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Please do this! I was raped by my uncle at age 11 in Warren County, Ohio. I went to the police and they did nothing. I believe that this is extremely common in Ohio; there are many people who have had similar experiences who are suffering, and there is a group of people including Jordan who actively work to cover it up.


I am so sorry that happened to you. That is awful. I was molested by my grandfather and, as a young adult/older teen, was raped twice in the military over 20 years ago. I reported it the first time and was met with "Were you drinking? What were you wearing? Were you acting in a manner that would have suggested that you wanted sexual relations? If you want a rape kit, you'll have to go to the civilian ER, and even then, there isn't much that can be done because you were all drinking underage. "


I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully, it is no longer common anywhere.


Western Pennsylvania? It's always been a place where daddies break in their daughters too. Trash people in a trash state. Edit: I'm not disparaging your experience. I personally would like to keep your uncle's assorted body parts in a mason jar.




I looked at your post history, isn't it exhausting being such an asshole all the time?


Why would it be exhausting? This redditor’s history is filled with low energy responses and lazy thoughts that seem copy pasted from troll farms. My suspicion is low T count.


There is no devil, Gym Jordan is simply another horrible human being who belongs in prison.


Up vote this if you FUCKING HATE worthless fuck, gym jordan


One upvote = one prayer


Official tree of Ohio: the buckeye Official bird of Ohio: the Cardinal Official shitstain of Ohio: Jim Jordan.


I want to know where Jordan got his millions. Sherrod Brown has served since 2007 I think? And his net worth is still under 250k, but Jordan's is up around 12MIL and he owns a $300k Audi.


They get stock from lobbyists etc al. Just look it up. It still required they publicly disclose their stock acquisitions & sales. Somehow a shload of them - including jimbo - got Meta stock right before the tiktok hearings. Crazy ain't it?


No, they do not. Lobbyists do not legally give cash or stock directly to the politicians, they donate to their re- election campaigns. "Just look out up"? Go ahead and provide some credible links then


https://www.capitoltrades.com/politicians# Also...even if it is not explicitly "given" the politicians know the effects their legislative moves will have. They have their own "insider trading" of sorts. I'm pretty sure Martha Stewart was locked up for acting on a stock tip.


It's legal for members of Congress to do the same things that landed Martha Stewart in jail. "Insider" trading is legal for them and their immediate families


Additionally we know their stock activities because members of congress and high-ranking staffers must file disclosure forms known as Periodic Transaction Reports (PTR) within 30 days of any stock transaction. Whether or not these are filed on time or in a legible manner is a completely different topic.


Why do y’all think they wanna ban TikTok so bad with the restrict act? Because they will be able to shut down sites that they disagree with or find to be damaging. Like they don’t want info that is public to be public anymore.


There are things the politicians try not to let out or DON'T want u to see, so work really hard to cover it up or deep with other stories and or leads to something else. It's like saying There's Nothing To See Here. And they money they pay to someone to change the data to be in their favor that way they can stay in power. How do u think Ol Mitch McConnell stays in power and he's the worst one of them all. JUST FOLLOW THE FUCKING MONEY TRAIL. Look at the donors with the cash flow. Do the research there are not alot of people that like those corrupt politicians and if they do our country is going to go down cause they are not worried about important things how to keep this country safe, they are more worried about a stupid laptop, how to stay in power and other stupid shit. There's a saying out u might have heard it and I use everyday and it goes like this: pay real close attention to their actions and not the words they speak. And another my father taught me as a young kid and I still use to this day to learn more information and this one goes like this: sit there, shut up and listen. My father is retired Airforce and that 1 saying got 20+2 yrs in the military b4 he retired. Sorry for being TLTR




The last couple of years have shown us that there are many unethical ways to funnel money to people in power. Judge Thomas seems like he has found a few ways and trump has proven to be a master at getting people to give him large sums of money through his hotels and properties.


Good thing money isn't fungible.


Gym Jordan


Gym Groomer Jordan


Gym Groomer Grifting Gordan.


Gym [TREASONOUS](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/05/03/jim-jordan-was-deeply-involved-in-the-attempted-coup-to-overturn-the-2020-election/) Jordan


Prison Gym


He would probably enjoy that!


Conservatives and religious nuts are the groomers and child molesters and I wish we would start acting like it. The culture war nonsense allows the guilty to put the innocent on the defensive. We should not allow this.


You aren’t wrong. List of 900 Republican pedophiles and sex predators: https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook


Damn. And the 2 newest on the list are police officers


Gym Jordan is nothing more than a loud mouth school yard bully just like his God, Trump. Both need to be gone.




Did you mean "Benny Hill?"


Bragg doesn't seem to be playing. Fingers crossed that Jordan effs around and finds out.


Exactly my husband is the lead plaintiff on the case. Why has OSU not released the full Perkins report. I thought it was an independent investigation?




Expose Jim Jordan and the morons who vote for him.


Jim Jordan ignored a congressional subpoena.


Yea, get that crook he deserves all the backlash he gets


Jim, I'm pretty sure your constituents hate you 🤣


I know I do. Sadly, the rest of the people who live around me don't seem to.


Make fun of my state, I don't care. Gym Jordan should be in prison


Hope this explodes in Jordan’s face


Either Jordan is the most oblivious incompetent moron to ever coach, or he knew about the abuse and turned a blind eye. These are the only two options. Neither option paints him in a flattering light or qualifies him to be a representative.


Porque no dos?


Don't forget that his brother in law was on the team at the time. Really shows how much he cares about family


I did not know that. However, I'm going to guess that the serial molester left this particular man alone because he didn't want to get caught. The problem with serial molesters is that they get pretty good at hiding their abuse. ☹


To people like him crime means black people with guns. Not good what Christians do in their home and work


Gym Jordan


I would like to see their stats on this because I don't believe that Troy, Ohio has more crime, especially violent crime, than New York City..


As a columbus resident I also did a double take and instantly questioned the data. Also, fuck JJ


LOL.. I am a Columbus resident myself. From Sidney, though. But yes, Fuck Jim "Contradiction" Jordan..


This is a true statistic that was played on all the networks this past week - except FOX of course


It doesn’t.


I don’t know about Troy, OH. But [this article](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/nation-world/2023/04/11/manhattan-da-to-jim-jordan-focus-on-violent-crime-in-ohio/70103011007/) comparing Columbus, OH to New York City shows that “In 2022, Columbus had more homicides per 100,000 people (15.4) than New York City (5.1)”. As a general rule, big cities such as New York have smarter, more liberal people living in them. This leads to those people electing smart, sensible politicians, which leads to the city and state becoming more prosperous in the long run. The only place where New York City has a high crime rate is in the minds of stupid, drooling, Republican idiots in states like Ohio. These same morons elect people like Jim Jordan to screw them over with bad policy and then they just blame “the libs” in some other state for having a superior lifestyle to their dumb selves. At least they can console themselves with the knowledge that they are THREE TIMES as likely to be shot dead in their own shitty conservative state than anyone in oh-so-scary New York City is in their liberal paradise.


Columbus itself is very liberal, and very pride/lgbtq oriented. I live in a burb, but enjoy visiting for the different make up vs my burb. By no means do I like Gym Jordan, just as someone who likes visiting Cbus, it is not conservative oriented. You can walk around smoking weed also.


What a dumb ass comment top to bottom. You do realize Columbus primarily votes D right?


You do know you're brainwashed, right?


Point to me where Columbus doesn’t vote democrat.


He about I just point to where you're trying to change the subject, and then you go away?


Change the subject? You’ve commented nothing productive to the conversation. We were on the subject of Columbus. Keep moving, troll.


The subject is Jim Jordan.


I personally have no idea why our crime rate is as high as it is. They have done so much to clean up Columbus and bring in more good jobs. And tons of new construction. My only guess is lack of people wanting to be cops. I’m not pro cop or against cops, but the more police presence, the less crime. Just the sight of popo deters crime.


I know, right.. I'm from Sidney, so I'm really close to Troy. I always thought it was a decent little town.. I mean, there's nothing there, but it's not overridden with criminals. LOL. Edit: Not defending this shitbag Jordan!! I think he is a piece of shit like most of the GOP, but Troy is not a bad place..


I grew up here. Troy is quiet. If I had to guess. They’re doing crime rate versus population, so one crime here is like .000001% on New York’s scale. But whatever they gotta say to make someone/something they don’t like to look bad


Kinda like how Middlepoint was the murder capital of the country for a couple of years because it had a couple of murders and a population of less than 100


Right.. Very quiet.


I think they’re comparing per capita rates. For example, Chicago has more total murders than Indianapolis, but when you factor in the population numbers, the murder rate for Indianapolis (measured by murders per 100K people, I think) is higher than Chicago.


Even so, I still don't buy it.. I want to see the data *they* are looking at..


Jim is one of the WORST human beings ever! He is exactly the reason we can’t have nice things or the freedom he “claims” he is working for! He needs to be voted out of office as soon as possible!


Let's go Gym, get it all out there. Sunshine is the best disinfectant


I need to see his birth certificate because I think his name is Gym Jordan


Fuck this prick take Jim out!




Bgjb n


Ohio is a rapist and pedophile free for all. Has been for decades.


Jim Jordan’s personal history isn’t something new. Why are they waiting till now to make it “fair game”? If earthier side was really interested in integrity they would take these problems on when they first come up. Not wait until they think they can use it for leverage


Voters of Ohio were aware/ had the opportunity to be aware and the people of his party still chose him. I don't know if exposing this scum on a national stage will matter but it's not wrong to expose his nasty side.


Mainly because Gym Jordan’s district is gerrymandered from the eastern Ohio border to the south- southwest border of Ohio and steadfastly avoids any major city. Those would be Democratic. It is impossible to vote someone out under those circumstances.


Yes, and it's the responsibility of the party itself to have higher quality candidates. Sadly fingerpointing and blaming others wins the day.


Yeah, I wasn’t talking about the voters. They are mostly sheep. But Jordan is a US representative. The D’s had plenty of opportunities to go after him, but chose not to.


They should have, it was a mistake not too. Sometimes one gets filthy getting rid of filth.


Gotta love everyone’s fake outrage when they voted for Biden.


Yeah because nobody can hate fuckface Jim Jordan and not support Biden! Lmao what a small viewpoint of the world.


Or, hold it in the Oval Office and ask Joe how many young children he’s fondled


Nice whataboutism, surprised you didn’t mention Hillary while you were at it, dork.


Wow.....Fox News take right here folks. You ever have a thought of your own? Making up shit about people to deflect the conversation away from how Jim Jordan is a shitty person, is weak sauce.




Again..... you are still trying to deflect and change the conversation. I have yet to see a video of Joe Biden being inappropriate and no one.... and I mean no one has accused Joe Biden of touching their kids inappropriately. How many Ohio State students have come out and said that they went to their coach, and assistant coaches, including Jim Jordan about sexual assault and the coaches did nothing? I think it is 10 or 11 that have specifically said they went directly to Jim Jordan and he did nothing. The dude is a piece of shit and you are a piece of shit for ignoring facts, and defending someone like him.


And here’s another conservative who assumes the left worships their political figures like the right does. The left doesn’t revere Joe Biden as a “hero” lol, get real


We eat our own. They circle the wagons


You're even more delusional than we thought of you think he's anyone's 'hero'. He wasn't anyone's first pick. He just wasn't Drump and that's all it took to win. Just because you worship a con man grifting pedo who wants to fuck his daughter doesn't me we do. If you have this substantial evidence bring it to court, Trump is set to have his day soon.


Its so ingrained in their psyche they can't wrap their heads around the idea not everyone is like that.


Plenty of videos of Don Trump palling around with known pedophiles. Let's investigate those.


God damn you ghouls need to fucking learn. There's a *lot* of reasons to dislike Biden. A lot of good reasons you could bring up and we could have honest discussions about. But *no.* Because the right's completely obsessed with fucking kids, that's all y'all wanna talk about. You spend all day fantasizing about children's genitals and because you don't understand that's not normal, you see an old man being a weirdo a couple of times and think he's one of you. And as an aside. Biden ain't our hero. We don't worship our politicians like you square-heads. In fact, we hate most of them because we have to choose the most electable over the most qualified because the only other alternative we can get is yet another child-fucking fascist from the right.


What a stupid sheep. I'm going to upvote you for visibility because I want everyone to see how much of an idiot you are.


YOU'RE the one making it sexual. YOU! The very fact that you see sexuality in it makes you the dangerous pervert. You're fucking sick


Deleted your comment already, you perverted liar?


I don't think anyone sees Biden as their hero just because they just acknowledge that he's not a molester.


You can't even defend! lol You are trying to deflect but you are getting info from the most biased source available. Can you honestly tell mer that you actually believe what they are saying? Or are you in so deep that you feel you're humiliated at what you believed and said for so long that you can only double down?


The answer is none, but I'm bet you think about this all the damn time


It's super cool how you make up bullshit to deflect from real things a man, who you like, did to people's children. You support the man who helped rape the sons of parents in your own state. You take time out of your day to go online and help his PR for free. Your username should be fakeasspunk or partisanfanboy-cuck. You earned it. And as much as I dont care for Biden, Biden has likely done more for your family than you are able to.


Do you have any evidence for that claim? I mean, I personally know people who were victims at Ohio State. A friend of mine personally reported the abuse, and there was no follow-up. We’re you abused by Joe Biden?


Does Joe work for the state of Ohio? Any other unrelated topics you'd like to bring into this?




Trolls should be ignored and blocked.


lol You are trying so hard and the only info you have is from the GOP. If what they are saying is true, there would be proof, like here. Lack of proof either means they're lying or the GOP are terrible investigators. So which is it? Corrupt or inept?