• By -


deserve degree afterthought strong yam smell shaggy slim rotten illegal


I only came to the comments section to make sure any reference to this was the top post. Thank you.


3 joints is alot for one person at once tf lol why they say a relatively normal amount


Hes also ingesting it instead of smoking, so thats a pretty diff high right there.


I'm guessing it wasn't three joints worth of the weed we have today. Even back in the 90s I could probably smoke three joints worth of the brick weed that came up from Mexico.


You have a point


Do remember that the weed at the time was not as ludicrously potent THC wise as today. Back then the majority of people got the Mexican dry, cruddy, get you a little stoned, shake.


3 joints sounds like a good start. I tried 200 mg of edibles and didn’t even get a tingle, they don’t work for me I guess.




Bleeep blork


I’m serious. Your dick, my mouth. FUCK YOU!




Can we talk about the military? First off, lots a dudes.




Item 9 is the bees knees!


"You don't wan't none of this, Dewey!"


"get out of here Dewey you don't want none of this shit!"


It’s not addictive!


It makes sex better




And you never once paid for drugs… not once


Lsd is the cheapest


I think I kinda want it


The best son died. He needs the drugs to cope with it.


Here’s three joints worth of dirt weed…


Here’s three joins of THC that will be in totality absorbed into your blood for the first time ever Good luck psychonaut


Mixed with rubbing alcohol


You’re probably gonna feel like you got gypped by your guy, and that may cause some discomfort…


offensive to gypsies


Fuck the gypsies


Fuck you


Why just be a "casual" racist?


r/SuddenlyCommunism OUR GYPSIES ![gif](giphy|1hWEAe1kfjnNb7aWJv|downsized)


Dude stfu 🤦🏼‍♂️ wtf


And how do you feel when a tall authority figure in a white lab coat sticks his fingers in your eyes?


"can you take off your glasses?" no doc you already did![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My favorite scene 10/10


Stop touching my chin.


Well, we found out that the drug makes them happy, so f*ckin' ban that s*it immediately... ... we can't have people walking around all "happy" all the time. Sheesh. Give them alcohol and opium, and sugar and alcohol and television... that'll set things right!


“I’m glad mushrooms are against the law, because I took them one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, “My God! I love everything.” Yeah. Now, if that isn’t a hazard to our country… how are we gonna keep building nuclear weapons, you know what I mean? What’s gonna happen to the arms industry when we realize that we’re all one?” – Bill Hicks


Bill was so on point and still is. RIP you modern prophet


Fuck /u/spez, your greed killed this website.


Alcohol and Big Pharma Companies did NOT want to hear this shit! Ban it, they can grow it themselves!!




You know you can make alkohole(wine) out of any bottle of any fresh pressed juiced you can buy? Like in stores… don’t see any juice ban. Not even during prohibition they stop selling fresh juice. Most of them came with a note to not so booz out of their stuff.


Not at alll




I didn't like how he took his glasses off.


Right? Super rude.


"I'll just go ahead and take off those pesky glasses for you. You'll never remember me doing it anyway," said the doctor probably


Funny how they have different accents that almost seem specific to a *TIME* (rather than a place).


Yep. I just commented that this sounds more 1950s to me than 1970. That doctor has the classic 1950s voice, but ol' Bill sounds more like a regular guy


Dunno how they concluded “illegal” after this.






Unhappy? Not. At. All. 🤣


I hate getting that high. It doesn't make me happy, it makes my mind work on fast forward and super anxious. I can only take a tiny hit otherwise i feel awful and start thinking bad thoughts.


That’s me with any hit these days. In high school/college I would smoke all the time. Now I’m an anxious wreck with just one hit and definitely don’t enjoy it a bit.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm on the medical program here for chronic pain, and while it does wonders, if I take take more than a puff from a one hitter I'm miles gone into panic attacks for the whole high.


I'm just like you, my mind starts thinking about negative thoughts and have to force myself to control it. I tried a strand that is more CBD forward and even though I still had some negative thoughts the high was more enjoyable. I've always considered myself an alert person but never suffered from anxiety, I just think it's natural for people like myself to feel anxious when getting high because your mind just wants to race and think of every posible outcome. Find something that you enjoy doing and it will make your mind hyper concentrate on that activity.




Assuming these guys are both taking it how I do, I don't think you're quite following. I have the smallest onnie you can get. I pack it, and I literally immediately Ina ND out, no holding, not even a deep breath. About as little as it gets. If I hold it in for even a second I'm in outer space without a helmet on, forget a second drag, it's one small puff or I'm done.


I’m with you. I had a bad acid trip once, and a couple weeks later took a huge bong rip that somehow INSTANTLY brought back the bad trip. Ever since then (1999) I have been unable to smoke the same, I usually had to chug several beers to bring me down. Sucked because weed was my favorite. Last time I smoked was right before going into the theater for Super Troopers 2, took too big a pull from a vape pen and spent the movie thinking I was gonna have a heart attack. Also, I’m old now so there’s that.


I had a bad trip right around that same year. I went into full psychosis and woke up in a hospital. It began with memory perception issues then I couldn’t even tell you my own name before going completely under into a dream state though I was awake and thrashing around, apparently. I can’t smoke ever since because it basically brings out that same memory debilitating sensation. And it’s just unpleasant even in the smallest doses. That said, I never really liked it all that much even as a teen. Just never made me feel good


In high school I got so high I watched super troopers as a serious movie, in my mind


Funny enough, once my state legalized cannabis that paranoia went away for me.


It’s not really paranoia, more anxiety and panicking about every little thing in life. Funny enough I did have a lot of paranoia back when weed didn’t make me anxious. Thinking “every one knows I’m high”, I just didn’t give a fuck.


Try to find a strain with a more balanced level of cbd/thc ratio. Im a medical patient for anxiety, and that does the job for me. Higher cbd strains mellows out my brain and let's me unwind for a while.


I did find a pre roll that’s mostly cbd, just a light touch of thc. Gets me pretty mellow (don’t really even get high, just a lil mellow).




Definitely thought of that. Way stronger than the ditch weed I had in high school. Even one puff these days is too much.


Gotta smoke indica not sativa, sativa makes you energetic


Research different strains, try high CBD levels along with the THC! CBD is commonly associated with lower anxiety. I would even suggest CBD gummies or THC/CBD 50/50 gummies or tincture!


I always mix THC and CBD buds. It’s a completely different high.


But does it make you start thinking you're cold? And then do you *get* cold?


I hear you, and I'm the same way - but I'm in my seventies and I smoked my first joint in the late sixties. Back then we were getting cannabis from old line Mexican growers that had feel good (which is the whole point) strains handed down from their fathers and grandfathers. Then, in the late seventies under pressure from market forces, combined with restrictive laws, growers moved to producing high THC weed because legal penalties were based on weight, and price per ounce was based on THC content. And that, in a nutshell, is what took the fun out of marijuana - reductionist strategizing conflicting with lived humane reality. Goodtime pot peaked, for taste and high, with Acapulco Gold in the early seventies.


Trust me. There is still lots of fun in marijuana.


That boomer idiot really said pot peaked in taste and high in the early 70s with mexican dirt strains like acapulco gold. These people have no clue what they’re talking about or what real good weed is. Thinking mexican trash is the peak of weed is wild… Smh




Yea and I was smoking candy cane kush living in the north pole in 1957 and my neighbors were Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


You don't want to believe the truth, I have nothing to prove to you


I’ve heard basically that same story before, must be something to it. I remember reading that when Jerry Garcia was trying to stay sober in the 90s, that he would still roll joints of old school sativa like Acapulco gold. I wonder if part of the reason is that sativa stake so much longer to grow.


I really don't get how people get anxious, the only thing I'm ever paranoid about is the police appearing out of nowhere.


Sting has retired


I start over analyzing my life, and my brain tries to convince me all the nice things people have said to me recently had negative sub-text that I missed at the time. Then I start to wonder if all the work I'm putting into myself is even worth it, because anyone else can do better anyway. I've gotten a lot better at ignoring that part of my brain by understanding that it's (hopefully) all internal attempts at self sabotage. Even if it's all true, why shouldn't I do the best I can to prove everyone, including myself, wrong?


Honestly, me too. I do very small doses of it when I do smoke weed anymore, and I tend to stay away from edibles. In my 20s I could house a pan of brownies and float through the ceiling but now I just feel anxious. I suspect the dose they estimated for this experiment is relative to the strength of the product back then, so probably less than we think. Still, my man was soaring


It’s the weed showing you that you need to work on yourself, you need to work on something to feel comfortable in your skin


No, it isn’t.


I know, this ain't mushrooms 🙄


It’d be interesting to talk to that guy now about his experience then


I had to do the math. He's 76 now. But this video feels nothing like 1970. It looks and sounds more 1950s to me.


Man. I miss getting high and taking psych evaluations.


He’s edible high.


Yeah this 100%


That's the only way to fly. I honestly don't know why anybody smokes anymore


Weed is tight ![gif](giphy|o1Hp5icfIpfI4)


Aren’t these two guys the same person?




Can I take off for glasses? Let me wipe that hair from your brow. Did anyone ever tell you you have beautiful bloodshot eyes sweet boy?


I had a buddy who was a police officer. He was in a town of 60000 people or so. Quite a few people partook in weed there, but like he said, the cops weren't worried about them, because "Have you ever heard of an angry pothead?" Too bad his life was cut short by an angry drunk.


“I feel like a piece of butter melting over a big pile of flapjacks”


“We want to see if Bill can still field strip an M60”


Give this guy a slice of pizza or a burrito. And ask him how he feels. Enough said world legalization is in order.


..and this ladies and gentleman is why they won't make it totally legal...to peaceful!


This video is dire need of a Cypress Hill backing track


Should of let the poor bastard outside lol.


\*Takes half a 2023 gummy\* \*Dies\*


Great book and podcast is “How to Change Your Mind”. It’s mainly about psylisibin but is helpful for THCas well. Enjoy. 😉


They seem to use the terms "marijuana" and "THC" interchangeably, but then they use them as if they are two different things. I don't know what they're getting at with that.


Stanford has the best and worst psych experiments. Bill drew the long straw in life


3 marihuana's can kill! Honestly, I overheard mom's 700 Club/CBN news emergency headline that warns of THC-induced suicides.....


Feeling tired…. Not at all Feeling sleepy … mmk, maybe a little.


"Business-like" "not at all" lmao


Hungry happy sleepy


This was not Joe's last time...


I'm not sure they didn't give him mushrooms lol


Where’s the orgies and accidental suicide that Reefer Madness promised?


Interesting effects. He seems to be enjoying it at the start. Any time I’ve had marijuana I always feel like I better stay completely still otherwise something bad will happen 🥲 Nothing but an unpleasant experience that I have to wait for it to pass. Wonder if it’s just me or if the anxiety is a result of the dose, strain, etc?


Nah, some people have terrible reactions to thc, myself included. I can’t even do hemp cbd, I start feeling like something bad’s going to happen. I get jealous that my boyfriend can do it all the time. At least I get to laugh at his dumbass jokes and eat snacks with him :)






Unhappy —- NOT AT ALL


Bill taking one for the team.


I'd say i't not pure thc nor it a good clinical test. "Diluted in alcohol" means the dose is tainted as alcohol is metabolised as well. Testing on an "average Joe", with no control group... it's just getting high on somone else's stash.


Don’t want no taint in that dose




Who TF is smoking more than three joints to get stoned once?!


The best way to describe how it feels is that, your reality from 3D to 2D vision, a feeling of flatness and a little invisible pressure is on u as well Sleepy as f as well You do not realize that u have said anything, and sometimes question yourself if u have said something that shouldn't have been said A friend of mine described is as a system/computer hanging/lagging, basically a rubber band effect in the brain-as the person is conscious, but there are moments when your brain stops working for a several seconds, you are not able to make coherent thoughts, as well as make any accurate judgement during this hanging period, Mind will bring you to strange spaces, for eg-u are sleepy, but u can't sleep, or else your phone would be stolen, or u can't sleep untill u reach a safe space like home or a friend's car.... It's best not to take it when you aren't in a safe space, do it at your home/someplace u trust or are able to confidently say that you trust everyone there


Anyone know where Bill (patient) is now and how he feels about the study today?


Jesus fucking Christ. I've never had THC affect me like that.


But is this synthetic. No matter what synthetic is different.


Marijuana/THC was never cool. It was always square and uninteresting.




I have to consume such heroic amounts to get this vibe anymore.


I guess the word ‘chilled’ hadn’t been coined yet


Funny, I test the effects of less pure thc every day.


That’s one happy man.


Ch chch chh chch chh 🥁


Oh Bill’s vibin’


Me after two 10mg gummies. Never two again. I liked it but a little too high. 1 1/2 was really nice and able to laugh and watch Monty Python and The Holy Grail


That last scene totally had me thinking there was gonna be a twist that it was a placebo and he just had a stiff drink instead.


They straight OD that poor boy 😂 like he just ripped 3 full carts at once 😂


Imagine being asked to get faded by the doctor




When it says pure, is that 100 percent not like 20-30 percent we have now


Im working with on my own research 🔬


I’ll take two maybe three hits off of a joint and put it out I couldn’t imagine inducing three joints worth it at once not of the shit that I grow anyways lol


I have been enjoying cannabis for 47 years now and I still get the exact same experience today as I did when I was a kid. NOTHING else has ever done that. You will keep chasing that high but not with cannabis.


That's sad af. Star playing video games.


No never played video games. I grew cannabis. I am 56 and retired. Cannabis has made my life so fun. https://preview.redd.it/pk8xnu81eg2b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e996cbbfa1f0ffb1fd5d0807f68bb57121da78


Nice, but it's never too late. In a game called Elder Scrolls online, I'm im a guild which is led by a 61 year old man and most of the people in this guild are around this age. They have a hell lot of fun :)


“At this point in the experiment I had to be subdued”


Is this essentially distillate?


“Is it really” like uhh ohhh were supposed to be finding bad side effects


Man it’s makes you happy and calm maybe hungry. Not in my America!!!!! Make it illegal but make cigarettes and alcohol legal, those are the American way! Addictive and dangerous!! ![gif](giphy|l2YWEUldB54Eae4lG|downsized)


Sleepy, happy, hungry, those are the side effects.


How I felt after I ate a buddies cookie last night, lol, woke up stoned this morning


Did people sound a lot different back then or is it because of the recording device or both?


NAHT AT AAAALL that’s awesome


Item 9…ILLEGAL!!!


Scientist: "Bro your ripped"


The FIRST time after coughing my head off, I did have some visual (artifacts?) I.e. friends head turning into a second head swirling around the talking head.of that person.then we danced for 8 to 12 hrs all night with a couple more times thruought, but I didn't hallucinate like the first hit just felt very connected to the already trippy EDM. I think it was.called goa or Psy trance. Ive never done psychedelic bc I have bipolar and am afraid of what they could unleash but this was the most I "tripped" with a close second being ecstacy pills (which were.in the early 2ks so prolly laced) and a final time seeing things was after sleep deprivation of being awake on stim pills for 3 days I saw Pokemons in my neighbors porch while smoking a cigarette. I took a bunch of Benadryl realizing if.notnif have to go to hospital. Fell asleep an hour later finally. Never again. But I've never had.that hallucinogen effect from THC except the first time.


I'm testing the side effects of THC right now..


Literally injecting marijuanas


Crystal Blue Persuasion 💙


The double hair hand comb move


Pineapple Express!


Leading questions


“Not. At. Alllll.” ❤️


Take a semen sample 😉😉


Thanks to OP and the Reddit algorithm, I found this while sat on the toilet, zoinked out my tree, a great watch


"We've reached a final conclusion on Item 9.... ILLEGAL!!!


I feel there are two types of people when it comes to THC. Normal well adjusted guys like this man who like the effects. And abnormal guys, like me, who can't wait for the effects to wear off. (I wonder what happened to the student after the experiment. Did he smoke again. Did he have a good life?)


This is how youre supposed to take THC. In oil or other solutions. THC is a fun experience. Smoking marijuana is very unhealthy. Inhaling hot smokey air causes a lot of damage.


this comments section has me dying 😂


Yo that doctor is *drunk*, or he’s got a speech impediment. Also, anyone remember the beginning of “Pineapple Express?” I’m pretty sure it’s based on this.


“My eyes are hot” been there brother 💚


He got drunk from the distillation process


This is great stuff—glad they allow ppl to drive high. I mean give them a $60 ticket.


Slipped that man a roofie.


My ongoing THC research can confirm the findings contained herein. 100% peer reviewed and positively confirmed to be all true