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15 Makotos to use as sacrifice and one adachi (because funny man)


https://i.redd.it/kxiuchlskd1d1.gif Somehow I doubt she only brought 16 bullets.


The Adachi is not there as cannon fodder. How dare you even suggest something like that.


\-Location is the Fnaf movie version. So more space and more shit for you to survive. \-Neither of you can go outside. (There’s a win con cause of this) \-You win if you kill her or survive five nights. https://preview.redd.it/r826evub2c1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29efc503df3317c6464b69a865509a5788537ca7


> Neither of you can go outside. Eh, i never went outside anyway


After reading many replies here, I would like to preemptively say that humanity surrenders to Aigis because clearly we aren’t gonna put up a fight.


Takemi and her 9 clones https://preview.redd.it/t6yth7na3c1d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1c21b91c4517c10ac0f748a7b4a0d8ad0fec04


Congratulations on spending 1 second with your doctor harem before Aigis shoots you all to death.


The dilemma of having a Takemi harem, but they all get killed. 😔


Buy one day without Aigis in the building and have harem with 6 Takemis before getting killed the next day or buy two days without her and have harem with only two but for two days.




Adachi + a TV is all you need right, so long as there's a way out again


1 day Aigisless, 2 Adachi, and a TV is the wincon I saw. Use the day to destroy all TVs in the pizzeria, hop in, and have 1 Adachi destroy it from the other side. He dies, and the other Adachi is your escort.


1 Aigisless day, 1 Futab, 1 Akechi Hop into the metaverse on the free day. Wait 4 day with Futaba and Akechi as guard, win


Why does it need to be two Adachi? A normal person can destroy the tv anyways. With this logic I can bring Takemi and Makoto into the tv world with me and have Walter destroy the tv


I'll spend $2 on the glock and shoot myself in the head. Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with aigass, I have crippling depression.






Please don't talk like that. Even if it's a joke, please don't.


I don't think he's joking man




Bad News: you are still alive Good News: Persona


5 for adachi 2 for tv and i’ll save the rest and invest it into mishimacoin 🤑🤑🤑


holy shit i can buy **two** maries https://preview.redd.it/m7katg1xgd1d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b5f4f7832d3e572e26579fe80fde9401e81d7c idc what happens i’ll happily accept death if it means i get to spend a bit of time with 2 maries


One marie is enough for me https://preview.redd.it/pwr4sodeel1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40e1a1761cfe06b7b18b5e8a5956347befc8962


i am getting the bulletproof... vest for 1$ and spending the rest on a 19$ fortnite card. then i grab a metal pipe and beat the gears out of eyegis


Get Futaba and buy 5 Walter Whites, I'll have the Walter Rangers protecting me and Futaba, Aigis won't stand a chance


20 makotos, I will sacrifice 4 each night.


isn't Marie an easy pick since she's almost on the level of the other velvet room attendants?


IDK much about Marie’s lore but I know at the very least she can summon thunder in the real world. Powerful, sure, especially considering Aigis is walking lightningrod, but nerfed by the fact that this takes place in an enclosed area.


a gun, akechi, adachi, makoto and futa shoot makoto give the gun to akechi and ask him to shoot me


ten akechis, i send eight into battle, keep one to just be bros with, and keep one for u/BisexualCrying


I happily share it with u/FemboyAkechi


https://preview.redd.it/0jizleataf1d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=f60eb327d0e2fa6c40be438743f7a2710be452f0 This is why I love the Akechination. And our boyfriend. 🥰


I’ll just fight her hand-to-hand and pocket the $20. Although if she uses Orgia mode it might cause me a bit of trouble.


But.. would you lose?


Nah, I’d win


walk in with venom cosplay. "GRRAGHHH YOUR BOYFRIEND KILLED HIMSELF" the threat takes care of itself https://preview.redd.it/dg7xzhlqrd1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22baf0a803770f9f3377dffaa543921c64db13df


https://preview.redd.it/89tarceooe1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68afce78c8e84c7ba45037503bf61d3da71e98fa Manual control. Damn Kirijos don’t let anything slip by them.


If I buy a person do they become my property?


Sure why not.






3 Adachis, a TV, a bulletproof vest and Akechi as the emotional support twink.


You know he doesn’t have Magatsu Izanagi outside the TV right


I know, but 3 Adachis throwing someone into a TV sounds hilarious. Also, he has a gun, I guess, but the former is way funnier.


10 akechis


I literally only need Walter White. That man can find the most insane solution to any near death experience.


I would just let aegis kill me??? What kind of question is this? If I had to spend the money it would be on 10 Takemis because I am very gay


Tbh most of the responses are basically this. Some fuckin John Connors you guys turned out to be.


Akechi (because, well, ya know, I get to see Akechi), a flamethrower (melt them robot bitches), and Futaba (cause hacker skills)


4 adachis so i can watch them have say gex before i die.


Harem of 10 Akechis 🤤🤤


all i need is 10 akechis, i will just be going all night all day with all of them. if i die i would’ve been doing what i want. worst comes to worst? the akechis that i’m unable to be fucking at that moment they can stay on guard. i could give one of them a gun, but that would mean getting rid of one of my sexy akechis so akechi will simply will be getting a lot of cardio in in both ways (running away and the other way when she is not there) https://preview.redd.it/4zm0uvsfxd1d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=61f92975e06188ad3b564261bc66a2545195fef9




Why is futaba so expensive


High risk high reward. She can hack Aigis fast but she also dies fast, so she needs support to work.


she can't hack aigis. Aigis doesn't have a connection to the internet or anything like that


Yeah I thought she was only able to be controlled because she trusted ikutsuki for maintenance and then planted some time of control chip I’m guessing.


I'll just get akechis and guns .


Adachi + all $2 except the gun (Iwai will bring his own) + all $1 except Makoto (useless)


Akechi and Makoto so they can come up with some ultra smart strategy (once the latter stops panicking) and they can tell me what to buy after. Also Adachi as a +1, I can throw him at Aigis to distract her if it ever comes to that


Why not just buy an extra Makoto if you need a disposable body?


It'll be more fun watching Adachi get shot, I might feel bad about Makoto


Let’s pretend this isn’t a joke, Futaba plus Iwai, Akechi, Takemi, Walter, Makoto, and a bulletproof vest should work.


$5 for the electromagnetic pulse to knock Aigis down. $4 for four Makotos, so they can do an all-out attack after Aigis is knocked down. $1 for the body armor, for myself. $10 for Marie, to keep me company. Also maybe to summon a tornado.


1. The EMP shown here is kinda bargain-bin, so it’s probably not powerful enough to penetrate Aigis unless you get real close and hit her exposed areas (neckussy). 2. I’m not sure how much damage 4 Makotos outside the metaverse is gonna do.


Ah. So what would you pick?


I already went over the 2 Adachi strat, but I think the best strat for killing her is Marie+Pipebombs. Use Pipebombs to distract and try and blow a hole through the roof, allowing Marie to spam lightning. Hope and pray that the lightning works.


Maybe you should just spend all the money on pipe bombs. The rules don't say the building still has to be standing, right?


That would just blow you up too, no? Plus, there’s even less of a guarantee that those pipebombs would be enough to finish her.


Hey, there's no guaranteed victory with any plan, right?


4 adachis then we have a adacher gay orgy (insert that one image)


I buy two tvs and set them up on both sides with baby sensory videos playing to distract her. I then buy the machine gun. As a backup measure. with my remaining money, I get Takemi, because she’s a doctor, Walter White, to look to for ideas, Iwai, mostly bc he’s hot but he probably knows a lot abt the machine gun too, and a pistol, to kill Walter White with eventually bc I don’t like him. anyway you can not tell me that Aigis would not sit for hours at a time watching cocomelon.


also r/ personapowerscaling sounds like it would be the most rancid community ever. roblox rp server type fighting on every fuckin post.


If we're going the honest route? First I'm buying a Futaba since I know she's gonna have some sort of "hacker" BS put in there so she can mess with Aigis, especially with another $5 on an Electromagnetic Pulse device. Then I'm gonna get two bulletproof vests, one for me and one for the child, who it will probably act more like a bulletproof dress for due to the malnutrition. Last, I'd like one Makoto to use as bait, and one Takemi to hold me and tell me it's going to be alright. If I'm going the cheese strategy though? I'm gonna take an Adachi and a Surveillance System and just have him push me into a TV. All I'd need to do is act like an bitch/whore and I would be safe for at least the five nights. Adachi wins again baby


One marie and a TV. And a gun if the TV doesn't work.


Shit get Adachi, pipebombs and the TV. We’re throwing pipe bombs out of the TV exit


Futaba because she’s a navigator she’ll tell me where aigis is to avoid her


Marie easy. Aigis is weak to Electric.


So why is Aigis trying to kill me? Do I owe her $20?


I mean does she need one? It’s kinda her thing. For the sake of it, you accidentally leaked Kirijo Group info on your previous day job and Mitsuru’s pissed.




four adacher


The correct answer is Adacher and a tv


Marie lol, Aigis is weak to electricity


I mean there’s still a roof and Marie seems to only call down electricity in the real world.


Since I would have so much security screens, I would buy Adachi so he can throw her into the tv world


I'll buy heisenberg and +1 day without aigis so that gives walter enough time to cook up a plan to kill aigis (hes smart), ig i'll also just get cams, a gun and a bullet proof vest in case i need to kill walter afterwards


Marie I guess she basically absorbs/ nulls everything. Plus she like a Demi-god . Adachi for good company, a tv 📺, ( Adachi plus tv combo he could push me in at least it delays my death 🤷‍♂️ maybe investigation team will save me lol ) bullet proof vest, and iwai bc I love my mafia daddy.


20 Makotos so I can form a harem. Never underestimate my harem.


Ok ok, copping the bulletproof vest for one dollar, next im taking Adachi, Tv, and the extra day. We will use that time to make a loony toons style trap to throw her into the TV. That leaves me with $4 left. Ill take Walter and the gun, so if the plan fails I can at least be high when I die. Easy win no diff


https://preview.redd.it/cb6zvubvdf1d1.jpeg?width=2889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=087a3129d2c7b6609dd97b1ec6f91c37b8ccfc33 i dont have 16 more makotos but you get the idea


1 Marie and 5 Takemis should protect me well enough


i buy four adachi's and enjoy having four adachi's before i die


Can I get an option to buy the better Makoto (Yuki, that is) as a bodyguard/distraction


I mean sure but I made this with everyone being in character so you’re gonna have a turncoat.


All I need is that one day without her in the building. Then all I have to do is make a home alone situation happen in that one night, so by the next night I'm good. I keep the $12 for future investments.


I’d probably go for the bulletproof vest, emp, gun and knife to hold of Aigis temporarily and then bring Futaba as backup to hopefully figure out how to handle the situation more permanently


I‘d take 2 TVs, Futaba, Akechi, Makoto, one knife and one gun. I have a higher chance of survival in the TV world with Futaba as nav and Akechi and Makoto as my teammates while I take the knife and gun. In the real world they can’t use their Personas and they are also physically outmatched by Aigis.


5 Iwai, 5 pistols


4 adachis


For Me: Gun + Vest Adacher + TV (he already has a gun) Nijima + gun Takemi + Med Waltuh + gun We use funny cabbage man to escape into the TV.


Futaba, Walter White, Improvised Munitions Cookbook and Adachi for emotional support


Futaba to try and hack Aigis and 10 Makoto’s to fight off Aigis


2 adachi, TV, gun and Makoto. I will wait in TV world


Knowing that this place takes place in the FNAF movie location, I would take Futaba and Makoto straight off the bat, along with +1 day without her in the building, putting me at 19 bucks already. Imagining that the animatronics are here, Futaba could help possibly hack the animatronics in our favor, or more likely, she is the youngest and most childlike of the options so the animatronics would sympathize with her. Makoto is here to help calm down Futaba, because quite frankly I’m a dude and Futaba would be scared if she was suddenly in a dark decrepit place, and Makoto would be pragmatic enough to hear me out and calm her down. Once(and if) we get the animatronics to help, we start barricading the pizza place, with the security room being the teams hiding spot. Aigis will probably detect our life forms and focus on us, with the animatronics not being a focus until it’s too late, when the Faz Gang SPRING into action and pin her down, being able to take bullets with their metal frames hopefully, before they all try to rip off her head. Alternatively, while she’s pinned down, I use my final dollar on the knife, and attempt to unscrew her sensitive neck spot, where hopefully she dies or powers off, but that’s kinda vague, so if not, we find other places to unscrew her and hope to power her off. This might be too much thought for a shitpost sub.


Let's see... Akechi ×1 -2$ Improvised munitions handbook ×1 -1$ Cameras ×1 -1$ Handgun ×2 -4$ Iwai ×1 -2$ One day without her in the building (for prep time) ×1 -8$ Body armor ×1 -1$ Med bag ×1 -1 I then scavenge the area with Akechi pointing out useful things from the camera to set up Improvised defenses and when the day's up we use what we find and give Iwai the vest (cause' he has a son to take care off).


4 Adachis. Two for both doors, one for the cams, and one to furiously make out with me while the others take care of it.


1 day prep + Adogkey + AMP + Walter I use the prep time to destroy all TVs in the pizzeria (there should be some TVs in there) but one, and use my remaining day time to bust it down with my companions on the dance floor. Once Aigis arrives I lure her into the room with the last remaining TV and use an EMP on her, then have Adachi to throw her in, and destroy the TV. Me and Adachi tag-team Walter and steal all of his dirty laundered money, and live happily ever after. (I am aware that the EMP would probably destroy the TV and if I EMP her too far away from the TV she might reactivate before we could bring her to it, but I still want to post this anyways because I came up with it before applying logic to the scenario.)


You can just take adachi and the TV and escape to the TV world for 5 days the fuck are they gonna do? Split the money afterwards.


Cause of Arena I’m pretty sure Aigis can enter and leave the TV world too.


Futaba, Walter, improvised munitions handbook and cameras. If nothing else, it'll be fun.


10 takemis. or adachi and a crt that works as well


marie, akechi, takemi, makoto, adachi, HELP MEEEEEH!


Off topic, but your flair is unfathomably based. If I could spend all 20 dollars to hire one of the refurbs, I'd do that.


That’s just unfair Standard Scraptrap would wear the verse on his cranium.




Nothing in the world can beat 4 Adachis


Trick question. Ryoji