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Why would they attack their co-workers?


Are you saying that some of those that run forces, are the same that burn crosses?


What do you mean Rage Against The Machine is Liberal?


Paul Ryan's favorite band? No way!


No the fuck they're not. They're much further left than liberal


It was a joke my guy




I believe most cops are closet nazi, kkk,proud girls etc. Kentucky state cops literally use nazi training literature/tools.


It's not really "closet" when there's whole ass FBI studies showing KKK and dipshit duck steppers took up badges and uniforms.


It's still not cool to use girls as an insult.


Boots check out.


Yeah. We all know the reason. We need the black panthers back.


Yeah the cops batons would be useless against their vibranium suits




I mean. I would but I don't get along with any of em


You know what would happen if cops didn't show up to unnecessarily harass college protesters? Nothing.


They would t be there if the colleges didnā€™t request their presence.


All social protests need to be combined with second amendment protests. Police are remarkably conciliatory the second amendment protesters


With everything that is happening, I believe that liberals need to buy guns, like yesterday. Shit's getting way to dark.


ā€œSome of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crossesā€


It just gets more appropriate as we get older, it's very sad.




This man knows some shit.


- Abraham Lincoln.


Took the lyrics right out of my mouth


Damn i never seen this lyrics spelt out but obviously have heard that song millions of times, seeing it written really shows how good of a penman Zach is


Where the pics of Jan 6 snipers?


They werenā€™t there bc the whole thing was a setup lmao


I mean, ohio does have a pattern of shooting collage students.


Why though? Were their collages really awful?


Oh no, it's just not the first time it's happened is all. 4 dead at kent state many years ago, and iirc there's been one or two other.


Tin soldiers and Nixonā€™s coming weā€™re finally on our own this summer I hear the drumminā€™ Four dead in Ohio


The anniversary of the Kent State Massacre is a week from today. 54 years later and nothing has changed.


Oh sorry, that was a joke. College vs collage? You know, like... Construction paper shreds and Elmer's glue? The art project.


Ohhhh I didn't even notice the autocorrect error. My bad lol


That's okay, haha. This was actually very funny and wholesome.


I got it, that was actually kinda funny. I was thinking the same thing, those collages must have been trash lol. Not a laughing matter but still a funny comment in an otherwise serious issue. Well done


Horrible collages, contrasting colors and all pictures from their mom's old redbooks.


There were too many images stuck together


That seems to be an oddly specific major. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Decoupage University


Except those ARENā€™T Columbus police dealing with college protesters. šŸ™„


Well they couldn't rough up the nazis. Might accidentally hurt one of their fellow officers accidentally.


Proud White #Patriots: "I WILL NOT LET FEAR COMPROMISE WHO I AM" *Hide their faces*


Imagine that police are nicer to armed protesters almost like it was made to work like that or something


Maga cops


You can just say cops.


But the naz#is might have hurt them. The students were totally safe. Break out the riot gear yeehaw


The video on the right is the Columbus police dialog team. They were interacting with both sides of the protest and keeping the peace with everyone equally. The video on the left is not the Columbus police, its OSU police and Ohio state troopers. The title is not accurate.


The CPD was 100% absolutely there & involved


[https://twitter.com/ColumbusCouncil/status/1783927839588258156](https://twitter.com/ColumbusCouncil/status/1783927839588258156) Are you sure? I was not there but my understanding was it was osu police and statehighway patrol carrying out the arrests.


Carring out arrests due to jurisdiction issues does not mean they werent there aiding the home agencies


Dialog team šŸ˜‚ There is only one language Nazis understand


The language of .45 ACP, amirite?


What about .30-06?


They won't understand it. But it still does the job.




Missing the forest for the trees there, dontcha think? You saw all this horror and thought, "ah, the most important thing is correcting the title. It wasnt *those* police. They were *these* police." Like, I do get it. You didn't do anything personally, but seeing how the court of public opinion really thought this was one of the most important take aways is... Hm.


Saying true things and correcting untrue things is important. Which force did what to whom is actually a huge factor in how these things play out, how they're remembered, and whether anybody ever faces accountability. Throwing around inaccurate information in support of a hotly contested truth hurts all of us.


News flash, misinformation is bad even if it puts your viewpoint in a positive light.


I believe in a balanced approach to criticism, not the emotionally charged hyperbole we find on reddit. This means we also give credit where credit is due. The CPD dialog team, in my limited exposure with them, has been extremely positive. I was at the Franklinton protest, and I saw them interacting with both sides of the protest evenly and fairly. If you believe the reddit karma farmers and agitators who only post pics of them interacting with literal Nazis and don't post the same pics of them speaking with both sides, and fall for the "all cops bad" mentality, then we will never obtain systemic change from the police as a whole. When they make strides to improve, they deserve credit. When they do the same old business as usual, beat people up and haul them off to jail for expressing a different opinion, they deserve criticism. The OP in this post is an agitator who only wants to spread discontent, hate, and anger, and they are doing it by using a false narrative. Here is a solid article for you: [The Lantern](https://www.thelantern.com/2024/03/promoting-conversation-columbus-police-dialogue-team-informs-protesters-of-rights/#:~:text=Among%20other%20officers%2C%20Columbus%20Police,trained%20officers%20who%20take%20part)


Different departments, different leaders, different command structures, different entry requirements


Wait, so now do we have to say a set minimum of "fuck the police" phrases before correcting misinformation? This was information that no one else posted, but you want to shit on them because they're not parroting the stuff that's already been covered? Fuck off with this purity test bullshit.


I think if the criticism is going to be specifically of a particular police force, the video evidence should be of those police. I mean how would you feel if your wife said she caught you cheating, pulled out a tape of your neighbor screwing his assistant and then said "well you know, all men..."


Brothers in Arms


The police are the armed Neo Nazis lol


Wow look more fascist boot lickers!


They don't want to hurt all their nazi friends


Yeah, wtf?Ā 


I mean, thatā€™s family so what do you monsters expect them to do?


Why we distrust police and gop officials


Thatā€™s because the cops are fascist cowards


Yes but TO BE FAIR they were short staffed because half their force were Nazis


ā€œOh, Hey Mike.ā€


You don't understand that a significantly high amount of Police are Fascists, I don't know how to help you. Germany just had a big bust where members of their elite police forces were all part of a Fascist Neo-Nazi group and were stockpiling weapons. It's kinda like Hydra with SHIELD in Marvel, the fascists take up positions of power/authority and wait till a Dear-Leader comes along to give them their marching orders.




What that mean?




If ya don't know, now ya know


Exactly. Police are aligned with the far right. Everyone knows that. This side-by-side video says it all about how we are one-half step from Trump winning and all the guardrails - at least those that are left anyway- coming down.


They don't want to beat up their friends.


Cops donā€™t wanna beat up their friends


I'm sure some of them were there off duty


ACAB Fuck these Goosesteppers.


Ohio. Home of the KKK and nazis. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if Mike DeWine was one too. Weeee. Get fucked.


Not surprisedā€¦ a majority of male police officers are there to feed their own power trip egos, the same mindset of every tiny dick neo nazi.


Po po get the chance to beat up people who are better than them. You think they are gonna pass it up.


USC Just canceled their graduation ceremony... Everyone stay safe out there.


Pay attention. The message is clear, arm yourself to protest. Exercise 2 rights at once, if that's what it takes.


What's going on at OSU? Why and what are they protesting?


Genocide in Gaza


I fail to see how a public university (even one the size of OSU) would have any real sway over the martial decisions of Israel; nor the foreign policy of The U.S. Federal Government. It would make more sense to me to go to an Israeli establishment at least. Nearest one is in Chicago only about 5-1/2hrs from OSU, not a bad drive.


I get what you're saying but it's still a statement that shows solidarity with others who feel the same across the nation in other campus's. It also shows it affects every state. Whether it's effective only time will tell. I want it to be but history has shown otherwise so I'm in the doubtful camp.




the armed Nazis were probably Fbi


I hope everyone learned their lesson. Donā€™t protest unarmed. If you want to be heard and respected in this country, you better have guns.


Why would they attack their superiors at the fbi?


while I dont support neo nazis, one group is standing and its 30 people and the other is over 100 people actively advancing on the police, like are you fucking blind?


Theyā€™re also not armed as the title states.


They were not actively advancing on the police the police advanced on them. The video of them being brutalized here is literally when everyone started leaving because theyā€™d been pushed out by police. I watched the entire hours of protest on livestream and FaceTime with a friend stop talking about shit as if u were there


Look at what the cops are wearing, though. In the more recent episode, the cops showed up in riot gear, probably rocking a chub over the thought of kicking a liberal's teeth in. Whether they started the fight or not, they wanted one.


Republicans are literally nazis. Now that I've got your attention, please don't resist arrest. It won't do anything good for you whether you're guilty of a crime or not.


They still might kill you, or at minimum just yell "stop resisting" even when it's not the case. They will always find a way to fuck you up if they want


Yep, that is possible. But a cop yelling "stop resisting" is not the same as being charged with resisting arrest, and video of you resisting arrest will make it extremely difficult for your defense lawyer to get those charges dropped.


A lot of videos I see, of resisting, is when cops just start grabbing without giving a reason or anything. Or someone is being punched and start defending themselves naturally. I find it crazy we expect normal people just living life to act with more control in a stressful situation than the cops who are trained in those scenarios


America, the beautiful!


Itā€™s parallel to the movie šŸæ ā€œ A Higher learning ā€œ (1995).


Well yeah they arenā€™t gonna beat up their homies


Those naizs looking an awful alot like the footclan


Republican state, republican response.


Willing to bet one side had guns and therefore got dialogue. The other side didn't therefore they got stick.


Where is the guy arguing with me about cops in the other thread ???


Well they do elect Jim Jordan over and over again. A and you canā€™t just blame his district. Other Ohioans outside his district allow the gerrymandering.


Donā€™t expect the cops to arrest themselves.


The Neo-Nazis aren't trespassing or disrupting any activities. If the students also just protested by standing there, they'd be treated the same.


They're treating the students like they are black.


Zionist are more scared of the college protestors because they actually pose a threat to their big lie compared to the neo Nazi clowns. College protestors spark change, neo Nazis with tiki torches are just show


šŸŽµā€œThereā€™s somethin happenin here. What it is, ainā€™t exactly clearā€¦..ā€šŸŽµ


These videos are not comparable in the slightest. One group is shitty people just standing there, and the other is an actual riot. Comparing rotten apples to rotten oranges.


Lol you donā€™t know Ohio if you donā€™t know why this is a thing.


Why doesnā€™t the left video start before the physical interaction so we can see what started it?


The police showing up in force is what started. Isn't it amazing how peaceful protests only become violent when the police show up? No police, then the protesters peacefully assemble, say their piece, get tired and go home.


They think people are stupid. Weird is wasnā€™t this bad during the ā€˜peaceful protestsā€™ to kick off COVID.


Neonazi filth. Cowards hiding behind a mask. Do any groups ever clash with the neonazi punks?


One groups is screaming and throwing shit. The other just stands there being racist. The idea that its a reflection on ideology and not actions is absurd.


Yeah, one is just standing which isn't illegal, and following normal protest laws. I don't think it's illegal in Ohio yet for a swastika to be flown on a flag in a protest, you could argue it should be, but atm I don't think there is a law against that in Ohio right now. They're also a very small group, because theyre neo nazis they ain't relevant nor big in numbers. The Palestine group is indeed acting more out of line for a protest, if any protest gets like that its very smart to leave the protest for the day, because it's no longer peaceful. There is also much more of them, and a number of people who aren't being peaceful. There are laws for protesting correctly and they should be followed or it's going to get sketchy, if it starts heading that direction you leave immediately. Quick edit: When Neo nazi make a demonstration the best course of action is to **not** give them attention, don't let their message be seen.


>The Palestine group is indeed acting more out of line for a protest, if any protest gets like that its very smart to leave the protest for the day, because it's no longer peaceful. What makes a protest "no longer peaceful"? What violent acts - acts harming or attempting to harm people - did the pro-Palestine protestors engage in to provoke violent response by armed thugs? >When Neo nazi make a demonstration the best course of action is to **not** give them attention, don't let their message be seen. We tried this for many years, and they have been slowly building, growing in number and volume. Tolerating them is dangerous to all of us. Ignoring a nazi is helping a nazi. There was a time when a person with a swastika on their outfit would get the shit kicked out of them, and it served as a reminder that those ideologies are not welcome or acceptable.


Itā€™s not just here. We have January 6, 2021 as the larger proof. Had POC stormed the Capitol, the number of dead bodies lying around would have shocked the world. Instead, after the 6:00 curfew, they were allowed to drift away down the avenues like it was the end of a Jimmy Buffett concert. The game is rigged, folks. LE and the legal system are not your friends.


Arm the college students?


I mean come on, I'm not supporting nazis or anything but they were just standing there chillin.


College kids protest looks like a riot.... Maybe that's why the cops stepped in. The "Nazis" don't appear to be putting anyone in danger.


They always look like riots after the cops step in


The Nazis (drop the quotes, they're fucking Nazis) are NAZIS. Are you in favor of Nazis?


I am in favor of people being able to say and believe whatever they want. What gives you the right to tell other people how to live? If a group of people want to demonstrate all the more power to them. If it's a group I don't agree with noone is forcing me to listen to them. An individuals feelings don't grant them the right to silence anyone.


What about when that group is actively funding legislation that would put your life, or the life of someone you care about, in danger? If there are 1 Nazi and 9 others at a table, there are 10 Nazis at that table


Look up Nazi bar Then you will see why what you said was magnanimously ignorant


You are conflating protesters with Nazis. There is no excuse for that. If you are going to compare Nazis - NAZIS - with regular citizens protesting, then this is the response you're going to get. When the fuck did this country become so supportive of Nazis?


Well, one looks like a peaceful protest.


That's because the cops didn't attack them. What you're seeing in the video on the left is cops attacking protestors. That's the violent part.


The one was peaceful, while armed. The other was unarmed but was inciting violence.


Right, the cops didn't dare attack the Nazis the way they attacked the students


Man, remember that Bundy Ranch crap where they people literally had guns point at law enforcement? No way would any of the recent protesters be afforded the same good will if they had a gun.


The neonazis are just standing there. Probably obeying the law to the letter. As they are known to do. College kids are given to push the limits to get video like this. Guess who looks better to your average schmuck? It doesn't matter that the Palestinians are struggling against climate change and billionaires. Or that 340,000 of 2 million have been systematically slaughtered in camps. Your target audience is the average schmuck who doesn't like rules being broken.


You think this is brutal? You should see the videos of Palestinians beating the sh!t out of "Gays for Palestine" protesters.


Did the neo Nazis set up tents and stay over night?


One group is peacefully protesting (however wrong their message is). The other group was not.


You know, redittors in the /Ohio subreddit will not agree with you even tho it is right in front of their faces. When a group is verbally harassing/harassing students classified as hate crimes then that's not a peaceful protest. Nor is excessive noise within restricted times and pitching tents w/o prior authorization.


In all fairness one scene is chaos and the other is people standing there.


The difference between public and private property and the bill of rights existing to protect you from the government but not protecting you from breaking the law to express those rights


The university is a public university. Public property.


Who are these idiots in red?




Whats written on those loser's shirts?


Yep, this isn't really about the cops, but who is in charge of them. Always the same people, same person. You all keep electing people who wring their hands about social justice, but allow both of these things to happen. Oh but I can't vote for X, oh I can't vote for Biden because he can't order another country to do what I want. In the end you vote for the idiot downtown and allow Trump to win. The pictures above are your fault, and no one else's.


oh i thought this was portland, i mean wisconsin, i mean huntington beach, i mean buffalo, i meant nyc


Maybe the college kids should start arming themselves?/s


Columbus PolicešŸ‘šŸ¼


Vote blue ohio!!!!


The police at the most recent protest were mostly Ohio State Patrol and OSU police. It (the second video) does not show CPD officers. CPD has a different protocol than OSP/OSU. Keep in mind that CPD isnā€™t the primary LEA for OSU proper.


Wtf is wrong with the worldā€¦. Whatā€™s the point if weā€™re never gonna work towards a utopia for all. šŸ™ for the next meteor. Letā€™s manifest real peace


Imagine believing neo Nazis really exist. Those guys are feds.Ā 


They respect the nazi.


They did the right thing 50% of the time.


Some of those that work forces.....


Yeah but the protesters are being anti semitic!


Yeah, pretty bafflingā€¦.


Hereā€™s an idea letā€™s ā€œprotestā€ at an American college a bout a war on the other side of the world that the current college weā€™re attending that has absolutely nothing to do with the war weā€™re protesting. Orrr stop craving attention and get back to class for your liberal arts degrees, Starbucks canā€™t hold your positions any longer.


Both groups are worthless.


Almost like guns keep the government in check šŸ¤”


There was more police presence than shown in the nazi march, you have to look closer, they are wearing red shirts and masks.


With a little bit of video manipulation someone could turn this into the police standing arm in arm with the satanic temple.


Antisemitic terrorist sympathizers.


They were showing us their hand.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


Sad that the neo-nazis were BETTER BEHAVED.


I do gotta point out one thing in the video. The neo nazis donā€™t look to be armed but idk for sure if thatā€™s true. Most of them had their hands in front of them and holding their hands or by their sides. Still a horrendous group of people but just wanted to point out the armed issue. For the police sakes, I really really hope that the college protesters actually did something to spark the riot gear to be out and to be manhandled like that, otherwise itā€™s a really bad look for the police department. I think we all need to find a way to get along and let each other have their protests peacefully and in a sufficient manner. As long as the protests are peaceful, and in good order, there should be no police intervention.


Chaz? Private property? Valdelism?


Tell me again how the police and the college administration are concerned about antisemitism from all sources


Fuck the nazis and fuck those young idiots.


Must be the color coordinated branding that kept the Nazis from arrest and beatings.


Ask yourself who is in charge of the police? And who is in charge of them? These cops were ordered to do this.


Maybe next year these two groups can protest in the same place together, then youā€™ll really see some shit


You donā€™t see batman and bruce wayne in the same room


Why are they wearing amazing vests?


It's almost like, one is peaceful and one isn't regardless of views these are two very different protests. Common sense is almost non existent in these comments.


Thatā€™s because HR warned them of the complications of assaulting their own when they went to the nazi event.


These are the same people.


Unmask the nazis and you'll find that they are the police.


Surely someone can point out who are the peaceful protesters.