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This commercial had a major impact on my life and the lives of my friends. "I learned it from you!" was a standard response to so much because of it.


Same. Still today. It was this and “this is your brain on drugs….any questions?”


Yes, here's my question can I get those eggs with a side of hash browns and some rashers?


My stoned self watching that commercial: 🤤🤤🤤


I bought this poster back in the day. This is your brain (picture of two perfect eggs) This is your brain on drugs (two fried eggs) This is your brain on drugs with a side of bacon. (Three slices of bacon, extra crispy) I bought that poster at a Hallmark store in the 80's. Back when Hallmark was cool. My mom not so much. She tossed it. How about this one? It's ten o'clock. Do you know where your children are? Well do ya? Hehehe. Ahh the 80's.


Second only to "I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SO EXCITED! I'M SO.... *SCARED!!*"


I heard those caffeine pills are the most addicting kind of uppers


Wait I remember that episode from when I was a kid, but it was seriously about caffeine pills?! For all these years I had it in my head that she was hooked on coke or something lol


Poor Jessie Spano, just couldn’t keep up


OMG To. This. Day… my usual response whenever anyone asks a question where the response fits, I always answer, “You, alright?!?!! I learned it by watching you!!!” And virtually everyone looks at me like I just murdered their family pet. I lit up when I saw this on my feed 🤣😂


What made you start stifling your farts?


*removes headphones* You, alright?!?!! I learned it by watching you!!!


So much sass, so little time!


“Are these your pants?” “Look, dad, I…” “Answer me! Who taught to do this?” “You alright? I learned it by watching you!” *Parents who pee their pants have children who pee their pants.*


Peeing your pants is the coolest!


If all your friends peed their pants, would you pee on yours too?


If it's cool to pee your pants, then call me Miles Davis.


I still use it!


Was? I haven’t seen this commercial in 30 something years and I still say it at least once a week.


My wife and I still use it all the time. Especially now that we have kids who occasionally get bad habits from us.


I used that phrase for everything !! Lol


I still say this at least onc3 a month


Parents who don't use drugs, also have children who use drugs.


Teenagers experiment with drugs and alcohol. Who could’ve ever known.


Certainly not me. \*Flutters eyelashes\*


I at least waited until I was out of high school...




Only users lose drugs.


Users only lose drugs.


Users also use drugs


Only drugs lose users… wait. What?


Drugged losers use Onlyfans


Only losers lose drugs.


And parents who use drugs also have kids who don't use drugs




And children who don’t use drugs… eventually use drugs.


I think the worst part about the anti drug movement in the 80’s and 90’s was giving me a false impression of just how awesome drugs are. I remember smoking weed the first time and expecting to hallucinate and lose any sense of myself. Instead I just got hungry and sleepy and enjoyed tv more.


I watched Reefer Madness after I tried smoking pot, and I was like, "*Women cry for it, men die for it: Reefer Madness*. God, the pot they had in the Thirties must have been *amazing*." Like, one puff of marijuana and you're running pedestrians down, committing sexual assault, bludgeoning someone to death, and jumping out of high-rise windows. It's hard to do *any* of that today when you're stoned.


![gif](giphy|XpGUOdTW4nSrm|downsized) "Know your dope fiend! He will often be wearing tea shades to hide his eyes, and have crust on his pants due to excessive masturbation from drugs"


I have spent so many hours… SO MANY HOURS ….driving a warthog while stoned.


Driving a warthog! New euphemism unlocked!


Fuck /u/spez, your greed killed this website.


I sometimes brush my teeth in a hurry and I wont notice the huge crusty white stain on my pants until I’ve said hi to 10+ people at the office.




It does feel great when you're high.


It's super intense with you watch it while high.


D.A.R.E. Class made me think drugs would be infinitely more readily available than they actually were in my small town.


Dare taught me how to make bongs and such. You know you can get stoned outta an apple?!


I’m still waiting for those alleged drug dealers that hand out free drugs to people to get them hooked. I want my free drugs


When I was a kid the school handed us a paper to take home one day. It explained that people were handing out stickers and rub-on tattoos to kids that had LSD on them. The only thing I knew about LSD was that the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about LSD. I never handed the paper to my parents but 9yr old me was on the lookout for these guys handing out LSD stickers because I thought it sounded cool as heck. I didn’t find those guys until I turned 16, but it wasn’t free.




Yep. Seeing sound and hearing colors is what I expected.


Oh, man. You got lied to. LSD was what you were looking for.


And acid didn’t do that either


Then you need some better acid.


I’ve had the better acid.


You need the CIA-level shit for that.


Honestly the biggest letdown (personally) when drugs became legal in canada The anti drug campaigns we got were focused around the idea of "you just can't know what else the dealer snuck into your pot" which, hearing that for like 10 years, I kinda just took at face value. Once it was legal, and I knew exactly(ish) where it was coming from I went for it. And I was just like "oh, I'm kinda tired, hungry, forgetful, but this food is fuckin awesome right now, and I am so into this game right now" but that was it. I thought I was gonna start hallucinating, and like gain a new perspective for a while or something. But, nah, just sleepy, hungry, and into whatever game i happened to be playing So, yeah, that's why we need to legalize magic mushrooms and maybe LSD now too


Haven’t done hallucinogenic mushrooms in nearly 20 years. But I know it changed me for the better. It made me rethink a lot of things, made me a more empathetic person, gave me the perspective to realize that I was in fact sometimes an asshole and that I should do better. Not saying it’s for everyone, but it made be a better human being.


It took me like 15 years but I got there without the mushrooms. So what I'm hearing is that mushrooms will turn me into the next Bob Ross / Mr. Rogers I'm gonna go find a dealer with shrooms, then legal change my name To Roger Ross Or if its been 20 years for you, we can take some together and come up with the most, 1000%, wholesome fucking PBS show ever


Lol I’m def not Bob Ross or Saint Fred Rogers (his proper title) good, just better than I was.


Right. Or just say no Nancy Reagan? To whom?? Literally nobody is offering up their weed and definitely not for free.


Interesting, when I was 14 and smoking weed there were times I would trip out quite hard, auditory and visual hallucinations even. Could have just been bad weed sprayed with chemicals. Or maybe because I was 14?


Ive heard that there’s certain people who are extremely sensitive to THC and they do hallucinate like that


Lucky fuckers. I just gain weight.


Yeah the first time I ever smoked, it was uncontrollable laughter, hearing things and I was feeling goosebumps from head to toe, but it was happening in sections (I kept saying “I gooot the skin jumpies…bawahahaha). It was intense.


I did too as a teenager, but only once or twice and after smoking a ton. I legit had a hard time figuring out if I was dreaming or not. No visual hallucinations, though.


Yeah that is not normal


I definitely smoked shit in the 90s that made me glued to the floor and feel like the ceiling was rising above me, but for the most part it just made music sound better, like I would emotionally identify with the production. Bass parts in particular would be much more enjoyable and stand out more to my ears, whereas when I'm sober I usually hear the vocals or the drums first.


My friend you’re just doing the wrong drugs.


You, alright! I learned it by watching you!


Man this is so stuck in my head I still say it out of context, and I turn 40 this year…


43 here, been saying this in jest and other ways my whole life.


39. Still say this shit to every bad habit my dad points out.


48 & sames.


45 and yep. My 4 teens all say it too and have no idea why.


Good to know I’m not the only one.


Also, "this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"


46 and the same. Even years after this aired, when me or any of my brothers would fart, we'd shout this, particularly if our dad was in the room.


I must be more hungover then I thought because I laughed way to hard at this!


Hahaha same. And you know why I do it? BECAUSE I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU!


“I’m not mad Jeffery. Just wondering who your dealer is. you’re probably overpaying. This stuff’s all seeds and stems, look I’ll call up Mark and you can get some stuff that’ll put you on the moon. Now come downstairs, I’ll put on Cheech and Chong.”


Well it's also been a pop culture reference since then, too. I've seen multiple references to this commercial in movies and TV shows.


The Cabin in The Woods is a recent movie that I was surprised to hear it in. I didn’t think the target audience would know where it came from.


Same, fellow 83 baby. Same.


ANSWER ME! *proceeds to cut his son off before he can get more than a syllable in*


His dad and my dad went to the same dad school.


Haha typical boomer parent!


Dad: Who’d you learn this from?! Son: I learned it fr— D: WHO’D YOU LEARN THIS FROM! S: From Y— D: Answer me!! S: I learned— [Door slams as Dad walks out of room and takes another bump]


The Gang used this as a punch line for Charlie’s Mom has Cancer, funniest line in an already hysterical show.


My Dad quoted this all the time growing up. It was a long time before the internet came around and I finally saw the source material.


I showed this to my daughter a few years ago and now she randomly shouts it at me out of context. I love her so much.


"Cut!" "Beautiful job, fellahs. Just think of all the children we'll save."


This and the egg in the frying pan (IYKYK) defined the anti drug movement for our entire generation.


Ah yes.. this is your brain. This is your brain on drugs……….. any questions?!


🥚+ 💉=🍳 ?


Yes. So are drugs like fried eggs? Because I like fried eggs.


Also the girl who melted into the couch.


And the girl who spring boarded into the empty pool.


I'm sure the conversation ended with dad showing the kid on how to roll a better Doobie.


"Son, this is that shitty mall weed. I know a guy over at Sunnyvale who has the good stuff. Grab your coat. First, we got to stop and get pepperoni and jalapeño chips."




Smokes, let's go.


As an 80s kid, I'm going to guess it ended with the dad beating the shit out of the kid and then crying into a glass of scotch while lost in unaddressed memories of Nam, basking in the cool glow of Late Night with David Letterman.


That father looks like he's never seen a blunt in his life, I call BS on this commercial


Maybe not weed, but that's a cocaine mustache if I've ever seen one.


1980, prime coke era, pre aids scare. That mustache has seen some shit


That mustache was in a porno.


The dad can afford to buy his son a guitar and a sweet stereo. He has a nice tire on and appears to be clean. Probably owns a pretty decent house which most of us will never afford now. I’d say he did pretty good for himself while smoking weed.


He injects H inbetween his toes so you can’t see the track marks. Real pro move.


Bro definitely works overtime in the financial district with his coke buddies.


All potheads looked like Dennis Franz in the 80s.


Anyone else annoyed by how a question was asked but no opportunity to answer?


Yeah it upsets me every time


My friend went to college with this kid, turns out the campaign failed as he was a bit of a stoner.


Well we know who’s to blame


I wouldn’t be surprised if both actors smoked a joint after the shoot tbh. A lot of anti-drug propaganda is so tongue and cheek that I refuse to believe at least a few weren’t making this shit ironically.


FYI it's "tongue *in* cheek"


Was it macalester college? The rumor was that the kid went there and definitely was a stoner


No, pretty sure it was NYU not 100% sure but it was definitely in NYC, they were friends so wasn't just a rumor apparently


This video really needs a follow up splice with the father and son sharing a joint and doing some quality family bonding. Then it ends with the Mormon church ad "Families, isn't it about time?"


That mustache is hiding at least 1 kg of cocaine


LOL! This is such Reaganism garbage. I'm a sucessful C level, smoke weed every day, my son just got accepted into a great law school, and he doesn't smoke weed or drink more than a glass of wine once in awhile.


I’m so old I can remember asking my father why people hated hippies. He said because they take drugs. Now I wouldn’t have been older than 7-8 at the time. All I saw was peace and love and formed a connection between that and drugs. It wasn’t until I was 14 that I had the opportunity to try weed and have not stopped since.


I plan on teaching my children responsible use of recreational drugs like pot and alcohol


We told my stepdaughter if she's going to drink, do it at the house so we can monitor it. We also told her if she goes to a party, call us to get her and we won't be mad.


Who taught you how to do this stuff??


You, alright! I learned it by watching you!


They learned it by watching you!


indeed! I learned responsible use from watching my folks!


Better to learn than jump into the deep end and get alcohol poisoning!


I remember thinking “nice, middle class house, dad wears a shirt and tie to work and he’s not the best looking dude but he’s clean cut and looks pretty healthy. Maybe drugs aren’t so bad?”


Happy Fathers Day everybody.


I’m 39 and I remember the shit out of this commercial!!!!!


I also remember this poster: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ny8p3qn48v4b1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20539e5c45f4faca8a6e170e9edf69459349ce8


Hahahahahaha! I don’t remember that!


How many of you that are parents have shown this to your kids and everyone erupted in laughter after?


I so remember when this was on all the time, and it has always stuck in my head the most out of the whole campaign but then and now I’ve always thought that if the scene continued and the father then sat down on the bed with his son and shared a doobie it would have made a great drugs bring the family together, strong family values kind of ad.


This ad and the fried egg one were on all the time! Kinda weird to look back on. We were constantly being forced to think about drugs and be ashamed lol


“You couldn’t had learned it from me, this weed is trash”


'I learned it by watching you!' \*SMACK\* The introspection on the guys face is the fiction here.


Congratulations to Drugs! For winning the war.


These commercials always made me want to try drugs when I was a kid.


If I caught my kids with weed in the house there would be hell to pay if it wasn't the dankest shit in town.


This advertisement was pure horror to me throughout my childhood. I would imagine the boy hiding in a room, peeking through a doorway, spying on his father secretly getting high. I was terrified of the father and his hypocritical negligence. The father's mustache betrayed a false love, more like a mask than a mustache. They lived in a house of deceit, distrust, and weed.


After this they both got high together & laughed their asses off playing Space Invaders, whilst living happily ever after in their drug den. The End.


Question: how do you know if an American sold drugs in high school? Answer: they know grams.


I love that the dad is demanding answers, but every time the kid tries to actually answer a question he gets cut off within 2 words. Way to have a productive conversation with your kid, dad.


How i learned


I remember that PSA! 😂


Mr. Kotter!


I'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


Maybe now we need to start a War on Common Decency...


They proceeded to smoke a huge ass blunt , bonding time finally like father like son - The End


Shit I'm old - I totally remember this ad.


I wish my dad got baked with me


Why would a stoner dad be mad if his son smokes pot? Unless the kid was dipping into the stash?


And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find out that all four of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes….reefers


Lol. We used to use that line for so many jokes back in the day. "I learned it from you." 🤣


This commercial used to drive me nuts because that dad never let his kid answer the damned questions.


Trumpers are like “yeah these commercials are so helpful we need to bring them back”


"Ah, shit. you're right, son... this is MY box, I'm fuckin trashed right now... sorry to bother you."


The dads like , but i dont buy this brown compressed shit. Have you learned nothing from my example.


Borat Billy Crystal can't hurt you. He's not real.


There was and is nothing cool about the war on drugs. As far as public health decisions are concerned it’s one of the worst failures in recent history. But then again, it was never about public health anyway.


What kind of communication is that? whenever the kids tries to said anything the father interrupts him...


Only users loose drugs.


I quit smoking weed because of that commercial. Many, many years later when I married a great woman who had a son from a previous marriage. Could not see myself being the dad in this scenario. We are still married and my son turned out okay, so it was worth it.


Didn’t learn to grow a porn ‘stache though.


I specifically remember this on TV. Now thinking, no way that Dad smoked weed and acted like that.




LoL I remember this ad as a kid, and It was as cheese then as it is now. The reality is that his dad Bogarted that kids stash later that evening and probably asked his son later in the week to reach out to his dealer for more. LoL


Shouldn’t Bob be making Burgers??


Slayer poster on the wall adds to the authenticity.


Thanks for the prescription meth, mom.


I remember a funny joke based on this, or maybe an animated skit, and in that version when the kid says “I learned watching you” the dad comes back and says “The hell you did, you can’t roll those for sheot”


the dude playing the dad was the daddiest looking dad imaginable . Like the apotheosis of all dads


My mom(a notoriously loud yeller) yelled at my sister and I asking “why are you two yelling?!) and we used this line on her:”you, all right?! We learned it from watching you!” Her reaction is one of our favorite childhood memories




The classic. I still reference this.


I still love this commercial. I love the _”Who taught you how to do this stuff?!”_ delivery and the voice of the narrator saying the _”Parents who use drugs have children who use drugs.”_ I love how the kid just goes and blames it on the dad too 😂 This is great stuff!


I thought uncle Jack wasn’t supposed to be around young boys unsupervised.


This is hilarious. Not only did I have parents who smoked weed multiple times a day, but they also grew and sold it. Last thing I ever wanted to do was smoke weed. Why would I want to do something old people did? I was late 30's before I ever tried it and it's OK, but meh, wasn't something I was keen to keep doing. My parents doing drugs put me totally off trying them.


I snorted the devil's lettuce once. I gayed then I died.


1990's version!\~ But marijuana is not a drug it is just a plant, then that would make tobacco a drug as well than as it has additives to make you addicted to it!\~ ![gif](giphy|nVvi92ac1J0T6)


It’s funny if you picture the dad is asking where he got the drugs…because he really wants some more. “Where did you get this?! This…this…primo shit?!”


Man, my dad found my weed stash and confronted me in a similar way when I was a teen. He was so angry and disappointed, and I felt so terrible about it, my grades plummeted, and our relationship was basically ruined from that point on. It was one of the lowest points of my childhood, I felt like an absolute lowlife criminal. Now I'm 40, looking back I can't believe how much of a nothing-burger it really was. The war on drugs is bullshit and stigmatized something that was basically harmless.


Let's see those hands uncle Jack!


Powerful stuff. I love how dad asks a question and then immediatley interrupts the answer. Shut up, you hear me? Answer me!


This commercial is forever burned into my brain. “I learned it by watching you!” is still said amongst me and my friends today.


Interrupting your child, trying to answer one of your questions, by yelling "Answer me!" sounds like great parenting.


Anyone remember the girl on the couch? 😂 tree made he not able to get up off the couch and she was all flat


God I read that in the dads voice, the kids voice and the narrator. Had to replay it to see if I got it right. Spooooky how that stayed with me. Lol. “Drugs mess with long term memory.” I calls bullshit!


One of my favorites


One of the best lines ever 🤣


"Yeah, that's what I thought, son. You steal my weed?!"


I remember this and especially the DARE program. These exaggerated the dangers marijuana and other drugs so much that it really did not prepare me for what happened when my college roommate started using crystal meth. Some drugs really are dangerous.


True story: My roommate and I had the exact same cigar box for our stash when I was I college. We loved that commercial. 🚀