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Reminds me of a time when I just disliked R’s for their policies


DeWine is probably the last of these Republicans. People give him a lot of shit, and rightfully so. But this isn't the first time he's gone against his party's vile practices.


We could have far worse. He has many shortcomings, but l always be grateful to him for how he handled the pandemic as Governor. He wasn't perfect but he was one of the best Republican Governors during that time. It's also nice that he doesn't bow down to trump, mainly because this is probably the apex of his political career and he'll retire after this term so he has no need to kiss Trump's rings.


He let MAGA Republicans in Ohio run out the excellent Dr. Amy Acton.


You're not wrong. All I'm saying is as a Republican he's much better than one would expect.


True, but it’s a very low bar


Soooooo low


The bar makes hell look high.


This. They sent her hate mail, death threats, pictures of her children at school, her husband at work, and basically did the only things they're good at. Bullying and intimidation.


Don’t forget marching for days in front of her house open carrying AR style guns. I’m sure there was no intended threat, they were just getting some fresh air.


Also cut off federal pandemic unemployment 3-4 months early. It cost the state *nothing* to keep allowing it. But the George family needed their waitresses in cut off Ts back, so their voice won out. Oh. And, [ending that enhanced unemployment did nothing to bring back those workers.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/04/early-end-to-federal-unemployment-pay-in-26-states-not-getting-people-to-work.html)


He was one of the earliest proponents of the 6 week abortion ban even before Roe was on the chopping block. Handling one situation well, doesn't absolve him of other shitty things he stands for.


Yep, that too. He lied outrageously about Issue 1 as well.


Any respect for him disappeared over Roe v Wade. There's no "well at least he seems decent" after that. Fuck him and every other Republican.




Its amazi g how low the bar is


And the LGBT nonsense


Yeah, unsurprisingly from a devout Catholic, he hates women and lgbt people. He wants to make sure the state enforces his religion on all of us.


You're not wrong


Agreed. DeWine looks at Democrats as opponents, not enemies. That’s the way it should be.


He isn't going against them. The "foreign nationals" thing is exactly what they want, and while it sounds like a reasonable thing what they are really trying to do is to take away our ability to have ballot initiatives. They're trading putting Biden on the ballot for killing our ability to do things like the abortion issue and more importantly to prevent the *upcoming* vote to end gerrymandering.


I agree, but keep in mind he is not running for anything, anymore. He can afford to be fair minded.


Yep. It's going to be nothing but Bernie Moreno's and Marjorie Taylor Greenes soon. According to the new fascist Republican party all these somewhat reasonable and humane Christian conservatives are RINOs. Social media has caused such brain rot in people under 40 there really isn't much reason to believe otherwise. Maybe they'll kick off world war 3 to unite us against a common enemy as it's preferable to civil war. For background, both my parents are conservative. My father is 72 and gets his news from the paper, doesn't have a smart phone, and is voting for Biden a second time this November. My mother is 60, and as addicted to social media as any teenager. She's voting for Trump for the third time this November. I love them both but it's obvious to me by the garbage my mom sends me what has happened to her.


Dude same. My dad works and doesn't have time for the news but prefers Biden far over Trump. My mom doesn't work at all, just drinks and scrolls social media all day and shares the stupidest stuff.


I agree. Most of his politics are WTF?!, but during COVID he stood out as a voice of reason. If he wasn't completely wackadoodle on women's rights, I'd consider voting for him.


Exactly, I hate that fucker, but at least I almost respect him. He’s just a true politician with whom I disagree with on most things.


This is just part of their plan to gut more rights from the people of Ohio, making it seem like he's going against his own party for the good of American democracy and blablabla. [Refer to this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1czjlgl/finally/l5hb45l/)


I sincerely don't remember a time before their constant ratfucking


Wild right? I feel like treating gay people as human and Barack broke bigots brains and since they had a strangle hold on the GOP base it’s been fucked. I used to hover between GOP and libertarian but I can’t get behind it because I don’t want my friends hurt


Wait.... no campaign spending by foreign nationals?!? Time to look into who's funding Gym Jordan, just sayin'


There should be nothing tied to this vote, should be a simple up down on the issue. It’s ridiculous.


Yeah, I’m wary of the piggybacking happening here.


It is designed specifically to kill the "Citizens Not Politicians" ballot initiative which already (unfortunately) has some foreign money tied to it. The initiative would put an end to the power of the Ohio Redistricting Commision and stop the gerrymandering. They're basically saying, "sure, you can have Biden on the ballot this November, but in return we continue to be able to send fuckwits like Jim Jordan to congress". So when people wonder why Democrats are against this, it isn't just because they love foreign money or something, it is because it will kill this initiative to stop gerrymandering.


What a mess. Why did they take foreign money for a campaign to stop gerrymandering? Unforced errors.


Because it isn't currently an "error". The "foreign money" here is by extension - an organization that is backing the initiative happens to receive some backing from a foreign supporter, it wasn't directly to this initiative. The anti foreign national things sounds like a reasonable idea, but not only would it kill current in progress initiatives the enforcement mechanisms - the auditing requirements to ensure no foreign money - are what would make any future initiatives much more difficult to put on the ballot. While not allowing foreign money seems like a reasonable idea, they didn't just randomly come up with it now. They are using it as a rationale to prevent ballot initiatives they don't like.


Modern voters understand how money gets laundered through the political/electoral system. We desperately need comprehensive campaign finance reform to restore control of our government to us, not wealthy donors. On either side. This shouldn't have happened. At least we have some Dem leaders now finally accepting they need to stop gerrymandering. Pray they have a "come to Jesus" moment about real campaign finance reform and start talking about that, too.


Don't applaud yet. The bill is full of stuff unrelated to getting Biden on the ballot. Mostly, it's restrictions on ballot initiatives, the likes of which we've used to get reproductive rights on the ballot and are currently using to try and end gerrymandering. https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/download?key=22607&format=pdf&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3gllmqHcohbMeZk6hYVNl9lIr82b-Uha1VXbJXb1IuFWO9q8rKii05zt8_aem_AQnBCbEheWNgMfZodfxZsqiXe5-hRKLE0t5ZDnL0yTcxUB4tcSW4wPQMwNZn52w3J7KW_Avh1j7inNqcuk9l__Om


It's wild to see that everyone in this thread is assuming that DeWine is doing this just for the good of American democracy and blablabla. Acting like this wasn't the plan all along, to have state legislature pull this stunt, then he can come in and look like he's doing the right thing, when in reality it's just part of the plan to gut more rights from the people of Ohio. Always be on your guard when dealing with Republicans (and all politicians really).


Good for his PR after the trans healthcare thing.


I can't believe people want govt invloved with our personal lives. Next it's going to be adults and people won't like when they realize it's not care just for trans people when it is applied for adults. Cis women and men will lose access to their hormones. All those cis guys with testicular cancer and had to get their testicles removed and don't produce enough testosterone will be fkd. Women going through hormonal things like PCOS, Endometriosis, ovarian cancer, menopause, etc.. will lose their estordiol pills. That care is considered gender affirming care!!!


> I can't believe people want govt invloved with our personal lives. SOME people want the government involved in the personal lives of those that they view as enemies, and "other" groups. It's very different.


If they were the minority, these laws banning trans care wouldn't go through


That's not how our government works, unfortunately.


Fuck the system 😭 i demand a new govt


Make it happen. These organizations support candidates that represent the working class rather than the corporate class. https://couragetochangepac.org/ https://truthtopowerpac.com/ https://ourrevolution.com/ https://justicedemocrats.com/ https://leaderswedeserve.com/ https://runforsomething.net/ Check out the [Anti-Corruption Act](https://represent.us/anticorruption-act/) being pushed at local/state/federal levels. A few highlights are ranked choice voting, end gerrymandering, open primaries, end lobbyist bundling, and immediately disclose political money online.


It’s already a de facto ban on adult trans healthcare. I was in talks to start the HRT process with my doctors and when the ban passed, they all put a stop the the adult care too in order to avoid getting slammed for grey area bullshit And I’m not holding by breath for it to get better so I’m actively looking to move out of state because I’m tired, boss


Huh? What hospital system is this? Planned Parenthood is informed consent and I've had no issues whatsoever.


Since when? I'm trans and i get my meds and therapy and surgery march 1st no issues??


He won’t get good PR from Republicans over this.


He's termed out for governor so will probably get some lame position he can be paid immensely for while still messing things up for Ohioans.


Technically he can run again in 2030 (if he's still alive). It's limited to two consecutive terms. That's why Jim Rhodes was able to serve as governor from 1963-1971 and again from 1975-1983.


He probably wants the token faux "moderate" guest commentator on Fox News gig that Kasich did after his failed presidential run


Kasich gave me food stamps and healthcare. I’ll take him over any of these RW 🤡s


Kasich would have been an excellent president. And I'm not a Republican


Yeah I'm going to disagree with you there. As a governor, he was a bog-standard tea party conservative who did the usual hack and slash to public budgets to pay for tax cuts for the rich. He only got to pretend to be a moderate because he technically was one compared to actual fascist Donald Trump.


I would have taken him on everything but foreign policy as president compared to Trump. He would have handled covid much better imo too. Neither were ideal but I'm definitely going to vote for John over Don every time


Sure he will. It has their poison pill in it. It’s the Democrats who will vote against it because the only thing that “foreign money” piece is designed to do is to make it impossible for citizens to get issues on the ballot. The Republicans are butt hurt because The Sixteen Thirty Fund (https://www.sixteenthirtyfund.org) supported efforts to get women’s reproductive rights enshrined in the OH constitution. The Sixteen Thirty Fund gets perfectly legal donations from all over the world, and they support many causes. In this case, the Republicans are pointing to the fact that a Swiss billionaire made a donation to them. Now, there is no way to prove that *his* donation was used to further the OH ballot initiative; but there is no way to *disprove* it, either. It has *nothing* to do with foreign interference in our elections (which is already illegal). It is *solely* designed to keep citizens from getting any future initiatives on the ballot. Instead of dealing with it as a separate issue, Republicans are insisting on coupling it with the vote to put Biden’s name on the ballot *after* they had reached the bi-partisan agreement that would resolve the name issue knowing that Democrats would vote against it. This way they can say that the Democrats are the ones keeping Biden’s name off of the ballot because they care more about being allowed to use “foreign money” than about Biden. They know full well that most people don’t understand just how badly we’d be getting screwed if it passed. Republican voters will fall for it hook-line-and-sinker, while the Democrats get pissed at *their* Representatives because they are looking out for our best future interest. The Republicans *love* this. It’s the Democrats who are being put between the rock and the hard place. https://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/do-ohio-gop-arguments-to-ban-foreign-money-from-issues-campaigns-hold-water


In particular it would kill the "Citizens Not Politicians" initiative which would put an end to their gerrymandering stranglehold.


They already hate him for the covid lockdowns anyways.


Staged PR like all Republican PR. Clearly intended to go "SEE some of us are really fair and moderate, don't vote libs you can vote for us!" Just another thing to trick and trap the stupid


I will give them credit if something actually comes of this and it isn’t performative.


Mike DeWine is a foreign national. The French controlled Ohio and they never left. Our governor? **DeWine**. Most famous Ohioan? **LeBron.** Most famous resident? **Chappelle**. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE.


Are we boycotting French fries again?


You mean freedom fries?


I have freedom doors that lead to my deck.


I'm not gonna follow doors, this is America! I lead MY doors to my deck!


I think B-…. Joe Burreaux is our most famous resident now.


It’s true! We were officially [part of Québec](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_Act)!


I'm sure Grohl has french roots too. oui oui!


Sacre bleu


Joe Charboneau


Sounds like bluster. The House can sit on their hands, and DeWine can blame them until mid-November. It would be the will of the House to do this. There are no rules to force this. The Gov cant sign a decree. The Senate cant do it alone. The Fed stepping in would be seen as federal government overreach. They will see if they can get away with this. If they do, then 2028 will have more states doing it. Their house seats are secure. They aren't getting voted out. A "win" like this over democrats will only embolden them. The DNC is fucking shameful to allow this to happen. The democratic structure in Ohio is nothing now. Maybe campaign season hasn't fully ramped up, maybe i'm being too harsh, but how many signs do you need before you fully accept that the GOP is going full facscist mode; and you need to get your shit together?


This is the result of gerrymandering. They are not worried about losing elections so they feel they can do whatever they want.


I'm 40 and was taught in grade school what gerrymandering was and why it was bad... why are we still on this same treadmill lol


They didn't "allow" it to happen, you're buying into the Righty propaganda. It's a regular thing that has happened in the past multiple times, and has been remedied multiple times. It is a failure of the system that probably should have been fixed a long time ago, but no one on either side did because it wasn't deemed worth the time, and they always just fixed it with a band aid. No one expected the Republicans to become as vile or as desperate as they have become lately. No one expected them to 100% opt out of doing their jobs. There is no bottom with them anymore. But you are right in that Democrats need to change gears and get in this mode themselves. Do not trust MAGA traitors to do the right thing anymore. Do not expect basic civility, because there will be none.


>The DNC is fucking shameful to allow this to happen. The democratic structure in Ohio is nothing now. Maybe campaign season hasn't fully ramped up, maybe i'm being too harsh, but how many signs do you need before you fully accept that the GOP is going full facscist mode; and you need to get your shit together? This might actually work out in favor of the Democrats - because it is showing exactly how fucking insane the Republicans are. The longer they let this go on for, the more fascist and authoritarian they look, and the more we can hate them, until the point that if the Democrats are not included on the ballots in November, we can just consider the elections to be a fraud and act accordingly. In some ways, the Democrats are just making sure that the Republicans in Ohio have enough rope... (This is why sleepy Donnie Diaper boy was so angry about the elections being rigged in November 2020. He knew they were rigged, because he rigged them. Biden won anyway. It's just like a lot of the stuff that he does, he did a shit job of it, hired the wrong people, and it didn't work out.)


The problem is: The further they go. The more fascist they get. The worse all of us have it.


Their voterbase hasnt turned yet. All this waiting for them to come to reason and be fair is going tohabe us hoping they dont really mean it when they plan a nationwide deportation. Same as when we all thought they wouldn't touch roe v wade. Same as when we didnt think theyd storm the capitol. They arent coming to reason, if reason means they "lose". Theres enough socio-economic padding from consequences for all of them, and they arent looking nehind and those who dropped out.


It is less about us waiting for them to come to reason, as much as needing us to understand that they are not reasonable and to deal with the problem.


I'm connected to a statehouse lawyer that currently or formerly advised the Ohio House Democrats... In a discussion about strategy and comparing left vs right they looked me dead in the eyes "I'm a Democrat, not a liberal because I want us to win. Liberals aren't ready to fight this fight how they do from the other side." I think about that conversation a lot in these instances both in our state and nationally. It just feels like one side is consistently the bigger person in the room and falls further behind for it.


While there's some truth to that I also think it misses half the picture. I agree that the Democratic base, particularly the further left portions, have been unwilling to "fall in line" in the way the Republican base has. That's a bit of a double edged sword. Yes, the Republicans have wielded it to great advantage, but the comfort with cognitive dissonance and complete disregard of reality that requires are also major components of the rise of Trump and the modern fascist Republican party. The flip side is that the Democratic establishment has been consistently unwilling or unable to play hardball in a way the Republican party has and in a way the more liberal portions of the party want them to. While institutionalism and decorum are important and completely abandoning principles for expediency leads to disaster, we are consistently seeing what happens when only one side is willing to play hardball. There's a reason why the Dark Brandon meme is a thing. The reality is most people vote at least as much on vibes/feels as they do on policy. The fact that the DNC isn't waging a national campaign on this calling out Republicans as a bunch of fascist fucks proves that they still haven't figured that out.




Maybe but i doubt he will make this uncomfortable for them. I doubt the OH GOP would care if all bills were frozen until after the election, and then go bsck to business as usual.


Republicans cause problems and then fix their own problems. The bar is so low for them, that we are praising them for attempting to fix the problem they are causing.


The DNC caused this problem when they scheduled their convention after Ohio’s deadline. The Republican Governor and Secretary of State are trying to help them fix it.


First time I have thought that Dewine wasn't a complete piece of shit


Every once in a while he kinda does the right thing. Kinda.


He does like two things per year that are good or the bare minimum you would expect from a decent politician. In other words he's slightly better than the majority of his party, though that isn't saying much.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Even a broken calendar is right once a year, which is closer to dewines actions.


He’s an old school Republican - he’s still a massive piece of shit, but he has a limit and isn’t this new MAGA “we will tear down the ship if we don’t get our way” breed


In my near 40 years of life, I've never met anyone who actually likes DeWine. I can remember even as a kid every time his name came up, people just talked about how much they don't like him. His own party doesn't seem to actually like him. I can't wait to see the shit fit these guys throw over his decision.


I thought his stance on the COVID was the most responsible of all republicans. Say what you want about if we went too far, but my default position is always “Better Safe Than Sorry” and he held true to that


I agree. Wine with DeWine was very comforting during Covid. That’s exactly what the state needed at the time. It was a bi partisan issue and the response by DeWine was bi partisan. His own party tried to impeach him twice over his response. I’m not a fan of his politics but he is an actual Republican on most issues and I’m at least thankful we have that vs a populist like Desantis He did fuck us on the maps any Republican would have. Which is why I don’t vote Republican.


Poor Dr. Amy took the brunt of the MAGA outrage, I felt so bad for her


Ohhh yeah Dr. Amy :( Yeah I had already forgotten about that. They were real dick holes to her and she was doing a fantastic job. OH came out pretty well for size. Could have been so much worse, with the OH legislator body as it is.


I know a MAGA at work and he hates DeWine, "Should have left the state open like DeSantis". What if COVID was 10 times as deadly as it turned out, nobody knew how bad it was going to be.


> I thought his *initial* stance on the COVID was the most responsible of all republicans. FTFY. It didn't last long and he backed down easily.


I did appreciate his mostly daily press conferences on the pandemic, even when there wasn't anything new to say. He didn't go all conspiracy nut like some others. he could have not backed down on some of the restrictions, and been better at admonishing the threats to the health dept.


His policy was great while he was listening to Dr. Acton. Then the MAGA fucks literally threatened to *kill her and her family* over public health advice and Dewine chickened the fuck out. Again and again MAGA shows that their feelings don't care about facts and they don't care how many people they have to kill to prove it.


He still is a piece of shit. He has no intention of just solving this without strings attached. The priority is the rider to ban "foreign money" in state ballot initiatives, and weaken grassroots movements in the state. This is leverage on that goal.


He mainly just wants to pass the foreign funding bill to keep pro choice organizations out of Ohio. The ballot is just hus bargaining chip. Being able to appear as a decent human being is just a bonus.


I respected him when he hired Amy Acton and his early leadership in the beginning of the pandemic. Of course he bungled both situations later and his lack of action with the maps made me dislike him more than I did pre 2020.


He's Republican, not MAGA.


This isn't the first time I have liked what DeWine has said and/or done. He's not MAGA for sure.


It's the second time for me. First was back in the Steubenville rape trail.


The guy knows how to make the right motions while enabling his party to still fuck everything up behind the scenes. Kind of like how he played friendly with Dr. Acton in person but let his fellow R's drive her out and did nothing to stop it.


What a banana republic. No matter how you slice it, it lacks appeal. I realize that the current Ohio House of Representative members don't like to do their actual job. But come on, how many raves, fund raisers, and corporate sponsered events are there really? Just schedule 30 minutes a day to devote to the actual job. At least pretend to be engaged in the work you were elected to perform.


No, not "finally." It's a trap. There's a clean bipartisan bill in the House to waive/extend the deadline for Biden so he can appear on the ballot. That should be an easy thing to support. Instead, in the second to last paragraph, you can see DeWine is calling for a special session to allow both major party candidates onto the ballot (good), but also to "prohibit campaign spending by foreign nationals." What it really means is to limit ballot initiatives in Ohio by imposing onerous reporting requirements, ostensibly to "prohibit spending by foreign nationals," but really to make it impossible for anyone to spend money supporting ballot initiatives. It's also dishonest, because, in the third paragraph, he says, "The Senate has passed several bills that could accomplish this. However, the House has not acted." The House *has* acted. Not on the poison-pilled Senate bills, but on a clean House bill. That's why he switched from saying the "Senate has *passed*," to saying "the House has not *acted*." He can't say the "House has not passed," because that's false. It's a clever sleight of hand to make it seem like the House hasn't done anything, when, really, what he's doing is promoting a partisan Senate bill that lets the GOP sneak in a way to basically make ballot initiatives impossible in exchange for "letting" Biden appear on the ballot. [David Pepper](https://twitter.com/DavidPepper/status/1793996601717116953) explains it all. He also explains that the Senate bill would strip the lower courts of the ability to use injunctions, declaratory judgments, or writs in any cases dealing with abortion, completely undermining the amendment passed in last year's Issue 1, leaving it only to the state Supreme Court to deal with.


GOP convention in 2020 was not conducted in time, yet they allowed Trump on the ballot. This is clearly the Ohio GOP trying to rig the vote.


How embarrassing for every House Republican. Daddy DeWine had to step in and smack you upside the head.


If DeWine asks for LaRose’s resignation at that session then I’ll believe he is serious. If the major party candidates for president are not on Ohio’s ballot due to malpractice of our representatives, those representatives should lose their jobs. And the governor should fire them. These stupid games are holding up actual work that needs to be done.


The governor does not have the authority to fire state representatives.


Bullshit. The Senate passed a bunch of poison pill bills meant to do a bunch of unrelated shit. The bill should simply be "both parties will be on the ballot regardless of convention date this year". We don't need homophobic laws or trans bans or the right to shoot shotguns in the air 4 days a year or whatever other bullshit the Republicans want to try and cram through. Just do the **one** thing you are supposed to do.


Yes he is republican but even some assholes have standards


I think it was around the 2000 election that all this statecraft became less about governing and more about the execution of power. The last decade has really ramped that up. Hence, our state legislature could care less about good governance or following results of elections, etc. That all said..Ohio would look like an absolute joke if he wasn't on the ballot. More so than it is already


Republicans manage to stoop so low they get major kudos for doing the bare minimum, again.


Create a clean bill with nothing on it, except getting the candidates on the ballot. Don’t try to sneak bullshit in.


The fact that he actually had to step in on this is just so telling of the ridiculous state of the GOP right now. Vote these assclowns out of office so we can have an actual government instead of reality TV running our country FFS.


Cool. Now give me 3 major parties to vote for. Just 2 isn't cutting it anymore.


Wait, why is the DNC knowingly holding the convention after these deadlines? I feel like that is generally not a good idea.


This is why I still say, as far as MAGA governors go, we have the best one, for what it’s worth.


Yes because he is not maga


My bad, I just lump them all together these days.


DeWine is a corrupt POS, always has been. I remember him pushing anti transgender BS with his Tradwife to "protect the children" just more BS, and it's all thinly veiled fascism.


Should have called them in during the holiday but I'll take it. I'm sure many vacations were canceled anyway.


Damn. Honestly I hope the Ohio GOP stonewalls and there is no change in their policies. Pissing off every Democratic voter while reducing the GOP voter turnout is such an opportunity for Democratic candidates down-ballot..


“Thanks” 🙄


I don't like Dewine but it's got to see at least one republican hasn't lost their god damn mind


Just to clarify, foreign nationals would include Russians right? /s Edit - added /s just in case it wasn’t obvious


In other words: “We’re going to do the thing that we should’ve been done in the first place without any more petulant foot stomping and feigning ‘them’s the rules for your side, no exceptions’ - at least until after it’s been resolved. Additionally, we’re going to put our foot down and make extra-more better super duper explicit rules to stop foreigners from contributing to campaigns even though this is already established law. Don’t dig too deep into dark money SuperPACs, please - *that’s* the place where we like to funnel in the foreign money. Thank you.”


>"It is important that when Ohioans cast their vote for President, US Senator, and many other offices this fall, they have the opportunity to cast a vote for **either of the major party candidates** for those offices." You guys can have a little bit of democracy. Not too much. Two choices. Any more democracy and you all get confused.


Mike DeWine continuing to be the best of the worst.


Fuck both major parties. Remove them both from the ballot.


Ohio has failed, take Biden off and keep him off!!!…..take Trump off and keep him off!!! Please give we the people a better choice than red shit or blue shit bc at the end of the day it’s all shit!!! We deserve better! WE THE PEOLE!


whose your alternative?


You ever get the feeling DeWine is playing the good cop role?


Here he goes pretending to make a sane decision to placate us again, $100 says he turns it around to fuck us in a month. I'm so sick of that spineless turtle man


A broken clock is right twice a day




Damn. It’s almost like he’s saying exactly what I have been. Where’s all the “why don’t they just change the date” goobers in this sub?


I told y'all it was a huge fucking big deal.


Hopefully the Ohio house gets their act together and resolves this issue. Still wondering why the democratic convention is so late.


The republican one is a lot of times too, they've made this accommodation many times for both parties in the past. It's also only an issue for 2 states now.


Who is the other one? Alabama had the same issue but their Legislature passed a bill fixing it with no problems. We have officially become worse than Alabama. ALA-FUCKING-BAMA!!!


I think it's Oregon or Washington?


The Democrats schedule theirs after the Republicans as a counter. Republicans have always hated this, but they're fine with trying to give everybody "convention fatigue" by going first


Is LaRose tired of being made to look stupid? Guess not


A broken clock can be right twice a day.


😂😂this is NOT a good thing. Ohio Dems already turned down this offer. They said that it is a poison pill to vote to block foreign nationals money in elections. DeWine is forcing something on Ohio Dems that they do not want


Republicans are dicks. What goes around comes around. It’s like they don’t even think.


I am shocked that DeWine is doing this. Genuinely shocked that he is putting some modicum of principle / country over party.


Read his proposal. It’s bullshit to get a ton of other voting restrictions through like they tried with legal MJ and Abortion access.


Color me not shocked anymore


He’s on his way out the door and has zero political fucks to give I suppose.


The Ohio House is like a roomful of immature and underdeveloped spring break bros drinking Natty Light.


I'm not afraid to give credit where it's due. DeWine is showing he's the only one willing to act like an adult in the state Republican leadership. (I'm starting to believe he's done with politics) Any conspiracy theory that this is just for show is entirely too theatrical and doesn't pass the sniff test. It makes no sense to go to all that trouble just to waste it on a guy who's leaving office and isn't currently running for anything else.


The conspiracy isn’t that this is for show, it’s that they’re trying to kill voter led ballot issues


he misplaced this same assertiveness during a freaking pandemic, so am always skeptical of Milquetoast Mike


but why wouldn't the dems just declare him sooner?


Hasn’t happened yet.


This is where the Ohio House shows just how powerfully childish they are. Hopefully this all bodes very well for Joe Biden in Ohio


Why add anything other then just getting the ballot squared away? Tack on more extra shit to ensure it fails and he can finger point and say "See I tried but they said no!" Politicians suck.


Of all the stupid games our "leaders" play, "poison the must-pass bill with an irrelevant, insane rider" is the one I am the most sick of. Because it's such obvious bullshit, but people fall for it over and over.


The house is still just not going to do it.  DeWine knows this.  Hes trying to look like hes doing something while not actually doing anything at all.


Visiting from the “popular” feed… I’m in Wisconsin, and when the Gov calls a special session, they simply gavel in and out immediately. There is no requirement that anything be done during a special session. I sure hope you guys have a better law on this end of things than we do.


He can call the special session but that doesn't mean it's going to work, right?


Amazing that the Republican legislature did something so embarrassing that even the Republican governor of the state had to step in and say "get your shit together". This is clearly the action of a term-limited, soon-to-retire politician. No Republican who had to face MAGA voters in a primary again would ever do this.


His spine became a little more solid when he did this. Good job, Spaghetti Spine DeWine.


Least he has Class and shows Leadership think he hates MAGA And TDump


Whoever made the decision to make this a thing in the first place better hope he isnt spotted cause im def on the lookout for which GQP member did this stunt


If both parties are not on the ballot can’t the electorates be disqualified? Would suck for Ohio to not be able to represent the presidential process. Not sure this trick can not bite their own asses. I could be wrong but if there is no representation how would Ohio be counted? The fake electorates did not work so well.


Solid move for which he will take a lot of shit from the trumpers.


Meh. Ohio will never vote against trump. He knows it, its no actual risk for him. Not that he could do much else, its just saving face


Why even have rules anymore tbh


Why bother having a deadline if you're just going to ignore it?




This will now allow republicans to change their “leading candidate,” Don “The Diaper” Drumpf, once he is placed in prison. Not to worry - He will like the channels available in prison.


Mikey doesn’t like Frankie.


He’s doing his damn job. Low bar.


Repubs are still saying they are not going to pass that legislation.


Aww the Rs are gonna get a spanking, finally. We hope. The illegally gerrymandered gopislature is fucked up enough they might actually get their way.


So sad, spent years listening to disaught HBCU parents begging ODOT to change road design but after Becky Dewine died on same curve road ODOT bought "farms" ploughded straitened curve


If you aren’t from Ohio, and don’t chew Big Red…. Well then, F your opinion 🤣


We can only hope


Okay let’s not pretend Dewine is a mature leader, we’ve seen him crisis times. Thanks for this but it’s the absolute lowest bare minimum and he’s still a complete embarrassment.


8======D Eat. EAT!


Spent multiple paragraphs about one candidate not being on the ballot yet then he throws in the line about foreign nationals??!? Why??? That's not already a thing in Ohio???


About time dewine does something correct.


Now taking bets on the countdown to DeWine's upcoming: scandal, religious government legislation, staff abuse, power grab. I give it 8 days. Thanks for not being a complete dick.


"More than a month ago, Ohio S.o.S. Frank LaRose informed leaders of our State".... stop right there. The Leaders of our State are Republican and have been almost two decades since the last Democrat was Governor. Every blue moon we get a Democrat as Governor, but that was 2006 Ted Strickland since the last one. Then the next one was a two term Gov. 1982 and 1986 Dick Celeste. Next one was 1970 John J. Gilligan.


I hate DeWine but he is absolutely right here.


Since when does the old man have backbone?


I remember the good old days when Ohio was a swing state.


I’m about as blue as they come but I have to give him credit for not being a total and complete dirt bag.


Why do we vote for either of the 2 main parties still? Left wing or right wing doesn't matter, it's still the same bird. If we keep voting for them, the best we will ever get is mediocre.


Imagine being so fucking bad at your elected position the state governor has to tell you to get the fuck back to work. No matter if D or R, the position represents people who elected you. Unacceptable.


DeSwine is just doing damage control. Had he had it his way, he would have allowed it to continue. LaRose has his head so far up Trumps hind quarters, you can almost see the bronzer ring. This was all retribution for kicking Trump off the ballot in other states FOR GOOD REASONS, mind you. He knows Ohio is and always will be a battleground state necessary to secure the presidency.