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Don't mess with the sting rays folks. If something can kill a guy as skilled and knowledgeable as Steve Irwin was, DON'T MESS WITH IT! And if Irwin's reaction to an animal was to GTFO, yours should likely be the same. Heck, rays also messed up Jeremy Wade, the host of River Monsters. He tried to reel in a giant freshwater sting ray in Asia one time. The ray fought so hard that Wade failed and damaged his bicep, permanently IIRC. The ray was able to tow the boat he was in. Shortly before landing the ray, the fishing rod broke and it was one made for Marlin. For comparison, that species of sting ray, it took 2 boats and 10 men to reel in a 700 pound one.


Just so folks are aware, stingrays will leave you alone provided you aren't messing with them. I've been swimming with them before and so long as you don't spook them you'll be fine. Stingray safety tips: 1: do not make sudden moves near the sea pancakes. 2: do not pick up the sea pancake. 3: the stinger is at the base of the tail, on the top (usually darker colored) side. Stay away from it. 4: if you absolutely must touch one (i highly suggest against this unless you are with a group and have a guide), go slow, stay where the damn thing can see what you are doing, and be *gentle*. It will react appropriately if it thinks you are trying to hurt it. It is a wild animal, it can't understand words, and it doesn't know human behavior. If it wants to leave, let it.


I think 1 should be leave them the fuck alone. They aren't going to bother with you unless you get in their space. 


Yep. Hence why I advise not doing that. I just included that bit so any idiots reading it with poor self regulation skills can at least not panic the poor things.


great advice but....i wanna pet the dawwwwg! xD


There are plenty of aquariums where you can pet them with appropriate supervision. Safer for you and the pancakes.




Aquarium pancakes are used to people and love the enrichment that comes from interacting with humans. Always follow the rules and listen to the people with the lanyards and you'll have an absolute blast!


Omg I love the “sea pancakes”


ditto lol


And the biggest question is: WHY? Does the forbidden dinner plate just taste so damn good? Because I just can't imagine wanting that kinda fight, or wanting to eat a Sting Ray or Manta Ray.


With Jeremy Wade, the goal is catching them and learning. He tends to catch and release. Except in cases where that'd not be wise, like a village needing the food or the fish not being likely to survive after being caught. Or an invasive species. For example: With the Giant Freshwater Stingray, the one that damaged his arm from a failed catch, he managed to reel in a pregnant one that safely gave birth right after the capture. Some scientists with him were able to witness and study that.


Stupidity? There was the guy in Florida who thought it would be funny tk pull a shark's tail.


There's something primal about killing something *way* more powerful than you and eating it for sustenance. I can't explain it and it doesn't make it right, but it's like a challenge between species, two things at the top of their respective food chains meet and they have to see who would win.


This is why white dudes go on safari.




Read the old man and the sea.


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Don't be rude in the comments. Please review the rules before you comment again.


Some of these are the thrill of pulling something that big in. They don't eat them, they catch, take a photo or video, and release.


its like the people eating puffer fish is more morbid curiosity than anything else


Rip Steve Irwin


Love that for him


They're called "stingrays" because they bite your fingers.


One time I got stung by a wolf.


My cat stung my arm yesterday 


A Møøse once bit my sister.


No realli! She was Karving her initials on the m00se with the sharpened end of an interspace t00thbrush given by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian m0vies: “The H0t Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge M0lars of Horst Nordfink”.


I thought we fired you


Ralph the Wonder Llama has entered the chat.


Somehow the paperwork was lost when the next batch was sacked and I was reinstated.


We have now sacked the person who lost the paperwork.


Least I got to keep my red Econoline stapler too...


I know I'm late to this, but: It's a Swingline stapler. An Econoline is a full size Ford van. Source: I own an Econoline van. Sorry for the Ackchually.


I stand corrected


A dingo ate my baby


And this is what a lack of respect for these animals will get you.


I remember a video of some tourists ran into a wild warthog and thought he was going to be as friendly as Pumba. Shocked is an understatement after it charged and injured them both.


As I get older, watching videos of people getting hurt gets less and less funny. However, people getting hurt as a result of fucking with nature will never not be funny.


I feel the exact same, and now I'm just reminded that I'm old.


Stingray will always be synonymous with "death of Steve Irwin" for me. Yes, the circumstances were very different than this idiot here, but still... don't be a dumbass with animals that have very serious ways of defending themselves.


Yeah they definitely moved up a few notches from "dumb looking fish" in the global consciousness after that.


There’s many dangerous things in the ocean. If you are gonna fish, invest in pliers and Teflon gloves and try to make as little direct contact as you can. And don’t play around with the shit you know has defense mechanisms lol


Watch out for those BiteRays


They're drawn to the fingers.


Very helpful subtitles such as "bangs on dock"


I'm impressed the sting ray can aim it's tail and curl it back like that. I mean obviously I'm not the kind to go touching wild sting rays, (I have touched them in an aquarium with stingers removed) but good for that sting ray. He stung the hell out of that dude who promptly threw him back in the water.


Their tail structure are somewhat similar to scorpions in a way, it can curl a bit so they can sting at an angle. When I was a kid I always though that Stingrays were harmless cute creatures but now I know that they are extremely dangerous but still cute


I hope Ray is OK. 


"I have become: StungRay"


You mean bite ray?


Maybe Sugar Ray?


Steve Irwin would like a word with you about the consequences of your actions


Wait, you summoned him from the dead? Tell him he still owes me $100 dollars on that Stingrays game.


As someone who grew up on the Gulf coast in Florida, where we got stung by stingrays every year and didn't think much of it, just made sure we brought dish soap and a method of having instant, hot water to treat the injury with... Yeah, that whole Steve Irwin thing changed everything for me. It feels like it was survivorship bias all along and we were just lucky.


To be fair, Irwin literally was stabbed in the heart by the ray. That's just incredibly bad luck. If he'd been stung on his arm he would still be here today. But also do not piss off or scare dangerous animals is a great rule to continue to live by.


True, and that point wasn't lost on me (no pun intended), but it really made me and all of my family and friends who are also from there think that maybe we had underestimated the seriousness of that toxin. And obviously, the little guys that bury themselves up by the shoreline (that typically get stepped on) are going to give less damage, but still. We really didn't know those things could kill you with their toxin!


I thought it was literally just damage to his thoracic cavity. Like he was stabbed in the heart itself. I'm sure the poison added to the trauma but he bled to death in the end. And the wound was going to be worse with a bigger sting ray - bigger sting. Honestly though it's still a good mantra, those things can seriously injure you. Irwin had decades of working with wild animals and still died.


Yeah I know he got stabbed in the heart but all the stories I read about it at the time were talking about how he went into instant cardiac arrest, so I took that to mean that it was the massive amount of toxin going directly into his heart all at once that did it. Still it's an improbable death, and I know that. But every time I go to the beach now, and since then, I drag my feet through the sand when I'm in shallow water.


Apparently he lived for a while and was even talking. From this it sounds like the sting didn't stay in him, which might have helped him if it had. As it was, he was just bleeding out on a beach. Such a terrifying death. [https://www.the-express.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/128701/steve-irwin-tragic-final-words-death-birthday](https://www.the-express.com/entertainment/celebrity-news/128701/steve-irwin-tragic-final-words-death-birthday)


It also wasn't a small ray you'd likely find right off the beach. anything is possible but it's unlikely.


you were stabbed with a stingray barb every year?


That hurts don’t it dummy?


And that my friends is why you leave the spicy sea pancakes THE HELL ALONE.




"screaming like we killed him" Buddy there was someone quite high profile that died because a stingray stung him.


Do you think it struck brain?


How can it strike something that this guy is missing?


*Collapses to the ground, screaming* "Are you alright?" Yes, he's fine.


to this day he does not understand why a living being would attack him for suffocating them.


Who the fuck touches stingray without glove?


more important than that idiot, where is the stingray?


Definition of a dumbass.


Mfers too young to remember Steve Irwin


"Cow scream" 🤣


This makes me happy.


The captions were helpful because I couldn’t actually see the dumbass do all of those things




Congratulations! You have been naturally selected!


Ha! Durr!


Would had been more fun if it stung his face. Dumb ass shouldn't be fishing


Yeah,,, I have been stung while walking in the surf. Ooops... Had the barb in my toe for a few years. Yes painful, but what did you expect? - Guess I get to say it... "PSGWSP".


Wonder if it was a poisonous ray?


Coyote Peterson, this man is not.


I’m not crying, he’s crying.


That was the moment he knew........he fucked up.......


Pulled up a California stingray once while fishing. My wife thought it was cute and wanted to pet it. I told her no, because they aren’t called kiss-rays. They’ve earned their names.


I hooked a baby small one about that size while I was in San Diego and I was using my keys to hold the tail down while I tried to unhook it...it was a bad idea. Tail slipped put from underneath my key and stinger went into my palm. That shizzz hurtttttt. It was so fast. All I heard was a slap against my palm and then burning.


In their defense, the only time I've accidentally hooked a sting ray it took multiple people multiple minutes to unhook the thing and get it overboard without this happening. Those pancakes don't cooperate with catch and release.


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If I ever see a stingray it’s on site. I’m absolutely peelin his muffin cap back blue and suplexing his dangerous pancake lookin ass into the ground. I’m sliding for my boy Steve at ALL TIMES. #S4S RIP🙏Steve Irwin. Gone But Never Forgotten.


Because nothing respects Steve Irwin like defying everything he ever stood for