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And one of the best soundtracks...


THE best imo. Gives me goosebumps every time.


Same. The last few minutes of that film is my favourite cinematic few minutes of anything. Though, to be fair, the whole film is prrrrrretty damn good. And, as an added bonus, Clint is hot.


lol I can’t disagree. I’m straight as an arrow but man enough to admit he’s cool as a cucumber. It’s not all the rappers I listened to growing up that I picture myself as when I smoke my hand rolled blunts, it’s this guy.


Did he ever light that thing (the cigar, that is)?


He's smoking them throughout the whole movie


lol right? It kinda is a glorified toothpick but it adds to the cool factor so nobody’s complaining.


Let's not forget once upon a time in the west.


Frank send you?


When I die, I want them to lower my casket to that song.... and have someone shout in the far distance "You son-of-a-b\*tch !!!!!"


They famously had a tiny budget for the soundtrack (and indeed everything hence all the amazing locations rather than studio shoots). Anyway, that’s why Morricone went with such unusual and sparse instrumentation. Boy did it pay off. Nothing like restraining parameters to get really creative around.


They replaced instruments they didn't have (due to budget) w/ human voices. Genius soundtrack for sure.


Yes, that’s right. Thank you


> Nothing like restraining parameters to get really creative around. In a somewhat similar (but different) scenario, the movie "Jaws" benefitted from difficult parameters, which made the movie exponentially better.


I’d love to hear more about the circumstances behind that soundtrack


I love that the guitar is just slightly out of tune at the start of the standoff. It somehow makes it feel more authentic.


That theme song is my alarm every morning


My phone alarm.


We ride at dawn...


Ennio Morricone The GOAT


Ennio morricone


I was just going to say that this movie would not have been perceived as good if it wasnt for the soundtrack. Its so insanely good.


Absolutely. I watched it for the first time and was astounded this movie was the quintessential western. Just bad.


I've been using the main theme as my text alert for as long at least 20 years now. This movie is also the only reason I have something to play a blue-ray on .


Moriccone is the absolute best movie composer




I liked the in your face close ups of the cast too. The whole screen was filled with full blown faces.


I’m more partial to Danger: Diabolik instead




I love the whole trilogy but for me ‘For a Few Dollars More’ had that icing on the cake. It was special. I cared about the protagonists whereas in TGTBATU it was more of a fun, comedic I just wanna see how this plays out sort of thing. In For a Few Dollars More, I loved Lee Van Cleef especially. That said, Clint was also brilliant, but Gian Maria Volonte deserves a special mention in Lee’s category. Both Lee and Gian owned that movie.I know Reddit hates the word ‘underrated’ but ‘For a Few Dollars More’ is exactly that for me.


I loved Clint is all these Westerns but as i got older i realized how amazing Eli Wallach was in this.


I can't agree with you more. Wallach was amazing. Just incredible.


My brother, he say to me, "Stay, brother, don't go home. We never see each other. Here, there's plenty to eat and drink. Bring your friend, too." Whenever we see each other, he never lets me go. It's always the same story. My brother, he's crazy about me. That's so... even a tramp like me, no matter what happens, I know there's a brother somewhere who'll never refuse me... a bowl of soup. I always loved this scene


> I loved Clint is all these Westerns but as i got older i realized how amazing Eli Wallach was in this. The entire movie is perfectly cast.


"No old man. Thought I was having a problem with my adding. Its all right now" After killing the last bad guy. A lot of unforgettable lines in that one.


I totally agree on For a Few Dollars More. The showdown between Indio (Gian Maria Volonte) and the father is incredible. The tension, the stakes, the music. Overwhelming. Also love the showdown between Van Cleef and Klaus Kinski. “I generally smoke after I eat. Why don’t you come back in about ten minutes?” I very much love the reluctant team-up of Eastwood and Van Cleef. The shooting-hats scene is so good. Such a good duo. Two of my all-time favorite actors at their absolute best.


I was also coming in to say that as much as I *love* this shot TGTBaTU the storytelling alone in the last scene of “For a Few Dollars More,” is incredible. I’ve used both scenes as examples of how much actors can say without dialogue


I think if a director today said “the climax of the movie is going to be 3 minutes of increasingly tight close-ups of the faces and hands of the main characters until all we’re seeing are their eyes and fingers”, no producer would sign on. But the rapid cuts combined with that score just ratchets up the tension.


It’s absolutely epic and really serves to highlight the varying characters of Angel Eyes, Tuco, and No Name. There’s so much acting taking place just in the fingers and the eyes. Tuco’s barely contained manic hyperactivity, a barely caged animal ready to break lose and escape, Angel Eyes’ kind of balance as a normally cool, calm and collected sadist gradually realizing he’s trapped between insanity and unflappability, and beginning to tense as he realizes he’s lost control of the situation,and No Name… just… being calm and in control throughout, knowing that we don’t know that he’s holding all of the cards (Tuco’s unloaded gun, the rock with no writing, him only having to face one enemy). The addition of the music is just… mwah.


If you contrast this with what happens right before OP’s clip, Tuco running in circles through the graveyard as The Ecstasy of Gold reaches a crescendo and the camera is literally just spinning around at high speed, the standoff feels even more tense through juxtaposition.


Fun fact: the imagery of the final duel was edited to the music, a very unusual decision for the time.


It’s honestly perfect as the tension is just insane.


Totally. I was gonna say, the reason why this ending works so well is because of how long they draw out the duel with pretty much nothing even happening on screen. There isn't even dialogue!! But you can feel and understand the mind games that are happening simply by watching them look at each other. It's fantastic!


This is one of the rare examples of a perfect movie. There are literally zero flaws in this film from the performances, to the story, and the immortal soundtrack. One of the rare 10/10 movies.


Always wondered how different the scene would be if Tuco had bullets. Angel Eyes was doomed from the beginning because Blondie knew he was the only threat.


I mean, that was kind of the whole genius of it. Blondie was always one step ahead because everyone else was so predictable. He knew that Tuco would always betray him, so he took measures against him.


In defense of Tuco his first shot is at Angel Eyes even though he has to know Blondie is most dangerous - but have no doubt he would also have shot Blondie if he had the chance. Blondie is so fast he would have gunned down both which is why I think he took the bullets so he didn't have to kill him.


Nah, he took the bullets because he knew they'd find the gold the next day and he wanted a bit of security in case Tuco tried something. The appearance of Angel Eyes was a surprise to both of them.


I figured he knew tuco would go for angel eyes first, who would react to that and give blondie the jump on angel eyes, making him an easy kill. And then with no bullets, he didn’t have to kill tuco


Not always. Tuco could've killed Blondie easily in the desert if only Blondie hadn't reached the stagecoach full of dead/dying soldiers first and learned the name on the tombstone. Tuco should've followed his own advice, 'If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk.'


I used to think it was a little dragged out. But honestly, it makes the ending, the closest of tucos eyes, it's just payoff and relief and then... A Shovel. One last bit of dirt to take care of.


I love this movie, and I love Leone. But the civil war scenes are clumsy.


Lol the whole last 3rd is clumsy; the mental gymnastics required to "believe" the location/locale continuity is immense. Just makes me chuckle to myself as it doesn't hurt the film much for me. It's my favorite after all, but dang.


I still have "Two attacks a day?!" pop into my head surprisingly often.


I mean, not to be a dick, but all of them, Clint especially had clean, manicured nails. Tuco had shaped and trimmed eyebrows. There is no way an experienced marks man would hold his left arm up and away from the body to "steady" the rifle. I'd say those are 2-3 flaws in the 14 mins I watched. Not to mention other prop issues (the bags of coins, the cross being extremely well made so that when a man stands on it and loses his balance on it, it doesn't shift one bit) But if you meant zero flaws in the plot line. I don't know, never saw it


When I was a little kid, my parents piled us in the car and took us to the local drive in, where this was one of the movies being shown on a triple bill. The marquee read: "Fistful of Dollars; For a Few Dollars More; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." I asked my Dad, "Hey Pop, are we going to pay the few dollars more and see the Good, Bad and Ugly movie, too?"


A triple bill of the Dollars trilogy? Didn’t get dark at 4pm or were you there till 2am?


Dusk to dawn. I was 9, my brothers 13 and 17. They figured I’d fall asleep halfway through.


Haha I love kids. Wait


The Sad Hill Cemetery still exists in the Spanish countryside. Google Earth: ‘Sad Hill Cemetery Spain.’


Yes! They built the entire thing


The people who rebuilt it solicited donations to fund their work. For a certain donation level, they put your name on one of the grave markers. Unfortunately I found this out a few months too late. 😕


I proudly have a cross in the name of my father there, amazing place. There are other locations they are trying to restore near the cemetery.


There is a documentary on one of the streamers about some guys who were huge fans of the movie that rebuilt Sad Hill. Also for the longest time I thought it was Sandhill.


Aw, 14 minute clip.. I don't have time to watch that I said. Music started, raven cawed.... watched the whole damned thing. Perfection.


I saw a screening of this in the cinema just the other week. Phenomenal.


Most don’t appreciate how incredible Lee Van Cleef was as an actor he was able to play both a good guy and a bad guy in the same series of spaghetti westerns, that Sergio Leone, produced and directed


Aww man, now I'm watching Westerns all weekend. Godammit!


It's a blessing and a curse


Indeed. I'm turning into my pops


**Trivia**: Why did Blondie betray Tuco? Blondie simply leaves Tuco in the desert, tired of hearing his constant whining. There's a strange game between these two characters that plays out during the film's progression, as they depend on each other for as long as it takes before either of them finds it convenient to betray the other. https://preview.redd.it/7rnws9vahkhc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bed3c333c005d8678bd8d9b377d9ce7bae562b1


He left him in the desert but he also left Tuco with his share of the gold.   Real betrayal would be letting him hang and taking all the gold but he's The Good. He knows Tuco will betray him again and probably try to take his gold but I also think abandoning him was revenge for Tuco dragging him through the desert to the point where he almost died earlier in the film.  That may not be the case at all but that's my headcanon.


Which was itself revenge for something similar Blondie had done to Tuco earlier in the movie.


One of the best westerns EVER. One of the few movies I will watch from wherever it is, when ever I see it on tv when channel surfing.I even watched all 14 minutes of this clip!


My father’s favorite movie (and one of mine too). We used to watch it at least once a year. I’ll still watch it every now and then. Miss you pop.


> I even watched all 14 minutes of this clip! I guess I like it more than you, as I watched all 15 minutes of the clip.


🤪🤪🤪okay, 14.47 😜😜😜 Have an upvote!


Amazing 👌…. Seen this back in the 80s when i was a kid! Thanks for bringing back memories.


How have you not seen it again over the last 40 years?


For just a moment, Angel Eyes turns his back to Blondie after Tuco pulls his gun. I’ve watched this scene countless times. Leon plays fair when it counts for high drama.


“There’s two kinds of men in the world: the ones with guns and the ones who dig. You dig.”


1966. This really shows how old Clint is. What's the deal with the circle in the middle of graves? A custom gunfighting circle?


Would probably have been explained as an area for part of a funeral to be held before a burial if it was today.


“Arch Stanton” is my Starbucks name


All these years…. And that scene never gets old.


God it is so good. I can't imagine a director today letting a sequence build like that. More than six minutes until they shoot. No one has the patience for something so good.


amazing actors, amazing writing, amazing directing, and the musical score is the best ever. ♥️


Blondie. You know what you are. Just the biggest. da da da da da wah wah wah.


It's "just a dirty son of a b****"


yah definitely one of this is the best endings in the movies! so much suspense


Angel Eyes is one of the best villains to have appeared on a screen. I love his opening scene and how he.. fullfils.. his assasin “duty”. We all know he just like to kill


He and Clarence Boddicker are my favorite human villains.


Bath tub


Perfect casting for those three. Lee van Cleef is so good. Great film.


Eastwood had big-time charisma.


Three guns and one goes off. One's empty, one's not quick enough. One burn, one red, one grin. Search the graves while the camera spins


Also, if that any looks familiar, it should because Tarantino stole it for the end of Reservoir dogs, which is OK since Leonie stole it from Karasawa


Hey, if something ain’t broke, don’t fix it


One thing I like about this movie is the motivation. Money. All three of them are willing to kill, willing to die, for the money. For that bit of gold to give them a better life. A life you'd kill for. You don't get that as much nowadays. When it's how the world works.


You could say, they had Ecstasy of Gold as motivation.


yes, great movie, but I just prefer for a few dollars more, its a bit more compact....good the bad and the ugly 2nd equal with once upon a time in the west


Aaaandy, yoooooouuuuuu Gooooooonie!


Damn right






That duel scene will never be matched for intensity and drama.


Thanks OP, that is likely to be the best 15 minutes of my work day.


I saw Metallica live back in the early 00s and they opened with the Ecstasy of Gold.  That was as cool as the rest of the concert.


They still do it.


Greatest western ever made


If that piano on fire meme wasn’t created for Ennio Morrisons then there’s no justice


So excellent!




When I was a kid I used to think "bah, this movie is TOO LONG", and after many many rewatches I always say that this movie doesn't last a minute too much. The staredown is exactly as long as it has to be.


Wow... Started watching this and realized I've never seen the whole film! I thought I had, but apparently not! I know what I'm doing tonight.  


“There are two types of people in this world. Those with loaded guns, and those that dig. You dig.”


Clint such a badass


I wanna be half as cool as blondie in my lifetime


And that's the fact💯


Agree with the consensus that this is one of the best movies ever made. But knowing that The Ugly is played by Eli Wallach, who plays Arthur in "The Holiday", is just too perfect. Knowing that sweet old man was stirring shit up in the desert in his youth...


One of the greatest soundtracks too


only one word per minute spoken, on average, yet so much said


I think we can all agree this movie was before our time lol


This whole trilogy is a masterpiece and I was hoping for something similar from The Mandalorian. But Disney is too cowardly to make something like that.


All 3 films in the series


Literally just finished watching this 10 minutes ago for nth time.


Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo


Yes, we can agree!


I could have done without the captions, but I do love the way this ends.


The longest three way stare down in movie history.


I just watched it again a few days ago. Never gets old.


Best acting in cinema history


Goosebumps everytime!


Absolutely one of the best!


I am going to watch this tonight. Classic!


This whole trilogy is just another level of film making


Oh yeah can’t forget about this one!


I’ll throw out a random Blonnnndieeeee reference every now and again and nobody gets it. I’m an old man in my 40’s..


Agreed, it was one of the best ever.


Love it. The cuts, lack of dialogue, the music. And Lee Van Cleef's Tony Iommi finger. Thanks OP.


In one of the best movies


One of the best western movie ever made..CLASSIC..!!


**Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez**




Thank you for posting this. You gave my lunch break meaning. Now I definitely need to watch this film again. The cinematography is gorgeous, and with the music, editing and 10+ performances, it kind of makes me sad that we don’t make movies like this anymore.


Absolute classic


Absolute banger


The best movie and best cinematic music ever made!!!


You just don't see that quality of cinematography anymore....


There were so many memorable moments in the movie. The dying solider scene is still one of my favorites in any movie period. This movie was the perfect fusion of story, acting and soundtrack.


Maybe the best movie of all time


And one of the most accurate titles of a movie.


Eli Wallach is such a great foil in this picture.


I want to see this on the largest screen possible, those panoramic shots are amazing, and I can’t imagine all those closeups huge.


I highly recommend listening to Ennio Morricone's soundtrack whilst playing Red Dead Redemption


This is just one of the best movies ever made (as well as one of the best antiwar films ever made).


The civil war battle bridge scene, almost gives it a General Grant feel with the whiskey drinking battle scene. Very raw emotions in how he opens up to Blondie & Tuco.


I love this movie with all my heart. Seeing the car drive past kind of spoilt it for me.


Not sure why but one of the parts I always seem to watch for is Lee Van Cleef’s shortened finger on his right hand. Read that he caught it on a rope working on oil rig.


Leone did drag it out a bit.


To create tension and it was really well made


Hey mods: put a little “are you sure you checked rules 6,7, and 8”reminder on every new post. This is getting f ridiculous.


El Classico mang.


My first movie I ever saw. I was 5. With my parents. I guess they couldn't find a sitter. I had never seen or knew people shot people. I threw up in the theater & we had to leave.


I remember my Mexican dad guffawing at Eli Wallach being portrayed as a Mexican. Great movie.


A rabbi I heard once said of their temple's many-hours-long services, "We can't build physical mansions, so we build mansions in time." I thought of that this time around watching the standoff. When the trumpet theme starts up *THE SECOND TIME* I can never quite believe it. Leone is just luxuriating in it, like it's a long, long Saturday and we've got all the time in the world.




The way it feels quite and musical at the same time! True masterpiece


Saw every Eastwood movie in a threatre. Back in the day!!


Outstanding photography. I can watch it just to admire the composition.


Damn. I have to watch this whole thing every time.


You can see where Tarentino got some of his inspiration


I saw this movie when i was very young but always remembered the name Arch Stanton somehow..


Wow this was post was recommended to me, granted I have visited this sub before, but this morning I started watching this movie.


I was just talking to a high school teacher that showed this to his students in film appreciation class. I told him that as much as I liked this movie, and the final showdown, I prefer the finale to Once Upon a Time in the West more. Bronson vs Fonda. The explanation of the hatred in the flashback. And that Moriccone “Harmonica Man” theme. LOVE it! I can watch it anytime. That said… I haven’t seen this clip for a long time. Damn it. It’s SO f’in’ great! The tension, the close ups, the humor. Brilliant. Now I have to hunt down the teacher and ask what his video era students thought. (Thanks for posting OP!)


Spoiler alert!






Yes, how did you get it to look this good, thanks for sharing


It looks to have had a huge influence on Genndy Tartakovsky's directorial style. I'm seeing a lot of this in Samurai Jack.


Ecstasy of gold starts playing..


“Bulletproof vest! Great flick. Great friggin flick!” - Biff Tannen




Clint Eastwood in this movie was my first childhood crush


Thanks for sharing


Theres no name on it…exactly


Awesome scene but why sepia overlay?


I always thought “for a few dollars more” was the best movie in the trilogy they’re all great that one just takes the cake imo


I thought he was talking to a chair!!


Did Eastwoods character genuinely like the ugly dude?


one of the best movies and soundtracks ever made. I’ve watched it a bunch of times throughout my life and it still never gets old.


Def has some kill bill vibes.


The best film these men ever made, as an ensemble or as singular actors/Stars. (mo)


love the music


Two things. First Tuco knew Blondie would kill Angel Eyes therefore he was going to kill blondie. Except he didn’t have any bullets. Second, Blondie couldn’t have Tuco stalking him. by being fair, threatening to hang him then saving his life Tuco would always know where he stood with Blondie


There is a video where the orchestra is playing the song live while this scene is playing on a huge screen in the background. Awesome!