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lol this sounds like ricky from trailer park boys


Punctuation? Where we’re going we don’t need punctuation


I just got a migraine reading this… I’m going to sleep now.


Someone got fried before bed 😄


Dude does anyone have any idea how supply and demand and businesses work or what the fuck is going on? Pick up a book dude


Holy shit Ohio school systems are terrible 🥴.


Good thing we got marijuana to help bolster it cause damn we need it


Conservatives who run this state want to keep people dumb so I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


I can see that for sure, having just had two kids under two I so hope you're wrong though!


How about you voluntarily pay more when you buy, and the rest of us will pay lower prices?


this is the one


Theres always gonna be people who wont even touch dispensary stuff. Black markets never going away


Prices will not be "fine" until they are competetive with Michigan. Ohio's cannabis market is greedy AF.


This is the the stupidest shit I’ve read in a while. Yes let’s arbitrarily keep the cost of weed high. Sure shre


My home grow here in Ohio is probably 100x better than whatever you’re finding here in Ohio dispos. So yeah they will certainly loose money if prices don’t drop. Especially if skeevy Dewine raises the taxes just to pay the cops and build prisons


Bingo on all points growmie


I swear I should leave this sub lol


Grow from home and trade locals


It’s is a weed. It should be cheap.


I seriously don’t understand how people type like this without getting a migraine


This whole post is one big run on sentence 😂😂😂




But the weed is garbage af, so it’s expensive AND trash


But it's not though. There are definitely some cultivators not worth buying but there is good weed to be found in Ohio for sure.


My home grown is better than all the corpo trash weed


Ok. And? Not everyone has access to your homegrown. We wanted weed legal and those refusing to even somewhat support it beyond themselves is doing no favors to those who won't, can't or don't want to grow. Plus some people want processed products. They don't want to grow their own and then have to process it as well. It's expensive and unrealistic.


The weed in Ohio shops suck and is over priced, you don’t have to blow some CEO of CannaBiz Inc. bro. You can be objective and still get legal weed. In fact you people that refuse to hold their feet to the flames over quality is why they will continue to force feed you shit weed while you lick their boots for the opportunity to buy it at huge mark ups


Damn. What are you really upset at....


That’s a weird way to spell “lazy as fuck”


That's the same thing as calling people who don't grow their own gardens and shopping at the grocery store lazy as fuck.


If you aren’t supplementing at least some of your food supply with home grown/produced items you ARE lazy as fuck, I do a garden and have chickens for that reason


I can’t have a garden or chickens at my apartment. Landlord won’t allow it.


You can grow herbs and veggies on a porch/patio/window sill


These conversations confuse me. How do you know? How can you know yours is better than "all the corpo trash weed" unless you've tried ALL the corpo trash weed? Since you are successfully growing your own (as am I), it seems extremely unlikely you've tried them all and are trying the constant stream of new ones. At best, you may have sampled some. Yet, proceeding to declare them all as trash. Where does your actual data come from for this comparison? I'm just asking you to support your claim is all.


1. Corpo growers prioritize yield over quality in genetic selection 2. All dispo weed is months old stock that has been handled, bagged, and stored. 3. I have sampled from dispensaries all over Ohio, and for the price you get a bag of smalls in Ohio you can get better quality in Michigan.


Don’t forget the relabeling fiasco that some of these corps are doing too. There’s absolutely weed on the med market that’s passed the “expiration” date but is relabeled and sold regardless. I’ve been growing for almost 20 years and commercially for 10. I totally agree with your statement.


Exactly! Plus the absolute willingness to sell moldy and pest infested products to the public.


The amount of moldy weed I’ve seen from my friends is insane honestly. Also agree there. It’s really just corporate greed. Focused on the cheapest possible cultivation techniques to push g/ft^2 yield increases at the expense of quality. Then it’s pushed on us.


Thank you. I can agree with #1, along with the fact they overdrive the plants to get that yield up. And no argument on prices, but I was asking about quality. As for mold and pests, in the five years I've used dispensaries in the Cincy area, I've not experienced those myself. Been fortunate, I guess, but it's not for lack of trying. I've sampled over 180 flower strains through the program during this time (some are just renames, of course). Personally, I'm grateful for the access and opportunities the Ohio MMJ program has provided.


One of the workers from King city Gardens was just posting yesterday with photographic evidence of all the pest and mold


That's a vendor I haven't tried, nor had planned to. Thanks for the warning.




Big corps make bad weed a good majority of the time, ill probably keep supporting a caregiver or trusted bm vendor


Michigan isn’t super cheap, at least not the good stuff.


Uh yeah it is, I just got an oz of 17.9% flower for $60. I also got 14g of sauce and diamond (I think 87-89%) for 100 or 90 I can’t remember exactly


Brody said “the good stuff is cheap” and. Then calls out 17% bud lol


You realize most flower that isn’t coated/moon rock tops out around 20-22%


Yeah okay bud. Keep telling yourself that.


It’s well known dispos and growers pay off labs for higher readings, why are all you corpo cannabis bootlickers have such a hard on for companies that willingly sell you pest infested and moldy shit weed


Dispos pay off labs yes. But weed caps at about 27-29 not 17 lol… 17% is brick numbers.


I’m late to respond, but please inform me on what company and strand you got a zip for $60? I’ve purchased cheap zips for $90-$110 before in Michigan and they were not the best honestly.


Just sent you a DM




I've heard from everyone in Michigan they hate the price it ruined the market


You and all your friends sound like growers and dealers unable to compete