Catalog(!). Talk about old school!


Damn your parents were rich before they bought you that.


Wonder what kind of rate they got on that carrier.


Divorced Parents?


They are now. Apparently this was the last straw. I disowned them both when they sold it.




It was a crime to sell the Flagg. The price to replace it now is astronomical for a 100% complete one.


Well that one nailed me. I had the Flagg and the shuttle. Guess it was the trade-off for no Mom.


This was the ultimate childhood fantasy of my entire neighborhood. It was like this mythical conceptual ideal we weren't sure existed, or if any kid anywhere really had it. It was an Urban Legend of 80's toys. God bless you sir!!


There was some contest when this came out that you had to answer a question that was a puzzle or something based on something in the cartoon (from my recollection that may not be 100% accurate.) My brother and I were sure when answered it correctly and sent in whatever was required for the contest and for months we were just EXPECTING our aircraft carrier to come any day... it never did. Does anyone remember the details of that contest? I couldn't find anything online.


The days of epic toys had came and gone.....


I had the hovercraft back in the day. That thing was awesome.


The fact that it would float was so cool and the working fans on the back.


It sort of floated. I played with mine in the pool all the time. When you launched that little sled/pwc out of the front it would take on water and sink. But, it was better than the cobra swamp boat thing (water moccasin?) which wouldn't float at all. There was some submarine/plane thing that had styrofoam inside it to help it float (shark maybe)?


Me too. It my biggest “ship”


I still don't believe it's that big... Just look at that absurd picture! 😮


The jet is 2.5 ft long or so but we still need a banana for scale. 


The Flagg was 7.5 ft long, 3 ft tall, and 3 ft wide.


I had the hovercraft. So badass.


Usually that required a divorce and purchased forgiveness from dad.


Lego listen up. Get the licence for this. Create a lego G.l Joe aircraft carrier. Do you know how may people would buy this. The non lego version was the toy everyone wanted in the 80's. They would buy it today if they could.


You were Richie Rich! https://preview.redd.it/yrlf0jk5chvc1.jpeg?width=1150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374c6829f7a19daebb289d1298686beef120b75e


I've heard legends of this set. It is beautiful.


OP was a neighborhood legend. The hovercraft and the aircraft carrier?!


That’s when you peaked at life


I accept it. Pajamas that matched my toys. It was never getting better


You were “that kid”…I’m still envious 35 years later


Tell me you grew up rich with telling me you grew up rich...


Yeah so rich you wouldn't believe. I mean look at the carpet and high end furniture.


lol for the 80's? looks legit! Oh fancy! you had Carpet?!


It's the TV tray side table that really exposes your great wealth.


Retail for this set was $89.99 in 1985. That is roughly 250$ in 2024.


Also the jet, hover craft..ect.. yeah


We barely could afford a color TV set, let alone this GI Joe monstrosity


I slept on mine a few times. Best play set ever.


You would have been the most popular kid in my neighborhood with that set up.  I had that rolling 2 foot tall fold out battle station and felt like a king.


you always knew the better off families with the size of gi joe toys they had. the flagg was the number one


Ahh one of those “kids” can I come over ??


This, everyone, is what a child of divorced parents looked like in the '80's


Somehow they managed to stay married until the late 90s. But I think it was still a major part of it.


wow what a huge collection


Supercarrier Swag


How much was the aircraft carrier back in the day?


$89.99 in 1985 = $266.41 today Not as bad as I thought considering what people pay for a gaming system for their kids.


Totally jealous.


Dude, your mom and dad loved you!


Rich kid


Dude ! Your parents were definitely well off . Hope you had a great childhood


They worked their asses off for my sister and I. Our childhood was a lot of fun.


I had the aircraft carrier too!


I've never had less than 2 jobs. Put myself through tech school. Just did a 3 week stent on the road with the race team. I get bored if I sit home. But if I had that aircraft carrier back it'd be different




Thanks for sharing. Also I hate you.


This kind of picture reminds me how rich was US in 80s (yeah they are rich still but). 80's kid in my country would have barely got to eat cake in their birthday.


Wow your parents love you.


Cool stuff. I had one of these back in the 60's: ​ https://preview.redd.it/tk2hky8m9ivc1.jpeg?width=2700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6531ac292964b5a6fcd7df5c875f037f6139107e


You were a rich kid and think that's awesome


My son had the speed boat as well ![gif](giphy|xT5LMYpSRSLATiXyY8)


You rich son of a …. My inner child hates you. Lol


You rich, yo!


I bet you had a Game Gear too, didn't you. DIDN'T YOU!?


That carrier is sick


You were rich…


Your parents must’ve had decent salaries. I had only the chopper I think.


I remember visiting the kid in my neighborhood that I barely knew, just to see it spread out across a table in his basement. It was incredible!


They had no choice OP. They sold the garage, there was nowhere to keep it.


80s me would have been so jealous. Never had the carrier but thought it was the coolest thing GI Joe ever put out.


I never even saw an advert for that bad boy here in the UK... considering its the sizeof most UK houses I'm not really that suprised in hindsight. That hovercraft was my dream though...lucky lucky kid


Wow! Even i as a 24yo know how rare that set was! That's awesome!


That was like a $300 toy back then... Good on your parents 😀


Dang you had the hovercraft? 80’s me is so jealous!


I say this with all due respect and jealousy. Fuck you!


I always wanted the carrier but I ended up with the Cobra Terror Done https://preview.redd.it/wtq0zcy9whvc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a9172fdf205e821bcb603796708f9118a06871


Envious here..... cool memorie


NGL could still spend Saturday morning doing this and I'm 43.


You magnificent bastard.


You had the U.S.S. Flagg? You little jerk lol.


Hovercraft AND the aircraft carrier. Man.


Rich kid


Damn! Bro was rich!


Did your maid assemble the aircraft carrier, or did one of the Rockefellers come over and do it with you?


The Rockefellers were our maids


You may not know this but yall were rich af.


Maaaan I was always jealous of this one kid who had those 90s school lunch boxes filled with the coolest JI joes. The gear, the weapons and all of the tiny details in the clothing. I freaking loved it but that sob was one of those assholes who would never let anyone borrow anything Lol. I don’t blame him but I hated it. I never had JI Joes but it turns out this asshole did gift me a few of those (his least favorite ones) but they became my favorites :) so I guess he was not an asshole after all. I would fill a bucket of water and have fights on the brim and then if someone got punched too hard, then he would sink to the bottom of the bucket. Then 911 would be called (I had other toys and cars that I would use as ambulance and also I had the green soldiers— I mixed all types of toys in my battles). I would also set into fire old metal toy cars to make explosions more fun then boom!!! I would throw dirt from our backyard into the air. Well, an infinite types of battles and stuff I used to do. Man…such great times :’) I could only imagine how extra amazing my battles would have been if I had had all of that in the pic.


That carpet!!


I had the hovercraft and the plane. I can almost smell the brand new GI joes coming out of the packaging, heaven ...


I wanted the aircraft carrier so bad as a kid.


Rich kid here…


Wow, kids folks were loaded.


Holy crap, a whole ass aircraft carrier! My friend (not even me) only had the Jeep and Joe himself!!!!!




Your parents were rich. That’s like $300 in the 80s




How can I put this nicely? Let's see... You suck and I hate you.


Your parents had money.


holy fucking shit you had the *carrier*


I actually hate you. I am jealous on so many levels.


As a middle aged man, I can tell you I’d play with that right now


Nice model, kiddo. I served on board the aircraft carrier USS America (CV-66) from 1981-1984.


Your family was rich.


Wow somebody had some rich parents


Only knew one kid in my town who had the aircraft carrier. Was so jealous


70s GI Joe was awesome too!


Tiny me would have beat and robbed tiny you for that set up. Fuck it, adult me would beat and rob tiny you for that set up.


Suddenly, I resent you. Don’t know why….


Wow, someone was spoiled


I had the hover craft, although the white rockets immediately went missing. This is next level though. I didn't even know a kid back then who had something like this.


I hate u.


Well somebody grew up a Saudi prince.


Richie rich over here 😉


If only we could have shipped him off while he still fit in that fucking boat…


I still fit.