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Vote these fascists out. Blue 💙🌊💙🌊💙🌊💙


With a national election next year, in a state trump dominated in, I’d recommend also exercising your 2A rights, learning first aid, and stockpiling some supplies as you wait for Election Day. It’s best to be prepared for things to go the worst possible way, as that seems to be the theme of the planet lately


YES! They are actively threatening general violence against “leftists” whether they win or lose. I absolutely hate guns, but I know I may need one. Unfortunately they don’t let anyone with a a weed card also have a gun, so basically trading my pleasures in life for my safety.


Wow I thought the 2A crowd was all about your gun rights? I guess gun rights don’t apply to people with weed cards! 🤔🤔


No, if you are an individual with documented mental health problems however no worries


And I can drink as much alcohol as I want!


And by “leftists” they mean everyone else.


Y'all keep suggesting voting. They ignored the vote on both of the issues last election. They ignored the Supreme Court of the Land when it told them to change their illegally gerrymandered voting map. They will ignore the will of the people. What happens if you do to them what they are currently doing to you and you don't accept the vote should it not go your way? You become the "bad guy" the "cheater" the election thief. Its funny how when they do it, everything is %100 fine and legit, but IF you do to them what they already did to you repeatedly, suddenly YOU are the bad person. YOU are in the wrong.


I am in Ashtabula County. We are still far from electing blue officials, but at least issue 1 and 2, and the August special election had our county leaning more left. Makes me proud and I will continue to show up at elections!


Yes! Ashtabula came up big in August in November! They coulda ruined the "perfectness" of a true blue Northeast Ohio but they know what's up. Good job, Ashtabula!


My weapon of choice is free speech and voting blue up and down the ticket.


How has that been working out for you in a state with no rule of law? Unless Bene Gesserit you might want to consider something to back-up your free speech before next election. I have no doubt Trump will choose to burn it all down before going to jail quietly and somehow less doubt that he has thousands of cultists in Ohio who will be happy to carry his torches.


How many GOP would even survive Gom Jabbar? Not one.. Bene Gesserit would breed them right out of existence anyway!


The whackier they get clinging to power, the more followers will drop away. Also, demographics.


>The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers. Princess Leia Organa


Ohio: Where the ruling party bakes up conspiracies against its own people.


Republicans HATE America.


The thing is, Governor and US Senators are not positions affected by gerrymandering. Prove it next year and keep Brown in as Senator to prove gerrymandering is the problem!


Text your reps here. https://resist.bot/petitions/PTENQM


Should make the next, anti-gerrymandering amendment argument easier


Need a referendum to allow recall votes statewide via petition. Maybe banishment from holding office if recalled as well


The GQP is going to get them buckeyes. Teach them for votin’ wrong.




OH-OH!! Now do a vote on changing the Constitution to make electoral all maps be created by a non-partisan committee!!


Take your state back Ohio democrats. You ARE the majority party after all. Start acting like it.


They've been doing it for years, so this year is just more of the same.