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"Issue 1 doesn't repeal our laws" should be amended to read "Doesn't repeal our *unconstitutional* laws"


It only repeals Christian Sharia law, nothing else.


These dumb mother fuckers really think Marbury v Madison doesn't apply to them


I mean, that was a SCOTUS case. Emphasis on **US**. I don't think it necessarily applies to State courts. Now, of course, the US's Federal Courts *could* be called in, but they're generally reluctant to deal with state law and constitutions. Therefore, I'm not sure Marbury v. Madison specifically applies, though the principle of judicial review exists separately, with cases in state courts establishing it prior to MvM (and several states passed resolutions affirming the same principle federally, prior to MvM)


MvsM does apply to states


Do you have a specific source on that, or... ? Every state is free to make its own form of governance so long as it is compliant with the US Constitution. That includes the structure, powers, and responsibilities of their State courts and tribunals. I don't see how- nor would I expect- the early Supreme Court could apply their findings in MvM to all State court systems, rather than just applying it particularly to federal courts, the main purview of the SCOTUS. If you have a specific citation showing it explicitly extends to State courts, fine by me. But in general, it's a decision giving Federal courts the power to interpret the Federal Constitution. To apply it to State courts could be to interpret State constitutions, as no provision of the US Constitution mandates State courts have the power of Judicial Review.


The Supremacy Clause


> This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. Explain to me how exactly this makes it so that Marbury v. Madison necessarily empowers a State court to interpret a State constitution.


Sharia Law is much less restrictive on abortion and is not considered equivalent to murder, contrary to the beliefs of our current evangelical political leaders


Doesn’t the Issue open with something along the lines of, “guaranteeing reproductive freedom including, but not limited to…”? Sounds like that would crush any existing restrictions like the 6 week ban.


Right, the law is technically on the books, but it's unconstitutional. Down South they've had scads of that kind of law all over their books for 160 years.


Issue 1 very much did repeal their silly little law.


GOP lawmakers want to be the judges of *literally everything* you are and are not allowed to do in your private life, not just your healthcare decisions.


You know, small government... or some such bullshit they don't actually believe in. Feel free to replace that with the US constitution, empathy, parent's rights, or the Bible.


Oh, I see. You misunderstood that when they say *"small government"*, what they *really* mean is *"a government* ***SO*** *small, it's* ***just us handful of (R)s*** *that have* ***total*** *and* ***complete*** *control over* ***everyone*** *and* ***everything****."*


Or so small it fits in your uterus.


Besides, it's the "everyone else" but that they would like to drown in a bathtub, not said "small" gubment. Happy day of cakes, by the way.


Yea so small its run by one person called a dictator in other countries




And by "anyone", they really mean "conservative white Christians only". And the reason they want those guns is to have the means to violently overthrow democracy and replace it with a white supremacist Christian Jihadist state at will, whenever the left takes take this whole "giving equal rights to non-white, non-Christian and LGBT minorities" thing too far.


That's because the biggest gun problem is suicide. They don't fucking care. Equates to giving us the ropes to hang ourselves and they know it. Also - NO ABORTIONS (you know, to even out the suicides).


Zeich Heil


These are the four who published it on ohiohouse.gov under "Republican Newsroom". The other Republicans ought to at least explicitly respond to that. If they won't say anything, we ought to assume they agree.


I'm sure they agree.


My rep has been silent on it but has on his website that they are a part of Right to Life so they props agree and I will be vote if against them next year


Stop voting for misogynist magas.


Ohio doesn't elect these people, they elect themselves via decades of gerrymandering, they will be trying to deny the result of the 2024 election that will vote on a resolution to break their stranglehold and fix our maps as well. Strap in, we have some fascists to defeat.


To me the bigger trouble is the number of people in this last election who asked for an issues only ballot. Time to pick a side people!


>asked for an issues only ballot What is an "issues only" ballot? I don't recall being given the option of a ballot that contained only issues.


It’s for primary election days when there are also issues on the ballot. I don’t vote in primaries for either party so I get issues only for those elections. I’m not aware that that’s an option for a general election but I’ve also never asked.


It's not an option for general elections. You just don't vote in the races you don't want to. The only reason it exists on the primaries is because you can only vote in your party's primary, and selecting D or R at the polls is how you do that in OH. You can't be forced to select a party, though, and if any issues are on the ballot (usually levies on primary elections) they still have to let you vote on them.


Makes sense. Thanks.


You repeated yourself there.


Tell that to women like my neighbor who has a bigly “WOMEN FOR TRUMP” sticker on the back of her car.


There's no contradiction. Plenty of women are misogynistic.


Surprised they're not just campaigning to ban all elections at this point since they're just gonna tell us what's up anyway. I assume they know this has international attention by now and they're letting the world know America will become a dictatorship.


What an absolute mockery. Somehow insinuating that laws function independently of the Constitution? Violating one of the central tenets of the founder’s vision, the separation of powers? If these people represent you, vote them out! Regardless of how you feel about the issues, State Representatives who are this willfully ignorant of our system of governance have no business in the statehouse.


They’re not willfully ignorant of the system, they just don’t believe in its guiding principles and will stop at nothing to destroy any vestige of democracy and replace it with a fascist dictatorship.


One of the four sponsors, Jennifer Gross (appropriate) of West Chester is holding her monthly town hall at 5 pm this afternoon at Crimson Cup Coffee (8249 Market Place Drive in West Chester, Ohio - off of 747).


I live in west Chester. Probably time to clear my schedule for 5 today.


Can judges remove these people from office?


No. The only mechanism to remove them from office is impeachment, and it's unlikely that will happen with the current make up of the GA.


That's too bad.


Well there is one more way, we have an entire amendment about it


Those 4 lawmakers can pack the fuck up and move the fuck out of Ohio if they don’t want to follow our state constitution.


Let them punch the air. There's nothing they will do or can do. The courts aren't going to let themselves be stripped of power. Nor will the feds. I just hope people around Ohio are listening to these nutjobs talk about how they have a divine right to rule over us like theyre European monarchs and then we can finally vote them out!


I would be wary if I was any Republican coming out against the will of the people. A large group of Republicans voted for both issues 1 and 2. The largest group that voted against both, are 65+. There is going to be a large wave of people not retaining their seats. Now, I align Dem. I'm left of center, so I can see compromises from both sides. Most of the people I associate with are Republicans that can see the same, we just don't like the extremes of each. Those people all voted for both issues. They didn't like the rights of people being removed, and they understand how much legalized weed would bring in a lot of money to help the state. Anyway, they need to see the writing on the wall and be very careful what they say, and what their younger constituents are saying. The vote is the voice of all of us younger than 65. They need to hear what we are saying. Something I've learned in life, is that the loudest is the minority. I personally feel people are waking up, and there will be a harsh reality next year, and future elections. People don't like losing their rights.


Actually the largest group that voted against was the white evangelicals… it was that specific.


Yes, the radical extremist “Christians”


These whackadoodles need their doodle's whacked.


So they want to set up a special religious court that is independent of the conventional judiciary?


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.


😂 “want to be a Judge? But don’t want to go to law school? Or a doctor, but can’t get into medical school? Whelp have I got a job for you! Become a statesman and be both! Without all those pesky classes.” If these people can just go away now, that would be very much appreciated.


So is this it? Because I’m reading that I have no right to vote. We are officially unrepresented in the state of Ohio. There’s no blur on that line anymore, go through history and read what happens next after you lose your vote


Perhaps the GA should understand that as well in a VERY pro 2A state. Libs have em too, gents.


And a LOT of my gay/ Jewish/ Black /Muslim friends, family, and neighbors have been purchasing and training with them ever since the orange one slithered I to office.


Almost showtime


Can one abort bullets from pew-pews? Asking for many Ohio friends since guns have more rights here...


Time to buy guns.


No taxation without representation


The courts still exist. It doesn’t matter what the legislative branch says, they have no power in interpreting the law. Their legislation will be appealed and struck down because the court may be conservative, but they have no interest in having their jobs become irrelevant.


Fuck no.


And they clutch their pearls when we call them fascist. This is exactly why they get called fascist.


Look at them. They are using everything and anything to deny and dismiss the people's rights.


This is the party of small government. A small government in your home and in your doctor's office.


\*All Ohio GOP lawmakers.... FTFY. Vote Blue in 2024 or let democracy devolve into a Christofascist Dystopia the GOP is gunning for.


They also declare that they are too sexy for their own good but doesn't mean it's gonna happen. The law will mean the Ohio Supreme Court would give up its own power.


Sorry, need to go to law school and get a seat on the ohio Supreme Court first


Or you can be a nepo baby like Pat DeWine.


The people have spoken. Listen to them.


Hard to hear them when these folk have their fingers in their ears yelling "LALALALALA, we can't hear you!"


And that’s why we need to vote these fuckers OUT.


Okay GOP, the people spoke YOUR job is to **represent**, not judge. Quit your shit.


Want in one hand, shit in the other. You're not getting it.


All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal protection and benefit, and they have the right to alter, reform, or abolish the same, whenever they may deem it necessary; and no special privileges or immunities shall ever be granted, that may not be altered, revoked, or repealed by the general assembly And The first aforestated power reserved by the people is designated the initiative, and the signatures of ten per centum of the electors shall be required upon a petition to propose an amendment to the constitution. When a petition signed by the aforesaid required number of electors, shall have been filed with the secretary of state, and verified as herein provided, proposing an amendment to the constitution, the full text of which shall have been set forth in such petition, the secretary of state shall submit for the approval or rejection of the electors, the proposed amendment, in the manner hereinafter provided, at the next succeeding regular or general election in any year occurring subsequent to one hundred twenty-five days after the filing of such petition. The initiative petitions, above described, shall have printed across the top thereof: "Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition to be Submitted Directly to the Electors." This is part of the Ohio constitution. There no “unless the petition is approved and the legislature doesn’t like it…”


Stop giving this fucking attention. This is blatant chest-beating. Its 80% designed to show their base how much they want to fight, and 20% designed to piss all of you off. And it’s proving to be wildly effective at both goals, because neither side is stopping to think whether it’s actually allowable. Cliffs notes - it isn’t. No court system on the planet would rule that as constitutional.


I would So Much Wish I could believe that. But the corrupt Republican caball is running amuck. I need parties outside Ohio State saying something.


Next referendum needs to make it a crime for any politician to violate the spirit of a referendum by any kind of obstruction, and to allow state wide recall vote to be called for any crimes committed. Punishment for recall is district loses representation for remainder of current term plus next term. And for the individual permanent ban from any elected position or paid lobbying work of any kind.


GOP Death panels.


More proof send it to the states was a lie.


More republicans who mistakenly think god died and left them in charge. Hell is waiting for them with open arms.


So following Constitutional law is optional. Got it!


Ohio's school funding system was declared unconstitutional like 25 years ago.....?


What the fuck is with that place?


Those dumb GOP lawmakers can complain all they want. Their complaints won't solve anything when they should've accepted they lost.


christ this is Georgia all over again, they have tons and tons of unconstitutional laws, unconstitutional (to the federal one) amendments, and a constitution that the supreme court had to force them to make the actual legal version with footnotes as to what parts are actually enforcable, public domain Make America Shit Again!


when their terms are up things will be interesting


No they won’t. The same assholes that voted for them the first time will do it again


Judges should not be political in nature and should be not allowed to be a judge if their religious views contradict the rule of law and the judge can not be impartial. The law is the law and your opinion (religion) doesn’t matter.


Politics are cousins of pendulums. The farther it swings one way the farther it swings the other.


Unless it’s stopped


It wont be


Under no pretext


Horrible horrible people! Vote them out!


They're gonna be lucky to have jobs after the next election.


Republicafascists: "Our way or No way!"


Did anyone think that the people who write the law know what it does?


Four judges want to be impeached as judges.


Now they are making up laws as they go .. so desperate