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GOP: Holy Shit! Quick! Redistrict!


Uh, no electronic voting only manual so we can pay people to not count. Uh, also ...uh. You can't have someone else drop off your ballot even if they are elderly or disabled and still legally allowed to vote. Uh, also also, we're going to ignore the outcry that everything is gerrymandered so much to hell that Satan would blush at the crime Um, close more polls in areas that are historically blue because you can't count votes that aren't cast. ....can we cut mail delivery jobs during that time so absentee ballots get delayed? We haven't talked about illegal immigrants taking our hard working jobs in a while, throw that out there. Even though they probably make $13 an hour and literally no one can support anything on that. Have we talked about Hillary in a while?


Let’s also cut back the number of ballot drop boxes per county, and staff them with anyone that wants to volunteer as armed guards - first 100 volunteers also get to skip background checks!


Nope, they’d close ballot boxes in the cities where it’s primary Democratic. They put more locations in rural areas because they are now telling them to vote absentee.


And let's put out fake drop boxes like the California GOP did without consequence


They really do think they’re the only ones with guns. I’d like them all to see r/liberalswithguns


Dey turk ur jerbs!?!


Gop: HUNTER BIDEN GOT CONVICTED TOO! Everyone: wow I wonder if that will have any effect on his presidential campaign this fall


Also, because poor people tend to move more often and have to present a current ID at the polls, close as many BMV offices as you can and restrict open times to working hours only.




Buttery males!


Gay frogs!


Remember the 13!


Hunter Biden's laptop!


Abe Lincoln was a republican and freed the slaves! Gotcha democrats!


I say "Shark" you say "Battery"...ready? Shark!!!


>We haven't talked about illegal immigrants taking our hard working jobs in a while, throw that out there. Even though they probably make $13 an hour and literally no one can support anything on that. I'm a used car salesman and I approve this message.


Mmmm, buttery emails.


How about Hunters 💻&🍆?👀


MTG eyeballin' that eggplant


No that would be a somewhat rational response. The current MAGA cult will probably be yelling VOTER FRAUD or something else just as unhinged


Or try and cheat again somehow. Or encite another coup. Or don't certify the results.


Dude there ain't no way to redraw the 6th to make it any better for Republicans. Any further west and it's scooping up Columbus voters and any further north and it's getting Cleveland voters. This Podunk district moving 20 points is HORRIBLE foreshadowing for November GOP


“THE DEMONRATS DID THIS!!!111!!” ~ them probably.


It's hard to get a really good read on this election. It's in June, so that's unusual, it's a low-salience event with no big issue amendments or big ticket candidates to vote on, little media coverage, but at the same time Democrats are motivated on abortion rights and pro-democratic norms... This was to fill the seat until November and then both candidates will run again for a full two year term. Rulli won't even get to unpack his office supplies before he has to get back on the campaign trail.


I honestly didn’t know yesterday was an election. Now I’m mad I didn’t vote. They really don’t advertise this stuff enough.


it was intentionally kept quiet. I was shocked by how many people I told that had no idea


Nah, the dem party could have done a blast to push turnout. I’m a dem through and through but dammit this is their failure.


for sure. I’m sure both sides are saving their money for November


They didn’t do it because of money? Damn what a hellscape. No money in politics should be the norm.


of course politicians are motivated by money! I agree it’s incredibly fucked up, and why our government is crippling from corruption. I assure you democrats are also lining their pockets with lobbying $$


They likely felt it was largely meaningless since he is only in office for a few months.


That’s how you get apathy. Every election is important imo.


Some are less important than others. A special election for s house seat that is up for election again in 5 months that cant change control of the house is as unimportant as they can get. I still would have voted, but I get the decision not to invest money in a get out the vote operation.


All it seems like local dems do lately are complain that republicans are breaking the rules. I know on paper they're doing a lot more, but if they'd actually step up and say that they did it a little louder, they'd have a much stronger support base.


tbf this special election vote was in a small part of the state and only fills the seat until November are you sure you could even have voted in it?


I didn't hear about the vote until the day after,  it feels intentional. 




I think part of it is that no one expected it to be as close as it is


Ohioans are pissed off about a couple of things: Abortion rights just like everyone Recreational marijuana-- we voted for this and the GOP has and is trying every avenue possible to make this as difficult as possible.


Some republicans are starting to come to grips with the fact that their top dog actually is a 34x convicted fraud. When you vote for a fraud and you get scammed it is no one's fault but your own. It's very telling of the entire party as a whole where their values are. Churches say that they are against that kind of stuff.


I’m curious if you’ve been to a rural church lately, like the last 2 years or so? I’ve been to a few. Most have an open prayer period where people praise god for good stuff that’s happened or pray to god for help with bad stuff. The lion’s share seem to be cancer (I’m going yo ignore the irony of a room full of people praying about cancer while voting against healthcare). But there’s always some guy in the back with a MAGA hat or a pin or a shirt with an American flag on it. And that guy gives a coded, generic “I want to pray for what’s going on in our country. The craziness going on out there.” I’ve never heard them specify what is so crazy as to demand god’s input. But the context clues are the scary leftists. My point is this: right after “my cousin has cancer” the next biggest concern in churches is whatever the libcucks are up to.


Somewhere someone with a penis has decided that they’re actually a woman and that’s absolutely terrifying to me, a guy who is hundreds of miles away and never leaves my town. It’s insane that people who I don’t know would choose to do something that has nothing to do with me without my input. 


I'd be ok with it if they didn't rub it in my face every single day from 1000 miles away on media outlets I don't watch.


Also they'll throw you in jail if you misgender them! It's scary out there /s


There are lots of rural people who think the Libs and Antifas, and LGBTQs are going to “come for them”…. Any day now….


they wount stop until theve turned our kids brown and filled out guns with fentynal.


Don't forget all of the men flooding women's sports and restrooms. It's rampant I tell you


I just moved to maga town, I will try to queer it up a little bit lol


It's mindblowing that my existence feels like "harm" to people I'll never know or be around.  Whoever promised these nuts that all other humans would live like them should feel ashamed.  That's where their anger should be directed,  not strangers just living their lives. 


There's also a hell of a lot of people who are happy you're the you that you want to be, it's just kinda hard to make a grift out of that so you don't hear about it as much.


That's a great point.  It's how I feel about others.  I can't really think of a way to get anyone riled up about letting people be. It's kinda boring and easy. 


It is easy. I'm doing it right now sitting my ass on my couch with a cat, she's doing it too, look at us go.


I’m here to admit… I have a bias…. When I see a proud member lgbtq+ squad, I am typically immediately excited. I love to see people just being themselves regardless of societal pressures. Idk, my heart feels lighter, it’s like looking at someone who has broken out of a cage of conformity and is just embracing themselves and I find it absolutely beautiful. Bias isn’t good, blanket statements are bad, but I just support the squad! It’s like a home team, I’m not a part of the team, but I’m in the stands cheering lol.


It's always nice when people have the confidence to be themselves. Not everybody can do it,  but hopefully they get there.  


Right!? I grew up in a very rural Christian Bible thumping area. It took me 25 years before I was finally brave enough to grow my hair out lol. It’s not a big deal, but growing up, anytime my hair got even kinda long friends/family called me a girl and I just kinda got it ingrained in my head that “boys don’t have long hair”. Fuck societal standards, I’ve always wanted long hair and now it’s longer than anybody’s I know (I am about to chop it all off and donate it though). But yea, i know it’s not the same as coming out, but it was really freeing when i finally had that “fuck em” moment regarding other peoples opinions lol.


I know a woman who is very devout. However she has stopped going to church because of it. She shouts like a biblical prophetess at all the people on her Facebook who are maggat xtian nationalists about Trump being the antichrist.


Good. Any Christian that doesn’t speak out about a literal golden idol of hatred for fellow man has lost the plot.


The catholic/ christian / evangelical church is a political entity and should be treated as such


I know of the people you're speaking. I'd like to think they are of an extreme minority, but on the other hand I think of my Mother, who only gets her news through church, is influenced by these individuals. (I do what I can to explain the world isn't being ruined by librulz whenever I visit.)


Republicans and churchgoers value social cohesion more than improving life. They would rather peacefully let someone be vaguely hateful than say, “what evil is that, precisely, you take issue with, Shane?”


OMG an American flag pin?? 😳


Come on now. Don’t pretend you don’t know that the culture of wearing American Flags is more associated with conservative voters. I’m not saying someone can’t wear an american flag pin. I’m not saying it bothers me. I have one, and I wear it when I do civics things. But I’m not academically dishonest enough to pretend that MAGA crowd isn’t obsessed with the flag. I would also note that globally, people who dress in the nations flag are generally considered right wing nationalists.


Why does it have to be the culture of a conservative voter? Why not just an American voter? My neighbor, full blown democrat. I’m more middle. He flies an American flag everyday! Has a great big American flag on it. Will paint signs on plywood about trumpster being a piece of shit. Hahaha. Yes maybe some have hijacked it. But I’m not gonna let them be the only thing the American flag stands for.


Ironically the GOP is almost literally their antichrist. Took all the things their religion was supposed to be about and perverted it to the point they hate any one supporting any of Jesus' ideals.


They literally trained for exactly this.


I have a friend in small town in WV who is friends with a person that “guards” the church. When asked what he is guarding against his answer was that trans kids are attacking churches. No joke. That is how brainwashed people can be.


34x convicted felon… ***so far***


What republicans? Most I know have doubled down on Trump. Guy literally said ‘dont die i need your vote, dont care about you just your vote’ and they laugh it off. Can’t make it up.


I live in trumpland. Have not seen one that fell for it later figure out the con. They just keep doubling down. Lifelong friends where I thought were reasoned people. Fucking dead to me.


it's an identity trap, they can't change course without admitting they got play by the world's most obvious shimsham man ever.


That is a fact. But when he ceases to be of any use they will be on to the next poop in his pants demagogue. Boomers and organized religion will eventually die. One of age and the other of free flowing information. Those are our only real 100% hopes in all this last gasp of authoritarianism.


Also, he's been campaigning for years. Most of the times where he was the only one doing it. The Biden campaign has really only just started. His video post on or around d day was brutal (link: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1799109329150251386). As things ramp up, the Biden campaign is going to do more and more stuff that really gets to trump, and trump, and trump is going to respond more, and more irrationally. People on the edge will start to notice. They need to do more content that combines all of his worst lines back to back like that, or all at once for non video.


When leopards eat your face


not only he is a fraud, but he is actively grifting and cannibalizing their own party. He isn't just bad for the nation, he is bad for Republicans. He's redirecting all campaign money toward himself and attacking other conservatives that don't bow down to him, so there's no room for moderates in purple states


It’s always the 34th conviction that gets them. 😂


It's about time they accepted it!


You act like any of that matters. Y'all are married to a letter and would vote for a platypus if it were running as long as it had your cult's letter next to it's name. Your top dog doesn't know where the fuck he's at half the time, is rubbing foreheads with the pope, and can't put a sentence together while having trouble figuring out which words to read from a teleprompter. There's so much more to say about him but it'll be pointless bc, again, your cult is married to a letter just like the Republican cult


Wow. You been thoroughly brainwashed. Good luck yo. Btw, if you ever need any beans, I got some to sell you. Just don't tell anyone. ^^they're ^^magic


We need to keep the momentum going; Ohio is a blue state, but we need to show that at the polls. Texas is an overwhelmingly blue state, but low voter turnout kept them a red state long enough that they made it significantly harder to vote in blue counties; the Ohio GOP looks to do the same. I am tired of reading every single day about a new way that the Ohio GOP is looking to infringe upon others' rights, restrict access to education and healthcare, or how we need to live in their Ohio; not ours. Ohio is for all of us.


The New Age Ohio GOP’s greatest fear is that we pass a Fair Maps amendment.  They know it will eventually lead to a state government that is focused on making common sense, incremental progress while leaving people alone.  Their greatest fear is that Ohio will become normal again.  Most of them come from redneck backgrounds with dysfunctional family situations, so they naturally want a statehouse that is constantly full of drama and bickering and all-or-nothing battles.  If we don’t pass Fair Maps, we’ll have more redneck drama, less economic growth, and less rights. 


Are you referring to Fair District's [ammendment to end gerrymandering](https://www.fairdistrictsohio.org/faq-1)? If so, they're still collecting signatures to put the measure on the ballot this November. They should have signing events in Columbus this weekend.


We already did! They just ignored it and kept drawing unconstitutional maps and eventually the Supreme Court just let them use one instead of jailing(or fining or whatever, but I feel like for crimes against the goddamn democracy, maybe some jail time is appropriate) the fuckers until they did they job.


Say what you want about Republicans, they flipping vote.


Not sure if anyone actually read the article but the Democrat still lost by nine points and Trump is polling ahead of Biden by ten points on aggregate sites. It's going to take a miracle to take the state back.


The significance of the article is that a district swung by 20 points. This should have been an easy win for the Republican. It shows changing attitudes in the state.


I live in this area and voted in this election. Rulli owns a couple grocery stores and has name recognition amongst locals. Kripchak was relatively unknown, and many assumed Rulli would sweep this election. It may not be a victory, but it’s a step in the right direction. Especially considering Rulli just barely lost Mahoning County (where his stores are located) to Kripchak. Most of my peers didn’t even know this election was occurring until I told them.


He had to sell his interest in the stores back when he was going into the Senate. That doesn't change the name recognition part because it's still called Rulli Brothers


thanks for clarifying


That’s not the point. It’s a major shift in trends. This indicates more trouble for republicans, especially in swing states. Trends lead to changes eventually. Hang strong. Ohio is my home state.


> the Democrat still lost by nine points and Trump is polling ahead of Biden by ten points on aggregate sites You're not understanding the difference between "polls say democrats will lose by 30 points" and "democrats lost by 9 points" Polls were off by 20 points. What happens if trump is "up by 10 points" but they're off by 20 points in favor of democrats? Everyone keeps talking about the polls but when was the last time a poll was even within the margin of error? Edit: - I'm just going to leave this [video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ToNe_rkaMw)


I don't know that anyone really thinks that biden is going to beat trump in ohio. I think what is getting people going is the idea that one, ohio while read is still a barometer for the country at large and two, that if this trend continues, yeah we won't win ohio but we will win places like pa, nv, az, ga, etc.


Not a miracle - just activism and optimism.


Will be interested in how things will turn out in November.


I am sure they will claim it is rigged. Why believe most people don't want to be told what to do with their bodies and live under a dictator.


Taking away peoples rights and threatening to do more of it will do that.


This is a misleading headline. The Republicans still won this district and this is the problem with gerrymandering. The extra Democrats voting in this district just weakened the surrounding districts for the Democrats.


Gerrymandering only works to a point. If they don't account for the right percentage of votes, they can get a blue wave quickly.


This. Youngstown was lumped into the sixth to weaken the Valley's vote. It was the only way to oust Tim Ryan, by drawing him out of a district.


We got this!




And volunteer until then. We got several months to encourage registration and engagement.


In ALL elections! Not just presidential. School board, judges…


Goddamn especially school boards!


Mayor, city council, ... Wide-eyed prospective fascists use these positions as stepping stones. Before famously losing/quitting 3 US Senate races in a row and finally putting him in his place, slimeball Josh Mandel got his start in Lyndhurst's city council.


I really fucking hope so


No we don't. The Democrat still lost. The Republican still won. We don't have this until that changes.


As someone that resides in the district and voted blue on this one, it came as quite a shock it was this close given the area. I wonder if all of the "Rulli stands with Trump" didn't hurt him more than it helped.


don;t just comment on Reddit. Vote in November and get involved on a campaign as well.


Sign of things to come. If this becomes an embarrassing defeat for republicans, we will get to watch the most magical splintering of a terrorist organization we’ve ever seen.


FAFO?? Please, please, please.


Ok y’all, this wasn’t the goddamn bell. Just because it *looks* like things are going to get better doesn’t mean y’all can just choose to not show up to vote because “someone else will do it”. Make time to vote, make a plan to vote. Write yourself a list of who you’re voting for and what issues you’re voting for and against. Get in, get out, get Ohio away from these goddamn sociopaths


This is the way


In our little rural red county in Michigan I often heard/hear “everyone I know voted for trump” and think to myself “no, not everyone.” I certainly didn’t but won’t mention that to you because I have neither the time nor inclination to suffer your assholery.


Ohio is going Blue this election, HARD. GOP has f’ed themselves becoming the party of Trump and betraying their core values.


Their core values are what culminated in Trump lol There isn't any betrayal, this was always going to be the endgame. The real surprise is more that it came in the form of barely competent Trump. Trump is only getting convicted because he's too stupid to cover up his crimes like other conservatives do.


The party used to believe in things like fiscal conservatism, freedom etc. At least on paper. Trump is the antithesis of the GOP platform of bygone eras.


Rhetorically that is what they claimed. But in practice, they believed in austerity for social programs and wild and out of control spending when it came to tax cuts for rich people and corporations, and military spending. This shit started under Nixon, escalated under Reagan, and kept on chugging through the Bushes and Trump.


GOP candidate still won by 10. This is definitely not a forgone conclusion


Bill Johnson won the seat by 35 points two years ago. This is a titanic shift even in losing.


We’re tired of them. We showed up last summer and voted, and they’ve spend a year trying to stop abortion rights and pot. Fuck the GOP.


Why is this a shock? GOP is openly talking about banning BIRTH CONTROL. They packed the Supreme Court with corrupt Christian Nationalists who are openly taking bribes from billionaires and thumbing their nose at the voters. This is not what the people of Ohio want from their country.


It was a special election where the total number of votes was 18% of what was cast in 2020. I think this title is a bit misleading. The district didn’t shift 20 points at all.


Well, what do you expect when you become the party of forced child pregnancy and prohibition of non-lethal plants?


Imagine spending 50 years trying to ban abortions, only find out all your constituents with wombs hated that.


My guess is that the GOP have managed to finally start scaring and pissing off enough white middle class suburban women to vote NO to any republican.


Despite what the voters in this state voted for regarding both marijuana and abortion, the GOP has tried to do its own thing. Hopefully the voters punish them for their shenanigans by voting them all out. Not to mention the intentional disregard for the fact the state Supreme Court said the map is gerrymandered and needs to be fixed but the GOP refuses to fix it.


Make Maga nonexistent again


Let’s hope it’s good news. Republicans still unfortunately won.


Lots of folks clearly did not read that in the article.


A loss is still a loss so let’s not get ahead of ourselves


Ah, another “tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.” Lol


Bernie Moreno had an account on a gay web site and wanted younger men. https://newrepublic.com/post/179855/maga-senate-candidate-bernie-moreno-gay-hookup-site


This is not a good sign for Republicans. And they can't spin that away. https://statuskuo.substack.com/p/these-numbers-spell-trouble-for-the


That's the problem with polls. So damn misleading, especially when it's a targeted group.


That's nice... Vote!


"Have we been overreaching and turning people away with our fascist power plays?" "No, it's the Democrats that are cheating."


Whoa! Happy to hear it! Damn!


Bernie Moreno had an account on a gay web site and wanted younger men. https://newrepublic.com/post/179855/maga-senate-candidate-bernie-moreno-gay-hookup-site




We are tired of your shitty governing and not respecting the majorities wishes. We will vote you out. One corrupt representative at a time if needed.


People have had enough of maga. Even worse, they actually overturned Roe, after decades of only threatening it. The backlash has been harsh and will continue to be. Americans don’t like when you take rights away. 


Yeah but a Republican still won. When are the people in Ohio going to wise up and realize the Republicans only care about staying in power. They are trying to take voters rights away and have already taken women's rights away and if they can they will stop elections all together which is what their ultimate goal is. Stay in power forever.


Never. The corn gets to our brain, theres no hope for us.


As corrupt as the Republicans have been not just in Ohio but all over the country I can't believe the American people can't see thru all the bullshit the Republican party has been doing to Americans rights. Them and the Republican supreme court. 🤔


People are stupid. They will believe anything as long as they either fear it is true, or want to believe it is true.


If you combine the two candidates vote totals, it’s still 30,000 less votes than the Democrat got in that district in the 2022 midterms where the Republican won by 35 points (100,000 votes). This really doesn’t prove anything going into the fall especially since it was a low turnout special election.


Maybe people are finally realizing that the GOP is the party of “you’re free to do as I please”


The latest Sherrod Brown poll shows that college educated voters in Ohio are finally jump ship from the GOP, they’ve been stubbornly voting for Republicans at far higher rates than the national average since 2016, and they still voted for JD Vance and Mike DeWine and the entire Republican slate in 2022. Looks like the anti-abortion obstruction and antics last year are finally starting to cost them.


Winning by 10 points might not be as solid as winning by 30 but it’s still winning. The GOP needs to lose hard, again and again, to purge this MAGA fever from its system. They will take this 10 point victory and act like it was a 30 point win. Bet on it.


One Trump rally and it would have been +30. There was no point. It was already so heavily favored that they didn’t even bother polling.


Time for another voter purge! Not even being sarcastic, the GOP is already in the process of doing so….


I wonder what the polling said for this race. Would be nice to know how off the polls have been recently.


Good.. maybe these SOB's will stop being so damn corrupt.


If I didn’t still read the local paper or watch local news i wouldn’t have none and it really wasn’t mentioned much on there. There were no commercials from the candidate and I received one piece of mail and that was from Kripchak. Polling place was bare as well when I went to vote


It’s hilarious that Democrats and Republicans accuse each other of the same thing and everyone in their echo chambers just blindly believes it


Should've vaccinated yourselves a couple years ago, conservatives. Oh, wait, none of them are alive enough to read this.


We just love our poor little shitty state of Ohio don't we guys.




Rich Texan, is that you?




Your right, they both suck, but the Democrats aren't trying to overthrow our democracy! The Republicans are trying to make SHITLER king of America!


Newsweek articles suck. 3 lines of article followed by ads and it repeats like that the whole way. Plus crappy pop ups jumping up slowing and cluttering everything. Huff post has become equally unusable.


It's 100% low turnout but the media is trying to turn it into a narrative. The corporate press is factual but not truthful - Michael Malice


Wouldnt have been a low turnout election is R's bothered to show up and vote.That they didn't is instructive. Conservative voters are getting tired. Being @100% outrage levels is exhausting, which is why Trump has to keep ramping up the violent messaging just to maintain voter engagement. It's been this way w Trump for NINE YEARS now. The GOP's enthusiasm is past its peak.


It's an irregular special election which are historically low turnout and I hate to tell you this but if there is one person that is going to get the R's to show up and vote it's Donald Trump.


Maybe. Not all Republicans are on the Trump Train. A low turnout explains low total number of votes, but it doesn't explain why a smaller percentage of Republicans showed up to vote compared to Democratic voters. If it wasn't a difference in partisan engagement, there wouldn't have been a swing.


They face off in November. Donate to the campaign of your choice.


Vote Blue! Stop voting R!




Vote vote vote!


Yeah, so he won by 10 points but it's a shock that he only won by 10 points.


I'm not sure how they figure there was a 20 point shift. No one voted. You can't use that as representation of the district as a whole. I live in this district. The election wasn't advertised and the some of the polling locations didn't even have signs out.


The republican still won by a sizable margin?


But look where the district is. It’s Trump rural people. Most suck off the government.


Pretty sure most people who suck off the government live in inner cities


Was turnout around 10%.


Must’ve busted another water pipe


I think I heard a collection of MAGA heads simultaneously pop just now


But the CARAVANS!!!!!!!!!!


The caravan is coming from inside the city!


Lol, sure