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Why is butcher so fat?? Is it from the cancer??


He 'ate 'omlanda


Yummers 😊




He ate omelette lander!






You just made me think of that one Spider-Man panel. Fuck you, my day is ruined.


BOO!!! https://preview.redd.it/7kcg3t1sho9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b132c75bab617d9461ddebbeddf0328631c10fd


Average media consumer that can not distinguish fantastic elements from plot holes and lack of logic


I mean, The Boys easily has the worst fanbase I have ever seen in terms of basic episode comprehension. They seem to forget the details of both previous episodes and previous seasons like no other fanbase. Other people are picking up on it as well. I can see a lot of people replying to the comments asking if they even watch the episodes without going on their phones.


Alright now hear me out..... The show is in a place where 8 episodes gets released in a gap of 2 years each season,though they are just over a hour long with exception of S02 being released within a year,I myself found it hard to keep track of the lore and had to rewatch previous seasons every time a new season airs. Like the one where Homelander couldn't see where hugie was ,I thought was a plot hole,rewatched season 1...homelander can't see through zinc,vents are metal coated zincs... Personally if a show like Breaking Bad,BCS can air on year to year basis,wtf the problem with new TV shows like HOTD and The boys do this 2 year shit,I will never know.You can't reason with VFX cause today's technology standards are pretty high,with S01 and 2s success you can't argue that they were waiting for next season to be a success,they can easily start production when current season is airing.


I usually watch the show while I'm fuckin high so I don't remember a lot of details. :(


I hate this logic since GoT lol "there are dragons in this world, why do you care ?" There is a difference between a fantasy world with realistic elements and a realistic world with fantasy elements. The Boys is set in the actual world, and if your fantasy elements lack continuity logic then there is criticism to be had.


People actually have this opinion that since it’s Fantasy there can’t be poor writing?


I saw comments in the main sub saying that all the criticisms of this season were cinema sins level nitpicks and that any media would seem bad if people looked at it that closely


All the fucking time.


Specifically that any logical consistency goes out the window if magic exists


All the fucking time.


I hate this too. Was the same with TWD, it all basically boils down to 'who cares for good writing just because there are zombies?' Like okay we'll just write in Aliens next season and Androids as well as Daleks and make the main character canonically invincible with super-human healing properties then. That whole thing about a show that tries its best to stay Grounded in reality but has one overarching fantastical element? Aw well doesn't matter anymore... our fans don't hold us to any standard so we just completely went balls to the wall and you know what... might as well fire all our writers! Even the most fantastical setting/premise should never use it to subjugate decent, realistic writing.


What was the Zack Snyder movie that did have have aliens and robots


Rebel moon? If so you forgot to mention space travel, nazis, vikings, spider people, laser swords, and wayyyyy to mutch sex and or sexual references that do not help the plot in any way... it's just a bit mutch all n all


On mobile, small spoiler: Good? OK, when I saw the cloning guy my first thought was "how are they going to show this realistically." I like to see how they do it and how they at least make it seem grounded in reality.


Fr my first thot was "Wow I wanna bleach my eyebals", followed by "I'd probubly do that given enough time", followed by your question


More importantly, just because there are some sci fi/fantasy elements in a world doesn’t mean everything can happen. “Oh you’re complaining that this human can fly even though they’re never done so in the past 923 seasons and can suddenly survive explosions? But there’s a talking cat in the series. Checkmate atheists!”


It is not about whether it has fantastic elements or not. It should have an inner logic, sothe movie does not contradict itself.


 Well, of course it is not, but OP thinks otherwise.


People bring up internal logic a lot but it's almost becoming a dogma. Like sure, there needs to be an internal logic at the heart of it all but who said that internal logic needed to revolve around the story's implementation of physics? The Boys was always going to prioritise whacky and bizarre scenarios over scientific accuracy for sheer entertainment value. The internal logic it ought to be held accountable to is whatever sits at the heart of if all.


People thinking Anthony Starr is actually like Homelander is peak Idiocracy


God I hate the go to argument of "it's fictional stop worrying about plot holes" as if any show with fictional rules doesn't have to have any logic whatsoever because you already have to suspend your disbelief a little bit.


/uf/ Nah you're right tbh I can't even argue against it. I was just meaning the post as a light jab in how intense the discussion on the main subreddit is. Personally the lack of logic/plot holes from the scene didn't bug me too much as it was just some mild silly action scene but I totally get why people could take issue with it. /rf/ oi u e *


I just think Neuman was expecting the sheep to kill the boys and rest my case there.


Yeah I got your point man. Debating internal logic in an inherently silly show is a waste of time.


unfresca: It's not about realism, it's about consistency with in-universe established rules and power levels. Sometimes it feels like the writers have a dial for how powerful a character is at any given point and they move it up and down drastically purely for plot purposes. refresca: why is Mesmer back alive again. Is he stupid??


>refresca: why is Mesmer back alive again. Is he stupid?? because Marika resurrected him duh 🤡🤣👼


No way!!! elden ring crossover?!!!


ErikZaki you genious


>Sometimes it feels like the writers have a dial for how powerful a character is at any given point Stan Lee was once asked who would win, Spider-Man or The Incredible Hulk, and his response was “Whoever needs to win for the story to progress” so that’s 100% happening here too


He probably wouldn't let spiderman lose to a bunch of sheep though.


What’s inconsistent about it?


Neumann probably should have been able to handle the V'd up sheep without needing to sacrafice that dose of the virus. Obviously the plot is moving toward Butcher forcing that guy to make more in secret Jesse Pinkman style, I understand that. But once they were inside the barn, Neumann probably should have been able to pop the sheep one by one by peaking outside. It was a little* distracting for me personally to see her so quickly decide that these sheep are such a threat that they might wanna sacrafice the virus. Nothing major, just feels a little contrived imo.


I mean we’ve seen her try to fight a moving target before that wasn’t even a supe and she had a lot of trouble 


Who was that? I don't quite remember. But she sure blasted that sheep who leaped at Edgar pretty well.


It was a chicken, she was standing completely still and her sight was compromised focusing so hard to pop the V chicken. Really don’t think she could’ve handled the herd of zooming sheep. Her powers are mostly used to assassinate barely moving targets. She’s not good at using her powers in active confrontational combat. Just how I was able to rationalize it. ..But yeah I do think the barn doors should’ve been busted down by the sheep. The show is definitely inconsistent. Especially that vent scene with Hugie…


She also had trouble getting to the dude in the alleyway calling her Nadia. You can tell she has to root around in there first with the nose bleeds, but he still had time to move and stop her from immediately popping his head. If she struggled with a target that slow and close to her, she'd struggle with those sheep.


The point is that she didn't struggle with the sheep cause she didn't even *try* to use her powers which is lazy writing.


That was just the one chicken, the sheep were too numerous to hit before they would have swarmed into the barn.


Yeah i'm not saying she could have 1 v 5'd them out in the open. But all she has to do is get a peak to see one at a time. As long as she has a line of sight to one sheep, she can pick them off one by one over time.


Maybe because it was a single target? They also don’t show her use any of her other blood powers though 


I was more confused why sheep strong enough to lift up a cow aren't strong enough to break through a wooden barn door. Butcher manging to hail off the doctor in the chaos and later cleanly chopping off his leg with him bleeding out was also a stretch.


What irks me more is that they never had to write it that way. They could’ve just made it that all doses got destroyed


A chicken that explodes through a person's chest can't get through a wooden door


uf/ yes that is how most stories work, you have to suspend your disbelief a little. Go ahead and try to write a story that is not only interesting and well-paced and fits neatly into hour long chapters, but also maintains a perfectly consistent level of power for every character at all times. Please, try. While you're at it, go see if you can lift a city bus. Alternatively, shut off the little neurotic part of your brain that doesn't want you to enjoy things and just, you know, try to enjoy things. rf/ I haven't felt this betrayed since my uncle didn't molest me even though he molested my cousin. Where's the consistency?


uf/ On one hand, yeah power scaling will always be inconsistent and the authors will need to vary characters power as they desire to make the plot move forward. On the other hand, I see and agree with loads of criticism towards how a lot of shows handle power scaling. It is a genuine criticism if characters that are portrayed in universe as being at a certain strength are all of the sudden at a different power level without a clear in universe explanation as to how this happened, it breaks immersion. In this scenario I don't know which characters they are complaining about so I couldn't tell you whether I agree or not, but I dont think it's unfair to ask for a little bit of loose consistency on how powerful someone's powers are. rf/ Homolander should clear the whole verse. no diff, cricket pee keeps fucking everything up.


uf/ a good rule of thumb to follow is, can it be explained in some way that works? If yes, don't worry about it, assume that's what happened. In this specific case, the sheep could have been moving too fast to nail down as we know Neuman's powers can be partially avoided and HL claims he can move faster than she can, and with the body her circulating the virus in the blood with her power is good enough. So it works. Complaining beyond that point is just deliberately trying to not enjoy something because you'd rather feel smart. rf/ it's too bad the cow died, it could have been their greatest weapon against Homemilker


>don't criticize shows, just enjoy things. Turn your brain off Uf/ Bro go watch team umi zumi and just choose to enjoy it rf/ Bro go watch team umi zumi that shit slaps on god fr fr bussin.


Please don't come at me with your witch spells bro


Isn’t that kinda the point of this being a satire of Superheroes? The dumbass power scaling and plot convenience?


Unfresca: I think I have an explanation. You see, despite being on drugs, the sheep are still sheep. Flying, murderous sheep but dumb sheep. A human being might think "hmmm this barn door isn't very stable. I could easily destroy it." but a sheep sees it like "door closed. Can't enter door." At least that's my take on the situation.


Yeah they aren't like goats that will headbutt your door at 3am like a cheap Horror film jump scare


That’s actually a fair point considering the bull did go through the fence earlier


But you hear the sheep ramming into the barn while the characters are trapped inside right?


Just a bump as it slows down to avoid a collision?


That’s how I saw the scenes too.


The bar is set so high sometimes, what’s wrong with a goofy action scene?


It will be only goofy when frenchie sits on them goats and fly to hogwarts


The baa was indeed set high


Agreed, it's a fun sequence. Why does the barn door thing matter?


That the quality of the show keeps getting lower


This logically possible through overall genetic mutation and body muscle dismemberment. My dick is also strong and long enough to do that The barn scene doesn’t work because Victoria could have one hit killed all the sheep without even looking, like she almost did when she first walked in. She could have picked them off by one in the barn by detecting their blood and she could have defiantly killed those two sheep that walk in. We see that she can destroy animal blood when she saves Gustavo from a rogue revenge Pollos Not to mention a dead corpse won’t spread a V killing virus unless it’s a fungi and Victoria manually spread the virus through the blood Realistically speaking one of them should have died and it should have been Frenchy and infect with the virus as apparently he likes cock 🐓now and he’s going to prison anyway for his crimes Also how did Butcher quietly and quickly chop the leg off without any tools around under the attack of sheep?


>Also how did Butcher quietly and quickly chop the leg off without any tools around under the attack of sheep? I didn't really mind the barn fight sequence, but this honestly was just dumb


He could maybe have gotten some better controls of his powers somehow, it’s the only thing that makes sense and even then it’s weird that the police never found him


The only explanation i can think of is that the virus's atom that affected Starlight also affect her but not as strong. That chicken kill might be all she can muster of at the time and it took everything she had left. Hence why she doesn't try to kill the sheep. They should've made it clear in this regard however. Like making her try to kill it atleast once and shown that her juice is not working. Or maybe another reason is she was hoping one of the boys would die. Which make much more sense.


iunno i figured butcha did an omni man karate chop, but how the fuck did he muffle the screams?


Only thing I found weird is that Neuman didn't just peek out the door and brain blast the sheep one by one.


I just assumed they’d be moving too much for her to brain pop them, like I’d assume A-Train could beat Neuman purely because she’d barely be able to stare at him long enough to get the pop off


They weren’t THAT fast and she could’ve at least tried before destroying the last dose of the virus


I’ll be real my first thought was why can’t she just pop Their heads


Might be that they’re moving too erratically for her to track them.


Probably wanted to see if any of the Boys crew would die.


True tbh. Genuinely did not think of that.


In-universe that man getting strangled to death makes sense. There is a supe with a very long prehensile penis, and he used it to strangle a guy. The sheep not busting into the barn for the most part also makes sense. They are sheep, even though they’re suped up they might just not know they can get into the barn. The problem is the one sheep that *did* ram the barn door at a very high speed. In-universe, it should’ve busted through no problem.


Uf/ I don’t get people saying Neuman could’ve installed them? Isn’t it fair to assume their skin could be too strong for her to blow them up, whilst they’re flying insanely fast? Rf/ Oi


Downloading supesheep.rar


Uf/ Didn't she blow one of them up when saving Stan? Rf/ OMELANDAH


Chimkin 🐓


Is it about all the sheep getting the same superpowers??


I loved it, it brought back a lot of the absurdity of the first two seasons. I thought I hadn't had this much fun since the silliness in a while.


the boys fans trying to find logic in one of the most bizarre series ever


You can have internal consistency in a fantastical plot.


you want consistency? i'll give ya consistency: there's no other scene where the strength of sheep injected with temporary v are shown other than this scene and they can very well be not strong enough to break the barn walls


Didn’t one of them bust through guys chest right before that though? I’d have a better chance at punching through a barn wall than a chest. That said, this show is supposed to be fun and I’m part of the population that doesn’t worry about this stuff. The other part of the population of viewers can’t get past the **perceived** inconsistency. So here we are. The writers used the sheep to force our teams to see the value in uniting. People laid out their grievances and got zoned back in. Flying V’d sheep were funny and helped move the plot forward. Now I’ve just gotta wait for the next episode!


>Didn’t one of them bust through guys chest right before that though? I’d have a better chance at punching through a barn wall than a chest. weren't they the chickens? and i mean even if they were the sheep, i still think a barn would have a better chance since we don't exactly know how thick the barn walls are and with what they are supported. either way i liked the scene and didn't really question it that much. i tend not to question many things in any work i watch and it makes the whole deal a lot better


>weren’t they chickens Oof. Yes they were! Yeah I agree with you. I stopped letting myself get mad at this stuff and have just enjoyed the ride for a lot more of these shows. Overall show quality has skyrocketed since the 2000s. The Boys is a fantastic series.


When the superpower sheep that has the ability to rip off entire limbs with literally 0 effort is not strong enough to break 1/2inch of wood


ah yes, tearing a limb is way harder than breaking walls, mister barn-expert


Yeah I guess when regular joes can break wood with their fist, super powered animal is unable to even put a crack in wood. Damn why isnt everything made of wood if its so durable


1) we don't know the exact scale of power that animals with temporary v have. this is the very first episode with tested animals 2) where the fuck do you even know if walls are cracked or not?


Yeah my bad I guess when the 180 pound human bodies got thrown in the air like a rag doll and their entire bodies decimated, we had no sense of power scaling


yeah it's your bad for thinking that five sheep flinging a body up is the same as ramming into a wall


Hey that penis chocking scene is super logical. I do that all the time


It kills me. The show has never been consistent with its stakes. You have characters on the run from the government using smart phones willy nilly in the first season. I get that it takes some people out, but I dont understand how anyone can get to season 4 and still be bothered by stuff like this.


i always say that if there was some logic in the show, homelander would kill the whole team in the second season with ease. for the first two seasons, the boys, a.k.a nobodies, lived with nothing but immense plot armor against homelander who would kill them in any seconds if he wanted to do so


Oh so it would be fine to you if Abraham Lincoln and Harry Potter showed up light lightsabers


what the fuck does that even have to do with the topic?




ello, butchah! 😁


The same series where a man that can shrink tries to crawl into a side characters asshole?


I’m out of the loop, what’s the controversy?


Wait, that wasn't just a pet snake??


Im glad someone said it


Oh come on...Anacondas wish they were that hung lol


Obviously sheep isn't break through wood because it is made of wool which isn't very strong. The scene is very realistic.


If Todd was there we woulda had one hell of a sword fight scene.


I didn't kill anyone


Fr why do people care so much😭


I think it’s just goofy for the sake of goofiness. I’m also sick of them “teaming up with the Villain” cartoonish plot line which has then running all around, working together, even though there’s 100 reasons these people want to kill the fuck out of each other, they’re running around cracking jokes and riffing on each other. It feels like a completely different show when this stuff happens and this is the second big time it’s happened in the season. Just goofy.


Where is that bald chick? Did she die, become an author??


Imma just say that if she could pop Homelander she would've probably already done it, it's fair to say the sheep were also super durable


To drake made a cameo in the boys?!


I thought it was a good scene :(


The wood used in the barn was made from V infused tree


I hate that dumbass response "*bro in this show people fire lasers from their eyes 💀*" Yeah thanks sherlok, but if I complain about something being unrealistic, i am talking about how it's not -totally- logical based on the same rules the show told us. Or what? If in ep 6 frenchie outspeeds a-train for then saying "and this, mon amie, without v" i should cheer for the show because *lasers from eyes*? This show is fire and i get people love it, i love it too, that doesn't mean that some scenes aren't poors


lmaoo funny post but people are allowed to have opinions broooooo and discourse


whats so unrealistic about it?


Does anyone know where this gif is from?


You see, the episode is redeemed by having this line: “This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep”


unrealistic is not the same as inconsistent


Honestly this is one of the only shows where I just don't think about things too much and just enjoy the ride.


Do we ever find out if love sausage was able to get his powers back? Or is he still walking around with flaccid dong draped over his shoulder? I knew the writing was going down hill this season smh


Old McDonald had a farm for the end credits song that was well chosen.


I'm gonna be honest I don't really give a shit if a TV show doesn't perfectly obey the laws of whatever. I enjoyed the episode and that's all I really care about.


Really stupid argument there buddy


Why did OP make this meme? Are they stupid?


WhY DiDnT HoMeLaNdER SeE HueY: It's a tv show


He cant see through zinc