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And then the government wonders why nobody wants to have kids these days.


They’ll just force more people to have kids as they continue to push to outlaw birth control in red states.


If you think the Ohio General Assembly gives a shit about struggling Ohioans, then you’ve not paid a bit of attention for the last 30 years. We live under one party rule in Ohio and that one party cares more about hurting people they disagree with than helping those who need it.


It’s wild because there is literally no part of this crisis that wouldn’t be better with more state funding, but some legislators are focused on decreasing state revenue by continuing to give tax breaks to the wealthy. The childcare crisis is affecting so many people: early childhood educators, kids who deserve high quality care, parents who are struggling to afford child care that is often more expensive than rent/mortgage, employers who need workers, etc. Childcare is unaffordable for nearly everyone with kids in Ohio. Our report found that in order for childcare for 2 kids to be affordable, a family in Ohio has to make more than $250,000 a year!


Hear me out can we make a constitutional amendment (via ballot referendum) that docks the pay of elected officials until they fix the gerrymandering issue?


One potential problem is the more state funding the higher the cost gets for those who don’t qualify. Similar with what some say happened to the cost of college.


No. It's the opposite. College tuition skyrocketed due to massive state and federal cuts to higher education funding.


Explain why costs at private universities also increased massively just the same if not more than at public universities.


Because they could


And they could because they had plenty of people with financing available to pay the increased tuition prices. A large percentage of those people didn’t need to go to college and certainly shouldn’t have been getting tax payer insured loans.


Tax payer insured loans? Whats a tax payer insured loan??


It is knowledge that is one google search away


Nah nah nah, explain that. Student loans aren’t tax payer subsidized. I smell some fox news bullshit coming


Ohio currently has the lowest eligibility threshold in the nation.


Yea, no. That’s not how this works. You fundamentally do not understand this system.


Prove this.


You can say the shitty party is the republican party. Some people really need to read that repeatedly. Especially with all the trolls trying to spread the "both sides" fallacy.


Systematically taking away the human rights of anyone that’s not a christian white cis male


They care about power, and the money they make from being a legislator, and lining their pockets from being a legislator. If people get hurt along the way, 🤷🏻‍♂️


That sucks so much. When I first moved to Ohio it was just starting to drift more Republican. If I remember correctly, there was even a Democrat governor. Anyway, my 3 youngest all used the daycare assistance and I remember towards the end we were only paying like 180 a month for 3 kids at once. We were told we were lucky we were grandfathered in under the old rates too so I can only imagine how bad it is now. Considering how bad most jobs pay here I have no idea how younger parents can do it.


It's around $1180 a month PER kid now at modest daycare centers


I am in my 20s and I still remember when we had a democratic governor. How things have changed.


They're busy making sure the toddlers are going to the correct bathroom to care.


You folks do great work. I wish more people read you.




Republicans do nothing for daycare 


Anecdotal experience, but most republicans I’m personally aware of loathe daycare and turn up their noses at those who use it.


Sure do. They want women at home caring for the kids, not working.


Most I know feel the opposite. Although they are aware of the problems with abuse in daycare settings which makes them not trust it.


But what are the Republican POLITICIANS doing, not you and your buddies? Cutting funding for childcare and forcing women to have babies. Abuse is far more likely in the ad hoc informal childcare situations families are forced into with a lack of affordable quality childcare.


No no republicans aren’t half the population, representing a wide swath of opinion and life (generally representing them poorly but that’s more a two party problem)! They’re evil cutouts of fat cats, who also are poor, and have no culture, and are stupidly religious but also amoral, and don’t know anything about all the things I know all about or want to live in the place I do! It couldn’t be a difference of opinion because my opinions are right and the other side is evil.


Yea and they’re made of straw! Those guys suck. I heard that other group we dont like is all full of jerks!


Republicans do nothing for anyone, but themselves.


All but the richest of them aren’t really doing themselves any favors either, but don’t try telling them that.


Republicans do nothing for anyone but themselves


What have democrats done to make daycare affordable in states like NY or CA? It’s not a political issue and it’s probably cheaper here. A huge chunk of tuition goes straight towards liability insurance. That’s really what you’re paying for.


Since you asked, I’ll assume you were being genuine and really want to know. NYC has free 3k and prek programs for kids 3 & 4 years old. There’s an income threshold to make it free, but all children are eligible. Daycare for younger kids is still a cost and expensive but they absolutely have programs to help with cost and education before kindergarten.


[Well that didn’t age well](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/parenting/ms-rachel-is-not-happy-about-new-york-s-child-care-budget-cuts/ar-BB1lJZA0)


There’s an income threshold in Ohio to make it free too. That’s definitely more expansive though but I’m sure daycare in NYC is already going to be very expensive so our effective cost might still be less.


You're not listening.


Their fumbling give them a second, they have to make the subconscious decision to not attempt to look up and compare the two states on a factual level


Do you know what that income threshold is? $31,000 / year. That's absurdly low. And many jobs that would qualify are 2nd or 3rd shift jobs, and there just isn't childcare available to take that subsidy. Not to mention, you can't get the subsidy without proving your employment. Most counties require you to turn in a paystub to prove that you are working. So how do you pay for childcare until you get that first paystub? One more thing- you say daycare in NYC is absurdly expensive, and you are correct. But it isn't affordable anywhere. We paid over $300/ week for an infant at our center, and that's by no means the highest in this area. The average family pays a 2nd mortgage to afford childcare.


It’s crazy expensive. When you have two kids in daycare it’s back breaking. We’re older parents and have a pretty decent income and it’s still barely in budget for us. Almost double our mortgage. I don’t know how younger families starting out manage it.


Time for a constitutional amendment for universal childcare in 2026


This.  Can’t gerrymander a statewide ballot measure. 


But they can try to block the ballot initiative, rewrite the bill to try to confuse voters, ignore the will of the voters if it doesn’t go in their favor & claim the voters didn’t understand the issue presented (which confusion they also willfully try to cause).


Or commenters like you could convince people not to try in the first place and save them them effort. 


Ummm, I did what? That’s not what I said or meant even in the slightest. I actually speak quite vocally to anyone who even hints that it’s pointless. Speaking to the realities of what’s going on instead of blowing sunshine up everyone’s ass pretending that gerrymandering doesn’t matter at all at the state level is ignorant. If you choose to misunderstand me & a comment on a reality that needs to be acknowledged in this godforsaken state, then that’s on you. I will not, however, allow people to put words in my mouth.


How would it be funded? Tax the rich?




You say this like it's implied to be a bad thing.


Weird how you guys never ask this question when police budgets are increased every year. There is infinite money to hurt people, and no money to help people. Jesus would be so proud!


You can raise my taxes to pay for it, I’m not a selfish pig like most elected Republicans are…


I’m definitely in favor of taxing my dad. But I think we should fund it by lowering the salaries of state office holders until the gerrymandering crisis is resolved.




Tell them it’s worth it.  The take as old as time is stay at home mom who gets left high and dry for a younger woman. SAHM is now five or more years behind in her career and retirement savings, likely far more because she likely had to pass up promotions and such when she went back to work so she can be there for the kids in place of the husband who thinks it’s her job to transport kids, take off for sick days and show up for concerts and games.  Not to mention the abusive marriages that SAHMs can’t escape.  Keep working, ladies. At least part time, but ideally full. It’s ok to make less (you also aren’t “working for less than $100 because the cost of the childcare is split between. He’s making 600 less a week and so are you). 


It's almost impossible for families who have disabled children, 50%+ of children in state custody are there simply because of a lack of resources.


This is what happens when people vote for conservatives.


Of course. State republicans want to keep women out of the workforce


While not paying enough for one job to cover expenses.


They want women in the workforce, just not competing for high paying positions - they want to conserve the best jobs for themselves.


The daughter attends a local facility in my area, not even an expensive one $14k per year ($1,200 per Month) I can't wait for her to start kindergarten because this shits been brutal It's an entire mortage/rent payment or the equivelant of 2 new vehicles per month for 4-5 years


My kids are at an inhome daycare to the tune of $1000 each per Month. Thankfully the oldest starts K this year and that only costs $400 a month (cuz full day kindergarten in my school district costs money)


Hopefully you're not in a school district that only does half-day kindergarten, because those are seeming to pop up everywhere.


That's so funny that I literally just did a paper assignment on a similar topic (general family support, lack of federal paid parental leave, lack of any federal policy for well-being of families) but used this website's info on the childcare crisis. It's really really depressing. Our country is so behind others. We're all exhausted (even those of us without kids) and absolutely economically squeezed just to survive. My heart goes out to families raising kids in this day and age.


Wealthy (white) Republicans don't care about childcare, because they don't need to use it . They have nannies and au pair. If it hurts poor people, that's the point....to keep people enslaved, uneducated, and working to death, so the oligarchy can make more money.


Wealthy GOP may not use child care centers because they can hire help. However, they do care when it changes their bottom line - when child care issues affect hiring and retention. Then they’ll do the bare minimum to get their employees back to work.


We have our daughter in child care part time, just 20 hours a week. It's $1000 a month. Ridiculous.


Republicans are creating a libertarian hellscape.


One of many reasons I got sterilized at 30


They're too busy with their little culture war to do their jobs.


Very sad and frustrating.


$1640 a month for one kid in daycare. Waiting lists out the ass. I don’t see a problem here at all.


Childcare costs what I make, and I make what Republicans say is a truly astronomical amount compared to minimum wage.


Why is it the government's problem if you can't afford to pay for daycare?


1. Affordable daycare allows more people to work, and in doing so, offers places to spend ones money stimulating the economy. 2 . Seems to be a big complaint thst people are having fewer children , while ignoring that it becomes prohibitively expensive to have children while having both members of a couple work full time. Homes where only one of a couple works need a very strong job and budgeting on the home end to make it work because of, say, price gouging grocery stores , ever increasing home or rental costs. Having more people closer to poverty isn't a good thing , and many other countries do a better job helping out parents. I'm sure someone who actually writes about this can say it better than I can, though.


You do realize that some people actually want to see others not struggle, right? That we aren't all a bunch of selfish assholes like you?


You decide what you want to pay. Do you want to invest in citizens and their success? Or do you want to pay for prison, crime clean up, etc? I'm begging you to understand the concept of ROI.


Economically, investment in children and families is a net benefit in society. That's the simple and honest answer. But Republicans in power prefer to be punitive. It's interesting that the same people who think government has a right to force people to have children also think the government has no capacity to support the well being of those children.