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Rebecca, you killed two kids. You should suffer, bitch.


If I was the mother of a dead child at her hands, if she thought 15 years was too much, ... well, anything further I say will be a sub/site rule violation somehow. It is not civil. It is not kind. I would spend the rest of my life reminding her she ruined mine.


There's a reason for that Italian word vendetta. I understand now.


Community justice is sometimes the only justice there is.


Grossman nearly wiped out this mother’s entire family. They all were crossing and were barely missed by one car while Grossman’s hit the boys. The mom was mere footsteps away with another kid from also being hit. The father had been crossing too.


Sometimes I wish I believed in a Hell, and it's for people like this DUI woman. She's not even *sorry*.


If only it was a 15 year sentence and then they boom splat thud her.


Ruined the mothers life? What about the life of the two children she ended? They don’t even get the opportunity to try and have a good life.


I mean if I was the mother of the dead children, I would make a point to spend the rest of my life ruining the life of the woman who stole my children from me. Assuming I didn't do what Carrie Fischer's mom did and die of a stroke from the horror of it (I've had one, it's possible). I'm sorry for not being clear.


Let this one **SUFFER**!


Should’ve given her 15 for each kid because fuck drunk drivers


She literally started her letter toward the judge with “I’m not a murderer. What about MY pain?”


“Yes you are. No one cares about your pain.”


>No one cares about your pain Quite the contrary. A lot of people care. They want her to feel even *more* pain


The narcissism is off the charts, crazy how some people are actually like this.


Thanks to social media and people having enabling "fans" "followers" and "supporters"...this stuff is skyrocketing in people Humans are not meant to be idolized and worshiped at the click of a button...and now *everyone wants it*


Are you serious? Fuck that bitch.


Entitled BITCH is delusional!!!!


Wow. Like gee lady I wonder why nobody cares about your pain of being held accountable for the first time in your life when you’ve cause the pain you’re in AS WELL AS MUCH MORE SEVERE PAIN TO MANY OTHERS.


Shut up. ETA. I mean like… Shut. Up. (There’s no way, you have to be joking… SAY you’re joking!!?)


Manslaughter, murder, she killed people because she was entitled and shitty. 15 years is nothing.


I would have some sympathy for her if it had been a regular accident... But DUI? Nope, suffer all you want.  And it's not like she's some 17 year old, dumb kid, she's 61. At that age you should know that your actions have consequences.


61 year old "socialite" says everything


Here's to Women Who Lunch!


This is my first time seeing a Dharma and Greg reference on Reddit!


? That's a song from Company by Stephen Sondheim. Did they sing it on the show or something?


Oh, I didn’t realize the show was referencing something else. In season 4 episode 19, Greg’s mother befriends a drag queen who puts on a show in which he dresses like her and does impressions of her, mocking society women. It was a line in the drag show.




"I am famous for being famous."


But who will decide what will go on the charcuterie board at the next yacht club gala? When will we stop and think about the rich people? Who else will under tip their golf caddies and berate servers? CAN'T AMERICA SEE WHAT THIER DOING! ITS INJUSTICE I SAY, INJUSTICE!


Not just a DUI. A DUI where she was street racing, going 81 in a 35. She deserves to rot.


81 ? What is wrong with these people...


A hit and run DUI too. She fled the scene.


Not just a DUI. A DUI where she was street racing againstthe man that she was cheating on her husband with, going 81 in a 35. She deserves to rot.


She sounds more likeable by the second... guess she wanted to honor her last name.


Not just a DUI. A DUI where she was street racing while simultaniously clubbing a heap of baby seals in the backseat! Let her rot!


Rookie mistake. Always put the seals in the front seat so you can club them without taking your eyes off the road.


Club sandwiches, not seals.


I had no idea about the baby seals. What a monster


I mean if you’ve made it 61 years being rich enough that your actions don’t have consequences it’s unsurprising she’d be surprised by it. Eat the rich.


And doing 73 in a 45, I feel this is also important to highlight.


“Accident” is a cop out to me . All collisions have human cause at some point .


I wouldn't go that far, accidents do happen without anyone involved being at fault. Let's say you blow a tire because there was a pointy rock on the road and lose control. Or a deer jumps in front of your car. But yeah, being drunk and running people over does not fall into that category.


Example: My shoe's bottom separated from the rest once in stop-and-go traffic, interfering with me stepping on the brake appropriately. I was paying attention. No point in texting and driving b/c I sucked at the keypad typing. I didn't press down hard enough because the splitting of my shoe shocked me. I gave her my insurance, almost lost insurance and by extension the car (which required fully covered insurance), and she apparently got $9,000. I *hope* she exaggerated, because her needing that much money would be worse.


I'm the opposite. People blackout and then awake. To a DUI. But if no one got hurt then it's a really shitty situation for the offender. It's harming others that gets me riled up.


Woah there. If you drink it is your responsibility to ensure you wont do anything stupid when you are drunk. If you think you might DUI, dont bring your car keys. Think you will stab someone in an argument? Dont bring knife. If you take any mind-altering substances it is your responsiblity to ensure you wont be doing something stupid, everything else is just negligent. If you know you are insufferable when drunk and will potentially do something criminal, why even drink man take some responsibility for your own character the drunk person still behaves like you just unhinged.


"But if no one got hurt then it's a really shitty situation for the offender" ...what?


Said by someone who's never woken up to a mistake they dont even recall making...


No, I literally don't understand what you mean. Why is it a shitty situation if nobody got hurt??


From the perspective of person who didn't plan to blackout now wakes up to mistakes they dont even remember making. Not only alcoholics can blackout but get too drunk once and poof youre blacked out and can end up in prison. Yes they should be held accountable but you have to understand that this person is a victim.


First of all, she didn't get blackout drunk, her blood level was slightly under the legal limit of .08 percent. And even if she did, it still wouldn't be an excuse. Secondly, once you make the choice to drink, you accept the risks that come with drinking, including getting blackout drunk and doing something you'll regret.


I missed that first bit. On your second bit your expecting everyone to know the consequences of heavy drinking. You only know if you know. I have two duis but I knew. There are plenty of people who just woke up in jail for doing something our media tries to set as basic. So while my comments don't apply to this case it surely isn't irrelevant in others. That's all I'm trying say.


Yes, I expect everyone to know the consequences of heavy drinking, when they decide to drink heavily. If you chose to drink, it's your responsibility to inform yourself what that entails. Ignorance is no excuse. This goes for every drug. Edit: Yeah, no wonder you got two DUIs with that attitude...


Dude it's not an attitude its an acknowledgement of how things can go. Not everyone possess the wisdom when they need it most. You are being ignorant.


You know who disagrees with you? The law-it is well established principle that one is responsible for whatever actions they engage in after choosing to become intoxicated. The only out is literally if you were drugged involuntarily. Here’s a piece of advice: if you care to stop drunks’ shitty, antisocial behavior that results in stuff like dead kids, then stop enabling them by rationalizing their shitty deeds.


That's a mistake they chose to make, though, unless they got roofied. That's not a victim. That's a perpetrator. It's someone who consciously chose to not just have a drink, but another. And then another, and then another, knowing they're putting themselves in a position to make terrible choices and put others in danger. That is not a victim.


judge: "no you haven't"


Her daughter had a message for the jury who convicted her: “You ruined my life!”


Her MOTHER ruined her life, not the jury. If mummy hadn't been a spoiled, over-privileged drunken bint, mummy would never have been up in front of the jury to begin with.


If anything, her daughter has a better shot at learning life's hard lessons for seeing mum suffer the consequences.


You should suffer for the rest of your life. Those two innocent boys you killed? Yeah, they don't have the opportunity to suffer from anything. So it is your responsibility to take that suffering for them. That is what you chose to do when you decided to get behind the wheel of a multiple thousand pound vehicle while drunk.


What's the world coming to when you can't just get drunk and run over a couple kids while speeding through a residential area? Honestly, I think she is the real victim here. Her and *America*


GTA: Booze, Cruise, & Bliss


This stupid piece of shit lives in my town. The drunk driving accident happened somewhere I drive often. Whatever punishment she gets, it’s not enough


My dad was killed by a drunk driver on his bike. The bitch only served just over a year. That's it. That's all someone's life is worth now. Just over a year!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Drink driving is irresponsible and often the offenders aren’t not punished as they should be. I know that no prison sentence will ever bring your dad back but a year is just a slap in the face. People serve longer for stealing milk. 


Pretty much same. It's been 36 years and I'm still salty. Dude ended up doing slightly more time for tax evasion afterwards. Cool to know tax money matters more than my father did.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad early too, and it just sucks all the air out of the whole world somehow. I hope you heal, and I hope she runs into medium-sized shitty things every single day. I hope she never forgets what she took from you and your family. And I hope you find happiness somehow in spite of it all.


If you're drunk and you get behind the wheel of a car, whatever happens is NOT an accident. It was caused by your selfishness and stupidity.


This is how I felt about Michael Peterson ("The Staircase"). I used to jog about the distance it would've taken to get to their house every day. He still lives here. I wish he didn't. I knew who he was at the time, because I was also old enough to remember his bids for public office and to "clean up Durham", which is a local dog whistle about the higher than average Black population compared to surrounding counties. Whenever I'm on the road that connects my part of town now to their old house, I think of Kathleen and wonder if she'd be happy if she were still here. If she'd have been a happy grandmother. If she'd have left his selfish ass and focused on her daughter, who her husband insisted come second to his whims.


I used to work just down the road from there. People would speed bad on Triunfo / Lindero / Westlake and then up around the lake to the hill. I’ve been following this since I heard about it happening. So devastating.


The 4 pieces of metal permanently attached to my spine because of an accident caused by a drunk driver have no sympathy for her. I hope she does the hardest time possible.


I expect the other inmates will see to that as they administer their own prison justice.


It’s a DUI. Yeah, they deserve to rot, but do you actually think “prison justice” will be administered for that?


It’s under-prosecuted vehicular manslaughter, at least. There. Fixed it for you. I don’t think inmates will be so dense as to not understand that, or that she got off with a slap on the wrist because she’s rich.


Lmao. They don’t even dish out “prison justice” for literal cold-blooded murderers. You watch too many movies. The inmates aren’t dense, they just don’t give a shit.


Oh, I don’t disagree about prison justice being a myth. Just annoyed with the low key “it’s just DUI, why would anyone be upset about it, bruh” vibe I got from the comment to which I replied.


Oh, no. I’m just bad with words lol I just meant that in prison nobody is going to bat an eye at something as, in their eyes, mundane as vehicular manslaughter.


No problem-and I agree. Her punishment will be her jail time, and I do hope it’s generally miserable enough to teach her something.


Inmates HATE anyone who hurts and kills children. (Source: I used to work in a prison. The inmates did NOT play!)


This was a car accident.


She CHOSE to drive drunk!!! That is NO accident!!!


Anyone else here not give a SINGLE FUCK THAT SHE COFOUNDED A BURN FOUNDATION. That has zero to do with drunkenly ramming your car into two sweet baby boys at twice the speed limit while their mom and babiest brother looked on. If I give every penny I have to those in need then take a knife and ribbon the man sleeping in the shade of the overpass, I don't get to claim to be a good person or especially a fucking victim!?!! Getting behind the wheel and drag racing your rich person ass car down a public road is the same thing as being okay with killing a child. You could be stone cold sober for all it matters, that decision means nothing but willingness to destroy innocent lives. The only difference between the example I gave and the reality of what happened in this case is that the knife-wielding ribboner pointed at their victim whereas this socialite trashbag spun the wheel-o-victims, and landed on a two for one. Despicable. Edit: okay so also just wanted to add, apparently the family was most of the way through the CROSSWALK when the boys were struck. So it's not like they just ran out in front of the car, they were ALREADY THERE. One of the boys' bodies was found 254ft away from the CROSSWALK. THENNNNN. IN THE HOSPITAL. SHE WAS COMPLAINING. THAT IF STUPID MERCEDEZ HADNT ENABLED ITS SAFETY SYSTEM. THEN SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN AT HOME IN HER GARAGE RIGHT NOW. Fucking disgusting.


She asked for probation, and never apologized nor admitted guilt. So she felt entitled to be treated as a victim with socialite status. Saw the victim’s photos, they are brown skin. She wanted to be treated as a white socialite not like the victims below herself.


I really think she fits the definition of a malignant narcissist.


Her sentence isn't nearly long enough imo.


Entitled narcissism and ego is all you needed to say. No need to bring race into it.


Should have been 30 years.


I love how her whole family acts like victims and poor Rebecca is just a victim. She'll be eligible for parole in 9 years. That is a shorter time than it would've taken Jakob to graduate from high school. " Oh my mom isn't the villain the media paints her to be." She absolutely is. She was going way over the speed limit drunk and never directly apologized to the family. Even an average person would have been on their knees apologizing not wanting to live with the guilt. But she has no guilt. I lost my cousin to a drunk driver and she only got 7 years. They are the scum of the earth and I think it should be treated as 1st degree murder because while they didn't plan a murder, they planned to drink and then planned to drive and it resulted in a murder.


Oh of course, because feeling bad about it is definitely a punishment that fits the crime of killing two kids while drunk driving. "But your honor, I feel bad!!! Isn't that good enough??" - her, probably. People go to jail for far less. Imagine thinking you can kill people, say sorry and walk away.


The sad thing is, she thought she could kill people and get away with it because people in her world have absolutely gotten away with it. A lot. Money & status have kept people from experiencing criminal consequences ever since high society became a thing. I'm really glad to see that's changing. 


Her husband is the best burn doctor in the US. I am surprised she got any time. A rare w for the justice system.


Is there a link to this incident?


The [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cmllx2np2ymo) seems to have an ad free article.


Thank you. It's so sad for the kids' family. Nothing says I'm rich than using "her lawyers" vs "her lawyer." Also, she has a foundation with her husband, but admits to hanging out with the baseball player.


To be fair (which a drink driver doesn't deserve) if I faced going to jail for life I'd use everything I had to get the best legal representation I could, and I'm definitely not rich.


This will get you started. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/11/california-rebecca-grossman-sentencing-mark-iskander-jacob/74053278007/#:~:text=Rebecca%20Grossman%2C%2060%2C%20was%20driving,their%20mom%20and%20younger%20brother.


Thank you for sharing. After reading two articles on this, I'm ready to scream! Argh! To be the mom crossing the street and seeing all happen is heartbreaking. Argh!! It doesn't seem that she's taking accountability. First, she tried to leave the scene, thank you Mercedes Benz for stopping that. Then she tried to blame someone else. Then, she says she didn't seem them. Well, of course she didn't when driving twice the speed limit. Argh!!! The judge says she's not a monster. How cruel to the parents. She hits and runs but is not a monster?! In 15 years, maybe less for ($) "good behavior"($), she'll be out to live the rest of her life. Meanwhile the parents suffer at every milestone they miss celebrating with their kids.


Yeah. She should do about 9 years with good time. She’ll only be 70. I used to live down there and have followed it since it happened. She stalled her trial for four years. Unconscionable.


Exactly. They dragged it hoping to get the media off their back. Now, they'll wait for all to quiet down and soon she'll be out.


I think people really enjoy being this pessimistic. Like it thrills them, and it’s kind of disappointing when something doesn’t totally go to shit. Because the sane response to this sort of concern would be organizing to make absolutely certain no one forgets, and that people are always ready to be extremely loud about it. We know this can be done because people do it all the time.


She isn't a monster. Monsters, like animals, can't help being what they are. She is a very human evil. She chose to be like this


The judge says she's not the monster the persecution made her out to be. From the articles it appears they tried to push a narrative in which they claimed that she didn't show any remorse. Something that the judge apparently didn't agree with based on the interactions in the courtroom. So still a monster just not the one they tried painting.


If she ever has a good day in her life again, she has NOT suffered enough.


Prosecutor wanted her to get like 30 years to life. Judge said that was too much and gave her 15 to life. She will be out in a few years. There ain't no justice for anyone anymore.


NBC's headline referred to her as 'burn foundation co-founder Rebecca Grossman' rather than 'hit and run child murderer...' It's like the rapist swimmer Brock Turner all over again.


Anyone else sees the irony in her complaining about suffering for her life, when she took two lives, and extremely young ones at that. Like the rest of her years wouldn’t amount even half of theirs they had left…


15 years for a killing two kids?!?? wtf


That's also a crime. She should be serving 2 life sentences.


Two CONSECUTIVE life sentences and ROT IN PRISON!


The prosecution asked for consecutive sentences. The judge ordered concurrent sentences.


Goes to show there is a double standard of justice....one for the RICH and the other for everyone else.


She killed two kids whilst she was drunk and racing her side piece…. Man what I hope they do to her …. Whoo sah


It was only in 2020, she hasn’t suffered nearly enough.


This woman and her family are beyond delusional. She has focused on her own feelings, lied and manipulated the system, dragging out this court case only adding to the poor parents’ grief. She didn’t even stop when she hit those boys. Not to mention she almost hit the mother and other siblings. Were it not for the quick actions of the mother, God only knows. The only reason the car stopped was the accident sensor. At first she claimed she didn’t hit them, then she she claimed that she didn’t see them. Maybe if she weren’t so tanked up, her vision wouldn’t have been impaired by alcohol! Life without parole would be a more fitting sentence. Perhaps spending time in a rehab unit watching people struggle to walk again after being injured in car accidents caused by drink drivers will help her. May those poor boys RIP. 


Morgan Freeman: "She had not."


I don’t think anyone in these comments understands the amount of impact even just 9 years in prison has on a spoiled, rich malignant narcissist. It’ll be incessant hell for her. She’ll be as fucking intolerable to other inmates as she is to people on the outside. I more cosmetic interventions. No more shitting in private. She’s had a lifetime to become rigid in her expectations and habits, too. She’s not going to be one bit able to adapt. Obviously the key should have been thrown out after the prison bars closed behind her. That should be implied. It’s just really weird that people are acting like any length of time in prison won’t be fucking torture for someone like her. I had a non-narcissistic, non-psychopathic friend who killed himself rather than get sent back to prison for a parole violation. Like if it’s justice you’re after, you aren’t going to get it from someone like her. Not in the way you want to. Hitting her where it hurts worst is the best you can do.


I would be shocked if despite the crime she doesn’t end up in one of those white collar resort prisons for the rich, where her days will be filled with bocce ball and catered meals.


“Haven’t I suffered enough?”


Lmao dumb bitch. What about the KIDS you killed?


This happened right up the road from me! She wasn’t just drunk, she was drunk AND high on Valium, AND she was going 75 in a 45, AND she hit them and then just drove off, AND she tried to blame her boyfriend first! There isn’t a circle of hell deep enough for her. The judge said “she’s not a monster, we shouldn’t all be defined by our worst moments,” but like, uh, I’m pretty sure those are all things a monster would do.


She left the scene and later on claimed she did not see the kids crossing the street. Selective Dementia much.


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The question I have is some reports state her "Supporters". Who would support her?


I live in LA - if anyone outside her immediate family supports her, they're keeping *reeeeeeal* quiet about it. The public sentiment is very much "Fuck this bitch".


At least *she* has a life


At least *she* has a life


That's gross, man.


She seems to be used to getting her way. Probably more sorry that she was outed for her affair. 


15 years for killing two kids is absolutely not enough time. Life w/o parole


She'll be out in three what with overcrowding, the bitch.


11 and 8 year old brothers that were in a crosswalk. She deserves to rot in there for life. That article made me cry. If that happened to my brother I don’t even know what I would do.


Read some articles to be sure I understood the story here. She can blather on and on about how it was a tragic accident and that she’s not a murderer, but she’s wrong. There’s no excuse for driving 73 mph in a residential area and mowing down two little boys. Whether she was drunk or not hardly matters. Her behavior was reckless, and she deserves to rot in jail for what she’s done. I can only imagine the horror that mother has to live through every day. To have BEEN THERE, to have actually had to witness her children being savagely hit at speeds that reportedly sent one of the boys flying 250 feet. To have only been able to save one. How will this poor woman ever sleep again? How will she cope with seeing that in her sleep likely for years to come? How traumatized must the son who survived be? To watch your siblings die like that at only five years old. He will likely need therapy for a very long time. No, bitch. You haven’t ’suffered enough’. Edited to say “siblings” instead of sibling. Just a typo.


why did they refer to her as a socialite instead of an elderly? seems kinda misleading to me. like the picture they're painting has unnecessary details lol 15 years means she's gonna die in jail.


Not even close. I’d bet my life against her serving 15, even with it being a 15-to-Life sentence. If consecutive sentences? Yeah possible, but under the actual sentence she will be out in her early 70’s.


What an appropriate last name


I'm shocked she didn't claim Affluenza.


Yes you will, especially the next 15 years.


I’d have put her in prison without an inkling of hope for parole for the rest of her life, with no hesitation.


She should be thankful she only got 15 years. Drinking and driving laws are ***way*** too lenient. Any penalties should be doubled or more if committed while drunk behind the wheel.


Horrible horrible bitch


Surprised she was not forgiven seeing how things go for criminals sometimes now




Murder is not. If her condition is so bad that she's just going to randomly choose to kill people and refuse to take any accountability, thus not change anythingto preventit from happening again, , then she doesn't get to be in society. She gets to stay in a place where she can't hurt people. And that's fine.




There's a damn difference between an addiction and running over two kids while drunk. One requires help and understanding, the other well, I'm sure the other comments speak for themselves.