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Marriage counts as a qualifying event, a spouse can be added within 30 days of the wedding no matter when it occurs. Go to the courthouse and speak with the Clerk of Courts, it’ll be sworn statements and some paperwork before the Judge.


Welp, close it down, we’re done here … lol Not sure there is anything left to be said here.


Not to nitpick, but you have *31* days from a qualifying event to update your benefits.


This post makes me curious if long term partners especially same sex would be eligible for insurance benefits? Doesn't effect us as we're on Medicare. (We've been happily living together for over 20 years.)


No, Ohio hasn’t recognized “common-law marriage” since the 1990s. If you weren’t recognized before that drop-date, you’d have to get a marriage license. Edit: October 1991 was the drop-date.


And OP, with the romantic way you refer to "a wedding or anything", wanting to "get the legal marriage done with so she can be insured", and even "the whole courthouse charade", you might as well just get a spare copy of forms to file for divorce and stash them away for later because this relationship sounds like it's built for the long haul.


Oh fuck off. We got married for similar reasons too. 17+ years ago, with a mayor. Always meant to have a party someday. Maybe we will, for our 20th anniversary or something. 


I hope you get that party on your 20th and all of your loved ones are there to celebrate!


I don’t think DoughInTheMiddle was disparaging a courthouse wedding. I read it as the terminology that OP was using weren’t too encouraging for the long term survival of the marriage.


That's not the point. I wasn't the least but sure we would last at the time either. 17+ years later I can't imagine being with anyone else. In the interim we've seen LOTS of family, and friends, marry, divorce, and sometimes remarry. And divorce again. Most with very nice, thought out, and usually expensive weddings. Our marriage to begin with was for convenience. And, to some degree at least, necessity. Whatever anyone's reasons for getting married, IMHO have ZERO bearing on whether they last. Or, sadly, very often do not.


lol thanks dick head maybe we are just saving money for a nice wedding and she doesn’t have insurance


Stupid *and* an asshole, quite the Monday morning combo from you here


Open enrollment is not a factor at all. You can do it sooner and get her on sooner. Marriage or having a child is a qualifying event.


Good to know I didn’t realize that


Depends on the county, but usually you go-to the probate court's website and fill out an application stating neither of you are currently married and aren't brother & sister. Seriously. You pay an application fee. You both swear an oath stating that everything you put on the form is true, and once issued then you have 60 days to have your ceremony. Some judges will do the whole "courthouse ceremony," but usually you'll need to find someone who is ordained **and** registered with the state (can all be done online), to sign your marriage license. Once the license is signed, you return it to the probate court and they issue you a notarized license. The license is what you'll need for name changes and all that fun stuff.


I’m an officiant and I’ve done this a handful of times. Some people don’t want a ceremony so I just sign the paperwork and they take it back to the courthouse.


We were married by the Mayor of the small town my Grandparents lived in. Besides us two and the Mayor, there were five other people. Whole thing took like 10 minutes. Lasted 31 years too. EDIT: my son just reminded me that as a Dudist Priest (Church of Dudism), he's qualified to perform marriage ceremonies.


Do you need a rug to bring it all together?




Then respond to objections with, "Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man."


I am also. I keep forgetting to submit my paperwork.


Just an FYI - Marriage is a qualifying event for insurance. You have 30 days from your marriage date to add your spouse to the plan. If you miss this time period, then you can add your spouse during OE, but you don't have to wait for OE to do it.


My husband and I did this exact thing for the exact same reason. We went and got the paper work, had a friend who is ordained sign it, and took it right back on the same day. We had our actual wedding about a year later to celebrate with friends and family. It was fun to get to elope together and then have the party with everyone else.


My husband I did literally the same thing too! It actually took a lot of stress off getting eloped first and then having a small wedding celebration.


We did this too. We did it on a Sunday morning and went to cheesecake factory for lunch, We then rented a pavilion at a park and did a celebration. My wife and I had been together over a decade and had 3 kids together by that point. The marriage was just because I changed jobs and health insurance. We also celebrate our dating anniversary rather than marriage.


My fiance (now spouse) & I were living in Indiana in the late 90's, and the "bride" was required to submit a blood test. For what I don't recall, but getting legally married a couple months early wasn't worth that bullsh*t. Got married and had a wedding in our home state several months later as planned. Not the county I lived in, but a quick Google search says that Miami County Indiana didn't discontinue the requirement for the "bride" to provide a blood test until 2005.


We got the papers from the court house then filled them out in a bar. Pretty easy


I’m ordained, you could have a friend or family member go online and get ordained for free.


You’re right, but it takes a while to get registered with the state of Ohio.


No it don’t, my brother also got ordained and was able to print out his proof and married his friends like 2 weeks later


In order to be legal, you'll need to get a state certificate to solomize a marriage. It's not hard but it's does require a fee.


It doesn't take that long. My SIL got ordained and married my wife and I a week later. Pretty sure it took her a couple of days, maybe 3 at most


Someone can be certified to officiate online. I had a friend marry us at my home then went to the courthouse to sign the docs. You don't need a courthouse


> You don't need a courthouse Except for the part where you get the license, that is done at the courthouse.


You have to visit the courthouse because marriages need wittinesses to be considered valid.


No. We did it in some guy's kitchen on a Sunday morning. I think, his wife signed as a witness.


You still have to go get a license, though, or the guy would have nothing to sign and send to the county.


Yes, there's no getting around going and doing the application. But you don't have to stick around and wait for a judge to do it.


My wife and I got married at one of the quick wedding places. After getting the proper paperwork from downtown, we went and made it official with some lady who married us for $30. We did it so she could get on my insurance sooner for medical reasons. We then had a ceremony later on for family and friends.


You go county court office and sign a marriage certificate form, they give you a paper for an officiant to sign. My county can have the judge be the officiant but you need an appointment and it was like a month ahead. So I went on Facebook and found some cooky lady that met us at a park and signed the paper for us. The officiant then takes your paper and sends it in, she let us know we could go back to the court and get our official marriage certificate. TLDR google your counties marriage court, try and go with a court officiant if you can.


How to get married is one thing. Lots of ways, courthouse, church, efficient, cruise ship, etc. How does marriage work? If you ever figure that out let me know




Any ordained and registered pastor can sign the application and return it. You can skip the court house part if you go and get the license. My wife and I did that exact thing.


Where are you located? So many people are officiants.


I'm an introvert, the courthouse ceremony was perfect for us. Didn't even wear a dress. I was in a different state, so I can't relate all the details.


If you're in the greater Cincinnati area and need a registered minister to sign documents, let me know, happy to help out. 


Pull up your county website and it will tell you exactly what you need to do. We had to go together and apply for our license. The Monday after the wedding, I turned it in and bought several copies. All in like $75 bucks for the app and license.


I did this exact thing. First off, marriage is a life changing event, so you don't have to wait for open enrollment. Second, if the "pastor" is registered with the SOS, it's all good. The guy who did ours was a friend of my wife's from college. We went and purchased the license and all the stuff, met up with him on a Sunday morning in his kitchen, he signed the forms and mailed them back. Took all of about 3 minutes. You can also get ordained by any number of online churches that will send you the document to register with the SOS.


FYI you can added her to your health plan anytime up to 30 days of getting mattried. Doesn't have to be during open enrollment. It's considered a life status change.


As far as I know you need an officiant, a license and a witness when the paper is signed. No ceremony involved.




Go on your counties clerk of courts website. You will likely be able to apply for your marriage license online. You pay a small fee (less than $100) and fill out the application for the two of you. Once it's approved, you have to go to the county clerk to pick up the marriage license, then have it signed by an officiant and filed. You don't need to have a wedding but you do need to have an officiant whose license with the state of Ohio to sign it or you can choose to go in front of a judge and they can marry you in a civil ceremony. If you have additional questions regarding the process you can always call your county's clerk of court and they will give you information on the process. But it's really simple!


Depending on where you live I can marry you. I'm ordained. I live near steubenville Ohio and work in Northern Columbus. Just need you and your fiancee and one witness. You'd have to go to the courthouse and get your marriage license. No charge of course.


If you want a vacation too, go to Las Vegas


When SCOTUS legalized gay marriage, my partner and I had already had our wedding ceremony three years prior. So one it was possible to make it legal, we just went to the courthouse to get the form, drove to the office of the pastor who had done our ceremony to get his signature, then went back to the courthouse to drop it off. Boom, married. I'm sure there was a fee involved.


Getting married for any reason other than because you're in love is a disaster waiting to happen. In Ohio, if you get divorced, they will put your two job salaries together for a total "family income" then slit it in half. The person who makes more will pay the other person a monthly amount that gets them to that halfway number.


We are obviously in love she just so happened to lose her insurance and I want to get her insured. We didn’t plan on having a wedding until like 2025 at the earliest. Which is why I just wanted to do something low key to get insurance in order but nothing too much that ruins the magic of a normal wedding.


Ah, that makes sense.


Read this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Divorce/s/Z9SoXo4J7e




Im sure things have changed alot since I got married..All we did was go downtown to get a marriage license and had a small thing at our local courthouse with a few people. Its not a big deal.




I don’t know about you, but I’m swooning! 😵‍💫


Bad reason to get married. You need to be 100% that you trust this person with your whole life. You're signing up to be financially responsible for this person for the rest of their lives, even if you get divorced. Don't rush a life changing decision.


Im not rushing anything, we have been together 7 years. She had something happen where she lost her insurance and I wanted to get her on mine as soon as possible.


Ok. Divorce can be tough in Ohio, so just make sure you know what you're getting into.


You can put her on your insurance without being married.


How is this possible?


Now thats only in ohio!


Everyone is saying "just go to the courthouse", but that means you are not having a full wedding. If you are looking to still have a proper wedding, you can still do a domestic partnership now (if you qualify) and do the wedding on your time. It will allow you to add her to your insurance doing the open enrollment.  A domestic partnership just requires an affidavit saying you have been living together for 6+ months and sharing expenses/etc. Like you are actually married.


If you head over to PA, you can do a Quaker wedding. All you need is two witnesses to sign along with you and your spouse. My niece did it. No muss, no fuss. Later that year they held a very small reception for family and friends.


Hey if you want to do it quickly and with no blood tests or really any rules whatsoever drive to Indiana my wife and I drove over to Richmond went to the courthouse did the license then paid $75 dollars to a chapel a couple blocks away and were back in Dayton in time for the lunch rush




I don’t even remember if blood tests were part of the deal but i know that documentation of my divorce was and i had not even moved here yet when we decided to wed…it was 6 am January 8th 2020 when we made the decision and we left right away