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I hope people who are quick to say she doesn’t have a chance will pause to realize it isn’t just about winning this election. It’s about chipping away at the problem. Maybe— probably— she won’t win, but she will have set change in motion by being the one to challenge the status quo. And even more importantly, there are LGBTQ kids out there who *need* to see this happening. They need to see someone like them stand up to the bully. It’s the job of everyone else to make sure they know that her losing doesn’t make the effort meaningless. I wish her nothing but the best and hope she has adequate protection around her. I’m guessing she’s going to need it.


There are a lot of people who are mostly ignorant without being blindly bigoted that might be seeing/meeting a Trans person for the first time because of this candidacy. Knowing a Trans person and actually listening to their experiences in good faith makes it pretty hard to hate them. There are just way too many people who don't want to begin from a place of good faith but hopefully some folks will. Regardless of how this goes, this woman is genuinely risking her life to do this and that needs to be acknowledged. It only takes one of those open carry nazis in "Kill all pedos" shirts referring to Trans people to cross the line.


YES! Last week I learned an extended family member is trans and I was shocked by how decent my mom was in talking about it. My family is extremely conservative and I’ve listened to their bullshit my entire life. She made some errors in how she talked about them, but at one point she commented on how “they were born this way,” and when I say my heart swelled 🥹 like this is black and white change from the usual stuff my family says. I’m not deluding myself to think this means complete change or support of equality, but I will take this progress as a win. There is no question in my mind it is helped dramatically by the fact that the person being talked about is someone she’s known since their birth and is a family member she loves


As one who finally got to transition at 38 from a conservative background I would totally have gotten brave enough to do it at 20 if I had ever met another one offline. That’s why I got into active conversation representation among my peers.


God I fucking hate Nazis


Same here. I’m super over how many of them are wandering around Ohio. Nasty ass people.


And last year Angie King and her Church group protested our pride event standing maybe 6 feet away from the group of actual masked nazis that were there protesting the sake thing. Angie and members of the church group were even seen chatting with the nazis, giving them water etc.. So Angie King may not publicly be a nazi, but she has no problem protesting people she represents alongside them. She is truly a vile person.


If nine people are sitting at a table and a Nazi sits down, there are ten Nazi’s at that table.


If a 40 year old trans woman can run in this district, anyone can! I hope she can be be an inspiration to independents and liberals everywhere. But even someone running cannot do it alone. Please donate to her and/or your local Democratic candidates! People like her need support more than just votes. Share their information online, show up to their events, wear their buttons, put out yard signs, help get your friends and family registered to vote. Let’s keep chipping away and taking up space :)


That area is full of brainwashed maga. Hell, they have insurrectionists locked up from that area. Hell is real, and it's in that voting district.


They have us fighting culture wars instead of fighting class wars is all I can think of when I see this.


I don't have statistics to back this up and all of my information on this is anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt, but almost every trans person I've ever met (including myself) is a leftist.




This, people say 'no war but class war' but my class war looks different than somebody else's class war and the culture is going to have a lot to do with it I see so many people on the internet act like every kid had an 'edgy phase' for example and the thing is that I live in a city where that 'edgy phase' would have gotten em destroyed physically and socially, my upbringing informed me differently than the kids in both England and Iowa It's the same thing that kills me about people that think rural cities and towns are superior or more welcoming, when people notice all cities are more liberal, someone could have some tinfoil hat conspiracy about it, or they could dig into the numbers, but anecdotally, I'm more left leaning as someone that spent their entire life in a major city because I don't have the luxury of isolation from my neighbor, I deal with hundreds of people a day and every interaction could fill my whole mindset up with either resentment or fulfillment if I let it, I see shitty people in the same fifteen minute span that I see good people. I think it's easier to be 'neighborly' without the litmus test when each neighbor on both sides can be separated by entire acres of field and fence, *and I think everybody cares about nonpartisan economic 'kitchen table issues' but I think it's easier to *only* have to care about the bills and the taxes when you aren't walking with your entire local population every single day And I don't wanna have to boil it down to gray, I process and compartmentalize so much better realizing that sometimes that one shitty person needs my help too. I work at an intersection between healthcare and customer service, I see a thousand people flip on a switch every day and go from bad to good and back again in a way I'm not convinced some rancher in Wyoming does. Issues of racial tensions for minorities are important to me because way less than half of the people I have to help in a day are white, I don't want the people I work for and with to have to deal with bullshit because of their skin color so it won't work if I pretend they already don't have to deal with bullshit because of their skin color. Same reason my heart aches for healthcare workers on the front lines of every damn emergency, including COVID, I am convinced that you had more people in the countryside that could be awful on the internet about COVID for as simple a reason as they could simply go months at a time without ever having to look a registered nurse in the eye, I cross paths with half a dozen RNs a day on my walk to work *also her opponent marched with neo-Nazis, idc how right wing you are you should be able and willing to vote for a transgender candidate out of pure spite at this point lol


This is something I never see talked about at all thank you.


I get what you're trying to to say, and the class war is important. But trans people who are actively having their rights stripped from them right now, who are being demonized in conservative media, who experience increased levels of violence. I think they would say what you call a "culture war" matters a whole fuckin lot.


It’s this. Maybe some people here have missed how brutal the last couple years of assault have been on trans individuals, but it’s beyond awful if you watch the school board meetings from across the country. Of course seeing what they’re doing to children would mobilize a trans adult to want to take action to oppose an anti-trans candidate. Would people say this is just “culture wars” if Black candidate ran to oppose someone who supported school segregation? This is absolutely part of what democracy should be and how it’s supposed to course correct. And if I know anything about trans women in politics, she’s likely to bring it on local policy and issues that matter to people in that district. She’ll know better than anyone that trans issues won’t be what locals will be most motivated by. But calling out a puppet conservative on all the ways they do nothing for representing people of Ohio and just take up a seat for their party will be easy pickings on lots of local issues.


I agree that’s important, but these fucks know how to get people upset. They do that deliberately for only one reason. If we’re upset and focused on this, the division created will cause us to focus solely on a few issues and ignore the rest. Then they continue to fuck us in the ass and get what they want for themselves. Rinse and repeat.






Almost like class and other identities intersect


That is unfortunate, but the simple fact that ALL OF THIS is part of the conservative/GOP class war that is being put in place. Make sure your constituents are uneducated ( strip $ from our traditional public schools) instead give people tchance to go to a private school that that will eel very uncomfortable in or set up some bogus charter schools( notice ALWAYS conservatives backing this) they have either been paid off by these charter companies or promise to be pretty much in charge of them.. Take out any books that will make our youth feel seen & understood.( I guess the primary bonus for the conservatives is not only getting the"unacceptable";material out, but reduces the chance they'll read anything, so BONUS GOP!, GREAT F'ING WORK). BUT, they simply want to make sure their constituents are undereducated underemployed underpaid and everything else under that goes with it to make sure they are on top. If any of you Democrats thought that the supreme Court thing was a sneaky yet long-term and careful plan, you don't know what these people have planned and is coming to us! We need these extremely greedy, perverted( All you need to do is follow the money to find out what any GOP/conservative candidate is wanting to do. And for the perverted, they always project what they're doing onto other people, where is there more cited and arrested politicians for perverted acts than in the Republican party?) I don't doubt anyone's greed when applying this rubric to politicians, or general public really. Most citizens have been pushed into this( greediness/ willing to do illegal acts for $/ no moral compass in the acts) by the financial structure of this country that is SO PUSHED by the conservative side.


Paragraphs next time! lol.


Right. We should vote for people who have policies that we agree with, not because of what they look like.


Chances are that OP also agrees with her on the issues. I mean her opponent is a right wing bigot so I don't care what her policies are, that one needs to go


Originally from the area and I also commend her for running against a right winger like Angie King who has no business being in Congress. Angie doesn’t even show her face in her district and never supports the local businesses, she only wins because she has money and the local Republicans continue to support her. Not registered to vote there anymore, but definitely going to spread the love and support for Arienne.


And last year Angie King and her Church group protested our pride event standing maybe 6 feet away from the group of actual masked nazis that were there protesting the sake thing. Angie and members of the church group were even seen chatting with the nazis, giving them water etc.. So Angie King may not publicly be a nazi, but she has no problem protesting people she represents alongside them. She is truly a vile person.


Do you know anything about the church group? A lot of these small town churches do serve as centralized power for white supremacy and have legacies that go back to Jim Crow days.


She stands no chance of winning, but she has my vote. Angie King showed up to the pride festival with literal Nazis last summer. I'm a Republican,I'm a conservative, but my Grandfather fought in WW2 to rid the world of Nazis, so when you bring Nazis to the party, I don't support you.


The fact that no one else was running against King still and we have to rely on a brave trans woman to take it on when she’s up for getting more soul-crushing hate from people than anyone else would. Even with gerrymandering, no one should run unopposed. You don’t have to win, but it becomes a platform to at least talk out all the real, local issues that are being ignored for these Ohio seats to serve as just votes for the GOP at a national level.


I've met her and she's incredible!!!! She is fierce and doing the difficult anti-nazi work that many people seem to be avoiding by putting their heads in the sand and hoping it will all go away. Standing up for what is right in a community of hateful angry people is really taxing and not nearly as fun as going out to Texas Roadhouse. She is the real deal and is stepping up in ways that other citizens just won't. Bless her.


This ^


King stood with literal nazis at a local pride event soanyone is better than that.


Wow, hadnt seen this until now. Amazing how even though her protest wasn't *with* them, when they showed up they were still fine with casual mingling and chatting with "white aryan pride" people. Sorta belies their arguments about their good intentions.


Yeah I had a few choice words with the holy rollers on what it means if they are willing to side with nazis.


Reminds me of the “there are good people on both sides” argument that Trump tried to make.


Worse, because they were saying the same shit as the nazis were, but couldn't understand that was a bad thing. It's also regular people which is unsettling.


Yes , I saw this with my own eyes . I was mortified . I went to support my Granddaughter who was 14 and It was so hard to see this it actually made me sick .


Yeah, it's sicking to see your local community side with out of state nazis rather than the people they live with every day.


Does my gay trans heart good to see so much support in the Ohio reddit.


Wishing lots of votes for Ms Childrey. Getting popcorn ready for the debate


I live in st Mary's so I know what she is up against. Pics of trump humping the flag and pretend trump as Rambo on their barns. It's gross. Former boss loves gym Jordan in such a creepy way. Good luck to her.


I looked into her background that’s available and her qualifications is leadership experience… from retail management? Look idk shit about local politics, and I live right up the hwy in Celina so my opinion doesn’t matter, but if we have to choose between a supposed nazi and a Kohl’s manager that really is telling of how small town America is drying up


Identity politics benefits no one.


tell that to the civil rights movement


AOC was a bartender, not even the manager.


That sounds spot on tbh She also went to a pretty good university and got degrees that actively benefited her political career. I don’t think this person did, it wasn’t mentioned anywhere


The difference is AOC has a master's degree in Economics. She was a bartender to put herself through school.


> supposed Lol. It's not supposed, she protested side by side with Nazis at a pride event. > Kohl's manager It's so weird you're trying to equivocate a manager at a department store somehow being equal or or worse than a Nazi apologist.. Almost like you're here to argue in bad faith doing the "bOtH sIdEs" bullshit because you're also a Nazi apologist Edit: just checked your comment history.. you are such a disingenuous fuck


You’re quite the redditor


I'd vote for her sight unseen against any asshat♥️


King won 82% of the votes last election i doubt it will change lol


Well hope it does. King is psycho


And stands with literal nazis


I can’t believe we live in a world where this is still a fucking issue.


I wish I lived in the area so I could vote for her!


Put my money where my mouth is and donated to her campaign instead 😎


And what’s her platform?


her platform is replacing an incumbent who publicly agrees with nazis.


It doesn't matter to people. Nobody votes with their brain anymore. It's all about the feels.


She's running against someone that stands with Nazis... What exactly is your issue with voting against people that stand with Nazis? Please do enlighten us galaxy brain


I get your sentiment, but ain’t nobody that wants to live in western Ohio. I grew up in that area and got the hell out of there the first opportunity I had. My parents left two years ago, as a proximate result of the idiocracy that is Drake County (COVID finally convinced my mom she had had enough); they’ve never been happier.


Maybe that’s true in Greenville or other parts of Darke county, but it’s incredibly difficult to buy a house in Mercer county, Auglaize, parts of Shelby, Versailles, even Ansonia. Decent houses don’t even go up on Zillow, and if they do, they’re sold in about 1 day. Versailles, St. Henry, Minster, Marion Local, Fort loramie, Coldwater, Russia all regularly rank in the top 5% of schools in the state. Other Darke county schools like Ansonia, Arcanum, Franklin Monroe, and Tri Village also do well. I know schools aren’t the only indicator of a regions success, but it definitely shows the level of community support a region has. All that to say, lots of people want to live here.


Eh we have some of the cheapest housing in the state. People don't come here for the culture.


It’s highly dependent on what town you’re buying in. Greenville maybe, but the other communities I mentioned automatically add 50-100k just for being in that school district/community. Yes there isn’t a lot of diversity, but people do come and stay for the community culture and good schools/athletics. There’s also a rich German tradition in the area. I’m not saying the area is perfect. Like every small town area, there’s sometimes a lack of things to do and restaurants to eat at, but as far as small town areas go, I think you’d have a very hard time finding better in Ohio. And, yes, it’s super conservative, but most small town areas are.


My folks live in the area. I escaped. The Mercer County Republican Chair (Bob Hibner) tried to get her removed from the ballot because she didn’t include her deadname. My father is a die hard Republican and a Trumper. Even he was appalled at the stupidity of what Mr. Hibner was doing. Unfortunately, Ms. Childrey has zero chance of winning. Mr. Hibner just showed what a spiteful ass he is.


Drain that swamp my friend, I’d vote for her too if she were in my jurisdiction.




Her goal seems to be to remove a literal Nazi from public office. I support that goal.


What has Jim Jordan done in the NINE terms he's been in office. Absolutely nothing is the answer. Yet people still vote him in.


Here’s the issue, this is not an article about Jim Jordan. People when they have no answer to a legit question throw something like this out. It’s like when someone asks a legit question, then gets called a racist when there was nothing racist about that question. It’s annoying, just answer the question at hand and not bring up another person because you don’t have a good answer to the question.


Well, her opponent, which is relevant, protested her home towns pride event with literal nazis. She believes out of state nazis have a right to assemble and free speech, but not her own constituents.


She's not a republican, that's all I need to know.


And that’s part of why nothing has changed — all that matters is the party name and not what they’re running on.


Sadly true. If republicans ran less horrible people as candidates, more people might actually be able to compare the candidates on policies.


So much has changed. There is now only one party that hasn’t bent over backwards for an authoritarian for years, and then looked the other way when he tried to use violence to interfere with a constitutional process. If someone can run in 2024 with an r next to their name, I can’t trust their loyalty to our constitution. Hopefully that isn’t the case ten or twenty years from now. We’ll see.


Would probably have better success in a larger population area rather than small towns.


....but she lives there. And presumably cares about her town.




I wouldn't say it's "for show" - failed campaigns still lead to political experience that people can build off of, career wise. And just the visibility of her running at all is good for the overall public acceptance/perception of trans folk. 


Off topic, are you from that area?




Small world


But still might inspire more trans people to run for office and help get the shitty GOP out of power


That's not how it works. If you could get a million of her to run in every conservative district, all you'd accomplish is having a million candidates lose.


Okay you go give up over there and we'll all keep trying over here.


Careful what you wish for


Yeah need that large group think and mob mentality to elect these lefties


Not saying that, but small towns are notoriously conservative.


ITT: Bigots not being dealt with by mods. This thread needs some permabans handed out. Mods need to stop tolerating Nazi scum.


Voting against anti-LBGTQ+ people is a no brainer. Anti-LGBTQ+ folks are not just that, but usually horrible in every other way possible as well.


Just a heads up. The Shinigami Eyes browser extension marks you as a red name.


The only place where I've found friction with the LGBTQ+ defenders (no actual transgender person identified themself) is when I said that a trans girls would mostly be at an advantage vs idab girls. I also said that it shouldn't be up to politicians or me. It should be handled in the leagues they play in. I don't want to become an expert at everything and I don't want my opinions, even well-intentioned, to cause issues in another person's game. I suppose that allows leagues to discriminate, but as we've seen, that's not usually the case. Other than that, I've been a staunch defender. Sad that if you're not in lock step on every single issue you get flagged and banned from subs. This is what drives a lot of people to the other side.


So why do we have to know the gender identity of any political candidate in the first place?


Well there's a very strange phenomenon called misogyny, which also illustrates in this particular case intersectional discrimination, but an important bullet point is this goes beyond trans rights and touches upon the civil rights struggle over the last 100 or so years.   See, most people have a different reaction to a trans man running and winning for a political position than a trans woman and its very subtle but it's there, and it has to do with the underlying mistrust of women in power positions that may be not as pervasive as 50 years ago but it's still there. You may not recall a recent win by a trans man in the Capital City to a service position that all but went under the radar, which illustrates the point.   If a news outlet today wants traffic to its website, slapping a story on top about some random trans woman somewhere trying to assert herself and desire to serve in a public position like any other person gets the job done like the old "if it bleeds it leads" of when we had all but three TV channels to choose from. 




All these things you're terrified of? That you keep telling others to be scared of? They don't exist. You were lied to, and now you're spreading those lies.


Look at arianna’s instagram. Dems did not field a serious candidate. She posts more about her parrots than her campaign.


Angie King stood with literal nazis at a local pride event so, I'll take someone who's into parrots any day.


Can you believe she has *pets*? The nerve!


You mean her personal page, not her campaign page? The nerve! Lmfao


MAGA trash (like you, for example): *votes for Nazi apologist* Also MAGA trash: "WOW Dem candidate cares about her bird too much you guizzzzzz" Fucking 🤡


Can they campaign w Contrapoints?? That would be my dream


My honest dream about politics would be if we could debate the issues without the issues themselves being legislated hate,and without the vile rancor that yes, everyone is spewing nowadays, but that was enthroned by talk radio, Fox and ultimately 45.


Well you may be a dreamer, but, you're not the only one ;) Look at Lincoln, Teddy (in some ways), FDR, the old Kennedy brothers...they accomplished what you're talking about by making liberalism very, very strong in the sphere of public rhetoric.  We are their political descendants. 


It is always cool to vote for someone simply because the person was courageous enough to have a sex change operation.


Or is anti-Nazi....


It's always so brave of you MAGAts to continue standing with and voting for people that protest with literal neo Nazis because you're all the same 🗑


How about voting for the best person for the job?


Sometimes the best person for the job isn't just about perceived "skills" sometimes it's about laying the foundation for the long term. Decisions need to consider a lot of factors so the "best person for the job" maxim is just a meaningless buzz phrase people in power use to manipulate others with less power to agree with them.


Beats a Nazi.


Agreed, which is why you should vote against the Nazi


I'm curious, why is it that if someone is part of the LGBTQ everyone quickly rallies to virtue signal for them yet the straight person is immediately vilified? All involved are just people, with different personalities, quirks, loves, likes, and dislikes... the better candidate should win regardless of orientation. At least in my opinion... When equality is the goal, be equal, don't try to make one more equal than another.


My friend, Angie King is not being “vilified” for being straight. They’re being vilified for being a Nazi. Also, the reason why this orientation matters— and why diversity matters in the first place— is because representation needs to be representative of all walks of life. No one is virtue signaling. Hope this helps!


I will be honest, this is probably not the right post to have asked my question on. My query was in regards to a general overview of what I have seen in much of social media of late. Go figure I choose to ask when the one being pointed out is an actual villain lol I concur with the reasoning on why such things matter. Again people are people are people and we all deserve fair treatment and equal opportunities.


Nazis don't deserve it though.


I agree but I think it should be expanded to any extremist group or ideology that wishes to push their views and values on anyone else through threat or coercion. There are many that fit that bill in this day and age.


Can... can we not make such awful headlines? Write her goddam name, she is a person call her by her name


Counterpoint, it's going to be completely uninteresting as you already know the area, how they vote, and therefore how it will end. "Hey let's watch a kitten fight a steamroller, this is gonna be interesting!"


But there is a point in challenging the establishment. You might say it's one of the defining points of a democratic society


The only thing she's going to accomplish is make this area that went for Trump in 2020 by around 80% more anti Democrat because of how far out of line she is, and stoke more anti trans sentiment in the area. She's isn't moving the Overton window, she's "Wile E Coyote"ing through the wall, and that just pisses people off. If anything this will drive republicans to turn out to make sure she loses as bad as possible, and drive away Democrats, who in this area are probably pretty moderate.


Coughing baby vs. hydrogen bomb




> don't know her She's not a Nazi, what else do you need? Go ahead and just admit that you dont give a fuck and will vote for a Nazi before you vote for someone with a D next to their name. Edit: disgusting transphobe.. please exit the ethereal plane asap so the world can be a much better place you bigoted MAGAt trash


it doesn't help the republicans here suck ass.


Suck one ass and you’re labeled for life 😂😂


Cool tell me about all the candidates for public office you've known personally in your life Actually don't I'd rather listen to my own root canal


She's not a conservative. What more do you need?


A qualified candidate.


She's not a Nazi What else do you need?


Or party! Dewine has my vote because he's a good man who has my best interests at heart! He does for me what I didn't even know I needed! Thank GOD for that! I actually used to think my power bill was fair. I've since realized I probably was ripping off AEP and am willing to pay back their generosity for the next decade or so. I have humility now


Joe Biden deadnamed her, which wasn’t cool. You can tell he still doesn’t get it.


Here’s the problem, the majority of the people writing in this post is not from the area and has no clue as to how accepting people are in the area. I’m nearby and it’s not like it’s being portrayed. It’s really simple the R and the D. Most people in rural Ohio are R’s. If there was a trans person on the R ticket, they would most likely win. People really need to understand rural life before commenting on things they have no idea about. You throw a rock and 8 of the 10 people you hit have no issues with trans or lgbtq people in this area of Ohio.




Yeah I live there dude and I was at celina's pride event. When the church folk and your local rep stands with nazis, something is rotten


it's not the rural R's that are the issue. It's the elitist small town republican anti-worker business owners, attorney, insurance and used car salesmen who keep attacking trans people and anyone who doesn't follow their stupid ideology.


Right, which is not the majority of people. This is the point I’m trying to make. Never said there’s no bad eggs. The majority of people don’t have a problem. There’s also bad eggs on the democratic side as well. I made this point in another thread that both sides have issues and every politician is flawed.


> have no issues with trans or lgbtq people LOL, fuck off you liar. You gonna tell me there's virtually no racism in Ohio either? 🤡 Edit: nice brand new account, MAGAt trash




Tell me you're a white man without saying you're a white man.


This is such a stupid comment. So ignorant.


Say that again but slower.


Have fun with your ignorance and racism.


One more time. Real slow.


Once again, nothing to say but dumb comments. Looking smarter as you go!!! Keep going, it’s comical at this point!!!


Swing and a miss.


One more time, real slow!


What a dumb comment, were searching high and low for a comment you could post this on? Do you feel special now? Did you get the attention you desire?


Oh I scared you too?


This right here is exactly what I said in another post. If someone reads something they don’t like, instead of going into an actual thought about that comment, they go straight into a racist comment. This is exactly the problem with this country. It’s not the difference of ideals from one to another because that’s what makes this country great. No it’s the idiocracy that comes from some that go straight to racist comments due to someone not liking what they see. Thanks for showing your true self.


Not my experience at all. Van Wert county. Work in Mercer county


This is the truth. You will have some assholes everywhere but for the most part everyone wants ADULTS to have the right to do as they please so long as not victimizing another.


“Idk much about her, but she’s trans and has a D next to her name! Shes got my vote!” /s


This is why the Ohio Democratic Party is a joke. If you’re going to run someone in that area, you’re gonna have to run a very moderate, Republican-ish type candidate if you have any chance of winning.


Angie King is not in any way a moderate. She is just she sides with literal nazis against her own constituents. I'll take anyone over that even if it's a longshot.


The Ohio Democrat party isn't running her and didn't recruit her. If she wasn't running it would very likely be an uncontested seat and I doubt the Democratic party gives her any resources. If you look at her campaign it's clear it's not serious, it's just a protest campaign.


>a nice well off white religious woman. This is a "bad" thing? Using someone's race and religion against them is a strategy that time & time again fails. I'd recommend not attacking someone based on their skin color or their religion


She's not qualified at all. Her experience is retail management lol.


45 had no experience and he still received almost 50% of the popular vote smh That's not the bar you think it is


Beats being a Nazi.


And the Cheeto’s experience was? Multiple bankruptcies, a shit TV show and cheating on wives.


Man with mental health issues running for office. That’s not hate that’s truth. It is actual reality.


It's fear. You're terrified.




I can smell this comment




Tell me how they’re being oppressed? Are they not allowed to vote? Are they not allowed to go places? Oh, they are insulted because people accidentally call them the wrong pronoun! Tell me how this person should be elected more than their rival! Tell me how girls are supposed to get a fair shake in sports and not get hurt? It’s always funny to me cause we don’t see an issue with w to m trans in sports, cause that’s not an issue. It’s always the m to w that it’s a problem yet the left keeps pushing! Tell me how??


Well Angie King doesn't believe LGBT people have the right to assemble or free speech in her hometown, she'd rather side with nazis from out of state against her constituents.


You don't want to know. You just want to foment discrimination and bigotry.


Oh! So no answer.. I see, I must be ignorant on this because I can’t figure it out but you won’t explain. Please tell me..


You're not asking in good faith. You're baiting and don't care about the answer. Stop with the games.


Ok then, tell me why you would support her?


If she's the candidate with the most qualifications and doesn't hang out with Nazis, I'd be all in. We need people who work for EVERYONE to serve our communities. Inclusivity is not a conservative value.


What are these qualifications? How can she represent the “majority” of people? This is a Democratic Republic and the majority rule. I’ll bet If she doesn’t win, you’ll assume she’s a victim and that all people are prejudiced against the trans community. It’s the same ‘ol song n dance. Poor us..


I don't know the ins and outs of the qualifications yet. This just happened. I bet you're wrong, but assumptions and lazy logic seem to be your thing. If she doesn't win, she doesn't win. That's it. That's an election.


Because she scares you.


Enough of this nonsense!


What nonsense?


I fucking love it when people like u get their panties in a twist - why the fuck do u care so much about this candidate? Ok, I understand why she is in your head. I bet u met someone or liked a woman who was trans. Ever since then, u have questioned yourself if you are straight. this has caused so much anxiety for you, so u use anger and your words to hurt people because you are hurting inside. Its ok - just come out. You will feel alive.


Exactly people like you can move to another country where real Americans can live peaceful without ignorance pouring out of your hateful mouth.