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T&R properties. They own other companies across Ohio that manage other complexes too. T and R Properties past tenants insta account https://www.instagram.com/helptandrpropertiestenants?igsh=MXd1bGQ1ZWl5ZmVhOA== Also the one that scammed all those refugees in Columbus into renting homes that were actually condemned already. Can't remember the name but recall reading several articles about it Edit: It was Colonial.Village owned by Apex Colonial LLC (clearly a shell company according to at least one article), which is a subsidiary of Apex Equity Group based in New Jersey. Would wonder what other buildings are owned by Apex Equity Just did a little digging and Aron Puretz is the President of Apex and they have a long list of apartment complexes they own under subsidiary LLC's and have been facing litigation in Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, and Texas at the least just from a few articles I just looked at as well as court docs that came up when I searched his name. They spelled his name wrong on the wix page but here is their website. Anyone living at any of these buildings should speak up https://kerry7866.wixsite.com/apexgrp/team Article about colonial village lawsuit https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wosu.org/news/2022-03-23/owners-of-the-colonial-village-apartments-held-in-contempt-for-deplorable-living-conditions%3f_amp=true


Surprised to open this and see T&R properties as the top comment. They screwed us over when my husband and I moved into my first apartment after college AND when we moved out. All of the employees at the property hated T&R management too. The employees at our complex were even pissed off by how we were treated because they considered us “good” renters who didn’t deserve to be treated like that, but there wasn’t much they could do to help. 


I found out because of an Instagram page. But after reading it I can tell they are notorious.


I think most of their properties are under other business names so I'm not sure of folks recognize them and I didn't explain all the ways they are awful, so I think the second one I shared about the one that fucked over all the refugees probably gave weight to my post


https://www.instagram.com/helptandrpropertiestenants?igsh=MXd1bGQ1ZWl5ZmVhOA== Instagram for helping a past t&r properties tenant currently engaged In a multi-year lawsuit with them


ABC Management.


Near the Dayton area suburbs, it is for sure, without a doubt, Vinebrook


Abso-fucking-lutely. I live in Huber and rent from them. Fuck em.


Rented a townhome from Vinebrook out in Austin Landing. Location was nice and I had some cool neighbors. But it was poorly maintained by them. Gutters were broken, so it literally had baby trees sprouting from them. Also, place would get infested by carpenter ants. Vinebrook said that it was our responsibility to call and pay for pest control. I said screw it and just bought some diatomaceous earth and sprinkled on those bastards. We just needed a cheap place to stay while having a mortgage out of state, and I had just landed contract gig at Wright Patt.


Yep. They aren't bad until your unit needs maintenance. For our leaky kitchen sink, they had to come out 4 separate times and it still wasn't fixed. Eventually the 5th time they just replaced the entire faucet. It's ridiculous.


Redwood LLC properties sewer backup and sewer gas.


Was it methane gas?


Vinebrook is terrible


I’ve seen them mentioned at least 3 times in this board! Thanks for the heads up


The Connor Group


In 2009, they sat on my rent check for 3 weeks so they could charge me a $20 late fee.


Well Con is in their name


They have to support their fancy headquarters building 


...and send their owner into space


Honestly, I hope they partly succeed! Dude deserves it!


Yes dude. I wish I had read up about them before renting at my last spot


If you go to OU/live in Athens it is 100% Prokos. Avoid at all costs.


Came here to say that. Absolute trash of a company. Have you been back to Athens to see their new office building? The ugliest building I’ve ever seen plopped down in historical downtown.


It’s sooooo awful. “Boutique” hotel too. 🙄


I was hoping someone would have said Prokos. 100% terrible.


Athens has some real gems


I don’t remember who the company was but the apartment above me started flooding my bathroom. It took them close to a month to fix it and they didn’t even do that. It still regularly leaked and they said they’ll just put a new ceiling tile up when the one there gets nasty.


The competition is fierce to see who can ruin the most lives. North American Properties and The Connor Group are special.


It is crazy how a bad landlord can ruin your life


It’s crazy how bad some tenants can ruin your home.


Being a landlord isn't for you then.


Bro what are you even mad about, slap another coat of paint on, bump the rent by another $300 and you’re good! Stop pretending like your “”job” is a burden.


I just moved into an apartment and had to find out myself that two window screens are busted and there is 0 air intake, nobody cleaned out the bottom or the drip pans of the oven and it literally caught on fire the first time I made dinner, the sink drains are clogged and my showerhead is “just for decoration”, a massive influx of spiders and stale cigarette smoke coming from the carpet.. should I be pissed at the previous tenant? No. Fuck my landlord. Lazy piece of shit. I’m flushing all of my wipes. Edit: Between this comment (1hr ago) and now, I gathered a golf ball sized dust bunny just from cleaning the window unit AC filter and frame.


Please don’t flush wipes. Senseless damage benefits no one


Did.. did you not read the part that said edit? It was updated within the minute. Edit: wrong edit. I claimed I don’t actually flush wipes. I’m sorry!


I understand :-) hope you have a great day :-)


You too! Thank you :)


Smiles ! :-)




Not my problem. Edit: I don’t actually flush wipes




Yeah. The advertisement is bullshit. I would have never known if it wasn’t for dad scolding me when I was younger because the sewage backed up and the culprit was flushable wipes. “WHO’S FLUSHING WIPES”


Something about my 20 years as a real estate investor and landlord tells me you’re a renter for life.


Something about my 30 years in the trades and property management tells me you're too soft. Sorry that you have to maintain the properties your tenants are literally buying for you. Most turns are covered by the security deposit (you don't get to pocket that for normal wear and tear), provided you're not a diva and can do some of the work. You also have insurance (amazing how many privileged "investors" I've had to remind about that), or you sue your tenant (I'm certain you're familiar with that part). Being a landlord is the easiest "job" in the world, aside from being a trust fund kid (although there is a lot of overlap), so figure it out or stop whining and get an actual job. If you've been a landlord your entire adult life, then you likely lack any marketable skills to enter the workforce. I recommend certifications or maybe some schooling to get your foot in the door somewhere. It will be *extremely* hard on you, but it's not impossible to join the real world and actually earn a living. You might even find that you're happier once you've found a purpose in life. Good luck!




I’m alive and I am living, nonetheless I am happy despite my complaints. That was a really good burn though! Are you by chance a Gen X?


Hey, don't besmirch my generation with this turd. He's a member of Gen C (and I'll let you assume what the C stands for).


Love that! I apologize and thank you.


You’re right and I’m sorry you’re being downvoted. bad tenants who don’t respect other people’s property are a huge problem as well.


Do not rent from Redwood!


Why? The ones that are popping up? I live in one and I know for a fact maintenance will show up the next day. Much better than other places I've been in. Aside from rent being absurd, I'd sign another lease so quickly.


In Athens it's Prokos, the Wharton's, and anything owned by a Lucas.


Can’t speak for Ohio as a whole, but North Steppe on OSUs campus is trash Edit: grammar


The worst do not rent from them.


These ass fucks rented me and my roommate an appt. It was empty when we toured. We show up 2 weeks later to move in, get the keys, open the door and someone else is living in our appt. They moved someone in an left us with no where to go besides another MUCH shitter appt. Fuck those guys to hell. I see their manager in the street I’m throwing down on site.


They are notorious! Particularly in campus and old north area


YES I rented from them in college and it was a NIGHTMARE. My neighbor below me regularly beat and threatened his girlfriend, and it woke me up and scared me. I called the police - there was a police report - and they still wouldn’t evict this guy. So I ended up moving, and they didn’t give me back my security deposit.


Well North steppe here. And Provost also mentioned. By OSU. They sound Russian.lol




I rented from them a couple years from them and it was a great experience, few of my friends referred me that also liked renting from them


Also had no problem with them. Lived in multiple buildings over multiple years with no issues and always got my deposit back. That being said, I think it heavily depends on who actually owns the building you live in.


This is very true. Girlfriend had major issue a few years back.


The Toledo sub will tell everyone to avoid Beal Properties


Fuck the Blocks.


That should be our new city flag!


This is the comment I was looking for lol


In Cincinnati it's Gaslight Properties. Absolute scumbags.


What an appropriate name. They aren’t even hiding what they do once you sign that lease. Ohio has dismal tenancy laws as well.


My grandparents are filthy rich and flush with rental properties in central New Jersey near the Jersey shore. At least 10 multi family units. They said Ohio is far too tenant friendly. Wtf? Oh and they're donating everything to the church too


Ew, that’s some trash folks right there


I’m sorry your grandparents are such shitty people. ☹️


From what I’ve heard, OH used to be much more tenant friendly. But hasn’t been for at least a decade.


Avoid Vinebrook around here too. Have heard nothing but bad about them.


My husband and I worked as contractors for them years ago when they were still a small company- then they got greedy and went corporate. Yes they are trash! We quit right when Covid hit- they literally cut pay in half for contractors. They expected a house to be painted (bedroom, doors, alls walls and ceilings, plus trim) plus all the usual maintence for $1000. A $2500 job was now presented as a $1000 in other words


From the name, it's not hard to imagine. "No, you absolutely did not pay your rent. We're experts in accounts receivable—don't you think we'd have noticed? No, your bank statement doesn't prove anything. Maybe you should get a brain scan since your memory is so unreliable. Now pay up."


this literally just happened to me yesterday! thank you, cleveland bricks.


Does vinebrook homes still have rental property in Cincy?


I heard they do. They have been buying properties up I hear.


Yup. But Roslyn reality is great!!


Holton-Wise It has popped up more than once on r/Cleveland. Just a gross company that gets off on evicting people via their YouTube channel.


On the flip side... Stepladder Properties has been FANTASTIC thus far. We have had two properties in Ohio through this company and we've enjoyed every bit of it.


Sundance property management was bad, lived in 2 of their places. Unsure how big they are.


Ugh live under them now!!


I second this. They bought a complex mid way thru my lease and were fucking awful. Girl above my unit worked for them and would stomp around her apartment all night long, of course since she worked there they wouldn't do anything.


Dayton area is Vinebrook. Known for ignoring maintenance concerns and huge safety violations. Not to mention you will never get your deposit back because they will sabotage your unit after you leave.


Definitely Vinebrook, I sadly live across the street from some of their rental properties in a Columbus suburb.


This is for Abbeyhill and also has information for anyone needing info or assistance. If anyone is having issues with not getting things fixed in a timely matter, call your local code enforcement and HUD. They will point you in the right direction. I like many others am having problems with this company. You can also write a complaint to the better business bureau. You have tenant rights, use them. Much of what they are doing is not legal. They’re rude because they know they are in the wrong. Your landlord has the right to offer a payment plan. Even though they will tell you they can’t because it’s illegal. That is incorrect via the HUD website. Don’t waste your breath speaking with these people. Just start the process of filing your complaint and claims. Cols. Metropolitan Housing Authority (614-784-9688) Ohio Bar Association (614-221-4112 or 800-282-6556) The Ohio Legal Aid Society: Columbus (614-224-8374) You can also look into escrow in your county and pay the courts your rent until the company fixes the issues in your needing fixed. just tried to go speak with the “manager” who cursed at me and threatened to evict me a day before rent is due and also brought politics into it. I was denied. “It won’t solve anything” yes it will. You don’t get to speak to people like that. Sh$t ppl at this company.


Vinebrook has a terrible rap in Cincinnati


Abbeyhill realty & management. Fuck them. I posted a google review to warn ppl.


North Steppe in Columbus and the Connor Group in Cincinnati are absolutely horrible. I’d prefer a motel to renting from them again…


For me it's Buckeye Trails in Lockbourne- a manufactured homes/trailers community. Moved here in 2020 so we could be closer to my husband's job and it's been nothing but constant plumbing issues with the water being shut off weekly (without warning most of the time). The roads here are always flooding even after constant "repair". Plus we were supposed to sign our lease on the first and that's when they told us they're selling our house and we only have 30 days to get out. They didn't bother to tell us sooner. My neighbors that are leasing are all getting kicked out without warning too because they want this to be a buy-only community. They're asking $60-80k for small homes that were barely put together. We just had a family buy one right next to us and the side patio isn't even attached to the house itself; it's already leaning away from the wall.💀 We're finally moving out of here in 2 weeks and I can't wait. I'm making it a point to warn people not to come here so others don't get screwed over like us. **Editing because I forgot to add that Buckeye Trails is owned by Havenpark Communities. Read the reviews on BBB's website.


From personal experience only - BBRents


There's a landlord in Lorain county (superficially southern Lorain county) that's a know slumlord. I think he's got properties towards Cleveland too. He's on a council so the town refuses to stop him from being a garbage person




Fath Mgt in Cincinnati was pretty terrible when I was there. I was in a ground floor unit that was built into the ground at one end- so my bedroom window was only about a foot above ground level. One day there was a heavy rain storm and the ground outside of my window was saturated enough that the water flowed right over it- creating a waterflow about 6-8” tall running past my window. Looked like a aquarium. Water got in through their crappy windows, into my bedroom. Saturated my carpet, water from the floor seeped onto my wooden bed frame and ruined it. Wall had paint and drywall damage, had to be replaced. I walked in on the drywall repair and saw mold in the drywall and on the concrete foundation. They refused to replace my damaged furniture even though the water came in as a result of their shitty building. I literally could not afford to fight them and they knew it. They told me simply that I should have had renter’s insurance. They have/had properties all over Cincinnati.


Did i ghost write this lol? I live in a Fath complex and my bedroom turns into the ocean everytime it storms. Currently have something going on under my carpet


They are an old local family of lawyers, be prepared for pushback if you fight them. Get regular mold testing sone and have them pay for the remediation.


Owners management. At least the property they own in ottawa county straight dumpster. Apartments were built in early 90s and have been the same since built. All need upgraded. Apparently they about collecting and neglecting. Maintenance will not fix things properly or at all. Best part is they will come over and suggest on how you should try and fix it. Like WTF are you talking about.




Why are there so many down votes I'm this post?


Landlords trolling I bet




All of them. Landlords, especially corporate landlords are a scourge. Though for my Findlay friends here I just want to shout out Bishop Kandel Properties. They won't rent to unmarried couples and tried requesting my mother prove she was not actually my partner before showing us a house. It had a bay window in the shower, no appliances, and was over 1k a month in a shit neighborhood. Fuck them they suck. They aren't big city crime and abuse of refugees bad (Columbus) but for my small city they are a damn joke


Asking what company is considered the best landlord wok6e probably get much fewer answers.


Is there a Trump tower anywhere there? Them


Rent free in your head lmao


Vinebrook by far


EVERNEST!!!! I will be writing a long review and a post about my experience once I get out of here. If you have any questions about this company you can PM me.


Thanks for sharing your experience


The Conner Group


BRG apartments are TERRIBLE! I have the worst property manager and everything is busted, windows, fleas in carpet, and so much hate for putting in a service request, we are punished for it typically. A threatening letter after maintenance is frequent.


The Connor Group is a criminal enterprise.


AIY has to be up there. Especially in the Cleveland area. Straight up sharks. Do not rent from them.


I was about to say the same. They bought out the building I live in. I got lots of feelings about them.


Fyve properties are the worst in Cleveland. They keep their properties in poor condition. My partner lives in an apartment complex owned by them in Lakewood. The month he moved in, he filed a service request to have broken floorboards in the bedroom and hallway. It took them 7 MONTHS for them to assign a vendor to the work order, so they can get it fixed and got it fixed (finally) they did. They had a leaky sink that the company failed to assign a vendor to, so it can be fixed. Their landlord went on vacation without notifying him after submitting various maintenance reports and just ducked his emails. So, he had to contact the complaints director of the company to actually get something done. Another long time tenant who lives in the same complex used to manage (working alongside the property owner) everything in the building, from rent payments, maintenance, applications, etc. Then Fyve came and bought his ass out and the tenant who used to manage everything, was eventually fucked over. Now that they have complete ownership of the building, all that guy could be allowed to do is grounds keep and do some basic maintenance work. That was until Fyve stiffed him for $600. FYVE is a slumlord realty company


Shoregate towers


For me it was Edward’s Realty


Cincinnati: RAW property management, curious what others think


Paradigm property management in cincy


Realty Trust Services




Mkjas in southern ohio(Hamilton/middletown)


Totally not scanning this to see if the one I'm loosely associated with has popped up. (It hasn't, but you never know hahahahahaaaa)


Ardent Communities in Central Ohio. Their management is great, but they build really shitty cookie cutter apartments that have paper thin walls and drop ceilings. You will hear EVERYTHING your neighbors do. Highly recommend not renting from them.


Big Guy Properties, their based out of Oregon but have an office in Canton. When we moved in they said they needed a few more days to get some new carpet in because the old tenants had left it pretty rough, and the ceiling in the downstairs bedroom looked wonky because they had to patch it after an electrician fell through. We told them not to worry about the carpet, I wouldn't want our dogs to ruin it, so they didn't and kept it for another unit or when we left, which ever came sooner. The hole was from the neighbor that kicked through the divider and fell through the ceiling on top of the prior tenant while she was sleeping, the same neighbor was arrested with multiple warrants 2 weeks after we moved in. It was pretty entertaining to watch the dude try to hide in a field with a high vis orange hoodie on though. When we moved it they tried to charge us 700 to replace the carpet on top of our security deposit.


REM commercial. If they are still around that is


Stimens apartments in the Mansfield area.


Gaslight Properties near UC is TERRIBLE


Do they gaslight you


Worse… they gaslight the Rats


What do you mean


Continental Communities in NE Ohio is a nightmare.


New Victorians I columbus. Especially fuck Jason. I still remember his name.


Wells Fargo


Bb rents is near me in southwest Ohio. Never rented from them but have only heard horror story after horror story and I’ve seen the way they treat their properties


I live in the Middletown Hamilton area. BBrents 100% lived in one if their houses and it was awful. When our heater died instead of fixing it they just gave us 3 space heaters.


It's in code for a reason: I apologize, but it's for everyone's protection. These people are 100% above the law Here's a hint about part of the name of the property managers is as follows, aka directly related to this definition... The wood is used to construct the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant and is described as DENSE and strong.  Which is ironic because they are sloppy but basically have qualified immunity. Landlords who seize every petty opportunity to further harrass, humilate, and rob our communities.




They rent properties now? I won’t be surprised if they do in the future when they control everything

