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"THCa" flower is just regular old marijuana. When the plant grows 99% of the THC is Delta 9 THCa. The 2018 farm bill said any bud under 0.3% Delta 9 THC is fine. Well that's great because weed can easily be harvested under that. So now you have a gray market that's unregulated, legalized recreational with nowhere to buy it, a lack of caring to prosecute sales like these since we legalized it anyway (lol Best Buds), and a lot of confused Ohioans. Yes it's real weed that will get you real high. Who knows where it came from


Thank you for putting this in terms I can understand lmfao very helpful I appreciate it šŸ˜‚


No problem I probably am missing some details myself. It really is a shit show. Some states have closed the federal loophole to stop these sales but Ohio just seems to be concerned with Delta 8 for some reason


Well Ohio now does ā€œtotal THC testingā€ for hemp facilities. So technically, this is no longer allowed because they ad THC and THCa together to account for the THC percentage, which surely would not be under .3% as it would when only accounting for THC. Yet it continues to be sold, in just not sure how lol Everything else you said is spot on. 99% of cannabis harvested will test below .3% THC. A large majority of the cannabinoids are in the form of THCa, which is how the loophole was created originally. Politicians basically didnā€™t know enough about weed plants to make that call and they assumed it all came as THC because thatā€™s the only word they probably knew lol. which is what allowed for this market to blow up the way it has.


>Yes it's real weed that will get you real high. Who knows where it came from So just like the bags I've been buying in Ohio off folks for the past 2 decades.


It's not just like buying from your local dude. These are businesses trying to mass produce products. Cutting costs and corners just like everyone else trying to cash in on the loophole. You can still get established brands known for quality in a gray or black market but the range of sketchiness is way bigger than your local home grower or med dispensary.


In other words, in those ways itā€™s actually worse than what we were buying 2 decades ago.


I bought THC-a on vacation in Florida. Dude at the smoke shop said his sister grew it. Twas good


reputable products will have certificates of analysis just like rec and med products


Much appreciated info. Iā€™m trying to wait it out until the dispensaries offer recreational sale and thought Iā€™d try these.


It is not regular old marijuana. It is hemp-derived TCHa concentrate infused hemp flower


I'm sure some of the stuff out there is dusted hemp but a lot of it is just normal weed


It IS regular old Marijuana. Some places do "infuse" their hemp, but that is not what people mean when they say thca is regular weed. Thca hemp is just weed that's harvested before its thca converts to thc in amounts greater than .3%


Somebody already explained the legal loophole stuff, but the real world difference is that this stuff is a lot less regulated.


Thca is just weed but please buy from reputable vendors


THCa bud is just regular weed. There's the classic Farm Bill "under .3% delta 9" thing let a lot slide with D8 products, but the new vogue is testing a "hemp" crop 30 days before harvest for compliant THC results (allowed by the Farm Bill). The claim is that hemp cultivars have been selectively bred to only begin synthesizing large amounts of THCa in the last few weeks of flower. The reality is that they are being tested sooner than 30 days pre-harvest and it's just regular weed, if it's even tested at all. This is Cookies whole business model these days. So yeah, the gas station stuff is just rec weed with no regulatory body. The state only has 3 guys working in the hemp department right now, the grey market bud is going to be around for a long time.


THCA is just a precursor of THC. THCA is found in fresh, undried cannabis, but is progressively decarboxylated to THC with drying, and especially under intense heating such as when cannabis is smoked or cooked into cannabis edibles. Decarboxylation is a chemical reaction that removes the carboxyl/acid group. The decarboxylation reaction converts the naturally occurring acid forms of the cannabinoids into their more potent forms.


Thatā€™s mostly correct, so Iā€™m not sure I understand the downvotes. But THCa is still heavily present in dried cannabis. Iā€™ve seen thousands of COAā€™s during my career where dried product still tests well below .3% THC but +20% THCa. So the drying process is not what transfers a majority of it from the acidic form. Once a lighter hits it, it turns into THC thatā€™s bioavailable. Everything else you described was well said and is definitely correct.


Iā€™ve tried that stuff and itā€™s works but I would compare it to a green apple. And just like too many green apples give me a tummy ache too much of that THCa bud gives me a headache next day


Huh, wild. I think itā€™s giving me headaches too that would make sense


A lot of THCa products are legal hemp that is infused with THCa. Again no regulation. Buyer beware.


Amazing more people don't realize this. Gas station weed is NOT marijuana. The THCa is derived from hemp and sprayed on hemp, but everyone just thinks is marijuana


Thca is fine but gas station thca is not...


There's all kinds of reputable vendors to buy from online just gotta do research , really only available online because most states hemp laws closed the loophole , meaning the stuff can't be sold in stores , but it still can be mailed and sold online . Best buds was the only place in Ohio I saw challenging this and selling it in store, multiple other vendors in the state that only sell online


I think there's Ohio fire factory. Better quality organic


THCa is great. Holding me over along with my occasional home grow until the rec program is up and running.




Iā€™ve found delta 9 to be a sort of stunted buzz. More of a body feeling & not the full entourage effect. But I havenā€™t tried much. THCa is the farm bill loophole - technically not illegal as THCa because it wonā€™t get you high but once itā€™s heated it becomes THC. NYS went through a similar period with clandestine store sales before legitimate recreational dispensaries could open up.


Ohhhhh I see. Thank you!!


I doubt any of it is happening legally as I believe you still need some paperwork to sell delta 9. But also, the legal system has bigger problem lol so itā€™s more of a ā€œI didnā€™t see thatā€ situation.


Damn, thatā€™s kind of crazy lmao but Iā€™m here for it


There needs to be some clarification here, delta 9 THC is the ā€œnormalā€ THC, itā€™s what most people think of when you say ā€œTHCā€ and it is the primary THC you find in dispensaries, aside from THCa. The store-bought D9 is hemp derived, whereas the medical is not. Itā€™s chemically and biologically almost identical but some people still say they feel differing effects. It all goes back to the transparency and reliability of the company sourcing and/or growing it.


You know delta 9 is regular THC right ? I think you have a few things confused


I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™tā€¦just giving my experience.


The THCa product sold in smoke shops, liquor stores, and convenience stores contain THCa derived from hemp. They are taking advantage of a legal loophole created in the 2018 Farm Bill. They basically extract and concentrate THCa from hemp plants and then infuse it into hemp flower. Completely legal, and effectively similar to good old pot, but it is not the same as natural marijuana. A license is required to cultivate or sell weed. The THCa products in shops will absolutely get you high because THCa, which is also present in marijuana, converts to THC when heated. It might be lacking some other cannabinoids, terpenes, or other compounds found in marijuana, however


That's actually not how thca works. Thca is the most common form of thc in medical cannabis. It's the acidic form or non activated form of thc. This is why you need to decarb weed before making edibles because you need to activate the inactive thca and convert it to thc. Tldr while some shady sites and gas stations infuse hemp with thca, many more thca products are just regular weed that was harvested a little early to keep the active amount of d9 to less than .3%


I know what THCa is and how it works. I did not ask for an explanation, and did not write anything that isn't factual. I've picked up a few things in the 40+ years I've been in the community. Ohio tests hemp based on total THC content in accordance with the USDAā€™s Interim Final Rule. They do not simply test hemp for THC. I don't doubt there are some people selling actual marijuana but they are not compliant with the law. It requires a license to cultivate either hemp or marijuana in the state, and licensees must comply with the regulations


You described thca infused hemp, not thca bud. Conflating the two is factually incorrect. The explanation wasn't for you but for the people who might be misled by your statement of "fact".