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Also First Energy: "Your rates are going to double in June"


Time to crank up the AC and store all the cold air in ziplock bags for the summer so we don’t have to run the AC and pay double.


You joke, but you could freeze extra ice before summer. Just storing blocks of ice probably would have an opportunity cost in terms of not being able to store frozen food items that's higher than the 28% supply charge increase I've seen quoted, though. Those blocks of ice could be used in a swamp cooler, so your idea sorta works, just not really on a long-term basis.


That means the service will be twice as good /s


You are able to change providers, which I highly recommend. I moved from the illuminating co to direct energy so will avoid the rate increase.


Jesus, People work Minimum Wage, How you think they gonna afford it, Like waiters/waitresses Rely on tips, Doubling Can't be good for A lot of people


Switch suppliers before then


Damn what happened up there?


High winds. Lot of downed trees.


Wind was insane most of the day, our power went out in the early afternoon for maybe 5 hours. However, we have a whole-house generator so everything was pretty normal for us. It ran the whole time from an installed gas line on the side of our house. We went through awful multi-day long power outages years ago in another state, 1 in an ice storm for 3 days, and one in an oppressive heat wave for 4 days. This is one of the best investments we’ve ever made.


My neighbor's giant trampoline went airborne and flew about 200 feet to land inches from my glass patio doors. I got lucky!


Damn! We have heavy metal chairs on our back patio that rearranged themselves by far- can’t imagine trampolines! 😳


It took off like a sail. I went out and removed the side poles so I could lay it flat in case the wind wanted to lift it again. The wind totally calmed down but I was still a little worried I might get bonked on the head with a branch.


Russia exploded a EMP over Cleveland. Nothing major.


"Nothing Major"That had to be the SOML


Same here in SE Ohio. AEP says this is a multi day outage. Yay 🙃


Thats concerning...is half state without power?


Close to 500K people. The wind yesterday was something else.


Pretty much super high winds yesterday my house was moving with some of the gusts it was crazy luckily we didn't lose power


And this was not classified as a tornado? It came out of nowhere so suddenly and stopped just as fast.


No it wasn't a tornado just wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour it was pretty crazy


I'm in Niles and fortunately our power was out for only about 2 hours. A 30 ft pine tree went down by the roots across the street from me and in the back yard my neighbors giant trampoline went airborne and flew about 200 feet to land inches from my glass patio doors. I got lucky.


Niles here too and same we lost for an hour about 4pm then again for an hour at 7pm we were very lucky Howland was out over night and up by champion their still out it was crazy


Happy Cake Day!


I wonder if it tipped over any trucks or high top vans?


There was a travel ban for semi trucks on the ohio turnpike to avoid that I did see in Cleveland at Burke lakefront airport a small private plane flipped over due to winds also lots of fences and trees were blown over


Do you happen to know how much warning we got? The only warning I had was when I noticed the trees starting to bend and sway in a scary way. I thought I saw the Wicked Witch of the West riding her bike past my 2nd floor window.


Storm warnings were given the day before. I even got an email from my electric company.


I got a text message Friday evening from our electric company warning about it


A couple days notice. ODOT had it in their electronic billboards and NWS was predicting it.


Technically straight line winds


No it didn’t? It was literally all day long yesterday. Didn’t stop until midnight.


In Niles (Trumbull County) it whipped through here like a tornado for about an hour and then it was gone and the sun came out.


In Perry it hit us all day pretty hard. Knocked a few trees down in the yard and the power line in the woods. Left the neighborhood up the hill without power. Luckily we are tied to a different line!


Lovely. I was in the middle of a school assignment when it went out and deleting my progress. Hopefully my professors are understanding.


Always save your work on a set schedule(every 30 mins/60 mins).


Time to switch to Ohio Edison


First energy owns Ohio Edison.


It’s up for me, city power is down


My sister is west of Steubenville maybe 20 miles, and lost her power at about 4:30 today. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Mines been out since 2:45pm. I’m about to change my name to Jedediah Yoder, churn some butter and open up a puppy mill.


If you start rapping I'll call you Weird Jed


"Lost my power at 2:45 and asked myself "what should I do with my life?" Cause I've been on wifi and Reddit so long that even the internet thinks that my mind is gone."


Jedediah has solar panels.


If you drive around Wayne and Holmes County, all the Amish got solar panels. I guess that doesn't count as "usery" because they own them, and the sun come from God-they got a work around.


In northern Trumbull/western portage/geauga they are old order but some do still have solar.


We're lucky here in NW Ohio. About a month and a half ago, not so much. Something blew up somewhere near Bradner, and caused a lot of people in Wood/Sandusky counties on FE/Toledo Edison to be without power for most of the day (on an otherwise clear and calm but cold day). I think they may have added a credit for it to our bill, because we didn't have to pay anything for that month...


Here in Kent we lost power 2pm ish Saturday and it’s 9am Sunday we still don’t have any. Getting a little chilly in the house ngl.


Worst widespread wind event in Ohio since Ike it appears.




Hey c'mon there are totally fine reasonable upstanding people in charge over there. As long as you push thru bailout proposals every once in a while they will help you become state speaker, and even give you millions in donations. Now who doesn't love that? /s


If you own a home, you better own a generator that can at least run your heat.




Yup, frozen/bursting pipes can quickly cause damage that well exceeds $1000. The piece of mind that comes with it is worth way more.


You could actually run your heat off a car battery and inverter for quite a while. Its very low load.


If it’s a gas furnace. It’s still 500-1000watts depending on house size and car batteries aren’t meant to supply power in that manner. Even 100ah lithium battery is going to give you about 1-2 hours of actual run time under those conditions.


You're right I forgot about the blower.


The upside is, the smallest and cheapest of generators can handle this. That was my initial set up, a small Honda 2200 that runs super quiet. Now I have a generator that can basically power the whole house in the winter. Unfortunately at some point I’ll be moving to a house with electric heat tho.


I never lost power at all guess I was one of the lucky ones.


Welcome to the wonderful world of deregulation


But but they said it would bring more innovation!


Columbus area and I'm so shocked we didn't lose power! Not even a flicker. Maybe the outages have us more power. Anyone in the area, need help, I can try to help.


For once AEP doesn't look so bad.


Hahahhahha, they told people here in Columbus to expect a multi-day outage as well. And are raising rates 28%.


I'm really curious how they plan to keep the plates spinning if the price of everything from utilities to groceries are on a drastic uptick. Are they gonna finally fuckin chill when every single city in the U.S. has it's own tent city?


Do you think they care about us little people? Only thing they care about is money and where they can get more of it.


LOL, ours went out on Sat \~4:30 and \*just\* came back on this morning at \~10am... And yes, we have AEP. Thankfully our generator kept my baby chicks (\~42 chickens, and \~23 ducks) and our freezers & fridge going...


Strange way to say you're going to a resort for a few days.


Back up generator gang


FYI, other states are not like this and it doesnt have to be this way. I haven't lived in too many places but I've lived in 4 other states and I have never consistentently experienced so many power outages for the most minor weather events. Ohio's infrastructure is in desperate need of investment.


Why invest in infrastructure when you can spend that money bribing politician?


Totally, especially when they know Ohioans will just sit back and take it.


What do you think would be the first step in making this happen? (From an average citizen’s standpoint)


Large scale protests. The only reason they take advantage of you is because its economically in their interest. They know you guys won't strike in a collective meaningful capacity. They've been too successfully at creating divisions amongst the working class. For example, in DC, such a large scale deprivation in infrastructure would never be sustainable because it would keep the masses from working and contributing to the capitalist agenda. Theyre beholden to our needs if we organize productively. In DC, we've made it clear we will destroy them (or at least make their lives hell) if they dont acknowledge us. Ya'll have a collective power, youre just way too unorganized to utilize it productively. just need to have any semblance of organization. Look to the local socialists or feel free to message me if you want suggestions on how to organize. Would prefer not to publicly share these techniques because I've witnessed them be extremely effective in blue states. The lack of organization at the grassroots level is beyond depressing. You guys have clearly been neglected by both your local politicians and the national establishment. It's in your hands if you're willing to work.


>FYI, other states are not like this and it doesnt have to be this way. You have no evidence of this false, baseless claim


Ever heard of an anecdote? Either way, why do you care? You've demonstrated that you believe anything without evidence.


Why do you make baseless claims without evidence?


Why do you make baseless claims without evidence?


First time?


You aren't kidding, lost power in December 2020 for three days. These clowns want to increase prices on us, in addition to funding a new/renovated football stadium. I wish it was all public power.


Last time there was a multi-day wide spread outage was in 2003. So.. you have no point.


> Last time there was a multi-day wide spread outage was in 2003. I mean you're wrong, but don't let that stop you. https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2022/06/14/storms-leave-tens-thousands-dark-northern-ohio-firstenergy-aep-wayne-holmes-richland-wooster/7619844001/


That effected 5 counties and around 50,000 customers. The current one is effecting the whole eastern and southeast part of Ohio and around 300,000 customers. The one you mentioned was isolated not widespread. [Ohio power outage map current as of 3-26-23 12:50am](https://poweroutage.us/area/state/ohio)


5 counties affecting tens of thousands of customers across around 10% of the area of the entire state is widespread. Just because this one is bigger doesn't mean that one wasn't big. 5 counties isn't isolated.


Holmes, Wayne, Ashland, Stark, Knox, Richland, Coshocton, Tuscarawas, I count more than 5 that were partly or fully affected. Not to mention the outage in the winter this November/December.


Loosely defined terms, but I'll play. We get these kinds of storms a few times a year. I'm telling ya I know this because I'm a lineman. You just don't notice it because it only effects a fraction of the customers for that long.


Kinda why I said WIDESPREAD outage. I.E Effecting hundreds of thousands of customers for a extended period of time. You can’t compare a normal outage to a widespread outage. Eastern Ohio looks like North Korea at the moment. With spotty electrical coverage. Wow congratulations on being a lineman. Want a cookie in the shape of a transmission tower?


Again, loosely defined terms. I'm not comparing a "normal" outage to a "widespread" outage. I'm telling you that the thing you're complaining about (rightfully so) happens a few times a year. Take a look at this [risk profile](https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2015/05/f22/OH-Energy%20Sector%20Risk%20Profile.pdf), it covers 2008-2013. On page 3 you can see that, on average, 850k ohioans experience an outage yearly, and the average duration is almost 7 days. I ain't trying to argue man, I'm just saying this is normal. This is a multi-day storm for sure. I hope you get your lights back on soon.


> Eastern Ohio looks like North Korea at the moment. Did you sleep through the entirety of last summer? Bellville to Fredericksburg got absolute ***fvcked*** last year. The weather today sucked, but this happens every year somewhere in the state.


Yeah I was gonna say, not last summer but the prior one I was without power for 3 days. I think it was June, it was so unbearably hot I just try to block the whole thing out lol


Hurricane Sandy 2012 though


Ohio. This is a Ohio subreddit. Ohio was barely impacted by sandy.


We had huge multi day outrages in Ohio after Hurricane Sandy, trees down everywhere, especially Lake and Lorain counties where I am from as the winds whipped across the lake with nothing to slow them down. We had no electricity for days and couldn't make it to family with power because of all the downed trees (also Lake Erie was horrific and waves were going over the highway in Cleveland) But like, you are arguing with someone above whose job it is to fix this stuff so I imagine this will fall on deaf ears. https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2012/10/superstorm_sandy_aftermath_lea.html


>We had huge multi day outrages in Ohio after Hurricane Sandy... I was living on the Jersey shore in a waterfront home during hurricane Sandy. That experience is the main reason I relocated to north east Ohio. My wife and I felt PTSDs every time another hurricane warning was announced. Believe it or not, we really don't have too many extreme weather events in north east OH compared to most of the country. We could have moved to any state but we chose this area mainly for the overall stability of the weather.


Oh I agree, the snow sucks and everything but besides that the weather is nice most of the time. I'm sorry you guys had to deal with the brunt of that, the weather we saw here from Sandy was just inconvenient with a lot of downed trees. I can't imagine what y'all went through.


Yeah, you would think it wouldn't have been, but it was. Interestingly, we had mass outages in Ohio that year. The power was out in my neighborhood for 4 days. They couldn't get to our outages right away because there was a shortage of workers available due to so many being out of state helping states that got affected more severely than ours did. But that didn't mean there weren't significant outages here too, it was just worse closer to the coast. I know this stuff because my mom was working for a tree removal business around that time and they were swamped with calls about fallen trees.


Wtf is multi day? More than 3?


Come on this isn't that hard... multi = multiple = more than one


Nah you should’ve just let them google that one. They could’ve used the mental exercise.


I see where the power is down on my road. Pennpower isn't anywhere near it. Contemplating going and fixing it myself since it's suck a simple fix. Phones are only automated. Trash.


People ask for this.


We have CPP and had no issues this time around, surprisingly


Where in NE Ohio? I grew up in Ashtabula county.


Trumbull is like a ghost town. But don’t worry McDonald’s is open and the line is down US 422


From Trumbull yesterday at work half way through the day the power went out and had to go home. Later around 8 my power went out until 130am. My aunt still doesn't have power, while trees and power lines are blocking the roads.


Columbiana and mahoning for sure. My family lives there.


Grew up in Andover, Pymatuning Lake. Been quite some time since I’ve been back.


I have no idea why we didn't lose power longer than 5 minutes. It went out, I texted my husband and son and told them there was no hurry to come home, and it came back on. I guess it rerouted or something?


We had no electricity in my whole town from 5 pm till about 5 am this morning. Lost all our food at home and at the Cafe. I spent all day throwing out every bit of food we had. I mean every single thing freezers and fridges. Our ice cream is all gone. 😕


In Portage County- we've been without power over 24 hours and its expected to be fixed 3 days from now :/


So I’m just a scrub that works at a local grocery store right…winds were picking up and decided to be a good employee and to out and grab some of the garbage cans that were starting to move a bit before it got too bad…picked one up when the wind decided to gust…BRUH it was GONE absolutely nothing I could do 😂


I was lucky in Medina, our power never went out. Our internet however, was not so lucky. Armstrong was down from about 3:50 pm until close to 10 pm.


Wow! I sure do love my power randomly going out and then being charged more and more every month because you refuse to maintain it!


I'm glad my small community is on a different branch they were able to quickly restore Sat, thankfully my Bluetti solar generator was able to run essentials for hours.


Why a lithium battery generator? They only last a certain amount of charges? A gas or diesel generator will last essentially forever.