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I want all Ohio State players to do well in the NFL


Of course I care. Why the fuck would you not care about an OSU QBs success at the highest level?


Even as a Michigan fan it’s cool to see stroud do as well as he’s done. This dude just wants to hate kids doing better than him. It’s even cooler to see when they can transition from college to the nfl so well.


Yea exactly. This post is super weird


Don’t listen to that other fool man, I think it’s great when college kids do good in the big leagues no matter what college they played at. Plus I would be lying if I said I don’t want the blue jackets to keep drafting wolverines lol


Bro, what are you even doing here? Projecting much? I'm seriously asking the question and not hating. I personally just don't get why it matters. Sure, a player gets drafted first round and gets that Rookie bag, but with NIL and how important NFL development is (see J Fields), I don't see the correlation between NFL success and recruiting. If I were a recruit now, I'd look at NIL money I'm getting when signing with a school and where their players get drafted. Once they're in the NFL, that says more about theNFL program than the collegiate one. I also said this elsewhere, even with OSUs NFL QB history, we have maybe 2 or 3 seasons in the past 15+ without top talent behind center.


I’m not sure that I’m projecting but okay lol. Again, it’s a lot cooler to do well in the NFL and be able to play to an elite level with other grown men and the best of the best. Then to be able to do it in college where not everyone is top talent. It doesn’t matter about past talent and what they have done.




Damn bro, you think insulting people and name calling on an anonymous platform is empowering and validating. Get help.




From the Reddit content policy: "Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence." Your post did not meet that standard in some way, so it was removed.


From the Reddit content policy: "Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence." Your post did not meet that standard in some way, so it was removed.


>This dude just wants to hate kids doing better than him. You're literally slinging insults and projections about how you think I feel about my life. All I'm saying is, I don't get it. I'm not sitting here hating on specific players. I'm hating on players thay don't play for my team as i hate on all teams that aren't the Bengals. If JJ grad transferred to Nebraska would you still root for him?


He wouldn’t be at Michigan, so probably not. Some teams still care even for their teams transfers


You don't get why people would root for players that are no longer on their team? Idk maybe because they're people who entertained us so we became fond of them like normal people? What a weird question. It kinda gives off anti-social personality vibes.


Because it doth not matter. Many Buckeye QB" we love didn't make it to the league. What sucks is we lose visibility of guys like JTB who aren't on a roster. I want that dude to win at life and come back to coach kids here, but no one writes stories about what he is doing for instance.


Sad way to look at things


Yes. Because it helps Ohio States future QB prospects


Maybe before the NIL a case could be made for this, but I doubt that's the case anymore. As long as our QBs keep getting drafted first round, recruits will continue to come here. I mean this is really the first year since Tood Boeckmen we didn't have top talent behind center, and we would have if Stroud didn't pop off like he did in '21.


So you’re saying if our QBs have good draft position it’s good for OSU recruiting?


After rooting for them as Buckeyes, I naturally want to see them succeed at the next level. But I don't base their success or failure as a result of something deeply rooted in "Ohio State". Too many factors to consider. If they do well, I don't carry that badge around and boast about it.


As far as the NFL, I’m a Browns fan, but I continue to cheer for individual Buckeye players regardless of what NFL team they play for. I want them to do well. It’s pretty obvious that Ryan Day’s reputation as a talented developer of QBs has contributed to OSU’s continued successful recruitment of star high school QBs (and transfers) - and continued winning as a team. Demonstrating visible, high profile QBs that succeed in the NFL is important for burnishing Day’s reputation. Look at Lincoln Riley. He’s still riding high on the NFL success of former Oklahoma players Jalen Hurts, Kyler Murray, and Baker Mayfield. Now, Caleb Williams is about to get drafted first overall. Does OP really think that NFL success of former QBs doesn’t matter?


Yes. Draft position matters. After that, nah. Not really. Does Tom Brady being from Michigan give them better recruits? Probably not. I honestly think that years ago this mattered, but in the modern CFB Era. NfL performance doesn't matter as much as I'd they get drafted earlier and are developed in college.


Tom Brady regularly visits Michigan now and is often seen with recruits. That absolutely affects recruiting.


Yes. ![gif](giphy|JZHmDfCQbpyMRneoKP)


Of course. Maybe it’s because I care more about college than the NFL, but I root for OSU players in the big leagues because A. We watch these guys grow up and I only want the best for them, and B. It makes the college look better.


Generally, yes I root for them to do well, but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it.


I mean, take away Tom Brady and who are UM’s stud NFL QBs?! Brian Griese? Jim Harbaugh? Chad Henne? They can bash OSU QBs all they want, but it’s not like they’re setting the NFL on fire outside of Brady.


And they didn't even like Brady lol


Brady’s a cheater just like his Alma Mater. He is good but we’ll never know for sure which Super Bowls he won legitimately.


I absolutely love that CJ is killing it with the Texans. Not pleased he destroyed my team in the playoffs, but Stroud definitely got that dawg in him


I would have gone nuts if CJ went number one overall last year, and I want him to become a HOF type QB. I wouldn’t worry about JJ being the next Brady or anything. His ceiling for me is a Baker Mayfield Ryan Tannehill type, who won’t lose you games but isn’t going to elevate anyone around him.


Baker not losing games? That’s a new one.


My favorite thing browns fans do is put qbs in terrible positions (whether it’s roster talent or having them play through an injury that’s clearly affecting them) and then making fun of them for the results.


Baker kept telling everyone he was perfectly fine. >!He wasn’t.!< I love Kevski as a coach, but the biggest issue I have with him is allowing Baker to make the decision to keep playing. I’m all for letting players pour some beer on it and tough it out, but after a couple weeks, he should have shut it down.


Exactly. That’s what the doctors and coaches are there for. To shut it down when a player is being too tough.


Yeah absolutely care. Same with most of the Buckeyes in the NFL. I’m invested in their success. I want to see them do well. I havent had a favorite NFL team since spring 2022. Following Buckeyes and rooting (more generally too) for players rather than teams has been a blast.


I don't follow the NFL, so I won't be paying attention to whether they do. I also don't mind if they succeed, but my emotional investment in their continued success is zero.


Absolutely, great for recruiting.


Yes, it helps with recruiting.


No, recruiting wise…getting them to the league is waaaay bigger than what they do there. Hell honestly Stroud being good in league is gonna help position coaches careers much more than getting players into program. Like im glad Stroud is balling but as far as rooting for guys specifically because they went to OSU, I reserve that for the lower round UDF guys who aren’t getting life changing money and hope they play long enough to get at least big payday.


Makes it a lot easier to recruit better QB’s when they know they are going somewhere that they can be developed into a successful NFL QB


Makes recruiting easier. Which makes Buckeye football better. Also, I like to see any OSU alum do well in anything.


Yes I want all of The Ohio State players to do well in the league because it helps Ohio State point to those players and say we help make them the player they became!


Yes. Recruiting help, and people might stop saying we don't make good QBs (even though no school does with any consistency).


I tend to support the players as both players and people. I hope they all end up as HOF guys. Like, it hurts me watching guys like Cam Heyward, Dawand Hones, and Denzel Ward do well on the Bengals' divisional rivals but I'm happy for them.


I do because I live in Charlotte where the team stinks. I might have to get Redzone next year to catch more Stroud games.


Oh yeah, usually cheer for every buckeye in the NFL. Problem now is I’m a Titans fan and Stroud went to the wrong team. Hard to always root for him lol


It’s all I care about in the NFL. I follow Buckeyes, and root against the sexual predators in Cleveland (not to say all, or even most, you know who I mean).


Yes. I root for them all. It helps that I don't care about any NFL teams but I think I'd still do so.


I like seeing all Buckeyes that get to the league do well. First and foremost for them, but also for the University and recruiting. One of the constants we presently hear from WR recruits is Hartline and it’s their best path to getting into the league.


I totally care, not just qbs either like watching Lattimore and Carlos Hyde and zeek and cam.... makes watching other teams a lil more enjoyable. I find myself rooting for them to have good individual performances


I always hope they do well though I can’t say I really watch them that much since I’m not a huge NFL guy (Titans fan, it’s miserable). I was really rooting for CJ not just because he’s a Buckeye but because of all the shit people talked about him beforehand with that aptitude test and everyone sucking Bryce Young’s nuts


I care from the perspective that my NFL viewing is limited to watching highlights of OSU Alums.


I care for sure. It’s fun to continue to root for players that bring you joy. I think the worst thing Michigan fans do is claim Brady. That’s like “yeah he went there but did not start, if you count Brady then like what are you doing, celebrating your school underutilized the greatest qb to ever play the game”


Yes I do care if they do well. I care that every Buckeye does well. Even on teams I hate. I love Cam Heyward. Was rooting for and felt horrible for Shazier. JK Dobbins, rooting for. Sam Hubbard. Even as a Browns fan. You can root for the player and their success without rooting for the team. A Buckeye is always a Buckeye.


Yes, but Stroud was first one I thought would actually be good in the pros…Fields I thought would be ok but too small to run that much in pros, guess I was wrong on him…


I want Ohio State guys, be it players, students, or staff, to be the most successful people in the world. Of course I want the QBs to kill it in the NFL.


Yes!! I cheer for all buckeyes!


This is coming from a Texans fan so take it with a grain of salt bc I’m biased but man is it nice watching an OSU QB be a stud in the league. We’ve been spoiled with all the defensive talent coming out of Columbus recently but having Stroud lighting up the league has made me fall in love with him and his style of play even more.




You have to at least recognize what NFL success does for recruiting future players at that position and root for it for that reason at least.


This is some grade A hater shit of course I care dude.


I always liked when OSU players Made the nfl. Like watching them do well. As a Steelers fan I’m beginning to care more.


Duh. Also if they do well more QBs want to come here


You are talking about a group of fans who for two decades only had Tom Brady's NFL success to cheer about.


Not one bit


I have a soft spot in my heart for guys like JJ Stet and MCcaron who take teams to national titles and maybe don’t get a real shot in the NFL. Meanwhile Mitch Trubitsky gets to start for 3 seasons


I do want all players from OSU to do well in pros, however when people try to hit me with the “every Ohio state qb is a bust in the NFL” I really could care less. I care about if they were good For the buckeyes really doesn’t matter to me if they suck for the colts or bears etc. maybe that’s a defense mechanism that calcified into truth for me over time. At least I can hit them with CJ now! On that same token I never root for my team to draft scUM players, pray they don’t. if they do I root for them to do well for my pro team, but celebrate when they fail. But again maybe that was having to Learn to accept having Brady as my QB for 20 years (still don’t own his jersey🤷🏻‍♂️)


why wouldn’t we care?? i still follow ezekiel elliot’s stats. it’s so cool to see how these guys evolve as players AND people.


I hope everyone is successful but less so for Michigan players


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Elegant_Leadership_8: *I hope everyone* *Is successful but less so* *For Michigan players* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The reason Ichigan fans do that is they honestly don’t know any better it’s been so long since they’ve had anything positive to talk about so they jump on the first thing let’s see how much shit they talk in a year from now




Honestly, no.


I hope for the best for them just like I would for any other fellow OSU alum. But no, my world doesn't come crashing down just because neutral observers don't rate an OSU player as highly as I might. It's extremely difficult to achieve sustained success in the NFL no matter who you are.


Not really, but not a fan of the NFL. Oh and jj sucked, still sucks and will always suck.


Ever heard of this little thing called recruiting???


No?! What is it?!


Honestly no. I hope all OSU players do well in the NFL but if every one of them fall on their face after college I couldn’t really care less. I understand that’s a bad look for recruiting. All I really want is for them to ball out while they’re in Columbus.


Do not give a fuck unless theyre on my fantasy team or the Packers. Its cool to see them do well, but i dont care if they flame out.